Deafening Silence (Constructi...

Par laryssaosyka

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It's not strange that Daniella Sage Lovato and Demetria Devonne Lovato are exactly one year apart. Demi was b... Plus

Deafening Silence
Chapter 1 (Updated 3.3.2020)
Chapter 2~ When It All Goes South
Chapter 3~ Not Talking
Chapter 4~ It's Only Been Two Days and Flying Out To See Demi
Chapter 5~ Leaving Demi Behind....again
Chapter 6~ Demi's Coming Home
Chapter 7~ I Get To Go Home?
Chapter 8 ~ You're Home?!?
Chapter 9~ Not Having a Voice is Death
Chapter 10~ Moving Out
Chapter 11~ Unbroken Tour
Chapter 12 ~ Maybe a Make Up?
Chapter 13~ You Can't Be Serious
Chapter 15~ Going back to Demi
Chapter 16~ Not So Fast Teenage Dirtbag
Chapter 17~ Woah There
Chapter 18~ Believe
Chapter 19~ Just Me and My Girl
Chapter 20 - All I Want for Christmas is You
Chapter 21 ~ It's a Wrap (Final Chapter)
Sequel is Up!

Chapter 14~ Was I Serious?

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Par laryssaosyka

Diana's POV

When Demi told me how she discovered that Dani never actually went mute, I was fumming. I was beyond pissed off. I of course told Eddie everything that Demi had just told me, and we confronted Dani then...actually it would be more honest if I said we chewed her out. It didn't just affect her when Demi went into affected all of us. Dani just rolled her eyes and walked away. It wasn't until we were about to leave when Demi told me how that she found Dani drunk and about to be raped, I became even more pissed off. Words could not discribe how I felt so betraded at that moment. I thought that she would have learned by Demi's actions. But I guess that I was wrong.

I didn't even give her a true chance to explain herself to me. Why did stopped talking, why she went out and drank. When I was yelling at her, she just stood there and took it, all while showing no emotion at all. She didn't open her mouth the even try to explain to me while I was kicking her out. 

Since then it has been almost a month since I last spoke to my three oldest daughters. And I will not lie, its been a long and painful month at that. 

Everyday I wanted to call Dani and appolgize to her but I knew she wouldn't answer the phone just like I knew that Demi and Dallas wouldn't pick up their phones. Because I already tried but of course I didn't leave a vocial mail because I knew they would delete them with out listening. I messed up big time. 

In the time being I have thrown myself into verious things. Most of the time I look at old family movies, I sometimes will cry because I see how happy we all used to be together. I really wish I could go back in time to when I said what I said to Dani and just take it all back. I miss my grown babygirls. 

I miss Dani's loud laugh echoing through the house, I miss her playing the insturments at all hours of the day, I miss her voice that I haven't heard in over a year and a half. 

Maddie and Eddie werent home yet and I had nothing to do. I saw my phone laying on the table in the corner of my eye and my hands started to itch and creep towards it. Before I knew it, the phone was in my hand and I was calling Dallas's phone. 

"What do you want mom?"  Dallas asked with vemon in clearly evident in her voice

"I'm sorry Dallas, I am so sorry Dallas"   I said

"Its not me you should be saying sorry to mom. Its Dani."  Dallas said clearly pissed off at this point

"Dallas please come back to the house"  I pleaded with her, the desperation clearly evident in my voice

"No. I will not come back into that house until you say sorry to Dani and she is welcome back home"  Dallas said

"Dallas, I am trying here. Just come back here"  I pleaded once more

"No"  was the only reply I recivied from Dallas before the line went dead

An hour later and I found myself calling Demi. Only for the same thing to happen in the conversation between Demi and I as it did between Dallas and I's phone converation. I needed to call Dani but I knew she wouldn't answer her phone. But it was worth a try, I dialed her number and let it ring. All to soon my phone call was sent to voicemail, I hung up the call without leaving a message for her.

I soon heard Eddie come home and I knew that if I wanted to make this right that I would have to talk to him about it. I put my phone down and rushed over to wear he stood taking his shoes off. 

"Hey Eddie....You were right, I wasn't serious but I wasn't thinking when I said what I did to Dani. Can you help me fix it?"  I asked him 

"I'm sorry Diana, you made your bed now you have to lie in it. But  I will tell you this..I will give you a week to come up with some ideas and if they don't work then I will help you fix this. Sound like a good deal?"  He asked

"Sounds like a good deal."  I said with a smile on my face

"Alright then, you better get to work because it won't be easy"  He said walking away. 

Eddie's POV

I can home and immeditly Diana came to me and was asking for help on how to fix this. I told her that she made her bed, now she has to lie in it. But I made her a deal that if she couldn't think of anything to help fix the issue within a weeks time then I would help her. 

I walked away and waited until I rounded the corner and shook my head. I knew she wasn't serious when she said was she said to Dani. God if only she realized this at that moment in time then that would have saved everyone so much trouble. 

Dani's POV

It's been almost a month since I was kicked out of the family house and told by my own mother that I was dead to her. In that time, I have thrown myself into my work and made it look like it didn't effect me, which it actually did. Some night I would silently cry myself to sleep because what my mother dearest said to me hurt me just that much. Eventually Demi figured it out and it got to the point where we often ended up sleeping in the same bed together because that was the only way I would sleep. Soon the pain that mother dearest caused to me wore off and I became numb to it. I was still laughing and talking to everyone and they were truly real laughs and smiles. So Demi was proud that this wasn't effecting me so badly. 

Demi and I headed back out on tour two weeks ago and we have another 10 shows until the tour is finished. I have been performing with Demi every night as well. 

My mother has called my several times since everything happened, I did not pick up nor did she leave a voicemail. Demi and Dallas both told me that she has called them as well but again did not leave voicemails. 

I was currently sitting on the plane, flying back to LA tonight to meet up with Selena to finished the last two songs for her album, then we were both flying back out to Demi in two days along with our friend Marissa.

When Selena first found out the reason that I stopped talking, she was mad but not mad at the same time. She understood where I was coming from, she understood that it was how I couped with everything that had just happened in under three month. 

My plane soon ended and I put on my hoodie and sunglasses then waited for everyone to get off the plane before I even made any motion to get my bags. Once I was able to get my bags, I walked off the plane and into the airport. I then walked to where Selena said she was waiting for me. 

Soon Selena and I saw eachother and I dropped my bag, we did this whole dramatic bit where we ran slowly towards one another and into eachothers arms. It was amusing for us.

When Selena and I seperated, I picked up my bag and we made our way to where she had parked her SUV. I sent Demi a quick text letting her know I arrived safely and was currently with Selena.

Seriously I wonder what is up with every big name hollywood star and owning a SUV. I mean my Demi, Dallas and I all own one as well as Miley, Selena, and so many others. And then there is Justin Bieber who owns like 8 different cars. 

Anyways,  Selena and I drove to her new apartment complex so we could write those last two songs. But I soon realized that we were pulling into Demi's apartment complex.

"Uh Selena...why are we here?"  I asked

"What do you mean? This is were I live"  She said

"Seriously?!?!"  I asked all excited

"YES! Now tell me what you are all excited over?"  Selena asked

"Because this is where Demi and I live to!"  I said 

"Since when?"  Selena asked

"Well I moved in with her almost a month ago because I got kicked out of my house and Demi has been living here since about two weeks before the Unbroken Tour started"  I said

"Wait did you say you were kicked out?!"  Selena asked all shocked

"Yea, I'll tell you when we get inside your apartment. Its a long story"  I said

Soon we were sitting in her family room and I was explaining everything that happened. From the start being how Demi found me drunk and about to get raped to coming home only to be kicked out and Demi, Dallas, Maddie and Eddie trying to change our moms mind. Selena was shocked to say the least at everything, she didn't yell at me about my actions of drinking however she was a little dissappointed but she was glad that I learned my lesson and that Demi found me before anything major happened. 

My phone soon came to life, vibrating on the couch next to me. It was my mother. I picked up my phone and sent the call to voicemail and tossed the phone back onto the couch. 

That woman was relentless, she has called me several times, never leaving a voicemail. She just called and called. Did she not get the hint? I don't want to talk to her! What she said to me really hurt me and I am finally starting to bounce back to my "normal" self. 

With in two hours Selena and finished the songs and we popped in a DVD and just sat back and relaxed. Throughtout the movie my mind kept drifting off towards toughts to my mother. Fuck! This really needs to stop. 

When the movie was finished my phone came back to life but this time it was Dallas calling me. I quickly answered and tried my best to sound perky. 

"Ello Dally"  I chirped

"Quit trying to sound perky, I know you aren't happy Dan. Did mom call you?"  She asked

"Yay, I ignored the call. I don't want to talk to her. How about you, did she call you?"   I replied trying to sound normal 

"Yea, she wants me to  come over to the house, She kept saying sorry to me but I told her that until she says sorry to you that I won't come back"   Dallas said

"Thanks Dally"   I said

"Anything for you babe, what she said to you was unfair and not cool. Anyways I just wanted to check up on you and see how you are doing."  Dallas said

"I'm doing good Dal, Selena and  I just finished the final songs for her album and we are hanging out right now. I'm going to chill the next two days before Selena and I fly back out to Demi along with Mar"  I said into the phone

"That's good Dan. I love you kiddo"  Dallas said

I groaned when she said kiddo. Which just caused her to laugh at me.

"Dally, I'm not a kiddo. But I love you to. Hey you home tomorrow?"  I asked

"Dani, no matter how old you get, you will always be my kid sister that I love with all my heart. And yes I am home tomorrow"  She said

"Great we are going to hang out tomorrow"  I said

"Alright"  She said

"I will text you the details tomorrow. But I have got to go sista cause Selena and I are going to watch more movies"  I said

"Alright bye babes"  Dallas said

"Bye Dallas"  I said

With taht I hung up the phone and tossed it on the couch only for 30 seconds to pass and Selena's phone to light up. She only got a text message though so it wasn't too bad.

"Dani, your sisters are relentless. I love them both but they are relentless"  Selena said

"Why? Whats up?"  I asked

"I just got a text from both of them instructing me not to let you out of my sight if we went out tonight"  She said

"Oh haha. Yea this is my first time that neither one of them are with me...and they don't want another repeat of my clubing night"  I said

"Yea neither would I if I were your sisters. But I mean come on its me and you that we are talking about. I mean all be do is eat, sing, play intrusments and watch movies when we are together"  Selena said

This caused us both to crack up laughing. Once we sobered up we watched some more movies before Selena ordered a pizza. Once it arrived, we sat there eatting pizza and intraced by the television like the tune heads we are.

My With out realizing it, we watched tv until passed midnight. Soon Selena turned off the TV and we went to sleep on the air matress that she blew up before we started watching the movies. 

I woke up at 4am to my phone ringing non-stop. Actually I lied, I didn't wake up to it...I woke up to Selena hitting me with a pillow until I woke up. Once again it was my mother calling me and I saw  I had 6 missed calls from her as well as 4 from Demi and Dallas along with 6 from Eddie, I also saw that I had 4 voicemails. Immeditatly I got a feeling in my stomach I didn't like and I checked my voicemails.

The first voicemail I had was from my mom, to be honest, I was a little surprised that she left one. She sounded paniced and I couldn't understand her voicemail. I listened to the other 3 and they all said the same thing.

Maddie ran away

Suddenly I got a text from Demi and Dallas followed by Maddie. 

From Demi

I think she may be going towards our apartment check there. 

From Dallas

You need to check yours and Demi's apartment, I have a gut feeling she went there because you are the cloest one to her. I know you are with Selena at her place but go to your place. I know Selena doesn't live to far

From MaddieBear

Let me into your apartment, I'm here. I'm fine just let me in like now

I woke Selena up and told her I needed something from my apartment, I only got a groan in responce. I ran out of her apartment and over to mine, through the rain that was pouring down in sheets. As I got closer, I saw the outline of a drenched Maddie standing outside the door. I sprinted to my door and turned her around and brought her into me. I could feel her trembling in my arms.

"Everyone is worried sick about you"  I said

Maddie just whimpered. I fummbled with my keys not able to unlock the door fast enough. I dragged Maddie inside and pulled her into my room and into my bathroom. I turned on the water and Maddie got the hint, she slowly started to undress herself and got into the shower. I told her that I was going to leave some towels and dry clothes by the bathroom sink. She simply whispered "Okay" . With that I bent down and gathered Maddie's soaking wet clothes that she previously wore, I exited the bathroom, I got dressed into a dry set of clothes as well. I gathered my wet clothes and then my room. I threw the clothes into the drier and turned it on.

About a half hour later, I heard the water shut off and figured Maddie was all warmed up. I walked into my room as Maddie was finishing dring herself off and getting dressed, I pulled my phone out and unlocked it. Slowly I texted everyone in my family that was worrying about her. 

To Diana

I have Maddie. She's alright. 

To Poppa Bear

I have Maddie, she is alright, I made her get into the shower to warm up and she's drying off right now in my room. I will take her back to Selena's and keep an eye out on her. Any idea as to why she ran away? Love you. X

To Dallas

I have Maddie, she's drenched but in the process of drying off. I'll bring her with me later.

To Devonne

I have Maddie, she's drenched but in the process of drying off. I'll call you later.

When Maddie was fully dressed, she looked at my and her eyes were dark and sad. 

"Whats up Mads?"  I asked slowly, worried about the answer

"Nothing, its feels so weird being at home alone and you not being there when I get home"  She said

"Oh babygirl, I am so sorry"   I said

I opened my arms up wide and Maddie ran in to them, I wrapped my arms around her and we just stood there hugging. Soon I let my arms drop and Maddie backed out of my arms a little bit.

"Come on, lets go to Selena's"  I said

Maddie just nodded her head and walked over to the door. I grabbed my keys and an umbrella and my keys. I handed the umbrella over to Maddie who gladly opened it before she stepped outside the door, I followed suit; stepping outside. I turned around and locked the two locks and together we walked over to Selena's apartment. I looked over at my phone and saw I had 4 text messages from my parents and sisters. It pained me a little to call my mother, my parent after what she said to me. 

From Poppa Bear

Things have been tense between your mother and her. I went to kiss her goodbye early this morning before I went to work and I found her bed empty. Thank you for finding her and taking care of her. Love you baby girl. X

From Devonne

Thank god. I want to talk to her today when she is still with you

From Dallas

Thank god. Bring her with you

From Diana

Thank god. Thanks Dani

I didn't bother replying to the messages, I had Maddie and taking care of her was my number one priority.

Just like I left it when I ran to my apartment, the door was unlocked. I stepped inside as did Maddie.  I walked over to the air mattress was and picked up a pillow and hit a snoring Selena with it. 

Selena sprung up into a sitting position and looked over at me, her eyes narrowed into a glare. Maddie who was standing in the shadows behind me, not being spotted by Selena. I looked at my phone and saw that is was fast approaching 8am. 

"Come on Selena, its getting close to 8 and we have a special guest who just joined us."  I said

Her face showed a confused expression, which I could understand, she was just dead asleep. 

"What?"  She said

"I said get up, its getting close to 8am and we have a special guest"  I repeated

"I got that, but who is our special guest?"  Selena asked

"Maddie"  I said

"Maddie?"  Selena questioned

"Yes, Maddie, you baby sister"  I said

Selena threw a pillow at me, which I caught it with ease.

"Yes thank you smart ass, I know who Maddie is"   Selena said to me

"Maddie come here, its just Selena"  I called out

Soon Maddie came and stood next to me. As soon as Selena saw Maddie, her face softened and she looked at me. I covered Maddie's ears with my own

"Its a long story that I have yet to figure out"  I said

"Ohhh"  was all Selena said

I let my arms drop from Maddie's ears and Selena opened her arms up. I soon found Maddie curled in Selena's lap, hugging Selena back. I watched, in admiration how Selena cared for Maddie, Demi and I. I was always thankful that Demi and I met her when we did. 

Soon their little hug session was over and I found Maddie and Selena standing in front of me and stareing at me. Creeps. 

"Come on lets go get breakfast"  Selena said

"Uhhh..Selena, you might want to get changed"  I said

This caused Selena to look down at herself and discover she only slept in a long sleeved shirt that barely covered her ass. I watched her climb up her stairs, just stareing at her and her beauty. 

Soon Selena came back down and was fully clothed this time. She grabbed her keys and phone, and went out to her SUV, Maddie and I followed and we went out to breakfast.

Diana's POV

When Eddie woke me up telling me that Maddie ran away, I paniced like any mother would do. Between Eddia and I we must have called her about 60 times, she never once picked up her phone. Eddie told me that I should call Dani, who didn't pick up and Eddie called Demi and Dallas. Eddie told Demi and Dallas to call Dani as well. I figured she was sleeping, nothing could wake her up at night....ever! Not even the loudest of thunder storms.

Soon I got a text from Dani. She was simple and to the point, She had Maddie and Maddie was fine. Moments later Eddie got a text from Dani and she went more in depth then what she sent me. Knowing that Maddie was safe with Dani made me calm down a little bit. 

Ever since I said what I did to Dani, things between Maddie and I have been strained. She spends most of her time at home locked up in her room doing homework and blasting music, and she only comes down when its to eat or play with the dogs or when Eddie is home. 

I have been trying to think of ways to fix this and I think that I finally figured out a way to fix this, and it involves using Maddies actions today. If I was right Dani would drop her off later today and then she would be forced to talk to me. 

Eddie still had to go to work today despite the fact that Maddie ran away. The house was extremely quite today, more so then when Maddie is home since she is always blasting music. I had to get out of the house so I decided I would go shopping for food and some stuff for myself and once I came back home I would take the dogs out to the park. 

Shopping ended all to fast, I found no joy in the shopping experience today. It was always a thing I did with at least one of my baby girls. So I soon went home and put everything away, as soon as I brought the dog leashs out and once the dogs saw those they went crazy. This brought a smile to my face. I soon left with the dogs and went to the dog park. 

Dani's POV

I leaned against the door and stared at Selena as she drove to breakfast. Maddie was dead silent in the second row. I peaked back there and found that she was asleep, I guess last night events of running away must have tuckered her out. 

Soon we pulled into the diners parking lot and Selena pulled into a spot and shut the car off. I didn't want to wake up Maddie but I needed to, she needs to eat. Slowly I opened the door and got out, the I opened Maddie's door and shook her from her slumber. Once she realized where we were, she slid out of the car and closed the door. We walked around the car and met Selena at the front end. 

When we walked in, we were soon seated with our orders taken. I looked up at Selena who was sitting across from Maddie and I, she wore a smile just nodded her head as if she knew what I was thinking. Her gaze soon shifted over to Maddie and her smile fell.

"Maddie I know you don't want to talk about this right now babygirl. But you need to tell me why you ran away babygirl..please"  I pleaded with her

Maddie looked up and me, I felt her grab my hand and I have it a small squeeze. 

"It's silent at home. I lock myself in my room and blast music, I only come out to play with the dogs, to eat or when dad is home. Mom...I can't stand looking at her. I start to cry everytime I pass your room because you don't live there anymore. It's so silent with out you there, unless I am playing music then no music is played. Its deathly silent and I couldn't talk it anymore. Ever since Mom kicked you out and said that you were dead to her, everything between us is so tense. Like we got into a fight a few days after you left because I was texting you"  Maddie said

"Babygirl, I am so sorry that this is all going on. I miss seeing you every day baby girl. But promise me baby girl that when I drop you off tonight that you will try and talk to mom. I don't see things getting better any time soon between me and her, I may be wrong but this is my battle with her. I don't want to see you get hurt by this. I really didn't even want to see Demi and Dallas in this fight. This is my fight and my fight alone but they are my big sisters and they chose to get into this. I don't want you in this. If she ever gets mad at you for texting me, then just go to dad. She can try to seperate us but she won't do it. She is not that mean baby girl"   I said

"Fine I will promise only if you promise me something"  Maddie said

I threw my head back and let out a groan, I should have known this would happen. 

"Fine. What do I have to promise?"  I asked

"When you drop me off tonight, you have to walk me up to the door and not only let mom see you but you have to talk to her"  Maddie said to me

"What?!? No wat in hell will I talk to her"  I shrieked

"Then I guess I don't promise"  Maddie said 

This earned her a glare from yours truly

"Fine, I promise"   I said

"Are you mad at me?"  Maddie asked me after a moment of silence

"No baby girl. I could never be mad at you about this, I was worried sick about you just like everyone else in this family was. Demi was going frantic so was Dallas. You and I are going to see Dallas later though and Demi wants to talk to you"   I said

This just earned me a groan from Maddie. 

"Do I have to? They are probably going to chew me into tiny little piece"  Maddie said"

This caused Selena to bust out laughing, Maddie cracked a small smile which made me smile. 

"Yes you do babygirl"  I said

This earned me yet another groan from Maddie. 

With that our food soon arrived and the three of us dug in and ate our food and goofed off a little bit. When we were done eatting, Selena against my protests paid the bill and we left, going back to the apartment complex. 

We went into Selena's apartment so I could get my keys. I told Selena I would text her when I am coming back from hanging out with Dallas, Maddie told Selena goodbye and we left. We walked through the complex to the apartment in which Demi and I share. I unlocked the door and grabbed the keys to my blue-grey 2014 Chevy Silverado pick up. Then Maddie and I once more walked out of the apartment, locking the door in the process and getting into my truck. 

We then drove off towards Dallas's apartment. After 45 minutes of driving we arrived, I asked Maddie to text Dallas off my phone and tell her that we were going to be waiting outside in my truck and ask to to come out. Maddie grumbled and but did as I asked. I could tell that she was not exactly excited about having to see Dallas at the moment. But tough luck, Maddie made the entire family worried sick about her when she ran off in the middle of the night. If I hadn't been in town who know what would ahve happened. 

I parked my truck in the parking lot and got out of it as did Maddie, Dallas didn't exactly know that I got a second truck so she was about to find out. Soon Dallas appeared out of her apartment, locking the door and walking over to us. When we made eye contact, and ran towards eachother. However unlike what Selena and I pulled at the airport this wasn't the dramtic slow running, it was normal paced. Dallas caught me in her arms and hugged me. 

Maddie didn't move an inch and was still waiting by my truck. Dallas and I soon walked back to my truck after noticing this. 

"What's up with her?"  Dallas quitely asked me

"Probably scared that you are going to be mad at her and chew her out"  I quitely said

"What?"  Dallas asked

"Yea"  I said

"Yea I was a little mad at her for running away but I was more so worried about her"  Dallas said

"That what I told her"  I said

Once I said that, we ceased the conversation because we were coming close to the truck. Dallas ran up to Maddie and brought her into her. Dallas kissed her head over and over again, I think Maddie figured out that Dallas wasn't mad at her because soon she hugged her back.

I soon joined in on the hug, Dallas and sandwiching Maddie in between us. Not long into the hug I saw a flash out of the corner of my eye. I whispered this to Maddie and Dallas, and we broke our hug apart and got into my truck. I started my beast up and drove away. 

The three of us caught up since its been over almost a month since we all last saw eachother. We drove out to the boardwalk and walked around there as well as eat there. We hung out together, just the three of us for a few hours. Maddies phone rang three times but each time she sent it to voicemail, ignoring mine and Dallas's questions as to who it was. Soon my phone rang and it was Demi. Before I even got the chance to speak, I heard Demi going Give Maddie the phone.  Not wanting to anger Demi, I did as asked.  Maddie tried to push the phone away from her until I had enough. 

"Just take the damn phone Mads"  I said, she took the phone from my hands with a scowl on her face

Dallas looked over at me and mouthed "Who is it? "

We ended up leaving the board walk close to 6pm. I dropped Dallas off close to 6:30, before pulling out of Dallas's apartment complex's parking lot I text Selena.

To SellyBear

Driving back to were we all live now. Do you mind driving with me to drop Maddie off? If it goes anything like how I think it will, I am going to need someone to drive home. 

A minute later I recived my reply 

From SellyBear

Sure thing Babe. Just let me know when you are here. Taking your truck or my SUV?  

I smirked at her reply and sent her a reply

To SellyBear

I mean if you are up to driving my pick up truck then we can take my truck but its whatever you feel like driving.

I knew she wanted to drive my pick up. She's been dying to drive it since I told her I got one. She told me:  You can take the girl out of Texas but you can't take Texas out of the girl. I totally agree with her, that was the whole reason that I bought a pick up truck. I am a Texan girl. 

After yet another 45 minutes of driving, we finally arrived at the apartment complex where Demi and I live along with Selena now lives. Maddie and I walked up to my apartment so she could change back into the ones that she arrived to my apartment in which are now dry. 

While Maddie changed I sent Selena a text.

To SellyBear

Maddie is changing, heading over to yours soon. X

A minute later I recived her reply

From SellyBear

Hurry up, I wanna drive the pick up ;)

I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. Maddie soon was done changing and we were off, in the direction of Selena's apartment for the second time today. 

As we approached Selena's apartment, we passed up the one and only Justin Bieber. As we passed we exchanged glances.

"Bieber"  I said as he passed

"Lovato"  He replied

Those were the only words at we exchanged. He can be a cool dude, when he isn't being a stuck up asshole. 

Selena was waiting outside her door, ready to go. 

"God he can be so annoying sometimes"  was all she said as we approached her

Selena finished locking her door and we took off walking in the direction towards my truck. Maddie had her ear-buds in already and had an I'm bored expression on her face.

"What are you guys over with or something?"  I asked 

"Something like that..yea and now he won't stop trying to win me back"  Selena said

"He's persistent, you have to give him that"  I said to her

This earned me a glare from her as well as a smack up side the head. 

"I'm over and done with him. I'm already onto somebody else, I just wish they wake up and notice it soon"  Selena said while looking me in the eyes, her gaze shifted to my lips

"Not this game again Selena"  I groaned out

"What?"  She faked shooked

"Nothing lets just get a move on it. Its getting late and I really don't want to be there longer then I have to be"  I said

With that Selena held her hand out for the keys, which I handed over. She then walked over to the drivers side door and got in. I got into the passenger side and Maddie got in, in the second row. Selena started up the truck and soon we were off, in the direction to my old house. Such a joy...note the saracasm. I slipped on my sunglasses that I keep in the truck.

I can't wait to get this over with, I am only walking up to the door because I promised Maddie that I would let her see me and I would talk to her. I was deep in thought that I didn't notice we got to my old house until Selena snapped her fingers in my face. 

"You alright there?"  Selena asked

"Yea, I just want to get this over and done with"   I said

I stepped out of the truck and met Maddie over by the walkway to the door. Together we walked up to the door and I rang the doorbell. I really did not want to do this, but I promised my baby sister that I would and I am a woman of my word. I slipped off my sunglasses, and waited there from the door to open. Before the door opened, I turned to Maddie and said goodbye to her. I told her that I was always a phone call or text away.

Soon my mom opened the door and Maddie walked right in and up the stairs. She wore a look that said I trust you, you promised me.  I internally groaned and faced my mother.

"Look Dani, I am so sorry about what I said, I wasn't serious-----"  She said to me before I cut her off

"Look, you can say sorry all you want but the fact is that you said it and your words can't be taken back. You can say sorry but that doesn't mean I need to forgive you. What you said really hurt me and I need more time then just a months time to get over it"  I said as I turned and started to walk away, slipping my sunglasses on in the process

"Wait Dani---"  My mom called out as she grabbed on to my arm

I cocked my head to the side a little bit and looked at her.

 "Let go of my arm"  I gritted through my teeth

When she didn't let go of my arm, I yanked it out of her grasp and walked away. I left her standing there. I walked over to the passenger side of the truck and got in. I silently buckled my seatbelt and looked staight a head. 

"Lets go"  I said while trying to hold back the tears that were slowly building up in my eyes

Selena started up the truck and we drove off with out her asking any questions, which I was so thankful for right now. I didn't trust my voice. After some time of driving, I felt Selena slow down and pull into a parking space. I heard her turn the car off. By this point I was looking down on my lap and playing with my fingers.

Selena reached over and I felt her lay her fingers on my chin, she turned my face to face her. I was barely able to make her out through my tears but I could tell that she has a look of sarrow written on her face

"What gives her the right to say sorry?"  I asked as my voice cracked


I felt Selena flinch and I felt sorry as soon as I shouted. 

"What gived her that right"  I whispered 

"I don't know Dani, I don't know what to say Dani"  Selena whispered

"She kicked me out and told me I was dead to her. Now she wants to say sorry"  I whispered

I broke down and just sobbed. She had no right to say sorry and act like it was all okay. I heard Selena open and close her door before I felt mine open and I felt Selena unbuckle me and wrap her arms around me. I turned into her and sobbed my eyes out. After about 5 minutes of sitting there like that, my sobbing let up. I slid out of the truck and onto my feet. I wanted nothing more then to sleep right now. I heard Selena lock up the truck and she caught up to me in my zombie like state. Selena flung my arm over her shoulder and led me towards her door. She opened it and helped me inside. My feet carried me to where the air mattress was and I let my self to fall on to it. I heard Selena lock her door and I soon felt her sit on the air mattress. She laid next to me and brought me into her, I started to cry once more. 

For the first time in the last month, I allowed myself to cry in front of someone over this. Selena just let me cry into her chest. I soon was able to stop crying, I kept my head on Selena's chest but turned it so I could face the side, I was able to hear her heart beat. It was slow and steady, I looked up to Selena and she was gazing down at me with a sad smile on her lips. I felt her playing with my hair, and I'm not going lie, it felt amazing. It calmed me down even more. 

"What's on your mind?"  I mumbled 

"Just thinking about someone"  She mumbled back

For some reason this sparked a sense of jealousy in me. 

"Oh yea? About who?"   I asked barely above a whisper

"What this amazing person who for right now is broken, they don't know how amazing they really are nor do they realize how beautiful, strong and talented they are. They don't know that its okay to lean on others for a little bit, they also don't know that its okay to cry in front of others"  Selena whispered

"Oh"  was all I said

We both fell silent again. Selena wrapped her arms around my waist and I snuggled even closer to her. I felt at peace in her arms, she made all my problems go away. I listened to her heart beat while I watched the TV that Selena had just turned on. For the first time since I said goodbye to Maddie and Dallas, I let myself smile. 

I ended up falling asleep in Selena's arms not long after our little chat, I fell asleep wearing the same smile that Selena brought onto my face. 


Chapter 14!!! So some drama happened!! Diana tried to get Dallas to come back home but she continued to stick up for Dani so awh!!

Because of you guys, this fanfic has reached 2 thousand reads! I can't thank you enough for that. You guys are truly amazing and I love you all endlessly. Thank you as well for all the votes and comments and the messages you all send me. They truly do make my day (esspecially when I am the most stressed out)

A few quick questions for you guys!

1. Who do you guys think Selena was talking about when she said she had her eye out on someone else already?

2. Should Dani have a girlfriend or boyfriend? Is Dani emotionally ready for a relationship. 

3. If a girlfriend, who should it be? If a boyfriend, who should it be?

4. Should Demi get into a relationship soon? If so, with who? 


If you guys need anyone to talk to, I can help you out. Just shoot me a message and I will respond to you. I have fought my fair share of battle so I will understand and if I don't I will try to. 

Dont forget to read, comment you answers and vote!

~ Rys


Remind yourself that its okay not to be perfect. ~Unknown

My challenge to you lovly people:

There is no set standard of a perfect person. Therefore you are all perfect just the way you are. Just the way that you were created. You weight, your looks, your height, your clothes. Its all perfect because it's you, it's what makes you, you. I believe in all of you guys. Don't change for a single person or because of a set of words. I know words hurt more then actions can, but they do not define you, it defines those who judged you and said them to you. 


Peace out my lovlies! I love you all!

P.s I hope you guys loved this chapter! Don't be afarid to leave feedback  because it will make me grow as a writer! Okay now I am done! 

Continuer la Lecture

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