Under the Waves

By CoryBaby25

4.2K 103 35

Little Mermaid AU for Blue Exorcist, with a gay twist. Rin x Shima this time. It will have different details... More

Bottomless Blue
Part of Your World
Under the Sea
Poor Unfortunate Souls
To Be Human
Silent Beauty
Kiss the Boy
The Wrong One
Married at Last

Warrior Prince

252 9 4
By CoryBaby25

"Hey kid! Kid, listen!" Lightning landed on Rin's windowsill. The teen didn't even look up. "That woman–Rena–she's not any random woman. She's the Witch that did this to you!" Lightning told him. Rin sat up in interest. "What?" He asked silently, clearly hopeful. "That's right! That woman is the Sea Witch! She's wants your soul so she can defeat your father while he grieves over you. She wants full control over the seas!" Lightning explained. Rin got up frantically from his bed, tripping in the messy sheets before popping back up again. He went to his closet and snarled at the pretty clothes. These people and their fancy silks and velvets. He put on a simple black dress and ran downstairs barefoot.

He bolted into the kitchen, which was thankfully devoid of the man who'd been trying to kill Shiro on the first day Rin had been human. He grabbed a knife and bunched up the bottom of the dress. With difficulty, he sawed through the material and soon, he had a short dress that was easy to run in and should be easier to swim in. After second thoughts, he decided to cut the sleeves off too.

After that ordeal, Rin ran outside, straight to the docks he and Renzou had visited the day before. Kuro and Shiro were already there. Lightning the seagull had already explained the situation to them. Good, this saved them time. "Kuro, Shiro." He addressed them. "I need my scepter. It's in my room. My guard, Yukio, will be watching over it. Tell him I need it. If he doesn't let you have it, take it by force." Rin ordered. The two were shocked at first, but nodded and dived underwater to retrieve the scepter.

Rin had always hated training with weapons, but now, he was glad. If he couldn't win Renzou over with just his personality, he'd win him over with his ability to fight. He could protect Renzou. He could be his own personal weapon if the prince needed. He just wanted the Prince to reciprocate his feelings.

'Great, now I just need to swim over there. I never thought I'd want my tentacles back, but even those would be helpful in this situation.' he thought to himself.

Rin groaned to himself and decided he'd have to "give it a little elbow grease" as the humans said. The boy backed up, waited just to get his nerves settled. Then he ran as fast as he could, all the way down the dock, and pushed off. He made a clean dive into the green water. He made a graceful arc underwater and came back up, spitting the nasty water out of his mouth. He used to breathe this stuff? Gross.

He started to swim as fast as he could, which wasn't very fast. He couldn't summon sea animals anymore, but there was no helping that. He'd chosen that for himself. If you wanna play, you gotta pay. Those were wise words from his older brother, Samael. Those words were also the exact reason that Rin had stopped asking him for favors. He always got Rin in trouble with their father because he always made Rin do something dangerous for him if he asked for something.

Rin shook his head, snapping out of the memories. Thinking about those wouldn't help him now. He was a human, he had to do things differently now.

The boat stopped moving, thankfully, so Rin made it there eventually. As he was climbing up the side of the barge, Shura's two eels attacked him. They grabbed his dress in their jagged teeth and bit his arms and legs, pulling him underwater.

One wrapped around his throat while the other bit down on his leg. He stopped kicking in reflex to the pain and they sank, Rin choking on the water while both eels dragged him down. He began to struggle.

Renzou. He needed to get to Renzou. He needed to save Renzou.

Rin kicked and screamed, thrashing in the water. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a flash of white before feeling something pushed into his hand. He gripped his scepter and willed it to change form. It enlongated and he stabbed the sword into an eel.

It sunk into the deep for a minute and the other went after it. Unfortunately, he didn't kill it, so they kept coming back while he tried to swim up. Finally, Rin willed the sword to change and speared both eels in the water. He pulled out his spear and began to swim up to the surface to breathe. Rin couldn't make it on his own and began to black out. Kuro rushed under one arm and pulled his best friend up with all his strength.

They broke the surface and Rin coughed, filthy seawater clearing from his lungs. Rin took deep breaths to steady himself and blinked the black spots out of his eyes. Then he began to climb once more, ignoring the splinters burying themselves in his hands. He made it over the side, finally.

It seemed Lightning had been causing chaos to stop the wedding. Rin grinned tiredly and surveyed the deck. Finally, he spotted Renzou, sitting confused on the deck with wrapped seaweed around his neck and arm. He at least looked unharmed, as opposed to Shura, who's dress was in tatters with cake and feathers all over her.

Rin stumbled over to the Human Prince. Instead of a hug, like he expected, he was pushed over as Renzou ran for Shura, who was still disguised as Rin.

Rin watched, then clenched his teeth. That Witch had nothing on him! He growled and charged straight toward the couple and grabbed Shura by the hair. He wrenched her head back, yanked the seashell necklace off her neck, and smashed it on the deck.
His voice flowed back into him and the first thing he said was, "Next time you wanna play games, don't copy me, bitch."

Renzou seemingly snapped back to reality and gazed at Rin with a surprised look. "R-Rin? You....you can talk?" He stuttered. Rin gave him a wide smile. "Yes. Long story short, I made a deal with this Sea Witch and she didn't play her cards right when I played fair." Rin answered, throwing the now Eel mermaid to the deck where she squandered. Renzou had pulled Rin into a tight hug. "Oh God, I almost married that!" He gasped. Rin looked up at him with a cheeky grin.

They leaned in, ready to seal the deal.

But it didn't happen. Shura grabbed Rin at the last second and pulled him down. Rin sank in Renzou's arms as his legs were turned back into sleek black tentacles. He reached for Renzou, but was yanked over the side with the eel woman.

They thrashed under the water. Now, Rin had the advantage. His tentacles wrapped around the eel woman. Even though they were no longer legs, he had a better chance against her like this. It was like having multiple sets of arms. He held her still and they sank to the sea floor.

Shura was using her abilities to zap him. Ah, she was an Electric eel. Of course. That didn't deter Rin at all. He was still holding his spear and turned it back into a sword. His tentacles already hurt since the wounds on his body didn't heal when he changed back, but he could take quite a bit  of pain. Rin may look delicate, but he was sturdy. He ripped off the black dress getting in his way and shoved it in the Witch's face, distracting her enough to let go of him.

"Rin?!" Rin's distraction at his father's call cost him. Shura's could tract finally bnded him and he began to shrink. The shrinking was stopped and he was frozen in place, struggling against the contracts.

"Rin! What have you done to him?!" Satan roared, pointing his trident at Shura. The eel smirked. "Your precious little boy here made a deal with me! He wanted his human Prince and I wanted his soul. It was easy to win this game!" She cackled. "Daddy, I'm sorry! She cheated!" Rin strained to say through clenched teeth.

"I'll trade places with him! Free him, Shura!" Satan knew how these deals worked. They were legally binding and unbreakable. "Why, of course, my King." Shura purred. With a wave of her hands, Rin grew back to full size and Satan shrank, leaving behind his crown and trident. Rin shot tiwads the items, pushing Shura put of the way. He grabbed them and swam up the surface.as fast as he could.

Shura screeched and swam after him. She was at a disadvantage because all she had was an eel tail. Rin had tentacles that could swirl to propel him at max speed. Shura reached out and barely grazed Rin's tentacle. She hissed and spun, slapping him with her tail. It jostled his sword loose and when he went to catch it, the trident slipped out of his hold. Shura laughed and grabbed the Trident. Rin grabbed the sword with a tentacle, threw it like a spear, and then slapped it with another tentacle for good propelling force. It nicked Shura's tail and she dropped the Trident in surprise.

Rin snatched both weapons up and raced to the surface. He took aim and chucked them onto the deck of the boat. "Rin! Over here!" Renzou was throwing down a rope. Rin climbed up, tentacles slipping every once in a while.

"We can't get her get those! My scepter, The Trident, and the crown are all extremely powerful artifacts. If she gets them, she'll be the most powerful ocean dweller!" Rin told him urgently.

Shura jumped up out of the water and latched her sharp teeth around Rin's hip and he cried out. Renzou grabbed a harpoon next to his foot and threw it. Surprisingly, he actually got a clean shot and speared Shura through the tail.

She wailed and clutched onto Rin's slippery tentacles. Rin made it over the side of the boat and Renzou kicked her off with a boot straight to the face.

"I have to go back down there and finish her off. I'll be right back, okay?" Rin assured the Prince. "Okay. Please be careful? I really look forward to marry and you soon." Renzou pleased, kissing Rin on the cheek. Rin beamed at home with the light of a thousand stars and then scooped up his scepter, diving back into the depths.

Shura was sinking, holding her tail, face scrunched up in pain. Rin crept up under her, using the nighttime setting and dark waters to his advantage for stealth. He wrapped his tentacles around her to immobilize her and stabbed his sword straight through her heart. She let out a pained shriek before going limp. Rin kept the sword there to make sure she was dead. He released her and let her blood float out into the water. Sharks would come for her body soon enough.

His father and all the others tricked by the Witch's scheme's were freed. Rin hugged his father tightly. Satan spun him around in the water. "My little boy deafeated the proud Sea Witch!" He laughed, placing a kiss on Rin's forehead. Rin glanced up and the King sighed, swimming them both up to the surface.

"Daddy, I-"

"No. It's alright. You went this far to get what you dreamed of. It's your descision. Go get your man, son." Satan told him. Rin gave him a ridiculously bright smile and his father lifted him over the side of the boat. "Rin!" Renzou rushed to him.

"Pfft, I'm the Prince of the Sea. You can't kill me that easily." Rin rolled his eyes playfully.

"You have eight Brothers!" Satan called from the water. Renzou paled. "Is that your-" Renzou began. "Dad, yeah, he's cool. Don't worry." Rin brushed his concern off. "If you hurt my son, I'll kill you and make you into fish food!" Satan added unhelpfully.

"Daddy, come on! Let him have his moment!" Azazel chided. Rin's brothers had arrived. "He'll have his moment when they get married!" Satan countered. "If you even think of saying you won't marry Rin, he'll definitely kill you, just warning you!" Samael warned.

"No, I'd never let him go. Anyone else I've been forced to meet for marriage pales in comparison to this one. He's got the brain, the brawn, and the beauty. Everything a Prince needs." Renzou looked directly into Rin's blue eyes as he said this. The blue depths glittered and Rin had a smile on his face.

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