[+13] My Own Creepypasta Char...

By itsjust_mari

575 9 1

Hey! In this story, I write my own Creepypasta's. The first one will be about myself, but after that you can... More

Eyeless Jenni The Killer
JJ The Killer
Laughing Jacky
Briana Wright/Masked Hoodie
Jayla Kralie
Nate The Killer
Jana The Killer
Laughing Jessi The Toymaker

Suicidal Mari

228 2 1
By itsjust_mari

(Please don't take it too seriously, that's not 100% my life. Only 80% haha xD and all this stuff with Eyeless Jack, Jenny, Nina and Laughing Jack is also invented. Jack is just my favorite character and it would be cool to have him as my brother;D Plus, this creepypasta includes things like depression, cutting, bullying and suicide so read it at your own risk. Have fun with the story:))


Name: Cecilia Hammerson

Nicknames: Mari, Cece, Eyeless Mari

Age: 14 (9 years younger than her brother)

Sexuality: Lesbian

Birth date: 12th July 2005

residence (before): Salt Lake City, USA

residence (now): Denver Colorado, USA

Creepypasta Name: Suicidal Mari

Creepypasta Appearance: Black hair with red strands, knife-sharp teeth,  "rope scar " on the neck, knife-sharp claws, Proxy sign scars all over her body, dark blue glasses

Eye color: white demon eyes that change color depending on her Feelings

weapons: everything

Hobbies: killing People, gaming

Personality: insane, nice as long as you're nice to her, can get aggressive

Catchphrase: "Go to Sleep. Life's just a piece of shit."

Best Friends: Jeff the Killer, BEN drowned, Hoodie, Ticci Toby

Siblings: Eyeless Jack

Niece/Nephew: Eyeless Jennifer The Killer, Jason The Killer

Crush: Jane the Killer

Enemies:  Bullies, everyone who's too often with Jeff or Jack or tries to ruin their relationship

Likes: Slenderman, Gay couples, social people, Youtube, video games, My Chemical Romance(because of Jeff), Hollywood Undead (because of Jeff and Toby), Melanie Martinez

Hates: homophobic people, bullies, everyone who hates Jeff or her brother

Demon powers: Teleportation, Telekinesis, Water & Fire imitation

Mental Diseases & Phobias:
Social phobia, Depression, Panic Attacks, Trypanophobia

Theme song: "Demons" by Imagine Dragons

Eating limit: cannibal (only eats organs), vegetarian, can't drink milk (otherwise pukes blood)

Languages: (american) english, german, polish (she speaks polish with her Family)

Other: She's emo

Hey! My name is Cecilia Hammerson, I am 14 years old, I live in Salt Lake City and my life was shit before I met Slenderman.
Do you want to know why my life was shit? Well then I'll tell you.

Starting with being separated from my brother and Father when I was 6 ... And that's because my Mummy cheated or something and then my dad almost killed me and my brother with a car accident. I mean, we didn't die, Right? Also I didn't see my brother much because School, college, he started being busy with doing something with his Friends and well our dad was always exaggerating but it never ended that bad..
I'll tell you more about it later. Anyway, since then my life began to become more and more shitty, because I no longer had anyone to protect me. My brother was always there for me.. He protected me even though he also got bullied with stuff like "nerd" or "Harry potter" because he had round glasses or always when someone lost something they were like "Jackson probably stole it" only because we're from Poland.. and he had a weird boyfriend named Jack Mounsky or so.. I never liked him he treated him like garbage and always cheated on him.. but he didn't give a shit about any of that.. mainly I was fine. However, My mum became an alcoholic and addicted to drugs after that, in primary school I was always called fat, ugly, slut and stuff... They also told me every day that I should kill myself because no one needs me... (And this was with the age of  8! WTH IS WRONG WITH THIS WORLD?!) I was also beaten and kicked by everyone. Then I had less and less friends and started to get more and more quiet ...

but... Do you think anyone cared? Do you think anyone asked why I am like that or how I'm doing? nope. NOBODY. That's also why I have depression ... I didn't know it when I was 8, of course, only when I was 12 but still ...

At the age of 10 I finally came to a new school! actually in the same as my only and best friend! I was so happy because I thought that my life can only get better! Hehe... It was a mistake to think that ... On my first day of school, I walked in with a smile and said hi to my  "BFF " with a hug. She was equally happy that I come into her class. At first everything was still good and I thought my life is really getting better now! But then ... I started talking less again because my depression still didn't want to leave me alone .. Everyone started thinking of me that I was weird and then calling me fat, ugly, hoe, Psycho again... Wtf ...

From then on everything got worse again ... My alleged  "Best friend forever" had also decided that she would be too cool for me and started to treat me with her Friends like shit .. After 2 years, I started to cut myself, just sitting in my room and crying and sometimes not going to school as well. At one point it bothered my teacher and she called my mum. I tried to hear what they say, but I couldn't even hear what my mother answered because I'm deaf as hell. (my mum didn't know much english but gladly she understood most of it. She's Nothing without dad..) When they finished talking, my mum called me and I went to her. She screamed at me why I haven't been at school for weeks. I was calm at first and didn't want to say anything, but then I decided to tell her my opinion.  "Are you serious? Now you're asking so stupid? I'VE BEEN BULLIED SINCE I WAS 8! I don't know what happened before, because you keep telling me I had a car accident and don't want to remember what happened. But now honestly DIDN'T YOU EVER NOTICE HOW SHITTY I FEEL?! DIDN'T YOU EVER SEE THE CUTS ON MY ARMS OR HEAR ME CRY?!Oh it doesn't even interest you cuz ALL YOU'RE INTERESTED IN ARE YOUR SHIT ALCOHOL AND YOUR FUCKING DRUGS!!" Without saying anything else, I ran offended into my room. I heard her following me and calling my name but then she went downstairs again. After that I became tired and fell asleep. The next year I sometimes still didn't go to school and my mum didn't even talk to me anymore ... Was my Confession too exaggerated?

Little spoiler hihi: No it wasn't. My Confession was perfect because after a few weeks my mum said I'm supposed to get in the car. I asked where we were going, of course, but she didn't give me an answer. All of sudden we arrived at a building where a sign was  "School for hearing and speech impaired " I was just like WTF?  I was firmly convinced to experience the same thing again, so I didn't even get any hopes. We had a conversation with the principal about what problems I have ... After the conversation I went out bored and he still talked to me. But after that he called a girl to him and told her to take me to the classroom. I think her name was Nina Hopkins or something and was 12 years old. She introduced herself to me with a very cute smile and escorted me into the classroom.  Along the way, she asked me a lot of Questions about why I'm here and stuff like that. The funny thing about it was that I could talk normally. Like WTH I haven't been able to do that for a long time?! When we arrived in the classroom, everyone greeted me in a really friendly way.  "This is our new student. Her name is Cecilia Hammerson. Be nice to her, understood?  "All of sudden everything was quiet and they looked at me with big eyes. I didn't really dare say anything either. After like 10 minutes, one of them said something.  "Hammerson? A-Are you the sister of this cannibal Jackson Tyler Hammerson?  "I was shook. I didn't know what he was talking about and I just looked at him skeptically.

Another boy hit him on the back of the head.  "Boy just shut the fuck up. Maybe she doesn't even know what happened there." I wanted to ask what they mean by that, but it was too late. It rang to class and everyone sat down.   "You can sit next to me!" said Nina, leading me to her place. The lessons were quite boring. As always. But this time I was really happy, because apart from the fact that everyone knows something about my life, what I don't know, everything was great! Yeah okay my depression was still there, but I stopped cutting myself and I often did something with Nina. My life was perfect! Haha yes it looked like that, didn't it?

Everything started to get shit again .. Apart from me, Nina had 2 other best friends, both of them died from a fire at school. Since then, Nina has been bullied. She was called a freak, psycho, slut and stuff like that everyday. At some point, she started to change a lot. She did drugs, became violent, threatened to kill others. Then I got bullied because I am friends with a  "Psycho " .. They did the same with me as they did with Nina. The teachers tried to get Nina under control every day, but she got worse day after day. After a year she was send to a insane asylum and I lost contact with her. The last thing she said to me was:  "Goodbye ... Mari.. See you in the underworld .. " The first thing I wondered was where she knew my internet nickname from? And the second, WTF DOES SHE MEAN WITH UNTERWORLD?! Anyways, after a few days I watched TV and there were News that Nina beat a patient dead and some nurses and Supervisors, then she got a knife and has cut a smile into her cheeks, then she escaped and nobody has seen her again. From then on my depression started again and I've cut myself ... I couldn't take the blasphemy about that she deserved it and stuff .. OH YEAH! Do you want to know now how my life has changed? And what Nina meant? Ok then.

It was night. My mum was asleep and I couldn't sleep. It was just after my 14th birthday. I was on YouTube and saw something called "CreepyPasta."  I clicked on a video about  "The Slender Man" and I liked what I heard. I started worshipping him and listened to more Creepypasta's afterwards. Suddenly I got a video recommended uploaded 8 years ago  "14-year-old Jackson Tyler Hammerson and his 5-year-old little sister Cecilia Hammerson almost got killed in a car accident because of their Father Jonathan Hammerson" I froze and I was shocked. I didn't dare to click on it .. But I had such a feeling that I had to. I clicked hesitantly on it. In the video was a picture of my brother(?) and ... me?  They said that he wanted to calm himself down by doing something with his two Children after his wife cheated on him with a random guy that she met in a club, suddenly he got a Messages from his wife about where the Children are so he looked at his phone and all of them ended up in hospital.  After that our mother screamed at him that he could have killed us. He literally said that he doesn't care about me being killed because "i'm a waste of space" and because I'm gay.. Little did he know that his 'oh so great' son is even more gay than me.. but well polish parents, Right? :) After we got out of the hospital she slapped him, then divorced him and moved away with me. So I was in a coma at the time that's why I can't remember!!! Why did my mum keep this a secret ... I have a right to know that I have a brother! When the video was over, I got reccomended another video that was uploaded 9 years ago.  "15-year-old Jackson Tyler Hammerson got his eyes ripped out by a School friend and dissapeared" I froze again and started shaking. But because I had autoplay on, the video started by itself. They said that he was in a relationship with a Girl named Jenny Smith but at the same time he was with a Boy named Jack Mounsky and cheated on him. When he found out he was Angry and slapped him (like our parents used to do when we were younger..) then he tried to warn him that Jenny is sick.. EVERYONE tried to warn him.. but he didn't listen.. so he got into a weird Sacrifice from Jenny and a few other school mates to be a son of a demon called Chernabog and.. then Jenny ripped his eyes out.. with a damn spoon.. ouch.. They said they don't know what happened to him afterwards.. they only found the dead bodies of the School mates and Jenny but Jenny's kidneys got ripped out..  After a few days, they found our father's body in the bathroom with no eyes. Witnesses reported a Woman with black hair that was over her face who suddenly showed up and scraped his eyes out. They suspect .. Mary Hammerson? MUM?! Is that why she don't want me to remember ...? So does that mean my brother is ... Dead? After that thought, I couldn't stop crying because I could remember our whole childhood at that Moment.. he was always there for me.. he always played with me.. he always distracted me from all the shit in life.. he protected me from everything.. he took the blame for anything I did and got beaten by our parents.. So they didn't beat me..

I took a knife and carved all over my body the proxy sign in. You know, this crossed out circle. After that, I started crying real bad again. I just couldn't take it any more. I searched the internet for a Slender Man ritual and found one. I sneaked out of the house to my 8-year-old neighbor and her 16-year-old brother with who I was actually best friends until they started hating me for no reason, treat me like shit and take my friends away from me. (I left out the two because they are not worth occurring in my story. Only now because the part is important.) So I sneaked into the room of those bitches. I took a knife and approached the bed of this 8-year-old whore. I whispered  "Go to sleep. Life's just a piece of shit." right before I slit her throat. I took a glass and filled it with her blood. All of a sudden her brother woke up because this bitch had to scream.. He hit me on the floor and called his parents. I jumped on him, bit him in his arms and legs, but he was still screaming, so I bit him in his chest until I reached his heart and ate it up. From this moment on, I knew how delicious organs are and I could understand my brother very well. Then their parents came and started screaming around. Ugh. Suddenly, the police were also at the door. great. I stabbed their parents until they finally shut the fuck up and jumped out of the window with the glasses filled with blood. I quickly climbed into my room. I had to hurry up because I heard my mum running up the stairs and calling my name. I painted a proxy sign on the Floor with the blood from these assholes. Then I drank the rest of the blood. Now I took a rope, knotted an executioners and hung it over the proxy sign. Just before my mum came in, I hanged myself.

But my life didn't end there, it really just started then! Everything around me went black. Suddenly I heard forest noises and a voice calling my name. When I opened my eyes I saw a big man with a Smoking on and tentacles on his back and he had no face. Slender Man?

The big man gave me his hand and I pulled myself up.  "Umm ... Are you Slender Man?" I asked. He hesitated first and then replied  "Highly Personal, Yes. You're Cecilia Hammerson, right? The little sister of Eyeless Jack?" What the hell how does he know? "Eyeless Jack? That's what he gets called now? Hmm.. Then call me ... Suicidal Mari! but... How do you know my name?" He laughed and then replied "He and Jeff have been sitting in front of the TV all day. Even though Jack can't see anything ... And there were news about you. Jack was so happy when he saw this and wanted me to bring you to us. Jeff was just shocked that he never told us anything about you." I started smiling. After 8 years I finally see my brother again!  "Come with me. I take you to my Mansion." He started walking. Before I followed him, I looked down at myself. I didn't have shoes on. Just black socks and a bloodstained white nightgown. My hair was black with blood-red strands, I still had proxy sign scars all over my body, on my neck was a scar from the rope, my teeth were pointed and sharp like a knife, my fingernails became sharp claws and my eyes were all white. What the fuck. Creepy.

I started following Slender Man, but I suddenly teleported myself in front of him.  "What the hell did I do?!" He started laughing again and told me something about demon powers. How cool! All of a sudden we were standing in front of a huge villa. Slender Man slowly walked to the door and I started to get nervous and panicked. He realized it and stroked over my back, we went in together and then we were in the living room, where Jeff the Killer and my brother were still sitting on the couch. They both looked up to me and it was quiet. Both of us were probably quite shy hehe. Jeff apparently got fucked up of the silence so he said  "Hey I'm Jeff! And you're probably Jack's sister?" I didn't know what to say so I just nodded. Jack looked briefly to Jeff, then got up and hugged me tightly  "I'm so sorry! I love you, little sister!" Suddenly something white came out of my eyes. These are probably tears or something? I reciprocated the hug and replied  "It's ok! I love you too, big brother! And about your eyes I feel so sorry for you .." He chuckled and since then everything has been perfect! I befriended the other Creepypastas. Especially with Ben because he likes to Play videogames like me and with Jeff because he's cool and he's together with my brother! So cute, right?! They also have a 5 year old son and a few months old daughter! Their names are Jason and Jennifer! Pretty cute, huh?

You're probably wondering how they have Kids when they are both Boys and I'm telling you. Slender Man said that most of the Creepypastas are gay (which is good hehe~) and they were complaining cuz they wanted to enjoy the rest of their lives but they clearly can't adopt Children or get a Surrogate mother so Slender Man somehow made that the Boys can get pregnant too! But it isn't the same.. the pregnancy only lasts 5 months, only in the first month you can make an Abortion and when you feel that the Baby is coming you IMMEDIATELY need to get your stomach cut open or your insides can get crushed (of Course you can have Anesthesia but Jeff told Dr. Smiley that he doesn't want that cuz he loves pain and that gives him an Erection.. ew.. he almost broke Jack's Hand.. both times..)

Me, Jeff and Jack spent every day together. They teached me to kill people and I started eating organs like my brother.  But when Jeff and Jack need privacy (to..you know.. do dirty stuff), I'm playing video games with Ben. We prefer to play overwatch! Hihi.

At some point I also found out that I have an Allergy to milk and sugar and then I puke blood.. but my brother has an Allergie to literally every Food (except Organs and human meat of Course) then he pukes blood as well.. Ugh.. And I got more demon powers! Namely telekinesis, so I can move stuff with my hands and water & fire imitation, that means, I can control water and fire. Also very cool!

So that was my story. My life is perfect now! Of course, I tortured and killed all those who bullied me:) And I now know what Nina meant by underworld haha. She is now also a creepypasta and is called Nina the Killer because she is in love with Jeff ... I always try to Keep her away from him so I don't have to hate her :0 Oh and I also found out that my mother has been a creepypasta for a long time. She's Bloody Mary. She lives in every mirror and rips people's eyes out before killing them ... So Haha yes guys I hope you have learned from my story that you should not bully anyone just because of their appearance or mental ilnesses. And to those who have depression themselves or something, I am here for you. Just like Slender Man and the others. We love you and never forget you're not alone! :)


So that was my 1.OCC I hope you liked it :) Please don't take it so seriously. Most of it is made up and the one with  "Jeff and Jack are together " is also just my headcannon so please don't hate me xD (AND DON'T TRY ANYTHING I WROTE. NO. JUST DON'T.) So yeah write in the comments suggestions for improvement, famous people I should write a creepypasta about and whether or not I should write more stories with Suicidal Mari :) (also sorry for bad english normally i'm very good in english but that was very hard and i'm tired xD) So until then! love you guys! :)

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