Years To Luna [#1 Gifted Luna...

By Nextdoorgirl101

6.7K 387 78

"Let me go, Aurnia! You're going to kill me!" he gurgled out feeling more lightheaded by the minute - she onl... More

Author's Note
Gifted Luna Series


69 4 0
By Nextdoorgirl101

"I won't let my demons win, my only rival is within.
I will fight through thick and thin my only rival is within." - Ruelle- Rival


-and light engulfed her completely. Her senses were overwhelmed by its purity and warmth that her body was tingling every which way with sparks. It felt just like holding her mate's hand but somehow more intense and exhilarating.

When her pupils finally adapted to the brightness she saw snow coloured pillars forming a circle in which she stood. Soft pale blue grass grazed her feet in loving caresses she could only imagine a mother could give.

"Calista..." the same voice startled her into sharply turning around to face the person. A gasp nearly fell out of her mouth when she came face to face with the most ethereal being she's ever seen.

The woman had long jet black hair tickling the small of her back, the brightest shade of blue irises and a caramel coloured skin tone. She smiled caringly at Aurnia with her dazzling set of teeth which resembled that of Othello.

"Who are you? And-And I?" Aurnia's voice was still slightly high pitched and throaty for some reason. She didn't even know where she was or how she landed here. The female chuckled and walked with such effortless grace towards her.

"I think you know who I am my dear Calista. Alas, I don't have much time with you to properly explain but right now you are at the Olympian Gateway - a place where both mortals, immortals, demigods and gods can coexist, though for a very limited amount of time." Aurnia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. One second she was battling Mortess then the next...she doesn't remember how she got in this place.

"If you were wondering, you were being eaten - quite literally - alive, Alvena. She was sucking the pain and darkness inside you by making you relive your worse nightmare. I had to intervene, or you could have died...and we can't afford for one of our saviors to die right now." she smile apologetically. Then everything clicked.

Aurnia realised she was speaking to Othello's mother, Diana Goddess of the Moon and Wolves. She suddenly felt overwhelmed by the fact that everything - and she meant everything - was no longer a myth. A campfire story.

"Sorry this is a lot to take in. Y-You're Othello's mother? I just...this is too much in such little time..." Aurnia muttered feeling more and more lost in the ocean of disbelief. Diana saw the torment in the girl's eyes and slowly panic was settling in. She gently grabbed the latter's hands in a reassuring hold.

"Before you go all panicky, please just hear me out, we haven't got much time. You are the moonstone, the destroyer of traitors and creator of light and good, you are the chosen one. But you alone will never defeat Mortess. You need all that is good standing with you since you are one form of good. There are three other saviors for my children, and you need to find them - quick." Diana's tone became pleading but Aurnia still was confused. "How will I know who they are? But most importantly how will I hold off Mortess? She's right there, wanting to take whatever is in me!" her voice slightly raised.

Diana sighed in thought. Then an idea popped into her head. She flicked her hand in a dismissal wave, materialising a silver chain with a brilliant sapphire pendant. She quickly tied the chain around Aurnia's neck.

"This is the a Blue Moon fragment, when you'll be close to one of the chosens it will pulse and glow. And as for my daughter, you know what to do. You've known it all along, even before you've learned about the supernatural. Just remember." Diana soon felt a tug at her skin signalling that her time with Aurnia was running thinner by the second.

Aurnia felt it too and somehow she knew she would be sucked back into the harsh reality. Diana smiled at her again then placed a small kiss to her forehead. "I enjoyed meeting my daughter-in-law. Really, stay true to yourself Aurnia. You know what to do, you've always known..." with that the world of light along with Diana faded slowly into darkness.

Aurnia felt a pressure on her chest, then it became more persistant to the point where she physically couldn't breath. It hurt like someone was kicking her multiple times in her chest.

Then in a huge gasp, she opened her eyes to have Mortess' black ones seething at her. Her foot was pressing down hard on her chest.

"Sleeping beauty is finally awake huh?" Mortess hissed in her face, "Too bad she's gonna sleep forever soon." an ugly nearly evil smile of joy as her foot pressed even harder on Aurnia's chest restricting her airflow even more.

She gasp trying to suck in as much air as she could even trying to lift Mortess' foot off her, but nothing worked. It was useless. She was going to die.

She slowly let go of the limb, choosing that it would be better to conserve her energy in dying.

She was nearly there, but then an immense energy flow coarsed through her like some form of addrenaline. Her weak eyes snapped open in alert and her hands swatted Mortess' foot off her like a pesky fly.

Mortess went flying the otherway as a growl erupted from her throat. She angrily shifted, her barely-there clothes ripped to pieces.

And there stood that huge, terrifying, menacing and...

....very familiar black wolf.

Not many chapters left, i think next one will be the last.

Kind of excited to finish a book at last but also kinda sad.


Love yall!!!


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