The adventures of Team RWBY

By OhorgokonatKaiRha

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(What happens if the story of RWBY is slightly modified?) 15 year old Ruby has been accorded a scholarship to... More

Chapter 1: Ruby Rose
Chapter 2: Welcome to Beacon
Chapter 3: Initiation
Chapter 5: Confessions
Chapter 6: Bully Problems
Chapter 7: Forever Fall
Chapter 8: Return of the White Fang and Blake's Trauma
Chapter 9: Showdown at the Vale Docks
Chapter 10: Hunting the Villains!
Chapter 11: Mountain Glenn
Chapter 12: Life at Beacon
Chapter 13: Summer Holidays, start!
Chapter 14: Menagerie
Chapter 15: White Rose holidays
Chapter 16: Team JNPR's Discovery

Chapter 4: Players and Pieces

257 6 1
By OhorgokonatKaiRha

(A/N: next chapter! And I'm gonna do my best to keep the action of the original series. (But I'll maybe add a bit of flare from Fairy Tail or One Piece, and not just Sonic. You might also see some Soul Eater, Seven Deadly Sins or Sword Art Online too. In other words, there'll be some enhancing done on the character's semblances. Enjoy!) and another addition, is that Jaune Arc isn't starting off useless.) 

Normal POV

"Our last pairs have been formed, Sir." Said Glynda, looking at the camera footage. "Ruby Rose and Weiss Schnee. Their bond is a curious one, one might even say that they're falling for each other. And I have to admit bringing a dog on a mission, even though it is a mock mission, is clever."

The footage showed Ruby and Weiss walking through the forest with Zwei leading the way.

She switched to the other camera. "Our next pair is Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie." She sighed. "Poor boy. It is never a joyous feeling to be followed constantly by a girl as clingy as she is. I doubt they could possibly even get along."


We walked through the woods, with Nora humming a happy tune. Something then caught my eye. "Nora? Do you see that Grimm?" Nora stopped humming and looked at where I was pointing. "Yah?" "We're going to ride it." Nora grinned. "Got it."

Normal POV

Glynda watched the footage in shock, as Nora pulled out her hammer and charged at the Grimm. The unexpected brawl turned into an unexpected ride with the Ursa, itself, being the ride in question.

"... I take back what I said." She muttered. She switched the screens again. "But I do feel sorry for Miss Nikos."

On the footage Jaune and Pyrrha were nearing a cave.

"She is a true blood bred warrior, through and through, and yet she gets paired up with Mr. Arc, who obviously isn't ready for something of this scale. Not to mention his sense of direction is questionable."

Ozpin hummed. His gaze was more focused on Ruby's footage.

Pyrrha POV

Me and my partner entered the dark cave, with Jaune's lit torch lighting the way. "I'm not sure this is the right way." I answered. Jaune rolled his eyes. "Pyrrha, please. I've done this kind of thing before, hundreds of times. If you want I can tell about the stuff I did when I was-" he tripped and fell, the torch extinguishing when it hit the soggy ground, leaving us in the dark.

I reached down to pull him up, and I suddenly felt something. "D-do you feel that?" I asked. Jaune sighed. "Soul crushing regret?" I shook my head. "No. It feels... warm."

Ruby POV

We followed Zwei through the woods. Our weapons were drawn, and we were looking around for anymore Grimm. So far, we only found a few Beowolves, but they were the most common kind of Grimm we could find.

I then heard Weiss sigh. "How does your dog know the way?" She asked. "Our dad likes to take him on missions." I replied. "Our moms do too. Uncle Qrow likes to fly solo, though."

Weiss was surprised. "'Moms'? You have two mothers?" I nodded. "Yeah. Dad has two wives, did you not notice that me and Yang look nothing alike? I'm a wolf and she's a dragon." Weiss snorted. "I have to say it crossed my mind."

She then sighed. "You're very close with your family, aren't you?" She asked solemnly.

I looked at her confused. "Sure I am. Why?" Weiss sighed. "It's just... the only family member I'm close to is my older sister, Winter." Her expression became sorrowful. "Everyone else was only in for the fame and the money. My butler, Klein, was more of a father to me then my real one. My mother is constantly drinking, and by younger brother is a carbon copy of my father. In other words he's a spoilt brat."

I frowned. 'I need to cheer her up... but could I do...' I heard barking and my ears perked up. Zwei had found a perfect spot to start running, meaning I could get to the ruins as the crow flies.

I smirked, an idea forming in my head.

"Good boy Zwei! Now come here!" He barked, then ran up to me, up my arm and scrambled into my hood. I then picked up Weiss in a princess carry. "What the-?!" She squeaked. "Hold on tight Weiss!" I dashed off in the direction of the ruins. Not knowing that we were being watched.

A bunch of tiny Nevermores were looking at us from the trees.

Weiss squealed, as she clung to me for dear life. "RUUUBYYYY!!" "Aaaaaooooo!!" Zwei howled excitedly. That was all I heard, when we broke the sound barrier.

Yang POV

Blake was having the time of her life, being carried by me, as we flew over the forest. "This is amazing! You could've found the ruins like this, before looking for partners!" "Where's the fun in that?" I asked her. "Know, if I recall, my parents told me that the set up of the relics are weird as heck."

Blake and I found the ruins. "Wow! That was easy!" I exclaimed, swooping down. Blake nodded as we landed. "Very." She said looking at the relics on the pedestals. "Chess pieces?" She asked. "You were right. This is strange." I just grinned. "My mom told me what to expect! You grab a chess piece, and your team is formed!"

"Was she also the one who showed you how to take short cuts?" Blake asked teasingly. "Yep!"

Ozpin POV

I held back a snort, seeing Glynda get angry. "Raven..." she growled.

Normal POV

Yang picked up a knight piece. "How 'bout a cute little pony?" Blake smirked. "Sure. Who do you think will be the next to arrive?" Before Yang could answer, a gust of wind nearly sent them flying.

Ruby placed, a near traumatised, Weiss on the ground. And Zwei hopped out of her hood and ran towards Yang, who shouted: "Zwei!!" And picked him with glee. "Hey Rubes!" "Hey Yangie!"

Blake however had a look of horror. 'Dog.' She whimpered, her cat instincts taking over.

Weiss got up and glared at Ruby. "Have you any idea how terrifying that was?!" She Yelled. Ruby blinked and looked at her innocently. "But we got here quickly didn't we?" Weiss blushed. 'I can't stay mad at you...' she sighed. "Just warn me next time, ok?"

Ruby smirked. "Well, What did you expect? I'm the fastest thing alive!" She said, wrapping an arm around Weiss' shoulder. Weiss couldn't help it and giggled.

Yang grinned at Blake. "They are so into each other." She whispered. Blake sniggered. "You think?" Zwei gave a friendly bark, causing Blake to hiss and hide behind her partner, using her wing as a shield.

Yang POV

'Huh. I guess she really is a kitten.' I couldn't help but blush a little. "Relax kitty cat, he's perfectly tame, you'll be fine!" Blake sighed. "If you say so." She bent down and hesitated, before holding out a hand. Zwei sniffed before liking her hand. She twitched, but sighed. "Thank god."

I watched as Ruby and Weiss picked up chess pieces of their own. "This is gonna be a fun semester!" I said, grinning. Ruby nodded.

Normal POV

Weiss then inspected Yang. "I've never heard of a dragon Faunus before." Yang shrugged. "Hey, you really thought I was a lowly salamander? My wings are retractable, so that I don't have to bump into anything." She then flexed her biceps. "I wouldn't wanna damage anything! If Ruby is the fastest thing alive, then I'm the strongest thing alive!"

Blake giggled. "That is, if Yang actually has the guts to spare with me!" Ruby grinned. "Oh, is that a challenge?" Yang taunted back. 

Weiss and Blake gaped, as Ruby shrugged. "Only if you've got the spunk." She disappeared before Yang's punch hit her, the kinetic energy blasting forwards, destroying the rock, 3 feet away.

Ozpin POV

"Such power. I'm glad we let them in." I said, amazed. "But Sir! They'll destroy the ruins!" Glynda protested. I smirked. "Perhaps." I pushed up by spectacles.

Normal POV

Weiss and Blake watched as Ruby and Yang engaged in a high speed brawl. They new they should stop them, but deep down, they felt nothing but soaring admiration. "I wish we had popcorn." Blake muttered.

Weiss nodded, then something occurred to her. 'Am I gonna be in a team with 3 Faunus?! What would my father say?!' She looked at Ruby and Yang, who's expressions oozed confidence. 'Screw it. This is freaking awesome.'

Jaune POV

We walked deeper into the cave and a bright light damn near blinded us. I opened my eyes and gasped. "That must be the relic!" I yelled. Pyrrha looked thoughtful. "Well it is glowing. But is it just me or is it floating?" I hummed. "Guess it's got magical energy or something. Want me to hoist you up, so you can grab it?"

Pyrrha POV

I could of sworn my face went as red as my hair. "I-I... Uh..." I stuttered nervously. 'Now that I think about it, it's not that bad of an idea...' I mustered up courage and climbed onto Jaune's broad shoulders. 'Gods he's muscular.' I reached up to grab the floating glowing thing.

Big mistake.

Normal POV

A shrill scream filled the air. Causing the sisters to stop their brawl.

"Guess not everyone is as fortunate as us." Weiss muttered. "I wonder which girl did that? The clingy girl in pink or Pyrrha?" Ruby wondered. Blake then had a more fiendish thought. "Oh gosh. What if it was one of those mean looking boys?" Yang burst out laughing. "Oh my god, that'll be hilarious!"

Then an explosion rang out and out of the bushes. A massive Ursa came out of the trees and into the clearing.

Ren was catapulted off of it as it collapsed. Nora rolled off of it, laughing like a madman. "Aw it's broken." she mumbled sadly.

"Did they just ride an Ursa all this way?!" Weiss cried, in disbelief.

Ren groaned. "Yes. And it was the worst  idea I've had." Behind him, Nora was prancing around with a chess piece in hand, singing: "I'm queen of the castle!~ I'm queen queen of the castle!~" 

She then gasped, seeing Ruby, Blake and Yang. "Oh my gosh! This is probably the first time I've seen Faunus! You guys look so cool!"

Ruby blinked and backed away towards Weiss. "Uh, thanks?"

Ren rolled his eyes, then saw something came soaring through the sky at them at high speed. "What's that?" He asked, pointing at the sky.

Ruby narrowed her eyes. "Is that... Jaune and Pyrrha?"

Jaune POV

'We were tossed strait out of the cave! What kind of Grimm is that?! And... oh crap, we're falling!!' I instantly grabbed hold of Pyrrha and activated my semblance.

Normal POV

When they hit the ground, a Forcefield burst out into the open, causing everyone (including Zwei) to shield their eyes. 

When they opened they're eyes they saw Jaune laying in a crater with Pyrrha on top of him. "I'm gonna feel that in the morning..." he groaned. He glanced at Pyrrha who was sitting on his stomach in bewilderment. She then blushed and got off quickly, and helped him. "I'm sorry! Are you ok?" Jaune grinned. "Yep! Don't worry! My semblance works a charm!"

"You two are so in love!" Nora chimed mischievously, causing the two to blush ten fold.

Zwei then started growling at the forest. "What's wrong boy? Smell something?" Asked Yang.

Then the Grimm that Jaune and Pyrrha encountered in the cave lumbered out of the woods screeching. It was a Deathstalker.

Pyrrha squeaked and backed away. Ren noticed this. "Were you the one that screamed just now?" She nodded shamefully. "I have an arachnophobe." She confessed. 

The giant Scorpion Grimm lunged at them with its claw, but Yang caught it with ease. "This thing is pretty good..." she told them. Her her started shimmering and glowing as she held the Deathstalker at bay.

 It was about to impale her its tail, but Ruby knocked the incoming limb away with a swing of her Scythe, damaging the armour on its tail.

Her ears swerved in the direction of the trees and saw something forming, and immediately, she knew they needed to run.

"Weiss, stop it!" "I'm on it!" The white haired drew her rapier covered it with her aura, and created several Runes in front of her. She shot several dust blasts at the creature's legs, freezing them in place.

"Now let's move!" Ruby yelled. "Zwei, to Beacon!" "Woof!" The corgi ran towards the cliff face and we followed closely.

Ruby POV

I looked behind me and saw that the 'thing' that was forming was actually a flock of Nevermore.

I remembered what my mom told me when she was teaching me and Yang about the Grimm. "When a flock of Bird Grimm join up they can fuse together and transform into a giant version of themselves." Her voice rang in my head.

My eyes widened. "Oh no." We ran into the ruins. "Everyone take cover!" I yelled, grabbing Zwei as we hid behind a wall.

I then heard the sound of something shattering, and I realised that the Deathstalker was now free.

Ren suddenly spoke up. "Let me help." He took a deep breath and our whole group was enveloped in a dark haze. Too the Grimm, we disappeared from plain sight, but in reality, we ran away quietly, inside the ruins.

I smirked. "Perfect. We can decide what we can do, know!"

"You know?" We turned our attention to Jaune. "If some of us can hold of that Deathstalker, and distract that Nevermore, we can take out the heavy armoured guy, then we are free to deal with the overgrown sack of feathers!"

Weiss was surprised. "That... could work." Yang smirked. "Finally! Some action!" She cracked her knuckles. Nora grinned, and pulled out her hammer. "Oh! Gimme the big guy!"

Pyrrha held her back. "Wait! We need to know what we're doing first!"

Normal POV

Ruby hummed. 'Let's see...' "Blake? Keep an eye out. What kind of Grimm are there?"

Blake looked out to see a grimm stagger out of the trees. "A pack of Beowolves has just joined in, I can see some Ursa, maybe a few Boarbatusks. I can see a handful of creeps. The Deathstalker is roaming around, and that Giant Nevermore is still circling around. 

Ruby nodded. 'We got our selves a full raid then.' I smirked. "I've got it!"

Ozpin POV

"Such excellent team work. I've made the right decision." I told Glynda, who nodded.

Normal POV

Yang and Nora both jumped out of hiding with a battlecry. The Nevermore roared and swooped in.

Nora ran around. "Hey! Bet you can't catch me!" The Nevermore shot it's razor sharp feathers. "Oh crap."

"Eat this!"

Yang pounded her yellow aura covered fists together, causing her body to go up in flames. She then took a deep breath and unleashed a torrent of flames from her mouth, burning the feathers before they could reach their target.

Nora grinned. "Oh Yeah!" She unleashed torrents of lightning from her hammer, destroying the incoming Beowolves.

Yang then dashed forwards pounding at the unlucky Grimm, with her fists. "Ora Ora Ora!!" She yelled. She was pounding them with a Skill she called, the 'dash attack'.

Nora slammed her into an Ursa's skull, then into a Creep's stomach. She switched her weapon to range mode and fired her grenade launcher at a small handful of Beowolves. "I. LOVE. DES-TRUC-TION!!" She laughed like a maniac.

Blake and Pyrrha were next, as they charged at the Grimm.

Blake ducked into the shadows when a beowolf lashed out, then reappeared next to it and slashed at it's belly, with her Katana, then at the next one's neck, with her Cleaver. She sent out her ribbon and Chain Whipped two Ursa, shooting a Creep in the head with her Pistol.

Pyrrha, span around, slicing through the Grimm, using her Short Sword and Shield. She felt her aura rising as she glowed bright red, and her attacks became sharper and stronger. She took out several Boarbatusks with her Spear and noticed the Creeps. "Darn, I forgot about those." She readied her Rifle, and shot them with ease.

Weiss unleashed a torrent of ice spears shot towards some Creeps and impaled them. "Piece Of Cake." Weiss said. She danced through a pack of Beowolves, stabbing and cutting, with her Rapier taking them out one by one. She stabbed an Ursa, then sent a wave of Ice from the rune she drew on its belly, finishing it off.

Ruby smirked. "Doing good, Weiss!"

She swung her Scythe in a wide arc, like a top, decapitating all the Beowolves around her. She stopped then sped forwards, slicing an Ursa in half. She did the same with another Ursa. And another. Until finally she ended her onslaught by firing three shots, each shot hitting the incoming Boarbatusks in the foreheads.

Jaune had gone through several Beowolves, with his Long Sword, and bashed a few with his Shield.

He narrowly missed a claw, as he looked up at the Deathstalker.

The Deathstalker made a screeching sound and sent poison spears from its bulbous tail.

Jaune quickly created an aura wall using his shield, blocking the attack. And Ruby then jumped and slashed at the beasts head with her Scythe. As it was reeling from that, Jaune used his sword to slash at the creature's face.

Quick thinking, Ruby slashed off it's tail, causing it two screech in pain. Jaune quickly impaled it's head, finally finishing it.

Yang grinned, as they regrouped seeing their job mostly done. They were tuckered out, but still proud of their achievements.

"Well, I'm guessing we passed the test!" She joked. Ruby smirked. "Not yet. There's still that thing!" She pointed at the Nevermore, which screeched at them. "And the remaining Grimm that we missed." She pointed at the last four Beowolves and three Ursae.

Yang shrugged, before pulling out something glowing from her pocket. "Is this what you want?" She asked holding a magic ring.

Ruby nodded grinning. "Yes please!" Yang tossed her the ring. Ruby caught it and immediately her aura started flaring, causing everyone, except Yang, to back away in surprise.

Weiss looked confused. "What is going on?" Yang smirked at her. "You'll see!"

Ruby jumped in the air, and from Ozpin and Glynda's point of view a massive flash generated from the clearing.

Weiss POV

When the flash died down I opened my eyes and to my amazement, Ruby was replaced with what looked like a red spinning ball.

"What is that?" I asked. "It's Ruby's Spin Attack." Yang answered me. "It's part of her semblance, and it can be amplified by these magic rings!" She showed me another. "It's a ring made from light dust. It usually used as a boost to the aura of the user. Ruby on the other hand gets even faster!" I glanced back at my spinning partner and understood. 'In that form she has to be moving at well over 1,000 miles per hour'.

Normal POV

Ruby shot of like a rocket, and the remaining Grimm on the ground didn't stand a chance. She slammed into the Beowolves like a pinball, and tore through the Ursae like a bullet.

She then spun towards the Nevermore, who tried to dive at the group on the ground. She went right through the beast's chest, then flew into the sky and did a u-turn slamming into it's head and finishing it off.

She landed next to her staggered friends. "Enjoy the show?" She asked giving a cocky grin and a wink.

Glynda POV

I looked at the screen in awe. 'They destroyed an entire monster house on their own?!' Yang was patting her sister on the back, Nora was shaking her hands up and down asking if she could to "Spin Attacks" too.

Weiss was checking Ruby over to see if she was hurt and she suddenly began hugging the wolf girl with all her might, 'I can swear I see hearts in that girl's eyes.' I muttered looking at Weiss.

The others were cheering and clapping.

Ozpin smirked. "They certainly passed the test, don't you think, Glynda?" I blushed and cleared my throat. "The feeling is mutual." "Good."

He gave me a kiss on the lips, causing my heart to sky rocket. "We shall wait for them at the stadium." 

Ozpin POV

I looked at the students that were gathered. 'I hope I didn't make a mistake in making Cardin Winchester the leader of his team. He seemed far to arrogant.' I thought as the aforementioned team walked off the stage. I quickly cleared my throat.

"Jaune Arc, Pyrrha Nikos, Lie Ren, Nora Valkerie. The four of you have collected the white rook pieces. From this day forth you shall be known as: Team JNPR. Led by..."

I heard everyone hold there breath in anticipation. "Jaune Arc!" I announced.

Jaune was shocked at first, but Pyrrha gave him a high five which he happily returned.

I smiled. "Congratulations young man." I then turned to the last group. "Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Yang Xiao Long. The four of you, have collected te white knight pieces. From this day forth..."

Weiss POV

'This is it. My long awaited career.' I thought as I held my head up high. 'I'm glad Ruby is my partner. She's incredibly skilled.' I then shook my head. 'What am I acting all high and mighty for?! She's the one that planned everything out. She has every right to be the leader. Not me!'

Normal POV

"... you shall be known as: Team RWBY. Led by..." He smiled, he knew everyone already had an idea of who it would be. "Ruby Rose!" He finished.

Everyone gasped in surprised, not expecting the outcome at all, since they didn't see the footage.

Ruby had no idea how to react, especially when Weiss unexpectedly beat Yang in charging forward and giving Ruby a hug. "I'm... the leader?" She asked dumbly. Weiss rolled her eyes. "Of course you are, you dolt!~" she teased. "And I'm proud of you." She whispered. Ruby then grinned, and returned the hug. "It was nothing! I'm used to stuff like this!"

I leaned forward to whisper something to them. "And as a special occasion, I shall be allowing Teams RWBY and JNPR to stay in the same dorm. And Zwei, the dog owned by Ruby Rose and Yang Xiao Long, shall be allowed on the school grounds."

The newly formed teams grinned. "Yes!!" One of them whispered.

I smirked. "Looks like it'll be an interesting four years."

(A/N: as you can see, I've given updates to all the semblances of the main characters. Here they are: 

Ruby- Speed Demon. (The user can run at any speed they want, with the current top speed being 760 miles per hour. Also grants the user the ability to curl into a ball and roll at an enemy at high speeds, can also home in on enemies in range and nullifies effects of gravity, called the Spin Attack, in which her top speed is over 800 Mph. If the user is boosted by the effects of a Magic Ring it goes up to 1,000 Mph. The user can also manipulate the Wind around themselves, and their physical abilities are permanently enhanced. The user's speed causes her movements to be faster as well, meaning that their reflexes can deflect an enemy's magic. The user is also immune to any impurities.)

Weiss- Glyphs/Runes. (The user can create Runes to boost the physical abilities of themselves or an ally. Can also creat Elemental Attack Runes, depending on which element the user is most comfortable with, like Weiss' Ice. The user can also summon the ones she killed in the past.)

Blake- Shadow Strike. (Grants the user the abilities of a Ninja. The specifics include: shadow clones, shadow sneak, shadow teleport, superior tracking skills, flying slashes, Snatch and Silent Move. The user can also send out wavelets of their aura energy, in the form of a forcefield, as a weapon.)

Yang- Wrath of the Dragon. (Gives the user enhanced reflexes and super strength, as well as absorb the kinetic energy of an enemy's blow. The user can also generate, control and manipulate Fire, as well as generate a higher body temperature. The user grows stronger when emotional. Her super-strength is a semblance boosted, side-effect.)

Jaune- Aura Amplification. (The user can manipulate their own aura as a weapon, making them almost indestructible. With this power, the user is essentially a tank, as they can surround themselves and/or their allies with their aura as an almost impenetrable Shield. The user can also heal the wounds of others, including animals, thanks to a unique aura wave that the user emits, as well as save them from near death. This means that they can resurrect allies that have recently fallen. The healing powers can also be administered to themselves.)

Nora- Thunderbolt. (Allows the user to generate, control and manipulate lightning. They can also send electric shocks through their muscles, which enhances their physical abilities.)

Pyrrha- Overpower. (Similar to Aura Amplification, Overpower surrounds the user with their own aura as a Forcefield, but it is purely in an offensive manner. The user can also manipulate the earth through vibrations and, with enough training can bend metal with the bonus of magnetism.)

Ren- Stealth. (The user can mask the emotions of themselves and others. The user can also become entirely invisible and undetectable. This also lets the user give off a unique aura wave that is very calming.)

And Ozpin and Glynda are an item!! Yay!

In the next chapter, the teams will discover the teaching ways of Beacon!)

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