Unforgettable Memories [✓]

By nadiaamaradjunaidi

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Our memories were unforgettable, memories that can't be bought with a single gold. When he left without a mem... More

Please take your time to read this first :)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 Epilouge
Special Thank You
Special Note

Chapter 5

628 15 8
By nadiaamaradjunaidi

Chapter 5 - Past, present, future

Astrid P.O.V

     I wake up, the sun shining, terrible terrors are singing on the rooftop.

     Stormfly jumps on my roof out of sudden. "Stormfly, go back to sleep!" I groaned and buried my face on my pillow again. The dark abyss consume me once again.

     I was having a peace and quite here, but suddenly there's a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and scream loudly as I threw a pillow at a dark figure. "Don't worry Astrid, it's just me." he laughs at my reaction.

     "What are you doing here Hiccup?" I asked angrily for ruining my sleep and completely embarrassed me even though there's no one in my house except Stormfly and maybe also Toothless. "Gobber asked me to wake you up, and which I did." Gobber is somewhat a fatherly figure for me. He was there when nobody's there for me. I see him as my family, and my family he is.

"Astrid, I didn't ment to scare you. I did not know you're a grumpy sleeper." he exclaims. I sigh and pat on some space of my bed to let Hiccup sit. "Don't ever do that again!" I warned and punch his shoulder, this time harder than before. He groans in pain cause even though I'm still lazy in the morning, I'm strong enough to punch him after what he did. "Sorry?" he finally said breaking the silent. "Yeah, I guess."

He scratch the back of his neck. Nervous. Uncomfortable. I stood up, and left the room. Soon, he followed me from behind as I was about to leave my house.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked. I raised my eyebrows, my hands found their way to cross infront of my chest.

"My usual hang out place with Stormfly." I simply answer, not wanting to lie about it.

"And where could that be?" It seems that he really want to know exactly where I'm headed to.

"Somewhere out there." I exclaims, waving my hand in the air.

"Astrid, where?" he asked again.

"The forest." I sigh, I avoid arguments between us for now.

"Ah, I remember. You love being in the forest alone and practice your axe throwing there."

"Yeah... Wait, how come you know so much about me?"

"I see you there constantly."

"Nevermind, forget that I asked. It's a stupid question." Forest is practically my getaway spot. The sound of the nature calm my inner, more silent than loud. It soothes me, and it's my favorite place to be.

"Can I come too?" he asked hopefully.

"I don't know, aren't you scared to go to the forest? Inside the wild of nature, where predators can easily attack you behind the shadows."

"Me? scared? Never! And that is seriously dramatic anyways."

"Well I guess only Fishleg that is afraid to go to the forest."

"He is?" he sounds a bit surprised.

"Yeah. Let's go, c'mon Stormfly!" I mounted my dragon, Stormfly and flew to the forest as fast as I could.

"I care for her bud, I'm not going to lose her again." He said behind me with Toothless. I don't think he expect me to hear that, But I just did. Hiccup do care for me.

I smiled and lay down on Stormfly's back. Looking up at the sky. Clouds, fresh air, aye what a day.

     "Enjoying the fine morning, m'lady?" he flys besides me and hopped to Stormfly. Wait, what about Toothless?!

     "Hiccup! Toothless can't fly!" I shout but he cuts me off. "Relax, I already set Toothless tail automatic. No need to worry about him." Toothless heard him and he gave Hiccup annoyed looks. Hiccup just laugh with me. He then hopped back to Toothless. "Sorry bud" Well, so much for a fine peace of morning.

     "Hiccup, aren't you supposed to be home at berk. Like chief duties and all." I gave him a look.

     "Nah, I'm skipping." I stare at him in disbelief. "You can't do that!" He looks at me like he doesn't care about those duties back home. "I'll work on it later." He dismiss, trying to change the topic.

     "You idiot, you'll ruin berk! Like what happen when the dragons attack the valley, it was all your fault. Can't you take those matter seriously?" He turns to me, his eyes bore into mine. I cannot say anymore, he is not taking full responsibility on our home.

"I sincerely appologize." He tore his gaze away from mine. "Being a chief is hard, especially when no one is there to teach you." I nodded in understanding way, and sigh heavily. "I just want to have some time with the gang and you, since I'm finally back. Cause who knows, I could leave for another year again." He face towards the sky, taking in every time.

     "Don't let me be in your way. " He turns to me, shocked at my statement. "Just, finish your work first. Maybe If you're finally done, you can hang out with us again. I don't blame you, it is hard to take full responsibility on the village. I can't even stand calmly with the gang." he smiled then proceed to leave, and go back to berk. As promise, he does his duties.

    I decided it would be a bad time to go to the forest cause there's a lot of dragons there. Stormfly could fight with a dragon in there.

     Me and Stormfly arrived at itchy armpit, the place where Hiccup originally found it first, It would be fine for me to hang out here just a little bit. I sat down on the ground and started to close my eyes. The sound of the forest, it calms me down.

     Neverless, I'm usually stressed. That's why I do this often. But I have started becoming stress since Hiccup left. His leaving changes something though.

     I grab my axe, as I throw it away in mid air until it hit a random tree. Looking back at my past, I never knew I would end up with a dragon. The species who killed my parents. Somesay, they are called monster. I do not believe them once. But since I knew the death of my parents were caused by them, I too call them cold hearted monsters.

     But Hiccup, he shows me how dragon's point of view is. They only attack for survival, just like us vikings. They defence themselved when they're provoked. I change my mind that day, and I knew the dragon that kills my parents are just an accident.

     But the cold feelings that my parents were killed by dragons, has mot yet forgotten. Maybe great Odin will give me far more great future ahead. Maybe my parents time was over, and there's nothing to do about it.

"Astrid!" my father shouted at me and I'm just hiding behind a table. "Dad, where are you?" I cried. I ran outside and saw daddy with cuts and bruises. "Daddy you're red." I pointed at a red liquid on daddy's arm. "I'm fine Astrid, now run!" I run as my daddy told me too. I ran to the docks but my daddy weren't there. "daddy, where are you?" then suddenly a dragon appeard infront of me. It's looking at me but it didn't eat or attack me. "Weird dragon?" I touch the dragon's head and I could see that my daddy ran to me. "Astrid!" he shouted and I'm just scared. When all of this stopped, the dragons fly away leaving my village. I come home, but the house is destroyed. I look for daddy but I spot my best friend instead. "Anah! Wake up, come on let's go find the others." Annah didn't answer me. She's sleeping and not waking up. "Annah come on wake up and sleep later!" I shouted but she didn't do anything. "Annah!!" I screamed and I realised that I'm crying. I choose to run and look for my dad. Isntead, I found him with a red liquid on his body. "Daddy, wake up! the dragons are going to come back! Don't sleep! Dad wake up!" I screamed on the top of my lungs and cried again. I cry and cry but no one here is awake. They looked like they were in some kind of sleep spell, but does witches actually exist? "Are you lost lass?" A deep voice behind me asked. "Everyone is asleep, my dad is asleep and there's a red liquid on his body. Can you wake them up?" I asked dumbfounded. This mister is bigger than my daddy but he looks strong and brave. "What's your name lass?" he asked. "I'm Astrid, mister. Astrid Hofferson." I smiled and lend a hand to shake. Gladly, he shakes it back. "I'm Stoick lass. I'm so sorry Astrid but they all going to sleep for a very long time." I frowned sadly.

     "When will they wake up?" he sighed longly, sadness across his features. I can't help but feel sad for this mister, he looks like he lost something special. "I don't know, Astrid."

"But you can come with me, to my village."

"Where is it? is it warm and huge?" I asked. He smiles and nod. "Yes lass, It'll be your home too." I squealed into happiness and go away with the mister, Stoick.

     I soon realized that, they died. I hid myself away from berk for a long time. I've been shy and sweet. But know I'm completely a changed person. I'm strong, tough, and brave. I'm not a weak peasant girl that I used to be. I'm a survivor. As a great viking, I should and will be killing dragons.

     I frowned, it is hard. She gave me a sad look that means asking what is wrong. "I'm fine, Stormfly." I pat her head and she just lay down besides me. Dragon can feel our sadness, the would try to cheer us. But Stormfly is rather different, she took a part in the person's sadness and go besides the person longing.

     We stayed here for couple of minutes. Then I heard Stormfly's stomach rumbles. "How come you're hungry again, I just fed you!" I look at my dragon as she just gawk at me. Dragon with their foods, damn.

     I closed my eyes while hearing the sounds of nature once again. Then I heard some footsteps approaching me. Since Stormfly didn't growl, I know it wasn't a threat. I slowly open my eyes to suprisingly found my axe in the hand of Hiccup. The axe that I forgot to retrieve back from the tree.

"Astrid, the gang is looking for you." he said while lending me my axe.

"Oh okay, I should probally go, come Stormfly!" I mount Stormfly and fly all the way back to Berk. I know I left Hiccup, but he can find his way on his own. I walked towards the great hall but suddenly bumped myself into someone else. "Sorry!" I appologize even though I don't know who I bumped with. "It's fine. Wait, Astrid?" that voice sound familiar.

     Of course it is familiar, because that's Snoutlout. "We've been looking for you!" he shouted and grab me by my wrist leading me to the great hall. "Hey guys!" I greet the gang and everyone's head snapped to me.

     "Astrid where have you been?" Ruffnut asked. "Uh, making out with Hiccup for sure!" Tuffnut answers. I punch his shoulder and he falls right to the floor. "Ooh, Astrid's angry." Snoutlout teases. "Shut up Snot!" I anwer him back. "Eww, what kind of name is Snot, it disgust me."

     "Whatever" I walk towards my usual sit spot and just talk with the gang for a while.

     "Hey Astrid." Hiccup's startled me and kissed me on the cheek. "You guys a thing again now?" Fishleg breaks the tension. "No" I was cut of by Hiccup. "Yes" he answers happily. He turns to look at me and smile. I raised my eyebrow and glared right back at him. "Oh great, look what romance did to Astrid and Hiccup." Ruffnut added sarcastically.

     After we finished the talking conversation. I go home, and out of no where Hiccup joins me as we walk together. "What are you doing, Haddock." I roll my eyes. "Nothing, just going back home." I tilt my head to see his figure. "Oh really now, then explain to me why you're following me here when your house is exactly the other way around." I crossed my arms in my chest as he froze, realizing. I punch him in the shoulder again, right in that spot. "Ow! what was that for?" he rubbed his sore shoulder.

     "That's for ruining my peace that morning." I smiled like a total idiot. Then I kissed his sweet lips and kissing it with passion. I pulled away and he looks amazed. "and that's for everything else." He smiled and grab me by my wrist, leading me towards my house. After we goes inside, he sits on my chair and started talking.

"M'lady, do you want dinner?"

     "Aren't you going home? And Hiccup, I'm not even hungry."

     "No? fine" he huffed showing his adorable freckles. What am I saying!

"Idiot." I blurt out. He turns facing me. He out his hands right in the heart. "That is uncalled for!" he defenses sarcastically.

and so on the conversation goes.

     After we talk and talk about stupid little things, I cuddle with him near the fireplace cause it's freezing in here. Good think I bought my hoodie with me. I'm getting more use to him again. The warm welcoming, and the endless hugs. I was once comfortable around him again. And I'm happy for that.

     A knock was heard, but foolish us we decided to ignore it. Well it didn't end well.

     "Astrid, have you seen Hicc-" Valka suddenly stopped when she saw the both of us. My eyes widened and jerked away from Hiccup. I stands up and appologizing. She laugh. "It's okay Astrid, I don't mind at all. Just seeing you together is like me and Stoick. Don't worry honey, I'll talk to Hiccup later." she smiles and went outside.

     "You're embarrassed." Hiccup laughs as he pulls my waist back to our position. "Well yeah obviously, that's your mother over there." I explained but he just laugh harder. I let out a little laugh and close my eyes. "Astrid don't sleep." he teases. "I'm not spleeping! I'm... meditating.."

     He gave me his eyebrows up and tickled me at my weakness ticklish spot. "stop it!" I pleaded for him to stop. Then he laughs again and then stopped. Ah, finally! "You're cute when you're mad." he teases again. My cheeks turn red at the moment. He leans closer to me and I just lean closer to him. His hand removing some parts of my hair that covers my face and hold up my chin. "That's why I love you." he kissed me and I kissed back. He kiss me for just a quick moment. But I enjoy this kiss, I've been wanting to feel this.

     The door burst opened and a shouting Fishleg is there "Astrid! There's a ship heading towards Berk and-.." Fishleg stopped when he saw the both of us in a very steamy position. I pulled away and give him an annoyed and mad look. "There's this thing called knocking, Fishleg." Hiccup defended and stands up. I stands up too and walk toward Fishleg with my fist clenched. "No...I'm sorry I'm sorry..Noo don't hit me please.. no dont! Astrid please noo." I don't care, punch him in the stomach and kick him down. "Ugh, Why does it have to be violance with you." Fishleg groans painfully. I smirk and lend him a hand. Yeah, why would i leave him there on the floor anyway. "It's not voilance, it's the way I communicate." He rolled his eyes mumbling 'yeah right'.

     "Who's coming?" Hiccup asked seriously. "I don't know. C'mon!" Fishleg lead us to the dock and saw Valka there greets the visitors. We saw a browned hair girl shaking hands with mom and there's someone coming out from the ship too. She looks familiar with that jet black hair. Oh my Thor...

     "Hi Hiccup." The girl smirked and walked towards Hiccup and his eyes widened, realizing the person in front of him.

     "H-he...Heather?" Hiccup asked dumbfounded. He look strucked by lightning. Heather turns out to be grown and fully beautiful. More beautfiul than me. Her armours, her weapons. No, she can't be here! Oh no please don't do this Thor...

"Hiccup what's wrong?" I asked, acting as If I haven't see her yet.

     "Heather." I spoke and Heather looks up to me. "Oh hey Astrid, we meet again I see." she smirks deviously and I just grown angry and mad. Good think I bought my axe with me everywhere I go.

"Astrid, don't." Hiccup warned. I understand how we shouldn't attack a new comer, but her. She is most definetly not welcomed.

"You little-." I point my axe to Heather. Heather took a step back and gulped. I caught her action and smirk to myself. If she's not tough and scared, it'll be easy to get rid of her. Okay maybe I'm to harsh, but what do you expect?

     I stormed away before I lose control and shut myself away inside my house.

     Can't stop thinking about it. Did she come here for needs? or just want to provoke me and the gang?

What is she doing here? I don't like her here. Troubles ahead, I just know it.

Edited - 2931 Words

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