
By a-writing-potato

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it's chaos... but it's their family chaos. and they love it. ◈¨°◑¸»¯✺﹢°⇤∴∝∗ [[ D I S C O N T I N U E D ]] ◈¨°... More

letters from asshole aunts
surprise, bitch
penthouse life
finding out
planting love with lilies
i'm problematic lmao why did i start a book
meet the malfoys
crazy rich wizards
unknown numbers
i'm sorry
glasses ; oneshot


2.4K 43 105
By a-writing-potato

"If you love me, accept 3 things:
Me, myself, and I."


"Cristopher, I swear, if you don't move out of my chair, I will personally kick your arse."

"Well, Celestine, I don't see your name on it."

"It's an airplane seat. There's literally no reason to argue."

The three Zabinis, the only children of Luna and Blaise, were quite the trio.

Celestine Ximena Zabini, 16, the eldest, was twenty-four seconds older than her twin brother.

She is probably the sassiest Ravenclaw you'll know.

Her twin brother, Cristopher Xian Zabini, is quite the popular asshole of Slytherin.

He and James Potter are the hot guy duo.

And finally, Carlton Xander Zabini, 12. The shadiest Hufflepuff of them all.

Helpful tip: Always side with him during fights. It's a guaranteed win when you're depending on him.

Anyway, back to the fight.

"I'll carry you out of that chair, Cris." Cel crosses her arms.

"Try me." Cris says, closing his eyes and putting his arms behind his head.

Silently, she whispers to her personal house elf, Livvy. The elf appeared in front of her instantly.

"Yes Ma'am?" Livvy bows quietly.

"Help me 'wingardium leviosa' Cris' arrogant arse."  Cel grinned.

"Sure thing, Ma'am." Livvy whispers and snaps her fingers, levitating Cris unbeknownst to him.

He floated up in the walkway as Cel sat down.

Once she felt comfortable, she gestured Livvy to leave, making the house elf snap her fingers to disapparate, and Cris to fall against the floor.

"Fuck you, Cel." Cris muttered.

"I love you too, Cristopher." Cel smiled.

"Zabinis, please take your seats and fasten your seatbelts, we will land shortly in LAX." The pilot said.

"Why are we stopping by Los Angeles?" Carlton asked.

"We're picking up the Weasleys." Cel said.

"Oh?" Carlton asked.

"Yeah. Uncle Ron wanted to go cheap." Cris said.

"Doesn't he always?" Cel said.

Then, the passage door opened.

"Darlings, make some room for the Weasleys." Luna said.

"Sure Mum." Carlton said.

He is such mama's boy.

"Oh, and if you're hungry, just ask Ophelia. She will serve you the food." Luna mentioned, gesturing to a stewardess nearby.

"We will. When are the Weasleys coming?" Cris asked.

"In 5 minutes." Luna smiled and shut the door.

After she left, Cel groaned.

"Ugh. I love Rose with all my heart, but Lord knows that she will talk my ear off to oblivion." she grumbled.

"Eh, I'm okay. Hugo follows my every order." Cris said smugly.

"Oh please, he just wants the girls in our year to notice him by hanging out with you." Carlton rolled his eyes.

Cel laughed, looking at her brothers.

"Really? Ha. Well, I don't think Cris is going to be staying a ladies' man for long." Cel said.

Cris, who was scrolling through his phone, looked up immediately. "What? Yes I will."

Cel scoffed and gave her twin the 'Are you serious?' look

"No you won't. I've seen the way you look at Dominique Weasley." Cel crossed her arms.

"What? No. Of course not. I don't like her. She's older than me anyway, it's not like she's going to date someone a year younger than her."

Cris shrugged, looking for the dumbest reasons.

"Oh please. That is one of the dumbest reasons ever. I mean, Dad's older than Mum. Doesn't mean anything. Just admit you like her." Cel shrugged.


"You like my cousin?" A voice chirped.

The Zabinis turned around to see a grinning Rose Weasley, her eyebrows raised up and waiting for an answer.

"Rose, move!" Hugo said, bumping into his sister.

"We have an emergency here, Hugo! Cristopher Zabini, half of the playboy duo, likes Dominique Weasley!" Rose said, staying very still.

"I don't like Dom that way." Cris mumbled.

"Oh, so it's Dom now?" Carlton mocked.

"Shut it, Carlton." Cris said, holding his phone out.

Rose ran and snatched his phone from his hands.

"Is that her Instagram accou- why are- OH MY GOD!" Rose gasped, scrolling through his phone.

"Oi! Rose, I swear to Merlin, give it back!" Cris said.

"You slid into her DMs- hey!" Rose whined as Cel snatched Cris' phone from her.

"And you stalked her!" Cel added, grabbing his phone and scrolling through it herself.

Cris groaned and took his phone away from his sister, "That's private."

"What'd she say?" Cel asks.

The anticipated silence echoed around the room.

"...we have a date next week." Cris answered.

Cel and Rose simultaneously looked at each other and held one another's hands.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!" They yelled and started jumping up and down.

"WHAT-WHAT HAPPENED?" Ronald Weasley came bursting in from the other lounge.

"Nothing, Dad. We were just...." Rose gasped for air.

"Freaking out." Cel continued, panting.

"Please everyone, fasten your seatbelts. We will be on our way to Las Vegas, Nevada shortly." The pilot said through the speakers.


"Potter!" Draco yelled, watching as Harry, James, and Albus walk towards them.

"Hello, Grangers and Malfoys." Harry waved.

"People, this is Harry Potter, Hermione's best friend, and his children." Dan said.

Everyone waved and murmured 'hello's.

"Great to see you Mr. Granger." Harry greeted.

"Call me Dan." Dan patted his back.

"Did someone say- oh. Hello Potters!" Scorpius smiled.

Albus bolted and pulled Scorpius away from the crowd.

"Calm down, Al. I missed you too." Scorpius sniggered.

"Shut up, Scorp. I need to tell you something." Albus said sternly.


Albus took a deep breath. "I like-"

Scorpius snorted.

"Alice Longbottom. I know." He interrupted.

"W-what?" Albus asked.

"Isn't it obvious? You're exactly like Leo when he looks at Cel." Scorpius rolled his eyes.

"I am not." Albus mocked offended.

"True but I know you." Scorpius folded his arms.

"I- she's not- sure. Okay. I like her." Albus sighed.

"Knew it. You'll need some dashing good looks, mate.." Scorpius smirked.

"Arsehole." Albus said, punching Scorpius' arm.


"Stop bugging me, James." Leo groaned.

"Not until you give me your blessing." James pushed.

"I really don't think I should be the one you're asking." Leo told him.

"You could be my potential brother-in-law." James nagged.

"Ew." Leo grimaced.

"Oh, shut up. You know, if you'd just join me and Cris, we could really be getting along right now." James huffed.

"No offense, James, but I'd rather not get chased by a mob of girls. For someone who is drop dead in-love with my sister, you sure like to brag about yourself." Leo said.

"That's because I'm flashy." James waved it off.

"I can see that." Leo nodded.

"And how else am I supposed to get your sister's attention?" James asked.

"I don't know, like, recite in class. Help her when she needs it. Ask her out. Be kind to her. And stop being obnoxious." Leo listed.

"I am wounded by your words, Leo." James said dramatically, putting his hand on his heart.

"Oh shut up, you aren't dying. Have you heard from the Zabinis?" Leo asked.

"They passed by LAX to pick up the Weasleys." James replied.

"Oh. They're near, then." Leo said.

"Yeah. Why?" James asked.

"No reason." Leo shrugged.

"You sure? You don't have a crush on anyone, do you?"James grinned.

"Nope." Leo said.

Shit. If you spread my secret James Potter, I swear. Leo thought.

"You're straight, right?" James inquired.

"Yes." Leo confirmed.

"So....you like Cel?" James asked.

"No." Leo said.

"Okay...? Wait, that means you like Rose! But she's your brother's girlfriend." James accused.

"Shut up, Potter. I don't like anyone." Leo frowned.

"So you do like Cel?" James asked again.

"No, I don't." Leo blushed.

"Liar, liar, pants on fire!" James chanted.

Leo screamed internally, pushing James to a wall and pointing his wand at him.

"James Potter, you dare say a word, and I will swear never to give you my blessing to date-"


"-my sister. Do we have a deal?" Leo asked, putting his hand out.

James stared at the younger man's hand and nodded.

"I accept your offer." James said, shaking Leo's hand.

"Nice doing business with you." Leo said formally.

"Cel and Leo sittin' in a tree-"

"Shut it."


Draco was bored, so when he saw Potter, the best thing to do is to brag.

"Potter, I see that you have a new watch." Draco smirked.

"Yep." Harry said looking at his wristwatch.

"What brand?" Draco asked.

"Patek Philippe." Harry answered.

"Hm. I'm not very familiar with that." Draco said.

"Yes well, I see you have a Rolex. A stereotypical rich man's watch." Harry grinned.

"Oh-ho, Potter, are you making fun of my watch compared to your- Putty Flip?" Draco said.

"It's called Patek Philippe. Robert Downey Jr. has worn the same brand." Harry grinned.

(a/n: bear with me. ever since avengers: endgame, i have endlessly missed rdj so if he's mentioned a lot here, I'm sorry)

Draco's eyes bugged out of his skull.

Dammit, he loved RDJ. Who doesn't?

"R-r-d-j?" Draco stuttered.

"Yep." Harry smirked.

"As in one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood, R-D-J?" Draco asked.

"The one and only." Harry nodded.

"That's- that's-....nice..." Draco said.

"Thanks, Mafoy." Harry said.

"Yeah, excuse me." Draco shot him a grin and stalked off to a pillar.

Draco touched his earpiece.

"Hey, Veronica." Draco said.

"Good morning, Sir." Veronica, his secretary, spoke.

"How're the preparations for the ball tonight coming along?" Draco asked.

"It's going well sir. The flowers and the decorators will be coming to the hotel at 4PM sharp. The reporters are being handled and I sent their broadcasters the behavioral contracts and the guests of the hotel have been noted to keep out of the ballroom tonight." Veronica said.

"Right. Can you order me three watches from Patek Philippe and tell them to send it straight to the penthouse before the ball tonight?" Draco said.

"Sir, I'm afraid Patek doesn't offer that exchange." Veronica looked it up.

"Reach out to the Mia Belle employees. They'll know how to get their attention. I'll send you a transaction after they've given the fixed price, be sure to send it to them A-S-A-P." Draco told her sternly.

(a/n: i changed hermione's company name to mia belle.)

"Would that be all, sir?" Veronica asked.

"Yes, thank you." Draco hung up.

All that for watches and Robert Downey Jr.


"Finally! I got out of that stink hole. I hate hanging around the guys. The awkward tension kills me." Alex groaned.

"Well, calm down. You're with us now. And we're having a spa day as well, so go pretty yourself up." Jazz crossed her arms.

"I don't need to pretty myself up." Alex scoffed and grabbed a bag, exiting the hotel lobby.

"He always has to be the drama queen, doesn't he?" Belle sighed.

"Yep. I remember when we were little and we played royal dress up and he always told me to 'put on a robe and prepare a speech for his coronation'." Hermione laughed.

"Yeah, I don't miss his smug grin when he feels the crown on his head." Liz shook her head.

"Well, I love his flair." Ginny smiled.

"That's because if you were a guy, you'd probably be Alex." Hermione looked her accusingly.

"I'm not complaining." Ginny raises her arms to the sides of her head in surrender.

"Can we please go now? I didn't wanna wear heels." Hya groaned.

"Yeah, Mum. And I think my skirt is too short." Lily whined.

Ginny tutted.

"Hya, keep your back straight and your chin up high, sweetie. We don't wanna end up having as bad a posture as Uncle Ron now, do we?" Ginny said.

"No, Auntie." Hya grumbled.

"And Lil, darling. Stop being a prude. I did not waste my money buying you citronella sprays, knee pads and stockings as a child for you to not show your pretty legs off, okay? You look great honey, don't worry about it." Ginny said.

"Okay, Mum." Lily sighed.

"C'mon, Lils. Let's go to Alex." Hydra said and went to the Drama Queen.

As they were walking away, all the moms of the group turned to look at Ginny.

"Wow, you're good." Jazz told her.

"How can you even control them?" Belle asked.

"Hell, you can control me." Hermione said.

"Wow. You can control Hermione? The President of the Cousinship?" Lin and Say asked in astonishment.

"It's no big deal, really. Growing up with 6 older brothers, you have to fend for yourself. I learned that at an early age." Ginny said.

"Well I sure have a lot to learn from you." Liz said in awe.

Meanwhile, Ara dragged behind the women and groaned frustratedly at her tablet, her Stylus pen tapping aggressively on it.

Hydra frowned and looked behind at her sister.

"What's wrong?" Hya asked.

"Writer's block." Ara groaned.

"What's the book about?" Lily asked.

"A smart, rich asshole's daughter." Ara said.

"So....it's about us?" Hya asked.

"No. Dad's not smart enough to be able to do surgery. He'll just gag." Ara shook her head.

"Well, isn't that a heartbreak." Hya said.

"Oh, please. If Dad ever saw an operation, he'd faint." Ara scoffed.

"Touche." Hya nodded in thought.


A sleek, black Audi came to rolling in front of the Et Quod Serpens Leo lobby.

Andrew, being the manager, talked to his walkie-talkie, walking down the steps outside the hotel.

"Valet, in position. The Zabinis and the Weasleys have arrived."

The security staff immediately opened the doors, helping the passengers out.

"Good morning, Ma'am." Andrew greeted the

"Good morning, Andrew." Luna smiled at him, walking past him and entering the hotel.

"Mr. Zabini." Andrew nodded.

"Andrew, m'boy! How are you? How are the preparations?" Blaise smiled warmly.

"Everything's going well, sir. The Malfoys and Grangers are having their separate preparations for the ball this evening. The Potters checked in about an hour ago, and has joined the families." Andrew reported.

"Good. So, my family has the Penthouse, yes?" Blaise confirmed.

"Yes, sir. The Weasleys share the floor underneath with the Potters." Andrew said.

"Right. Thank you, Andrew." Blaise said and sped off, saying a polite hello to Abby the receptionist.

Andrew turned to see Celestine and Rose.

"Hello, girls." Andrew smiled.

"Hi Andrew." They chorused and left.

Cris, Carlton, and Hugo then followed.

"Gentlemen." Andrew acknowledged.

"Hey bro." Cris grinned at him and left.

"Bye, Andrew." Carlton and Hugo said and followed Cris.

Then came Ron and Pansy.

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley." Andrew smiled politely.

"Andrew." They nodded and entered the lobby.

After they've gone, Andrew sighed.

"Those clans are too big for their own good."


"Hey." Albus nodded at Leo, sitting beside him.

"Hi, Al." Leo smiled at him, looking back at his phone.

Albus peered, "Netflix?"

"Yep. How I Met Your Mother." Leo nodded.

"Ah. What season?" Albus asked.

"Season 6. Episode 16." Leo responded.

"Oh. Okay. So, have you seen Alex?" Albus said.

"Alex? Uh, I think he's with the girls. Why?" Leo asked.

"Nothing." Albus replied, looking away.

"You sure you're okay?" Leo reassured, looking at Albus.

Albus opened his mouth to say something, but went with another one instead.

"Yeah." He smiled at Leo. "Everything's fine."

"Okay. But you can tell Scorp about it if it gets worse." Leo winks at him.

"Thanks Leo." Albus sighed.

"You're welcome. See ya later, Al." Leo waved as he went off to find something to eat.


Albus bit his lip, staringly longingly at the Malfoy boy.

Dammit, Leo Malfoy. Why do you have to be sweet at times?

Suddenly, Scorpius sat down next to him.

"Merlin, where did you come from?" Albus frowned at him.

"Hey to you too, bud."

Scorpius said, taking a sip of a suspicious shake he took by the bar.

"Hey, Scorp." Albus said.

"Leo said that you wanted to talk to Alex." Scorpius took another sip, feeling a little dizzy.

"It's nothing. What do you have there?" Albus asked.

"Oh. I asked the bartender to whip me up something and he gave me this Strawberry Lime shake." Scorpius replied.

"The bartender?" Albus frowned.

"Yeah. Don. He's a good guy." Scorpius took another sip. "Man, this drink is good!"

"Yeah, I think it's enough of that." Albus took the glass away from Scorpius.

"Hey! That was my fifth glass." Scorpius whined.

"My point exactly. You're drunk. C'mon, let's take you upstairs." Albus sighed, wrapping Scorpius' arm around his neck.

"Does the floor look a little crooked to you?" Scorpius frowned.


"The Zabinis and Weasleys are in town." Ara said looking at our phone.

"Oh? Who are they?" Alex asked.

"Aunt Ginny is Ginevra Molly Potter nee Weasley. They're a very popular Wizarding family." Hydra shrugged.

"Like the Kardashians?" Alex asked.

"Actually, yeah but all boys except her. And she isn't left out like Rob 'cause she's actually the star of the show." Ara nodded.

"Girl, I don't doubt that. And did you say Zabini? Like Blaise Zabini?" Alex confirmed.

"Yeah. He's my godfather and my dad's best friend. They co-own Et Quod Serpens Leo." Ara answered.

"He married Luna Lovegood and has 3 kids." Hydra added.

"Wait, so who's Luna?" Alex frowned.

"A schoolmate. She was in Aunt Ginny's batch so they started hanging out and became friends. Then Aunt Ginny introduced her to the Golden Trio." Hydra replied.

"Who's the Golden Trio?" Alex was confused.

"It consists of Harry Potter: The Chosen One, The Boy Who Lived, husband to Aunt Ginny.." Ara started.

"...Then Hermione Granger: The Brightest Witch Of Her Age and our mother..." Hydra continued.

"...And last but not the least, Ron Weasley." Ara said.

Who, for some reason, does not have a title.

"Ron is one of Ginny's brothers?" Alex asked.

"Yep." Hydra nodded.

"Who did he marry?" Alex rested his chin on his hand.

"1/3 of the Silver Trio." Ara smirked. 

"There's a Silver Trio?" Alex raised his brows.

"The Silver Trio consists of our dad, Draco Malfoy.." Hydra started.

"...Blaise Zabini..." Ara resumed.

"...And last but most certainly not the least, Pansy Parkinson." Hydra finished.

"And they were serious enemies." Ara said.

"Ooh. So let me get this straight. Draco married Hermione. Harry married Ginny. Blaise married Luna. And Ron married Pansy?" Alex counted on his fingers.

"Yep." Ara chirped.

"So most of the enemies married each other and became friends? That's crazy." Alex laughed.

"We know. We got used to getting a ton of information as toddlers since we saw them almost everyday." Hydra sighed.

"Well, I bet you do well in school having both of them as your parents." Alex grinned.

Then Alex's phone rang.

"So no one told you life was gonna be this way-"

Nice ringtone.

Alex frowned and picked it up. "Hello?"

"Hey, Alex. It's Leo. My friend wants to talk to you."

"Um..who?" Alex frowned.

"Albus Potter. I don't know if you've-"

"Harry and Ginny's son. Yeah." Alex shrugged.

"Yeah so if you could just come over. He looks like something is troubling him and he'll only talk to you." Leo said.

"Okay. I'll swing by. Thanks Leo." Alex said to his phone.

"You're welcome. Bye." Leo hung up.

Alex sighed and stood up to leave.

"Hey, where are you going?" Hydra asked.

"I have to take care of some stuff back at the hotel. Where's brunch later?" Alex asked.

"Penthouse." Ara answered.

"Thanks, girls. See ya." Alex said and left.

"Bye." The Malfoy girls said in unison.


"C'mon, Lucius. I think it's enough with the iPad." Dan sighed.

"Hush, Daniel." Lucius replied, scrolling through his Insta feed.

"Why are you trying to be a millennial?" Dan asked.

"How do you know that word?" Lucius asked.

"Scorpius likes to talk. A lot." Dan chuckled.

"Yes, yes. Well, I don't like feeling ancient. I feel powerless, clueless and useless." Lucius sighed.

"Well, that's part of life. It was gonna happen eventually. And old people are none of those things, mind you." Dan said.

"Oh really? One time, I was looking for my glasses until Ara said that I was already wearing them." Lucius snorted.

"Okay but who gives all the advice? Who babysits when they're not around?" Dan asked.

"We do." Lucius rolls his eyes.

"There you go. Look, we had a good run. But I think it's time to rest." Dan patted his back.

Lucius looked at his iPad one last time.

"Ugh, fine. I surrender. I'm starting to burn my retina off with that screen." Lucius said, removing his glasses.

"You do realize that you can adjust the brightness, right? Even I knew that." Dan scoffed.



"Hey, excuse me, have you seen Albu- oh my god you look exactly like him." Alex gaped.

Harry put a confused smile and stuck his hand out.

"Hi. Harry Potter." Harry said politely.

"Oh. You're his dad. Hi. I'm Alex, Alex Granger." Alex shook his hand.

"Okay, so you're the famous Alex Granger. So, why were you looking for Al?" Harry asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. Hya just asked me to tell...him something- okay bye Harry, it was nice to meet you!" Alex said and sped off.

"Uh...bye?" Harry questioned himself, walking off.

A little while later, Alex eventually found Albus.

"Okay, so you aren't Harry, right?" Alex reassured.

"Nope. I'm Albus." Albus smiled, sticking his hand out.

"Oh, thank God. Hi, I'm Alex." Alex smiled as he shook his hand.

"Oh, you're Alex. Yeah, so I have to talk to you.." Albus droned.

"About what kid?" Alex said, grabbing one of the drinks Scorpius was sipping earlier from the bar.

"About your sexuality." Albus mumbled.

Alex spat his drink and gasped.

"You're- no- oh- it's- woah!" Alex exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Yeah." Albus sighed.

"Albus....are you-" Alex asked cautiously.

"Gay? Yes, Alex, I'm gay. And I need your help." Albus pleaded.


"Hey, has anyone seen Alex?" Jazz frowned.

"Nope." Ginny shrugged.

"Oh, he went back to the hotel." Ara shrugged.

"What for?" Belle asked.

"He said he was going to talk to Albus." Hydra said.

"Albus? Who's Albus?" Belle asked.

"My son." Ginny said. "They went to the hotel you said?"

"Yeah. Brunch is in 30 minutes, Auntie. You have to hurry up." Hya reminded.

"Sure, Hya. Don't wait up. Bye, guys!" Ginny waved.

"See ya, Gin." They all waved.


"Who?" Alex asked.

He and Albus were currently sitting in the cafe across the hotel.

"Sorry?" Albus said.

"Who is it? Who do you like?" Alex repeated.

"I- You know him..." Albus mumbled with a blush creeping up his cheeks.

"Scorpius?" Alex asked.

"No." Albus shook his head.

"Dammit that was my one guess. Uh....one of the Zabinis?" Alex tried.

"No, God no. Never." Albus scoffed.

"A Weasley? No wait, you're a Weasley, nevermind." Alex sighed.

"You do realize that you left one person out, right?" Albus looked at Alex seriously.

"No... I did n- Leo!" Alex yelled, looking behind Albus.

"Bullseye." Albus nodded, taking a sip of his frappe.

"Yes! I mean, no. Leo!" Alex said looking behind Albus once more.

"What?" Albus asked, turning to look behind him.

To say that Albus skipped a heartbeat is an understatement. He definitely had a 15 second stroke.

"Hey guys." Leo smiled at them, patting Albus' shoulders.

"H-h-he-ee-y, Leo." Albus stammered.

"Whatcha up to, kiddo?" Alex asked.

"Well, the Zabinis are in town. Just wanted to welcome them." Leo shrugged.

Albus, knowing Leo, went straight to the point.

"Cel likes macchiatos, Leo." Albus told him with a sad smile.

"You're the best, Al." Leo grinned and waited in line.

Albus sighed and rested his chin on his palm while his elbow was on the table. Alex looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"There's a Cel?" Alex scoffed.

"Yeah. Celestine Zabini. She's very popular, very pretty, very smart, and very kind. Leo is head-over-heels in love with her." Albus said sadly and looked far in the distance.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that." Alex apologized.

"Wasn't your fault. Wasn't anyone's. Anyway, I just wanted to ask how you handled having this secret." Albus looked down at his hands.

Alex stared at the younger boy.

"Look, Al. I probably handled it in the worst way possible. I spent nearly half my life keeping it from my parents. And I regret doing that to this day. So, please do me a favor. Tell someone who you know will accept you no matter what. Your family."

Albus looked back at Alex, and looked out the window, taking a very deep breath.

"You are so young, Al. To be going through this. You are so strong. I admire you for that." Alex smiled at him.

Albus returned the smile. "Thanks, Alex. I know who to tell, though."

"Oh?" Alex said, once again, that same day.

"Yep. Look." Albus said, pointing outside the window, in front of the hotel.

There stood Ginny Potter, looking around and holding her phone, contacting someone.

As if on cue, Albus' phone started to ring.

"Hello?" Albus said, looking directly at who called.

"Al? Hi. Um, I heard that you went to talk to Alex about something. Listen, honey, you can tell me anything. And no matter what it is, all you need to know is that I love you. No matter how many wrongs or rights you do. No matter who you are. I accept you. So please, Al. Talk to me." Ginny said solemnly.

Albus stared at his mum through the window of the cafe, a tear rolling down his lips which were curved into a smile.

He ran outside the cafe, walking down the street, until he was facing his mother's back.

"Turn around." Albus said.

Turning around, Ginny wiped her tears away and hugged her son tightly, laughing.

"You didn't think you can keep a secret from your mother, did you?"

"My bad. It was worth a shot." Albus grinned.

Across the street, Alex looked at the mother and son. What if's and Maybe's filled his head. He shook his head, getting rid of them.

"I have mimosas to order at a brunch." Alex said, finshing his tea.




The two men laughed and gave each other a hug.

"How's the hotel, partner?" Blaise asked.

"Last time I checked with my assistant, everything's going swell." Draco answered.

"Well, I have news for you, bud. No one says 'swell' anymore." Blaise scoffed.

"I'm sorry that I was brought up by a posh family?" Draco tried.

"Lucius followed me on Instagram yesterday." Blaise said.

Draco groaned. "Dammit, Dad!"

"Anyway, where's Harry?" Blaise asked.

"Over there. Where's Ron?" Draco asked.

"Over there." Blaise pointed right next to Harry.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Draco asked.

"Yep. Let's try on some suits!" Blaise said.

"I was gonna say shots but that's better." Draco grinned and patted his best friend's back, walking toward Harry and Ron.


"Hey guys." Alex said.

He somehow managed to arrive on time.

"Hey, Al. Where did you run off to?" Liz asked.

"Just helped out a friend." Alex said, sitting down.

Hermione entered the room with four other women.

One was pale, with long wavy platinum hair. Beside her, a young girl with tan skin and similar hair but shorter. The woman had a soft, dreamy smile on her face while the girl had a more 'I don't want to be here' smile.

The other had her jet black hair wrapped tightly in a bun, with strategically placed tendrils falling down which framed her face. Beside her, a young woman with red hair similar to Ginny's, freckles dusting her nose.

"Okay, everyone. This is Luna, Cel, Pansy, and Rose. They're joining our party." Hermione smiled.

As the women, and Alex, started getting to know them, Ginny came rushing in.

"Hi everyone. What did I miss?" Ginny asked, panting.

Pansy stuck her head out of the crowd and helped Ginny sit down.

She was a real stuck-up to Ginny. Among all the Weasleys, Ginny really didn't seem like she liked her that much. "Not much, Gin."

"Oh, Pansy. Didn't see you there. Where's Rosie?" Ginny asked.

Then Rose stuck her head out.

"Hey Auntie Gin." Rose smiled.

"Hello darling. How was the trip? Oh and where's Luna and Cel?" Ginny asked, looking for them.

"Here, Gin. Hey." Luna waved.

As the two started having a conversation, Pansy huffed.

Alex seemed to notice this, so he walked up to her, sticking his hand out.

"Hi. Alex Granger. I gotta say, I love the Armani. It looks amazing with the....hm...is that Hermione's?" He asked whilst shaking her hand.

"I think we'll be the best of friends." Pansy smiled, hooking her arm around Alex's and leading him to the mini quiches.


this is a whatever chapter.

i'll do better next time, i swear.

i love y'all 3000.

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