Lies and Roses°nctxbpxrv

By princehendery

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"You've been living a lie your whole life. Don't you want to avenge yourself from the people who kept you fro... More

Trailer + Posters of Main Casts


713 60 19
By princehendery


TUESDAY 5:08:17 PM

"Ji Seul, are you sure you're going to be fine on your own?" Jaehyun worriedly said through the phone. "I will. Don't worry too much. I learned a new self-defense move thanks to you." I reassuringly answered.

I was on my home. It was around five in the afternoon. The skies were plastered with hues of orange and red, a little bit warmer than usual. The sun was prepared to set beautifully today. Some of the stores had already turned on their lights and some have already closed.

"I swear if anything happens to you I will—" I objurgated Jaehyun and said "You will what? Chill, will you? Are you being treated already?"

He hummed. "Very well then. Off I go! Bye!" I immediately dropped the call and hid my phone back to my tote bag. As I take a step forward on the asphalt floor, I swayed my left arm from back to front while my right was securely gripping on the handle of my bag. I take a good look of the buzzing streets and on to the people. The atmosphere of being here in the city makes me feel even more alive than ever. It makes my blood rush for some reason. From what I've realized, the city can never be lifeless. It's always breathing. It's always working. The lights, the sounds, the architectures, the colors, and the stories are what make it beautiful. I appreciate that in a whole different level. Maybe because I am biased. Or maybe because I know that I belong here. Or maybe because I am shallow.

But there's something else in the city that makes me afraid: the people. They can disrupt the city's flow. Their cruel acts taint the beauty of the city in every way possible. Now that I think about it, it's already being spoilt. And it gets worst every single day.

All throughout my walk, I was just minding my own business. I was speculating for aesthetically pleasing views and buildings to serve as my inspiration and reference for my next art exhibit. I took pictures and wrote notes. Three years here in Seoul is not yet enough for me to discover its fascination.

I lifted my phone in front of my face and placed my thumb on the artificial screen to take a picture of the famous Café Yeon Nam Dong. I intentionally stopped by here for the sole purpose of personally seeing its interior design and the cartoon-like furniture. They had series lights hung over the roof and a lot of cute decorations on the outside. After which, I continued walking to the direction where my house was located.

As I silently ambled my way, I heard faint footsteps from behind which gave me the chills. However, I just assumed they were my neighbors. The sun was still up there. No one would possibly try to harm me at this time. They could be seen. There are CCTV cameras hidden in this area. But even so, I decided to dig into my bag and hold onto the swiss knife Jaehyun gave me.

My eyes were constantly shaking and so did my knees. My house is kind of uphill so walking would require much strength on the legs. I don't think I might even make it.

When the clacking of their shoes got nearer, I speed up.

"Yah." Said one of them with a frigid and deep voice. It made me stop. I completely froze again. I breathed too fast and too hard to the point that they can hear me panting. My neck started to well with sweat. My fingers started to quiver.

They were right behind me. I could feel their presence.

I felt a light touch on my back.

Impulsively, I curtly whipped around and grab hold onto the man's wrist, twisting it with force. It was the same guy whom I bumped into the alleyway near the orphanage. He swung his other hand towards me but I was able to dodge. The man flinched and I quickly kicked his groin with my knees. When he was down on the ground, I gripped on his elbow, placing it behind him and was about to step on his face. Apparently, he had company who were just standing tall behind him. Two of them rushed to me and held me back with great strength. I struggled to free myself but I was feeling exhausted. I felt my shoulders pop at how strong they grasped on my arms.

The guy slowly stood up with his hands on his crotch area. He didn't show me his face and just kept on looking down on the floor. He slightly tilted his neck and hissed in pain. His other minions sprinted towards him and helped him stand still. He refused to be assisted. He shrugged the two men and suddenly laughed.

His laugh was hysterically evil.

He craned his head to me and shot me daggers with his burning eyes. As expected, he was wearing a fedora. He had a mask over his mouth. He looked prretty much similar the last time I saw him. But this time he was wearing a long coat. Underneath was a black turtle neck shirt and denim pants. I also noticed he was wearing a pair of leather shoes.

I spat on to the floor and snickered. I didn't want to show him that I was submissive. That I was easy and that he's picking on the wrong girl. I narrowed my brows as I gritted my teeth together.

"If it's money you want, then might as well rob a homeless person. I have no money or whatsoever—"

He scoffed which made me stop from talking.

"We don't want anything from you." One of his gang said from behind. "Is that how you say hi to an old friend?" The other added.

Old. . . Friend?

My face contorted in perplexity. Both of the men who held me back loosens up and eventually released me. I collapsed hard on the floor and scratched my knees, tearing the hemline of my skirt.

The man bent down and crouched to my level, having our eyes meet.

I was surprised how his eyes transformed from looking like an endless pit of doom to a fairy-like paradise. He softly glances at me as he helped me get up from the ground. I swiped the dirt off my skirt and scowled in pain when I hit my wound. We still had our eyes glued together.

"Who are you?" I queried in curiosity. He took a step close to me and scrutinized me from head to toe. "W-what are you doing?" I stuttered.

He walked in circles afterwards. It was as if he was examining me. Confused, I was motionless. I was completely clueless of the situation. Nonetheless, I'm not going to take down my guards. I fished out the swiss knife from by bag but before I could even point it to him, he grabbed my wrist and nimbly grabbed the knife out of my hand.

"That's unnecessary." He said, almost in a whisper.

"P-please let me go . . ." I cried.

"Don't worry. We won't do anything to you." One of them responded. "Hey boss, we should leave now." He added, tapping their boss's shoulder.

"Wait—" he chimed in. He once again came nigh me. I squeeze my eyes close because of how little the space between us were. He stroked his fingers through my hair and tucked some strands behind my ear. He gave the side of my face a gentle caress with his skinny fingers. I opened my eyes and couldn't help but notice how soft he looked at me. It was as if he knew who I was.

Once he was done, he spun around and walked away. His gang followed him.

What the fuck is happening?


"Dad! I'm home!" My piercing voice rang within the walls of our house. I shut the door close only to find out how strangely quiet it was. "Dad?" I called out once more. I was still in shock with the situation I was in earlier and I wanted to talk about it to Father since it's serious. He might know what to do for those men to stop coming at me.

I silently went straight up to my room. I flipped the light switch and stared for a moment at the floor. I then threw myself onto my bed whilst spreading my arms and legs to the sides. My hair was all over the place and my clothes were wrinkled.

My world was suddenly spinning. I looked at the magnolia-colored ceiling as I tried to blink as hard as I could to regain my normal sight. It doesn't seem to work. I picked up the pillow next to my head and hid my face under it. I counted to calm myself down.

One, I heavily inhaled.

"Is that how you say hi to an old friend?"

Two, I exhaled with all might.

"Kang Seul Gi?"

Three, I clutched my chest.

"Do you know what happens when little red riding hood bump into the wolf?"

I bemoaned in fright as voices resonated inside my head. Profound thoughts were clouding my mind. It was as if thousands of needles were stabbed onto my brain. It's a disaster. And the sides of my forehead began to painfully throb. I pushed away the pillow over my face and covered my ears. I curled myself into a ball, my knees right beside my chest. I shut my eyes close and my face was far more grotesque. The agony inside me only grew more.

My organs felt like they were being twisted. My bones were as if they can be snapped with one move. My eyes seemed like they were about to gouge out of its sacks.

It now began to feel like my head was being hit by a metal rod and it only had a few more swings left before it will shatter into millions of pieces. It was no ordinary head ache. It was not a migraine. I screamed in torment as my eyes well up with tears. My heart pounded, its beating blaring out of my chest. I could feel the tension of my body rise. My blood was raging through my veins.

I felt like dying.

And suddenly, I am out of breath. I opened my mouth widely to catch some air but none of it seem to get inside my body. I rolled out of my bed, falling onto the floor, as I crawl to get my phone in my bag.

I kept on murmuring the same words to myself: "Fight this. Fight this. Fight this."

I finally got my phone in my hands, now all I need to do was call my father. However, the words on the screen were too blurry for me to read.

I desperately gasp for air as I threw a fist on my chest. Tears were cascading down my face and I felt my hands and legs getting numb. I laid down on the floor, sweaty and helpless. I tried to scream for help but I couldn't let out a single sound from my throat.

And suddenly, images flash in my head.

People I've never seen before. Places I haven't been to. It was a series of inexplainable events. I couldn't stop them from coming in and out.

A woman.


Abandoned warehouse.

A little boy and a little girl.


A man.

An explosion.


The insides of a car.

A river.


I fathomed nothing from what I saw. Nothing made sense. I don't think I've ever had any of those in this life. I was beyond confused. I was terrified. I was vulnerable. All I ever did was shriek for help as the loud and piercing ring inside my head slowly fades away. . .

I breathed normally again. . .

My heart gradually beat slowly. . .

Everything around me was clear. . .

And the next thing I knew, everything was turning gray

Fragments of reality morphing into a dark void. My eyes grew tired from shedding tears. They want to close. I resist. My body was now as if it was sinking deep the trench, lifelessly floating along the current like a corpse. I had no control of my senses. All I ever did was breathe as much as I could. I couldn't feel my own hands nor hear my heart beat.


I'm currently writing chapter nine!!! heheh can't wait to update tomorrow! I can't believe I actually was able to write 3 ass chapters in just one sit xD I've been very productive, for now HAHA. It's because I am very motivated by my first readers. They really pay attention to details and they actually understand it TT_TT guys ily so much. aficionado_girl GoldenQuality -coldtae <3  

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