The Spider and the Cat

By NeoTyson

77.1K 812 230

A series of one-shots focusing on the interesting friendship/relationship/partnership between Peter Parker ak... More

R.I.P Gwen Stacy
You know me
When you're ready
Being in the others shoes P1: Felicia, the hot nerd?
Being in the others shoes P2: Peter bringing sexy back
Peter and Felicia's Thanksgiving
A game call: Cat chases the Spider
Roles switch
Peter and Felicia's Christmas
King and Queen
A Spectacular New Year
Will you be my Valentine?
Spectacular Meeting
Counter-Earth's Black Cat
In another time
Felicity Parker aka The Sensational Spider Cat: The Next Avenger
I love you more than her...
The Deadpool show: NeoTyson with special guests Interview
Start of something new
Now I know how you felt
Live the hero life
The Spider and Cat Epilogue

The Amazing Spider-man 2 game (Black Cat alt story)

5.4K 60 17
By NeoTyson

his chapter may contain spoilers on TASM 2 video game feel free not to read if you don't want to know what happens. Won't have everything from the game

Chapter 3: The Amazing Spider-man 2 game (Black Cat alt story)

Rant: So this chapter in a way is me expressing some of my frustration on The Amazing Spider-man 2 game. Overall it's an okay game, and I enjoyed it, but it probably causes its a Spider-man game. However, I was sort of disappointed when I watch the post-fight scene of the Spider-man vs. Black cat fight. Now I'm not saying every game has to have Spidey/Black cat paring, but this one was a good time to do it ugh. Well, anyways, this chapter is basically how I would have liked the conversation to go as well as later parts featuring the two.

*conversation taking place from a police car radio*

"Dispatch, car 228. We checked out the Kane museum... nothing happening." an officer said through the radio.

"We talk to a woman inside who called... she still swears she saw Spider-man breaking in, but that place is very locked tight, and no alarms were tripped." The other officer responded.

"Copy that, 228." She probably read one too many of Jameson's editorials." The first officer reply.

"The Kane museum... that's not very far. Might as well check it out." said the voice of Spider-man as he was sitting on top of the police car listening in to the conversation.

Spider-man set out to find the museum wasn't sure what to expect when he got there beside someone trying to steal, which made him though he knew someone who was like that, Spidey was hoping it wasn't who he thought it was. He makes his way into the museum quietly and covers some security cameras with his webbing as he notices a lot of street thugs in the building.

"I think I will handle this like a guy in a bat suit would do... Being sneaky." Spidey said as he quietly got behind one of the thugs and stealth attack him with his webbing.

After webbing the thug up, Spidey heard another street thug talking, "Why'd it have to be a museum? Museums are lame. I feel like I'm back in school."

"They had field trips in a reform school? Man shut your mouth and do your job. If the woman says museum, we go to the museum!" The thug beside him said as they were keeping watch.

"Lady? Oh great, I think I know who's about to cross my path again." Spider-man wine as he got behind the two thugs and caught them with his webs.

Suddenly his Spider-sense went off as he heard a voice, "Sorry but the only one will be crossing your path is me." said a thug as he went to hit Spider-man only for Spidey to catch his arm, throw him on the ground, and then webbing him on to the floor.

"And the judges give Spidey a perfect score! Okay the judges are in my head but whatever." Spidey joked out loud only to hear another voice coming from the thug's walkie-talkie.

"Very impressive. Have you been working out?" asks a voice that Spidey knew all too well.

"Felicia! Why I'm not surprised?" Spidey question back as he picks up the walkie-talkie.

"Aww is our relationship getting predictable? Let's see what I can do to bring excitement back." Felicia responded.

Spider-man then takes out another of Felicia's thugs as he gets close to taking care of all of them.

"You know I expected better from you Felicia." Spider-man tells Felicia through the walkie-talkie.

"What am I suppose to do, work retail? You don't meet hot guys in skin-tight spider costumes selling shoes." Felicia responds to him.

"You could have hooked up with me... I mean work with me. Take down bad guys instead of being one." Spider-man said as he took out another thug.

"... Do you think I just like being referred to a bad guy, criminally, it's just in my nature being bad." Felicia said with hesitation in her voice.

"But working with the Kingpin, Felicia? Organized crime? You're better than that!" Spider-man told her trying to get through to her.

"Oh you have no idea how good I am," Felicia responded in a seductive voice.

Spider-man then jumps in front of a thug and surprise him. "Well hello there," Spider-man said, messing with him.

The scare thug looks around and notices that his backup was missing. "This ain't right! We weren't supposed to fight the spider alone! You were supposed to help us lady!" The scare thug shouted only to receive a strong uppercut punch by Spider-man knocking him out.

"Let that be a lesson to you fellas. Follow a fat guy who has tons of money, will leave you disappointed every time." Spidey said making sure Felicia heard his comment which she did.

"Well Spider, maybe if you would give me a chance, then you don't have to worry about being disappointed." Felicia shot back at him.

"I want to give you a chance... um to do the right thing but so far, your track record isn't so great." Spidey responded, trying to ignore her flirty comments.

At that moment his spider-sense went off as heard someone running near him.

"So I should serve my time as a little girl? Get old and wrinkly? I don't think so!" said the voice of Felicia but not through the walkie-talkie.

"So your saying Kingpin got you out of jail? Seriously how much power does he have? Spider-man asks as he searches for Felicia.

"That's what it's all about isn't? Power. His, yours, and mine!" Felicia said as she jumps in front of Spider-man as she seems much faster than the last time they had met.

Their second fight has now started with Spider-man trying to go for a flying kick only for Felicia to dodge it quickly. Spider-man knew then he was going to have to time her attacks to beat her. She went for a speed attack, but Spider-man used his spider-sense to counter her move with his chain of attacks.

"I know I'm playing hard to get, but I'm worth it," Felicia said as she went to retreat. She decides to make Spider-man search for her.

"Playing hide & seek with you, heavy risk. But the prize!" Spidey said as he finds Felicia and launches a sneak attack on her and captures her.

"Despite your power boost, your heart wasn't in this Felicia. Tell me what he did to you." Spider-man said being concern about her.

She takes a deep breath and tells him the truth, "They transferred me to Ravencroft. The kingpin came to see me." Spidey cuts her off by asking, "So that we clear we are talking about Wilson Fisk, right?" Felicia rolls her eyes at him, "Yes. He said he knew I was after Power, and he could give it to me." Spidey interrupts her again by saying, "and you'd owe him. That's how it always works, isn't it?" Felicia then lowers her head as she starts feeling guilty. "The doctors did experiments. They called it... DNA crafting, crisscrossing.." Felicia was explaining to him until Peter finishes her sentence, "Cross-species genetics?! You've seen what can happen. Why would you do that to yourself? He asks her as she gets up. "Boy, you are thick. I did it for you!" Felicia shouted as she was on the edge of crying. "So I'd be like you. So we could be together. But then the Kingpin ordered me to kill you or die myself... I couldn't. I can't." Felicia told him feeling disappointed at her actions.

Spider-man couldn't believe that her reason for getting stronger was so that she could be with him. "Felicia... I don't know what to say." Spidey tells her as she moves close to him.

"Don't say anything if I can't see your face. I want your lips." She said with tears in her eyes.

Spider-man was very nervous now. He had to admit that even though she was on the side of wrong, he does have a crush on her and can tell she feels guilty about what she has done. If he was to have a relationship with her, she had to change her ways and be on the good side.

He wraps his arms around her waist while removing the webbing off her hand and tells her, "Felicia it would be nice if was together but you would have to stop being and acting like a criminal. You have so much talent and abilities, you could use them for good, and I wish you can understand that." He tells her as she breaks down and cries.

"You don't get it, everything I did at this point has been a crime! How can you expect me to change my way just like that, especially when the Kingpin is going to put a hit list on me for not doing the job he assigns me to do!? Felicia yelled as she turns around to wipe the tears from her eyes.

At the moment, Spidey pulls his mask half way up and shoots a web line on her back, bringing her close to him. With their bodies being close to each other, they look into the other's eyes and share a kiss filled with passion.

They separated as Spider-man holds her gently, "No one said it would be easy, but if you let me, I can help you. What do you say?"

Felicia thinks about it, she does want Spider-man, and she realizes that going the cat thief route has caused nothing but more trouble in her life. With that said, she answers Spider-man's question. If it means that we are together, I'm willing to change my ways and be on the side of good." She answers with a smile.

This cause a huge smile to form on Spider-man's face as the two went back into kissing until they heard the police coming.

"Ready to blow this popsicle stand?" Spider-man asks her as he grabs her waist.

She puts her arm around him and tells him, "I'm ready lover."

"Good and by the way you're going to have to go with a different name instead of just calling your self Felicia," Spider-man said as he gets them out of the museum.

"Well I do have one in mind," Felicia said with a smirk.

*Later at the Kingpin's hideout*

"Are you sure you want to do this? I can take care of this myself if you want." Spider-man asks his new partner and girlfriend as they were about to take on the big crime lord.

"Yes, I know I have to own up to my mistakes, and I figure this is one of the best ways to do it. The old Felicia is no more; Black Cat is here." Black cat answers Spider-man question.

"Alright, here we go," Spidey said as he kicks down the secret door that has Kingpin alongside two guards ready for action.

"Well if it isn't the Kingpin! Cathy name, but I have to say you look more like a bowling ball than a pin! Or maybe a beach ball! But regardless we are here to take you down for all the crime you cause in New York, and don't even think you're not labeled a criminal for almost everyone knows you're a fraud." Spider-man tells Kingpin in a confident tone.

"mmmm the way he's so confident, and some of his jokes are cute... if I weren't about to fight for my life, I would be very turn on right now." Black cat thought to her self.

"Ha ha ha You think you have everything figure out when you don't. I'm the hero here, and all I see is a masked menace who is guilty of breaking into my private building with his girlfriend who has a track record of being a thief." Kingpin shoots back at him.

"I maybe am known as a criminal, but unlike you, I'm trying to make up for the mistakes I made in the past why you still playing the bad guy and claiming you are on the side of good when you are not. I'm going to enjoy taking you down a size... literally." Black Cat said as she and Spider-man got into a fighting stance.

"Oh now you are threatening me? I dare say Jonah Jameson will praise me as the true hero after I kill you two.. in self-defense, of course." Kingpin responded as he and his guards charge at him.

*Later before the final fight*

"Dang I still can't believe we didn't finish that fat pig!" Felicia yelled. The two manage to defeat Kingpin but was unable to put him away due to having to their responsibility of stopping Electro and having to fight Harry. Spider-man was also frustrated about it but knew that he had to do what was right at the time plus he knew it wouldn't be that easy beating the Kingpin when they barely had actual evidence to prove that he was a fraud.

"Don't worry Cat one of these days we will bring justice and make sure he gets what's coming to him, now I have to focus on making sure Cassidy doesn't get out of Ravencroft along with the rest of the bad guys," Spider-man tells her.

She wraps her arms around his neck and faces him, "You sure you don't want me to go with you and help?" she asks with concern in her voice.

Spidey wraps his arms around her waist and tells her, "Not this time babe, Cassidy is a killer, and I'm the only one who can stop him. Besides I got something to come back to as motivation."

Black Cat then reveals his mouth and kiss him softly. "Don't die on me lover."

Spider-man holds her hand as he walks backward. "I'm the amazing Spider-man I don't die easily," He said as he let's go of her hand and heads to take on Cassidy in one of his hardest fights yet.

Black Cat places her hand on her hip with a smile saying, "Yes you're my amazing Spider-man," As she watches the hero who help her see the light set off to keep the citizens of New York safe.

Author note: I already know some of the spelling/grammar errors since most of this was conversations from the game so I'm keeping it like that. I'm surprised again that this chapter was as long as the last long and its nowhere perfect, but this is just my idea of how I would have liked the game to play out base on the couple. Next chapter will have something to do with a moment that happens in the comics

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