In the dead of Darkness

By hope100

135 8 1

It took a battle and a death of her closest friend to bring the vampires and the clans together. But what wil... More

In the dead of Darkness
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 2

16 1 0
By hope100

Violets P.O.V

After i left the meeting i went straight to my room, I didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment. I was still hurting, alot and i needed to somehow get rid of this anger. Thats the only reason i said that, although we needed to find Jack as quickly as possible I also needed to get this anger and pain out of me. Just them my door opened, I hadn't been listening otherwise i would have been over there and locked it tightly shut in a heartbeat.

"You in here?"

"Get out now" I yelled it through the waldrobe to Macey. I heard her snicker and walk further into the room. I flashed infront of her in an instant, startling her.

"I said get out now" I stared at her, she stared me down. We stood like that for a few moments, but she knew to back down.

"Why are you so cold" She blurted out.


Macey sighed and turned back around, about to leave when i stopped her.

"What did you say?" I repeated myself. She turned back around to me..

"All this time, before James came to me i've heard the stories about you. The girl who was kind and forgiving and saved us all, the one who stopped the fighing between the hunters and the vampires. Up unitll a few months ago when i came here i accually believed those stories about you"

I stood there stunned, none of the vampires around here have ever been rude to me because of what iv'e become. Not even the clan members dared to be rude to me, it was a little shocking to see this girl come into this castle and suddenly say this.

Macey turned around ready to leave again, but i pulled her back and turned her around. Looking straight into her eyes.

"Two years ago i was a senior, i had friends and a school and a life. Then I met James and now, two years on?. I've lost a friend i have had since i was little, I found out that i was the reason for his familys murder, I almost died. I became a vampire and i became a queen to a race that i used to hunt" Macey stood there stunned, she looked away from me. I moved around infront of her and made her look at me.

"I'm not cold, i'm broken" I knew she had regretted saying anything, but i didn't give her the chance to say anything. I dissapeared, i didn't know were i was going but i knew i had to get away. My thoughts took over me and i let myself follow my instincts, once i had slowed down i realised that i was in the top floor.

I could still smell the blood i had caused up here, I moved very slowly like if i moved to fast the whole room would collapse and i'd wake up to the nightmare again. Everything still scared me, James knew that. I hated pushing him away, i tried not to but i couldn't help it. I feel like if i got close to someone again they'd go too.

I walked quietly over to the window sill and pushed the windows open, a cold air blew through and chilled me. I sat down with my legs hanging out the window, I didn't care about my safety anymore.

If i fall now i'd be back up walking around within the hour. I know, i've already tried. James of course was furiouse that i would even try something like that. After a few weeks he accually started to let me do my own thing, but i know he still watches over me.

Vampires wern't suppose to have feelings, or so that was what we used to think. A few tears escaped my eyes, i hated crying. It made me feel weak and i couldn't be weak anymore. I looked down, the drop was about 80 or so meaters down. If i was lucky id hit one of the balconys down, no. I couldn't do this again, I wish that none of this had happened but tough luck, it did.

Just at that moment he decided to speak.

"Please, not again" he pleded softly, i didn't move.

"How long have you been standing there?" I asked softly.

"A while" I heard James move and knew he was coming closer, I cursed myself for not listening to the things around me. I stayed very still, not wanting him to come near me. I didn't blame James for Blanes death or anyone elses for that matter, but i don't know... I feel uneasy when im near him.

He moved colser to me and very slowly sat down next to me, he watched me carefully the whole time. I moved an inch over, when i looked up his face was pained. I knew it hurt him for me to be like this but..

"Please stop this" he said suddently. I looked at him, trying not to know what he meant.

"don't play stupid" He said, staring out into the forest ahead.

"I know your scared and still hurting..But pushing me away from you isn't going to stop it"

"No but it will prevent you from getting hurt" I said quietly. he shook his head and laughed.

"No it won't" He said back.

"You don''t know that" I said looking away from him.

"Yes i do. Becuase it won't change the fact that i love you and won't let you get hurt ever again" If my heart was still beating it would have stopped. I knew he loved me but to hear him say it outloud? It broke my heart to think of how i've treated him, I didn't think he'd even care anymore.

"I can't let you get close otherwise i'll lose you too like i lost...." My voice began to break but i pulled it back under control. "Like i lost Blane.." James moved close to me, still going slowly and wrapped an arm around me.

"It's okay. Im not going anywhere from now on" he said firmly. I smiled slightly, I truly did love him but with everything happening i just couldn't bare for anything to happen to him.

James P.O.V

"So what now? Where you accually seriouse about going after a rouge?" I was very nervouse about her little plan, but at the same time i knew it was the only way we were going to get answers fast.

"Yes" Violet said very simply. She stood back up and walked back to the door, still very slowly and cautiously. As if she was afraid to disturb the memories that layed to rest here. I got up and followed her, she was moving faster once we had cleared the room and i was sure that she was trying to lose me. Violet moved down the stairs and around a few of the hallways, making a bee line straight into her room. When i tried the door i found that she had locked it, I could hear Violet moving around inside.

"Violet.." I said, trying to hid a smile.

"Piss off, i don't like telemarketers" she yelled, i could hear the humor in her voice and rolled my eyes.

"Aw okay i was gonna sell you a phone. Two for the price of one" this made her laugh all out. I walked back over to my door and went inside, god we need to fix this.

Violets P.O.V

I was still happy about James comment, but i had to get back into business mode. I picked up my phone and dialled Ally.

"Hello? Vi is that you?" Her voice came through, it sounded husky and out of breath and i knew i picked a bad time to ring. I laughed slightly.

"Is this a bad time?" I said trying to keep my voice straight.

"" I knew she was lying but i played along anyway.

"Yeah, tell the other leaders, we are going through with the plan and to bring  their best member with them"

"Are you sure? Violet we should maybe not go through with this. It's dangerouse" I could hear another voice in the background, male of course and some scuffling sounds. I tried to surpressed a laugh.

"And it's the only way we are going to get answers fast" I ended the call with that, now i somehow needed to figure out a way to stop James from coming with us.


Violet's P.O.V

"Come on, Vi we won't be able to manage an attack of this scale" Kane stood up from his seat at the council table, his blonde hair brushing the tops of his eyes. Kane lead the Dark Hearts, the seventh clan out of the ten.

"Of course your chickening out, Kane" spat out  Amber, leader of the Sunbeams. Both Kane and Amber were always going at eachother throats.

"Oh, out it out you two" Yelled Gene, the leader of the Mockingjays, his green eyes watching everything with close precision. Both Amber and Kane stopped their bitching and stared at Gene. Jake, who was sitting next to Gene slowly backed away from the fude. I looked at James down the opposite end of the table, he gave me a sympathetic look and spoke up.

"enough you lot" He yelled over them all.

"Who are you to tell us what to do? You do not rule over us" Spat out Meghan, leader of the Silverlights.

"No but i do" I yelled. everyone went silent and sat back down.

"We are going ahead with this. Not because of revenger but because we need information fast. Now did you all chose one hunter from you clans to come with us?" Each clan leader nodded. I passed around some paper so that they could write the name down, once i finally got the piece of paper back i was accually inpressed.

"Are you sure about May?" I asked Josh, he nodded.

"She's doing better now, one of the best in the group infact" He confirmed. May was a member of the Nightingales. Very reckless and caused alot of problems her first year. I almost had to make Josh kick her out. I had talked to her about the behavior she displayed, more than once and i was rather unsure weather to let her go or not. This mission is important and i can't risk having someone who dosen't listen to instructions instantly.

I looked over at everyone else, they must have felt the same way judging by the looks on their faces.

"Okay, i'll sort this out. I'll come over this afternoon some time and have a look. Please don't tell her either, the idea is to have her off guard and if i have to i will bring Mayra to see if you've been lying." Josh looked offended that i would even think that of him but i didn't care, i knew he just wanted to help her but May needed to do this herself.

"Okay" Josh sat back down and lookd away, i knew he was just nervouse for May but i couldn't help but think that there was something else there too...

"Okay then, I got information not that long ago that a rouge has been stalking a night club." I pulled down the plans onto the table, the bulding was simple square concrete and rather large at that. There was one exit at the side that lead to an alley, other than the front door that was the only way out.

"The idea is to split up. Groups of 5 or more, I'll lead one team, James, Jake and the twins will lead the other groups. My team and Max's will go in through the front door and look on the inside, Jake and James your groups will be at either ends of the building blocking the allye way so there is no escape. Haydens group will be at the front of the night club just to make sure that it dosent escape out that way and remeber the idea is to blend in not to be obviouse about it. Inside we shouldn't be recognised, with all the flashing lights and also with so many people we should be pretty well camoflaged"

Everyone stood around the maps and intently listened to their part, i was happy that not one person tried to change the plan. It was a simple exstraction method but most of the time it was very efficent.

"We will sort out groups on the night. We will strike this friday night, i'll tell you the details in a few days" The all muttered agreements and with that the session was closed.

"Hey, good work your getting a lot better at this now" James smiled at me.

"thanks" I smiled back, we've seemed to grow closer now and i was sort of glad.

"Hey how the hell did you come up with that plan so damn fast" Max jumped into the empty place next to me.

"Yeah" Hayden agreed, apparently he agreed so much with Max that he had to launch himself onto his brothers back. Causing me to jump out of the way and causing Max to topple over onto the floor with his brother squishing him.

"Get the hell off me you fat ass!" Max yelled at Hayden. James and myself fell over lauging at Max's attempt to push Hayden off.

"Okay i gotta go get something to eat. I'll see you two idiots later" I said to the brothers who were now wrestling each other on the floor.

"Can i come too?" James asked. I smiled back at him and nodded.

I moved downstairs and into the kitchen, it was exactly the same as it was when i first came here. I couldn't hide the sadness, i missed my old life but i had to keep moving on. No more looking back.

"Here, you need it" James put a bottle of blood down in front of me on the counter, i grimaced in disgust and moved back. I hated this, having to drink blood. I hate even more that i like it.

The first month of being like this was horrible, James had to force me to drink blood and it had to be fresh because i was newly born so they had to draw it from a feeder and make me drink the bag straight away. It wasn't good for either of us, we both ended up hurting and hating eachother.

One time James actually broke my arm because of how bad things got, i had screamed and he dumped the blood down my throat while i was busy trying to stop the pain. thankfully it was fixed in a few minutes but i hadn't gone anywhere near James for a few months after because i was scared he'd do it again.

I repressed a shudder as i remembered that day.

"Please don't make it hard" James pleaded with me, he'd found a way to make it easier though. He added it into red wine, i could stomach it if i didn't watch him pour it in. I moved away and walked back out the door, i just couldn't today. If i had blood everyday regularly i'd be alot stronger, but i didn't care. I was strong enough.

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