Book of Shadows

By NyxShadowhawk

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So you want to learn magic? This is a manual of magic in which I have compiled all the basic information I'v... More

Hecate's Welcome
The Witch's Circle
How to Become a Witch
A List of Magical Practices
"Types" of Witches
How to Become a Witch
Magical Theory
Shadow Work
Your Altar and Tools
Casting Circles and Writing Spells
Sympathetic Magic
Magical Symbols
Planetary Correspondences
Correspondences: Color Magic
Correspondences: Essential Oils *updated*
Correspondences: Herb/Resin Symbolism and Uses *updated*
Correspondences: Tea Potions
Tree Lore
Correspondences: Zodiac
Correspondences: Chakras
Kabbalistic (Sephiroth) Correspondences
The Art of Candle Magick
Your Spirit Animal
Spell Bags
Sigil Magic
How to Charge Sigils
The Major Arcana
Dream Divination
Magical Alphabets
Rune Casting
Your Pantheon
The Dark Gods
Triple Goddesses
Trance Techniques
Invocation 101
Evocation 101
How to Create Entities
Sabbats: The Wheel of the Year
Pentacle -- Witch's Star
Your Cauldron
Moon Water
A Dictionary of Alchemical Imagery
Drawing Down the Moon
Hecate's Moon Ritual
Hecate's Banishing Ritual
Hecate's Samhain Ritual
Occult Book Reviews
Directory of Occult Sources

Correspondences: Magical Crystals *updated*

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By NyxShadowhawk

Agate: Protection, stability, longevity, overall healing, eloquence, intelligence, truth, dispelling negativity and stress, removing spite, promoting faithfulness and natural talents. Amulet against tripping, falling, skin disease, bites and stings, and black magic or demonic possession. 
Blue Lace: Quiet, soothing emotions, peace and happiness, releasing stress, communication, relaxing. Improves balance, emotional stability, self-confidence, and mental health, reduces obsessions and addictions. 
Green/Moss: Hope, growth, evolution, longevity, wealth, fertility, detoxing, creativity, reducing stress and tension, replenishing energy. Carry while gardening or bury in your garden to encourage the fertility of your soil and the growth of your plants. 
Red: ("Blood agate") Nobility, spiritual elevation, blood health, energy, destiny, relentlessness, banishing fear. 
Yellow: Wealth, treasure, friendship, desire, willpower, intellect.

Amazonite: Sooths emotions, diminishes worry and fear, dispels negativity and stress. Improves health, spirituality, communication, authenticity, integrity, and creativity. Also brings success and luck in gambling.

Amber: Life, longevity, charging energy, memory, intellect, strength, purity, electricity, sensuality, sexual potency, enhancing beauty, luck, success, money, protection, health, healing, warmth. All-purpose magical catalyst, strengthens spells.

Amethyst: Creativity, imagination, intuition, spirituality, dream magic, meditation, romantic love, protection, calming, peace. Increases psychic awareness and good judgement, and improves sleep. Helps prevent drunkenness and heal alcoholism (and other addictions). Sooths stress and negative emotions, improves mental health, relieves headaches. Wear to dispel guilt and self-deception. Birthstone of February.

Ametrine: Combined power of amethyst and citrine; spirituality and joy, inspiration, mental clarity. Increases psychic awareness and aids in meditation and astral travel.

Aquamarine: Represents the sea, meditation, mystical revelations, cleansing and purification, health, beauty, hope, courage, and Shadow work. Also reduces stress and quiets the mind, soothes emotional problems. Place in water and let it sit in moonlight to create an elixir for purification and psychic awareness. Carry for protection during travel over water. Birthstone of March.

Aventurine: Good luck, perception, creativity, intelligence, inner harmony, self-healing, calming, money, luck in gambling. Green aventurine enhances eyesight and psychic vision.

Beryl: Health, observation, perception, psychic awareness, harmony in relationships, physical and mental energy, strengthening the conscious mind, lunar energy, hope. Associated with water and the sea; protects from storms, drowning, and seasickness. Increases courage and guards against manipulative people. Used to make crystal balls or mirrors for scrying.

Bismuth: Transformation, raising vibration, improving communication and relationships. Helps feelings of isolation.

Bloodstone: Courage, decision-making, strength, wealth, power, eloquence, victory in sports or legal matters, success in business. Protection against threats, bullying, and deception, reduces aggression, heightens intuition and wellbeing. Used to bypass obstacles like locks, walls, and bonds. Traditionally said to halt bleeding when pressed on a wound. Wear to heal blood-related diseases, to gain strength and win athletic competitions, and to attract wealth. Smear with heliotrope flowers and carry for invisibility. A bat talisman made of bloodstone increases the power and effectiveness of spells. Birthstone of March.

Calcite: Peace, love, spirituality, healing, purification. Increases motivation and intellect, helps with studying, reduces stress. Enhances the power of spells.

Carnelian: Stimulates inherent talents, courage, vitality, optimism, motivation, eloquence, public speaking, confidence, sexual energy. Releases negative emotions and thoughts, helps ease depression, anger, and hatred. Protects against evil magic and mind-reading. Prevents skin disease, blood disorders, and insanity. Wear for confidence, courage, and help with public speaking. Birthstone of July.

Chrysoberyl: Strengthens romantic feelings and intuition. Alexandrite has the same abilities as either rubies and garnets or emeralds and jade, as it changes color. It also draws luck and love.

Citrine: Wealth stone. Energizing, manifestation, optimism, psychic power, detoxing. Sun power. Intelligence and intellect. The stone of artists and warriors. Prevents nightmares. Never needs cleansing. Birthstone of November.

Coral: Protection from negative energy, healing, peace, wisdom, prudence, protection, the ocean. Contains the "life essence" of the ocean (similar to amber). Acts as an amulet against all evil for the living and the dead. Wear to attract love. Touch to every window in your house and place somewhere for luck.

Diamond: Illumination, ecstasy, divine love, fidelity, purity, meditation, contemplation, resilience, strength, bravery, victory, vitality. Enhances shamanic trance and spiritual ecstasy. Removes sexual shame. Birthstone of April.

Emerald: Balancing, relieving emotional pain, purity, artistic creativity, innocence, youth, love, insight, foreknowledge, fidelity, truth, resourcefulness, mental power, money, business success. Use in spells to bring love into your life, and carry or wear near your heart. Also enhances memory and eloquence, and mental strength in the conscious and subconscious mind. Birthstone of May.

Fluorite: Enhances thinking speed, intelligence, and intellect. Stabilizes the mental, physical, and spiritual. Quells strong emotions. Helps one think rationally or objectively, or with starting new projects. Supports self-love.

Garnet: Primordial fire, intense emotions, chaos, protection, purification, love, hatred, sexuality, loyalty, sincerity, devotion, faith, strength, physical health and vitality. Wear to maintain energy when exerting yourself. Helps create an auric shield of positive vibrations to repel negativity. Banishes nightmares. Birthstone of January.

Hematite: Healing, mental capability, removing self-imposed limitations, grounding, stability, memory, strength, determination, joy. Can be used as a scrying stone.

Herkimer Diamond: Balancing stone, transformation, attunement, enhances other stones. Pain relief. Can substitute a real diamond.

Jade: Calm in the storm, peace, compassion, recharging, harmony, balance of opposites, love, wisdom, emotional balance, luck, friendship. Wear a butterfly-shaped jade to draw love, or wear a piece to heal underlying health problems and prevent new ones. Also wear for long life, wisdom, or to draw money. Wear while gardening or bury to improve the plants' health.

Jasper: Compassion, joy, protection, patience, pain relief, calming, humility, renewal, sexuality, birth. Red: Health, rebirth, new ideas, cleansing, inner strength, health, grounding. Guards against poison and fever. Sends negativity back to the sender. Yellow: Common sense (but also conformity). Green: Harmonizing, healing, sleep, releasing stubbornness and negativity. Prevents hallucinations and promotes empathy. Dalmatian: Balancing energies, physical health.

Jet: Protection, healing, warding off evil spirits, fertility, financial issues, helps with depression. Protective if worn while traveling or placed in the home.

Labradorite: Destiny, transformation, turning intuition into intellect. Enhances psychic vision (aura vision, telepathy, clairvoyance, etc.) Helps you to believe in yourself. Detoxing.

Lapis Lazuli: Protection, beauty, divinity, communication, peace, love, spirituality, success, reducing stress. Represents royalty and the night sky. Enhances intellectual ability. Improves physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional state. Increases psychic awareness and magical energy. Provides inspiration for writers and artists. Hold to enhance psychic awareness and aid in meditation. Carve a heart into a pink candle with raw lapis and burn down the candle to attract love.

Lepidolite: Calms and de-stresses. Sooths anger and other negative emotions. Helps with business, diplomacy, and communication. Also helps with anxiety and depression. Place near your headboard for restful sleep.

Malachite: Spiritual evolution, visions, love, emotional calming, travelling, fertility, memory, healing, tranquility. Helps with depression, and brings money. Draws customers to a business and promotes sales. Enhances magical energy and power. Protects travelers and children. Wear as a necklace to draw love.

Moonstone: Love, eroticism, emotional catharsis, restful sleep, passion, youth, spiritual purity, clairvoyance, compassion, wisdom, (feminine) sexuality, lunar energy. Enhances sexuality and intuition. Aids travelers. Wear or carry to bring love into your life. Helps to reconcile lovers and calm emotions. Keep with your divination tools to strengthen them. Birthstone of June.

Obsidian: Mystery, unmasking, duality, balancing opposites, self-knowledge, protection, grounding, divination, peace. Used for scrying. Aids in Shadow work by holding up a black mirror to your soul. A fire stone. Snowflake Obsidian: Imagination, Shadow work, finding the source of physical and psychological problems.

Onyx: Protection, courage, grounding and banishing fear. Sends negative energy back towards the sender. Quells sexual desire (be careful). Duality and opposites, both good and evil, lucky and unlucky. Spiritual contemplation and questing, stone of Katabasis (the Descent). Can be aggressive or depressive, so use with caution. Sardonyx: (mix of onyx and carnelian) Honesty, stability, happiness, good fortune, vivacity, fame, eloquence. Less broody than black onyx. Brings courage if worn. Banishes discord between lovers. Birthstone of August.

Opal: Calming, cleansing, fidelity, beauty, improves memory, enhances psychic power, reduces depression, helps you stop brooding. Absorbs and diffracts other people's negative energy. Removes nightmares (especially black opals). Helps with astral projection and past life regressions. Makes you figuratively "invisible" so no one will notice you. All-purpose magical stone. Birthstone of October.

Pearl: Rebirth, creativity, purity, fertility, love magic, emotional control, learning from bad experiences, integrating "bad" personality traits. Anything involving water or lunar energy. Birthstone of June.

Peridot: Emotional clarity, calming intense emotions. Decreases anxiety and cures depression. Birthstone of August.

Pyrite: Associated with fire, hence the name. Inner potential, masculinity, vitality, boldness, confidence, protection, ambition, memory, leadership, luck. Draws money because of its association with gold.


Clear Quartz: Harmony, purity, protection, psychic power, clear thinking, recharges physical and mental energy, promotes positive energy. Symbolizes the spirit and intellect. Associated with light, ice, water and fire, the Sun and the Moon. Made into wands, or placed on top of wands to focus power. Used in shamanic magic. Cleanses magical tools if kept with them. Drink an elixir made with fresh water to improve your health. Rub on wounds to help cure them. All-purpose stone; acts as a catalyst for other stones. 
Smoky Quartz: Chthonic stone associated with the earth and lower worlds. Resurrection and rebirth, determination, grounding. Banishes negative emotions, relieves depression, anxiety, and stress. Absorbs misfortune and sorrow. Protective amulet to guard against theft or accidents. Associated with Scotland. 
Rose Quartz: Love, sensuality, peace, happiness, gentleness, forgiveness, detoxing, lust (aphrodisiac). Opens the heart chakra. Wear a heart-shaped one to attract love. Also heals the pain of lost love and enhances self-worth. Enhances peace, happiness, and fidelity in relationships. 
Tourmalated Quartz: Wear or place beneath pillow for astral projection. Project your astral body into the crystal.

Ruby: Love, power, nobility, strength, lust (aphrodisiac), health, sensuality, passion, joy, courage, vitality. Banishes nightmares. Possessing one accumulates wealth. Wear for invulnerability against evil spirits, bad intentions, curses, wounds, plague, famine, and negativity in general. Touch to the corners of a house or property to guard it from storms. Gives you energy if placed on an altar beside a red candle. Birthstone of July.

Sapphire: Justice, truth, wisdom, divination, prophecy, forges attachment. Opens the third eye for psychic awareness and divination. Promotes fidelity and banishes envy in love. Protects you from legal penalty, but only if you are in the right. Increases health of the eyes and banishes fever. Birthstone of September.

Selenite: Named for Selene, the moon. Tranquility, mystical power, high vibration, energetic cleansing, sanctity, radiance, intuition, connecting with spirit guides. (Do not put in water; it will dissolve!)

Sodalite: Emotional healing, relaxing, calming, spirituality, wisdom, deep thinking. Rub on the body to dispel stress, fear, and guilt. Wear to calm inner turmoil.

Spinel: Joy, revitalization, healing, energy, vigor, inspiration. Red spinel has the same correspondences as ruby. Birthstone of August.

Tiger's Eye: Self-confidence, pride, optimism, courage, confidence, relaxation. Brings good luck, protection, and psychic awareness. Ring a green candle with them for money. Carry for protection against everything.

Topaz: Sun energy, warmth, vitality, vibrancy, strength, good fortune, love, happiness. Protects against evil magic, envy, disease, injury, and insanity. Wear to relieve depression and dispel negative emotions. Improves any kind of relationship. Also improves self-esteem. Birthstone of November. (Blue Topaz in particular enhances creativity.)


Green: Healing, regeneration, luck, business success, abundance, prosperity, creativity, manifestation, stamina, creativity, masculinity. Also called verdelite. 
Red: Passion, love, calming anxiety, strength and courage, energy, protection. (Mostly the same as rubies.)
Pink: Releasing stress and anxiety, comforting, joy, passion, femininity. Wear to draw love and friendship, or to be more empathetic.
Watermelon: Polarity, union, balances masculine and feminine. Attracts love, heals emotional pain, and strengthens relationships. Ultimate heart chakra stone.
Blue: Tranquility, surrender, communication, tolerance, dreams, passion for work, thinking outside the box. Wear to decrease stress and for restful sleep.
Brown: Redirects harmful energies like a lightning rod.
Black: Protection, psychic shield against negative energy and emotions, power, self-confidence, grounding and purification. Regulates energy flow, soothes panic attacks. Also called schorl.

Turquoise: Balance between heaven and earth, protection, ambition, leadership, aggression, masculinity, talisman for warriors. Properly used, it can channel aggression into creativity. Protects against accidents and psychic attacks. Wear for protection when riding horses. Also used in money-attracting spells and to promote harmony in relationships. Prevents headaches and migraines, speeds healing. All-purpose magical stone. Birthstone of December.

Unakite: Rebirth, fertility, emotional balance, reconciling the past, consciousness, reducing self-destructive behavior.

Zircon: Energy and momentum, achieving goals. The oldest rock in existence is a 4.4-billion-year-old zircon.

Clear/White: Substitutes diamond. Protective, also clears the mind and enhances mental processes.
Yellow: Enhances sexual energy, attracts love. Carry to banish depression and for business success.
Red/Orange: Enhances beauty, banishes jealousy. Protection during travel, or against theft when placed in the home. Gives energy and banishes stress. (also called jacinth)
Brown: Grounding, draws wealth.
Blue: Calms negative emotions, clearing the mind. Birthstone of December.

The Metaphysical Book of Gems and Crystals by Florence Mégemont
Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic

Important Resource: Gem toxicity, indicating which ones you should not make elixirs out of or put in your mouth:

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