Levi's Wings of Freedom (Levi...

Od Exellda

150K 7.8K 6.3K

Summary: Levi lived his whole life in a cage. His shackles followed him wherever he went which wasn't far at... Více

Levi's Wings of Freedom
Levi is Auctioned
Levi's New Home
Levi Cleans
Levi's First Taste of Freedom
Levi's First Flight
Levi Gets Sick
Levi's Choice
Levi Decides
Levi's Interveiws
Levi Works
Levi's First Love
Levi Models
Levi's Jealousy
Levi Tells
Levi's First Celebration Party
Levi Needs Help!
Levi's Only Hope
Levi For Christmas
Levi's Alone
Levi's Return Home
Levi Awakens

Levi Goes Out

9.2K 413 586
Od Exellda

This chapter is so long~ xD
I have a feeling that there will be other chapters just as long...


Levi Goes Out

            After breakfast that morning, Levi forced Eren to hand over his plate so he could do the dishes. At that moment Eren went to get dressed. Both were quick to get done and soon found each other heading for the door. Eren stopped in front of the door and halted Levi while he was at it. “No Levi, you’re not going like that.” He stated.

            Levi was beyond confused, “What? What the fuck are you talking about?” He moved away from Eren slightly.

            “Shoes.” Eren pointed at Levi’s feet, “Where are your shoes?”

            Levi shrugged, “I don’t know. I don’t remember getting shoes.”

            Eren’s brows furrowed, “Levi, they’re were with your clothes I left them-” Eren looked by the door, “By the front door. Why didn’t you take them?”

            Frowning, Levi shrugged, “You told me to take the bags upstairs to my room… you didn’t say anything about boxes… Let alone shoe boxes.”

            Eren rolled his eyes and started laughing. Laughing. At me? Levi crossed his arms as Eren picked up two boxes, “Pick one.” Levi looked at both boxes, one was smaller with geometric designs on it, while the other was bigger but it was only black. His curiosity provoked, Levi opened the bigger box thinking, what kind of shoes could this have? And to Levi’s surprise, there were boots inside. They were made out of what seemed like leather. The laces wrapped in a zig-zag design. Levi liked them. He pulled them out slowly, examining them carefully. “Levi, go ahead and put them on.” Eren was giggling slightly.

            “Why are you laughing?” Levi stared at the boots in his hands, then Eren who was smiling.

            “Because. You should have seen your face. Your eyes got big and lit up. It was kind of cute, really.” Eren scratched the back of his head.

            Levi cringed. Who the fuck does he think he is calling me… Cute… “Tch.” Levi sat on one of the steps and pulled one of the boots onto his foot. Then he slipped on the other boot. He looked up at Eren, not sure of what to do.

            Eren tilted his head slightly, “What? What is it? Tie your shoes so we can go.” Levi bit his lip as he picked up the laces of his right boot. “Levi?” He watched as Eren crouched down in front of him. “Do you not know how to tie your shoes?” Levi didn’t answer. “Levi.” Eren emphasized his name but this time Levi made eye contact with Eren, his eyes fell down in defeat. So fucking embarrassing. Eren sighed and took the laces out of Levi’s hands. Levi felt Eren’s hand brush against his. They were warm unlike his. However Levi moved his hands away. Sure Eren’s hands were warm, but that didn’t mean he was going to hold or touch them for any longer than he had to. Would that even be right? Besides, Levi still wasn’t use to all of this contact. He liked his space. “Haven’t you had shoes before?”


            Eren finished the right boot and then started working on the other boot, “How come?”

            Levi watched Eren tie his left boot, “I usually walk around barefoot. I just… they never gave me any probably because they thought I would either cause myself harm or someone else harm.”

            Eren stood up straight and held out a hand to help Levi up, “Then I’ll teach you how to tie your shoe next time.” Levi considered taking Eren’s hand, he was uncertain. But what would be the harm? Levi extended his arm and grabbed Eren’s hand. He helped Levi to his feet.

            Standing up was like a whole new feeling for Levi. It felt good. He could feel the boots around his feet, they fit snugly, yet gave enough room that he could wiggle his toes. He felt confident walking around now. He rolled his ankles and the boots would practically move right with him. He even took a couple steps to see how they worked when he walked. Flawless. Levi liked these boots. Levi liked his boots. “Thanks. They fit.” Levi’s brows furrowed, “How did you know what size I wear? And my clothes too?”

            “I called Hanji yesterday. Remember how I left right after I just dropped you off? Well, I went shopping and Hanji provided me with what size fits you the best… She was more than willing to give it to me… And then she gave me the rest of your documents.”

            “My documents? What do you mean? What is on them?”

            Eren seemed slightly hesitant to answer but sure enough, “Basically it was your medical history and stuff…”


            Opening the door, Eren led the way out, “Well come on, let’s go. We can’t waste the day away.” Levi nodded and followed Eren out of the house. He closed the door behind him. He followed Eren to his car, got in the passenger’s side and fastened his seat belt. After Eren did the same, he turned on his car and at last they were on their way to town.


            Levi peered out the window as Eren drove. They were in town now. There were more buildings here, more cars, and more people, more everything. It was different. Louder. Stinky. Disgusting. And gross. “How can people live in this filth?” Levi asked as Eren parked the car. They were in a parking lot right now. But then again, he didn’t live in the best conditions for most of his life. Who was he to say this was disgusting when he himself was filthy in his own way?

            “You think this is dirty? Just wait until you see a big city.” Levi followed Eren onto the sidewalk. “You’ll just have to get over it because we’re going to be uptown all day.”

            Levi shrugged to Eren’s comment. “Like I could go anywhere anyway. Where would I even go? I don’t remember the way home either so you’re my only way back.” Besides, I’m curious. Levi quickened his step to catch up with Eren, “Alright, where are we going?”

            “To my work.” Eren said in a cheery voice, “My boss told me that he has new cameras they want to try out. He asked me if I’d like to be the first to try them. That’s why we’re going there now. I’d also like to know this month’s theme. Every month has a different theme…” Levi found himself tuning out on what Eren was saying. He was distracted by something that smelled delicious! What is that? Levi stopped and turned his head, trying to find the source of the scent. He found it. A bakery, that’s what it was. Levi couldn’t read the sign from here, which caused his interest to spark. It smelled sweet and Levi couldn’t figure out what else he was smelling but it smelled good too. He didn’t even realize Eren was still talking to him until he was waving his hand in front of his face, “Levi? Well obviously you weren’t listening to what I was saying.”

            “Sorry.” Levi frowned, “I didn’t mean to…” He pointed to his source of distraction, “There’s a bakery. And whatever they’re making there smells good.”

            Eren chuckled, “Do you want to go after I get done inside?” They continued walking for a while until they came to what looked like a three story building.

            “Yeah but we just ate.”

            “That doesn’t matter, we can always just look.” Eren opened a door for Levi. Reluctantly, he went in first. He walked in gazing around with his stormy eyes. “Oh Levi, you can wait here. It shouldn’t take me longer than a minute” He smiled and gave Levi a small wave. Levi watched him go. Deciding to sit down, Levi found an empty chair near the door. It was pretty quiet despite the fact that there were several people in the room.

            Levi waited patiently for Eren to come back. He wasn’t in any rush to get anywhere. Besides, he was being entertained by two people who just walked in. It seemed that they were talking about their next modeling gig. The taller, long face male with amber eyes had his arm around the slightly shorter brunette with freckles. The taller male, who reminded Levi of those horse photos Hanji would show him, seemed to be telling the brunette something that made him blush and squirm. He watched as the door opened and a short blond male, who could have passed for a girl, came in. They greeted him and a few words were exchanged. After their small talk the freckled male and the male who looked like a horse left, leaving the blond by himself. He seemed to be looking for something, no, someone. Upon not finding what he was looking for, the petite blond male looked over to the seating area. Levi accidentally made eye contact with him and quickly diverted his eyes but it was too late. The blond male approached Levi with a smile on his face and sat in the empty chair next to Levi.

            He heard him clear his throat and then said, “Good morning sir.”

            Glancing over at the blond male who was trying to be polite, “Morning…” Levi said hesitantly in his impassive voice. He wasn’t use to people wanting to talk to him… Other than Hanji and now Eren too.

            “I haven’t seen you here before, do you plan on working here or something?”

            Levi merely shook his head, “No, I was waiting for… a friend.” Is that what he is? Well I can’t call him my owner or master… Friend it is.

            “Oh, because I thought for sure you’d be here for the modeling position that just opened up.”

            Again, Levi shook his head and scoffed, “What makes you think I’d be interested in modeling?”

            The blond shrugged, “I didn’t mean any offense by it. I just figured you could apply. I bet you’d even get the job if you did.” He sounded like he was trying to convince Levi into applying. However Levi didn’t like the idea. He didn’t like cameras so why would he get a job that involved them? And who said he was getting a job?

            “Me? A model? I think not… I don’t think I could do it.”

            “Why not? I’m sure if I asked my best friend, he could get you hired.”

            Levi was about to move away from the petite blond male when he heard a familiar voice, “It’s because he’s camera shy, Armin.” Levi looked up and there was Eren standing in between him and the other male. He sighed in relief. Levi didn’t want to be bothered by the blond who was known as Armin. Him and his pestering questions.

            “Hey, Eren!” Armin smiled, “Isn’t today your day off? Why are you at work now?”

            “I got a new camera.” He pulled out said camera from its protective case, “See? Isn’t it great?” He handed Armin the camera. Levi couldn’t resist a peak at it too. The camera was mostly black with the exception of its colored buttons. Said buttons seemed to cover half of the camera. “Levi, I see you met my best friend Armin.” Eren smiled. So that’s what he meant by ‘I’m sure if I asked my best friend, he could get you hired’. Eren was Armin’s best friend. With that information, he concluded that Armin and Eren work here, Armin was a model. Perhaps one of Eren’s models? The interesting fact was that Levi was sure he could have gotten a modeling job if he wanted without Armin’s help. All he had to do was ask Eren. But obviously, that was not what he wanted to do.

            “Levi.” said Armin, “It’s nice to meet you.” He extended his hand out to Levi who hesitantly grabbed his hand. They shook hands and Levi was very relieved when it was over. Germs. Other than shaking Armin’s hand, it didn’t bother him to meet someone new, it was bound to happen eventually. Wasn’t this a normal thing that normal people do? But it was also okay to be alone, right? Levi liked his space. Space was good. Company. Now that was a new concept. It used to be Hanji was the only company he’d have. Who knew that his walls were slowly cracking? Opening for others to come in yet so small, Levi couldn’t see it. Besides the walls, his wings was his last layer of defense, only one was meant to pass through. Interestingly enough, Eren had passed them just this morning, no wings to stop him… No defense.

            Eren put away his camera, “Sorry to cut this short Armin, but I have a couple more errands I wanted to get done with Levi.” His eyes shot from Armin to Levi.

            Armin nodded and up stood up, “Alright, I’ll see you two later.” He smiled as he waved goodbye. Eren and Levi watched him leave, and then when he was out of sight Levi stood up slowly with a perplexed expression.

            “What is it?” Eren asked.

            Levi shrugged and cringed slightly, “I don’t know… is everyone that friendly?” He looked over at Eren. I don’t understand you people. “I don’t get how he can be nice to a stranger. He doesn’t know me. For all he knows I could have been some pedophile who likes to kill children’s parents.”

            Eren started laughing hard, “Levi, your sarcasm is hilarious.” He cleared his throat trying to get rid of the small giggles that still refused to stop, “Besides, even if you were a pedophile, this would be a terrible place to look for children. No kids work here. And you don’t kill parents… do you?”

            “Tch. No, of course not.” Levi said, a small ghost smile prying on his lips. “But I’m pretty sure teen-aged looking brats work here.”

            “I’m not a brat.” Eren scoffed but he wasn’t mad, “Whatever, Levi. If it makes you feel better, not everyone is as nice as I am. Hell, if I wanted to, I could have been a complete douche to you.” He crossed his arms and Levi could feel his ghost smile slipping into a frown, “I could have kept you in your shackles and left you at home all day. I didn’t have to buy you clothes. I could have had you stark naked walking around the house with only your shackles.” Was that a threat? Levi felt his heart sink, he felt himself wanting to shrink. Disappear. This wasn’t fair.

            “B-but you won’t… will you?” Levi swallowed slowly, his nerves getting the better of him for a moment. “Because I told you I wouldn’t strode around naked. I refuse to.” He said firmly.

            It was quiet for a moment, Eren seemed to be thinking about something. Eren furrowed his brows, “Of course not Levi. I never did plan on shackling you. I wouldn’t do that to you.” His lips perked up into a smile, “I’m not that kind of pervert.” His voice seemed to be teasing and playful which confused the fuck out of Levi.

            Levi tilted his head slightly, “Then what kind of pervert are you, one that has a fetish for wings and men?”

            Instead of answer his question right away, Eren headed for the door, “Let’s go to the bakery.” He opened the door signaling for Levi to exit. After he did Eren continued, “I guess you’ll have to find out Levi, won’t you?”


            Holy shit. It smelled fantastic in here. It was even fairly clean. Despite there being a decent amount of people in here, it was relatively quiet. Levi let his nose lead him to the baked goods. The smell of bread was strong, but the sweets were stronger, almost intoxicating. Intoxicatingly delicious. Levi found his mouth was watering. “New loaves of bread, come get them while they’re fresh and hot!” A petite woman yelled out. Her hair was strawberry blond and eyes blue like the sky. Levi watched her walk quickly to the bread shelves that were right in his direction. She was shorter than him and pretty. Suddenly, she tripped over something. Too fast she seemed to be falling but she caught her balance at the right moment, however that didn’t prevent one loaf to fly from the tray. It flew at Levi fast enough that he just reacted, he caught the loaf.

            The lady gasped, “Oh my goodness. I’m sorry!” she grunted and turned her head, “Aurou! The stupid floor board tripped me again! You need to fix it before someone really gets hurt!” She looked back at Levi, “If you want, you can keep that loaf, free of charge.”

            The bread in Levi’s hands was warm and it smelled heavenly. He looked at the petite lady with the tray of bread. She started to put the bread on their rightful shelves. “Are you sure? I can pay.” That was a lie, but he was sure that Eren would pay for it. I’ll just pay him back somehow.

            She shook her head as she placed the last loaf on the shelf, “No, no. I’m serious. Keep it. After all, you did catch it. Had you not, it would have fell to the ground and that would have been a waste.” She smiled.

            Levi hesitated, “Oh. Fine. Okay, thanks…?”

            “It’s Petra.”

            “Petra.” Levi repeated, “Thanks for the bread. May I have this wrapped or something?”

            She nodded, “Sure, just a second, I’ll be back.” Petra left with her tray, leaving Levi by himself. Levi wasn’t sure he liked waiting because he felt this disturbing feeling that someone’s eyes were on him. It bugged him. Levi was paranoid to the point where he glanced around. There. It was another man on the other side of the room, really tall and blond. But when Levi glanced his way the man diverted his eyes as if he wasn’t staring. It was all too obvious. Levi could tell when people stared. It was annoying.

            A tap on the shoulder attracted Levi’s attention, “Levi? What are you looking at?” It was Eren, he smiled at Levi, “Bread? Did you want to buy it?” He asked confused.

            “No need, the lady that works here, Petra, she said I could have it.” Levi said simply.

            Speaking of Petra, she returned with a bag for the loaf, “Here you are, sir.” She smiled as she handed Levi the bag. Levi had a feeling that her smiles were genuine. It seemed to fit her.

            “Just call me Levi.” He said as he took the bag, “Thanks for the bag.”

            Petra covered her mouth with her hands, “Really? Levi? Levi.” And then she saw Eren who was standing next to Levi, “Eren? Hey, how are you? Did you want anything?”

            Eren shrugged, “No, I already got something. I’m waiting for Levi.”

            She then looked from Eren to Levi, “Oh, well don’t let me keep you here. Go have fun, you two!” She waved and giggled at Eren and then Levi and headed back towards the kitchen. Levi couldn’t help but to wonder what Petra meant by ‘Go have fun, you two!’. He looked up at Eren wanting to ask but he bit his tongue.

            “So, where to next?”

            “I was going to go to the store and get some groceries. Plus, I thought about getting you a phone so that way you can contact me and anyone else if you need to.”

            It was a short drive to the store Eren mentioned, maybe five minutes from the bakery. As Eren parked the car he turned to Levi, “If you want, you can wait here because I’m just warning you now that there probably will be a lot of people.”

            Getting out of the car, Eren mimicked him as he did so, “I’ll be fine.” Levi said stubbornly, “Don’t worry about me.” With a small ‘okay’ from Eren, they walked into the store together. Irritatingly enough, Eren was right. There was a lot of people. Men, women, elderly, and children, you name it- they all seemed to be here in the store, right now. The sight was also disgusting. They were touching things. They touched things that others have touched and so on. What was worse was the fact that the children touched stuff too. Levi cringed, “Don’t these people know how filthy this place is?”

            Eren sighed, “No, Captain Clean, I’m sure they don’t and unless you feel like enlightening them, can we continue on?”

            “I guess. Why are you asking me? You’re leading the way, brat.” Eren rolled his eyes when Levi called him brat. They continued down an aisle and Levi purposely chose not to look around. This place was gross. He didn’t want to look around because of it… and well as much as he wanted to deny it… there was a lot of people. He found himself slightly nervous. Trying to ignore the feeling, he stayed close behind Eren. He almost didn’t realize that Eren had gotten a cart.

            Throughout most of the store Levi just stayed quiet while Eren did all of the shopping. Eren got all of the groceries and now they were in the technology section. It was bordered by the clothing section and toys. Levi watched as kids ran by followed by nagging parents. He watched an adolescent couple hold hands as they walked into the clothing aisle. He watched people pick up items and set them down again.

            “Hey Levi, pick one.” Eren called his attention, he turned to see small square shaped thingies that were known as cell phones. Pick one… Which one? Levi peered at all the different types of cellular devices. Let’s see… He pointed at one that was black, very sleek and smooth. It looked nice. “That one?” Eren asked and Levi nodded. They were passing the clothes when Eren piped up, “Hey, wait here by the cart. I want to go check something out. Will you be fine here by yourself?” Levi nodded, though he wasn’t entirely sure he wanted to be alone. Well at least now he had a new phone… that he didn’t know how to work.

            After Eren left it seemed like hours- no days were passing by. He’s taking forever. Levi bit his lip. He had this uncomfortable feeling, that same feeling as earlier. Someone is watching me. He felt his skin crawl. Sure enough, Levi spotted the same man from the bakery. Creepy. Is he following us? It seemed like he was hovering. Slowly getting closer, it made Levi’s heart race and his nerves go haywire. He felt sick like knots were bundled in his stomach. Levi found himself backing away. Soon, without thinking his feet lead him into another aisle. “Fuck.” Levi hissed under his breath. “I left the cart.” Even if it was germ infested, he needed to get it. Levi headed back to the cart and in mid-stride he stopped, his blood ran cold. That man was near the cart.

            Levi backed up and peeked behind the aisle that he was in. He watched the man as he looked at the cart and then started to look around. The man made eye contact with Levi. Turning on his heal, Levi went the other way. Levi didn’t want to be confronted by this stranger. With quick steps he moved to put as much distance between him and the mystery man. After Levi was sure he had lost him, he looked around. Shit. He was lost. Where the fuck did I come from? Levi looked for something familiar. Nothing. Bringing both hands to his head and pulling slightly on his hair Levi mumbled, “Shit. Shit. I was so caught up in avoiding that guy… I… I’m fucking lost…” Calm down. Levi told himself mentally. It’s just a shitty ass store… Where the fuck is Eren? Levi inhaled slowly. I’ll just have to look… It can’t be that bad, right?

            Frowning, Levi found an empty aisle. Levi could only check a few aisles before his nerves were shot. The people, that guy, the germs, being lost in a fucking store… it was getting to Levi. Inwardly, he was freaking out, caught in a fearsome storm, but his exterior showed no signs all except for the constant shaking. He couldn’t keep his hands still. Levi crouched down and hugged his knees. Okay, I was wrong. I was wrong. I should have stayed in the car. I should have stayed. I knew it. Eren was right, I was wrong. Levi closed his eyes and tried to tune out the store and all of its people.

            Levi didn’t know how long he actually had been sitting there or if anyone stared or if Eren would ever find him but when he felt a hand on his shoulder he jumped and let out a small yelp, “Holy fuck, Levi, I leave you for five fucking minutes and look what happened.”

            Levi’s heart raced, this time for a good reason. Eren! “Tch. It wasn’t my fault. There was some stalking mother fucker that followed us here from the bakery. He followed me around a bit and finally I lost him… but I ended up lost too.” This was ridiculous and humiliating. Levi looked at the ground waiting for Eren to call him stupid or something. But it never came. He didn’t say anything like that.

            Eren sighed as he unfolded his arms and opened them, “Come here, Levi.”

            At first Levi couldn’t move, his body was too stiff to move. Finally after a long moment, his body seemed to start working again and Levi found his way to his feet. Eren’s arms were outstretched toward him. Literally? Go to him? Levi’s steps were cautious as he approached Eren slowly. As soon as Levi got within reach, Eren pulled him into a tight hug. It was silly… but Levi thought that he was starting to like… hugs, especially if they were from Eren. It made his raw nerves feel better, like a weird kind of healing

            “It’s okay Levi, I’m here now so stop shaking.” Eren cooed into Levi’s ear, “Next time I won’t leave you like that. I won’t ever again.” His voice was calm in Levi’s ear which caused him to shiver slightly. He felt Eren’s hands on his back, again right where his scars were, rubbing his back gently. Once more, Levi felt calm instantly. He felt like he could melt into the floor and had Eren not been supporting him, he probably would have at least fallen to the floor. The feeling was pleasant and relaxing yet made him feel weak. It was a different feeling that Levi hardly felt but found it oddly comfortable.

            After a while of just holding each other, Eren slowly pulled away slightly, his eyes flickered into Levi’s eyes, “Better? Let’s check out and go home, sound good?”

            Levi nodded, he wanted to get the fuck out of this hell hole. If there was one thing he learned, it was that stores were evil and germ infested. “Yeah, take me home.” They separated and Eren started to push the cart. Quickly, Levi caught up to him and latched onto the hem of Eren’s shirt. His hand tighten on the fabric with a death grip. Eren sent a sideways look and Levi muttered, “What? I’m not getting lost again.” Levi’s eyes darted down with his head. He looked at his boots. Eren didn’t make any comments.

            Thus, Eren had pushed the cart to the check out. Levi didn’t look up as they walked. He didn’t look up to see if people were staring. Even when he also felt the mystery man’s eyes he still did not look up in fear that he’d make eye contact again. Levi did not look up when they paid for the things Eren bought. It probably was a ridiculous sight. One grown male holding onto the other’s shirt, the other male pushing the cart. The whole time he had been holding tightly onto Eren’s shirt, he didn’t let go until they got to the car.

            On the way home the ride was peaceful for the most part, Levi was able to calm down mostly. When they reached home Eren turned to Levi, “Will you be okay tomorrow?”

            Levi tilted his head, confused, “What do you mean?”

            “I have to go to work tomorrow. I only get weekends off.” Eren said with a little bit of a worried undertone in his voice, “I can call in sick for work if you want.”

            Oh, work… that’s right. “No. I don’t mind being home alone. I’ll be able to get used to the house that way.” Mostly, Levi was curious. He wanted to explore the massive backyard. Possibly spread his wings and get a good stretch.

            “Okay, just don’t make a mess.” Eren’s voice was teasing.

            Levi rolled his eyes, “Oh, cause you know I make messes.” Levi heard Eren laugh at his comment. He turned his head to see Eren in the middle of laughter. Laughter. It was everywhere… but this was a different kind of laughter. It wasn’t making fun of Levi nor mocking him. It was a comfortable, genuine, happy kind of laughter. This laughter Levi was hearing more and more of sounded –well it wasn’t bad… He kind of liked it. It made him feel good inside. Though Levi couldn’t answer why, it just did. I want to hear more of this laughter. “Was it really that funny?”

            When Eren’s laughter stopped, he wiped happy tears from his eyes, “Yeah, I mean, imagine it. You being messy. All you do is complain about germs and stuff.” He smiled, “I could see it. All specks of dust watch out, clean Captain Levi is here!” Levi felt amused by Eren sometimes and this was one of those moments. All of a sudden Eren’s face turned into a face of shock.

            “What’s wrong?”

            “Levi… You are smiling.”


Gah~! It's so cute~

If anyone thinks that Levi is a litlle out of character then go jump of a cliff. xD 
No seriously, you be trapped in a cage for most of your life... then go to a store. Levi has the right to flip his shit.
I mean, who wouldn't get nervous, especially since there was 'a stalking mother fucker'.

Got to love Levi~! He's so... I can't even describe how... AMAZING he is... how... adorable he can be. And just over all is so fun to write about.

I would take you to the moon, Levi.~ ♥o♥

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