ASZCG x Nekomalereader

By Cytje96

57.3K 2K 120

You hate being treated as a pet. All you ever wanted is to be free and to be loved. Unfortunately this was im... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Extra info
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 4

3K 106 8
By Cytje96

Zack manages to get you out of the cage. You are now sitting on the floor in front of the cage. Luckily you had tied your blanket around you, so you are at least covered. ''So that's much better isn't it little one? Now you're not in that cramped cage anymore''. Zack keeps trying to reassure you and tries to look at your face. You decide to look at him and hiss again. Zack just keeps smiling at you. Now that you are in the light you can see both of them better. This makes you aware of the bleeding scratches on his hand. They look incredibly painful which makes you feel a bit sorry for him.

Zack puts both of your wrist in one of his hands so he has one hand free. ''It's oke little one. These scratches will be healed soon. You don't have to worry. My name is Zack and this here is Cloud'' He says while pointing towards the other man. "What's your name?''. You stay silent to his question. He lifts his other hand up towards your head. You try to squirm away but due to his tight grip on your wrists, you can't get away.

Zack puts his hand on your head and you freeze at his touch. ''I won't hurt you sweetie. It's going to be oke''. His hand starts to rub your (h/c) ears. You can't help but feel good and lean into his touch. Then suddenly you start purring. ''Aww how adorable you are. Isn't he Cloud?'' ''Yeah he is but how do you know it's a he?''. ''Haha I don't. It's just a guess. We won't know until we take him to a doctor or take a look but I don't think he'll appreciate that''. Zack laughs while he keeps rubbing your ears which makes you keep purring.

The other three men came back in the room and are greeted with the sight of you purring and leaning in Zack's touch. They can't help but find this sight adorable. When they step closer they can finally look at the state you're in. They can't help but frown when they see you. Your skin is covered in dirt and bruises, your (h/c) hair and fur is dirty and matted but what the men find most disturbing is the fact that you are clearly emaciated.

''Well I guess we should take it to a doctor first''. ''You are right Angeal. The poor thing looks absolutely horrible. It's no wonder it doesn't trust humans''. The redhaired man says to the others. ''Well let's get going then''. The silverhaired man says while stepping closer to Zack. You get startled when the man stands closer to you and stop purring. ''Oke let's go little one we have to take you to your new home''. Zack says to you while standing up. He picks you up and tries to stand you on your own feet.

You are wobbling on your feet since it's been a long time since you last was able to stand and walk. Due to this it doesn't take long for you to collapse. Fortunately before you hit the ground Zack manages to catch you. ''That was a close one. Well I guess I'll just have to carry you then''. Zack picks you up again and holds you bridal style. The other men are disturbed by the sight of you collapsing. They can clearly see that you have been locked up in the cramped cage for a long time. What else will the find out when they get you to the doctor.

While Zack is holding you he decides to introduce you to the other three men. ''Oke little one let's introduce you to the others. This one with the silver hair is Sephiroth. The buff guy over there is Angeal and last but not least is the redhead Genesis''. At the mention of their names they all give some form of acknowledgement towards you. Sephiroth nods, Angeal smiles and Genesis waves to you. ''So let's try this again. What's your name little one?''. You are looking around and try to decide if you will give them your name. You have to admit it was very comfortable in Zack's eyes and neither of the men show any negative emotions in their eyes.

After a bit of silence you finally managed to croak out your name. ''(y-y/n)''. Your voice is raspy and soft due to the fact you haven't spoken in a long time. Not ever since you were abandoned here by your previous owner because he found a better pet. The men all smiled at you when they hear you speak. To them it was a small victory. They got you to speak, which means that they will be able to earn your trust. ''That's a beautiful name little one. Thank you for sharing it with us''. Zack grins at you.

''Well now that we have been introduced let's go to the doctor and make sure (y/n) will be able to get better''. Angeal says while he starts walking towards the entrance of the shop. The others quickly follow him. While you are in Zack's arms you wonder where the manager is. Normally he would be at the desk which we are passing now. Well not that you will miss him.

When Zack steps outside the shop the sunlight hurts your eyes. You cover your eyes with your hands while letting out a painful whine. The men stop to take a look at you and see what's wrong. They immediately see the problem. Genesis walks to the car and looks for sunglasses while Zack tries to comfort you. ''Found them''. Genesis says triumphantly while holding up a pair of sunglasses. He walks towards you, in Zack's arms, and tries to put the glasses on you. Which he can't since you keep your hands in front of your eyes.

''Hey kitty I need you to take away your hands, from your eyes, so I can put the sunglasses on you''. Genesis tries to convince you. You shake your head no and try to turn away from him. ''Cloud give us a hand would you''. Genesis asks Cloud who is standing besides Zack. Cloud nods and grabs your wrist and whispers in your ear. ''It's all right just keep your eyes closed. We're going to make it better oke''. He takes away your hands and Genesis immediately puts the glasses on you. Cloud let's go of you and whispers again. ''You can open your eyes now. It's all better now''.

You hesitantly open your eyes and look around. You look around with amazement since you haven't been outside in a long time. While you look around your ears are also standing straight up your head and your tail is swaying excitedly. When the men see this they can't help but smile at the adorable sight in front of them. Even Sephiroth and Cloud can't help but give a little smile.

The six of you finally reach the car and get seated with you on Zack's lap. During the drive you are glued to the window to look at all the amazing sights before you. Meanwhile thoughts are running through your head. You just hoped you had made the right decision to trust these guys. Ofcourse you will still be cautious.

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