The adventures of Team RWBY

De OhorgokonatKaiRha

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(What happens if the story of RWBY is slightly modified?) 15 year old Ruby has been accorded a scholarship to... Mais

Chapter 1: Ruby Rose
Chapter 3: Initiation
Chapter 4: Players and Pieces
Chapter 5: Confessions
Chapter 6: Bully Problems
Chapter 7: Forever Fall
Chapter 8: Return of the White Fang and Blake's Trauma
Chapter 9: Showdown at the Vale Docks
Chapter 10: Hunting the Villains!
Chapter 11: Mountain Glenn
Chapter 12: Life at Beacon
Chapter 13: Summer Holidays, start!
Chapter 14: Menagerie
Chapter 15: White Rose holidays
Chapter 16: Team JNPR's Discovery

Chapter 2: Welcome to Beacon

273 5 3
De OhorgokonatKaiRha

A/N: Ok, this is gonna be pretty long, because this is covering episode 2 and 3, after all, I'm planning on having Volumes 1 and 2 being at least 16 chapters. And I'm giving no more spoilers. So you have to read to find out.

Ruby's POV

As the airship docked the 'Vomit boy', as we began to called him, ran to the nearest trash can. 'I actually feel sorry for him now...'

Me and my sister gasped in awe at the sheer size of the school. "Wow! This place is huge!" Yang exclaimed. "Yeah! It's like a fortress!" I agreed.

Yang grinned at me. "So, ya ready to finally make some friends?" I cringed. 'Dang it. She still hasn't dropped it.' I sighed.

"Yang. For the last time, it's not easy for someone like me to make friends, I'm not as confident as you are!" I looked down. "To much time being a weapons enthusiast, I guess. Plus, with my Faunus heritage it's even trickier."

Yang rolled her eyes. "Please, your fine! This place is way different from signal, there are bound to be kids around here with tastes similar to yours! And don't be like that! I'm a Faunus too, and I have tons of friends!"

I gave her a deadpanned look. "Even if I did make friends at Signal, I wouldn't have been able to bring them like you obviously did!"

Yang hummed. "Well, you've got a point... speaking of which, my friends are all here so I gotta go, bye!!" She ran off with some random kids that I've never seen before, leaving me spinning.

"YANG! Wait! Don't leave me!" I stopped spinning. "Ugh. How do I live with that overgrown kid?" I fell over backwards into someone's luggage.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Ruby groaned as she looked up to meet the gaze of a white haired girl. "Woah."

Weiss' POV

Weiss sighed seeing the porters unload the numerous cases. 'Enough for me to last all four years.' She looked up at the sky. 'I finally made it to Beacon! And hopefully I won't have to deal with his influence anymore...' I sighed again. 'Winter, you've done so much for me. I can't thank you enough.'

Suddenly a dust cloud of running students swept past her. "What the-" "OOF!"

I turned and saw that a Faunus girl with a red cape had fallen onto my luggage. I always felt nervous around Faunus, and because of my family's history with them that is no surprise. I was about to scold her, when she looked up, and immediately I felt my breath taken away. "Oh..."

Normal POV

At that moment, her silver eyes met with a pair of icy blue ones. 'Beautiful...' Ruby thought. 'Adorable...' Weiss swallowed.

Ruby then realised what happened and quickly scrambled up. "I'm so sorry!! My sister ran off, and I lost balance! I didn't break anything did I?!"

Weiss shook herself out of her stupor. "Huh, What? No! No, no. You're fine, everything's intact."

Ruby hummed. "Ok... here let me pick it up for you!l" Weiss groaned. 'Oh no, it's turning out like back in Atlas!' "You don't have to, the carriers can easily-"

She was cut off when a gust of wind enveloped her an the luggage. When she opened her eyes, Ruby had put all the suitcases back on the trolly. "There! Good as new!" She said grinning.

Ruby POV

I looked at the girl in front of me. She was dressed head to toe in white clothing. Hair, dress, boots, weapon, everything! Even her skin! The only thing not white is her eyes which are blue. 'I'm gonna say it. She's drop dead gorgeous.'

The girl gaped at me. "How did you...?" "Semblance." I answered. Weiss face palmed. "Of course it was, but what kind of semblance gives the user control over wind?"

I shook my head. "That's just a side-effect. My semblance is Speed. I run super fast, sometimes faster then the speed of sound!"

Weiss raised an eyebrow. "Speed of sound, huh?" I blushed. "Well, not right now of course. I don't wanna ruin anything here." I muttered looking down at the ground, and kicking at it ever so slightly.

Weiss POV

I watched her shuffle in place nervously. 'My god she's so cute!! Maybe my father was wrong about the Faunus.'

I took a moment to observe her closer. She wore thick dark clothing, the most distinctive thing being her red cloak. She had bright silver eyes and large furry wolf ears on top of her head. And a large furry tail was swaying timidly behind her.

I cleared my throat. "Ahem, don't worry I believe you! By the way I haven't caught your name? My name is Weiss Schnee." The girl looked up smiling. "Ah! Um... Ruby Rose!" 'Ruby? A nice name for someone wearing red.'

Ruby then had a surprised look on her face. "Hey!" 'Uh Oh, She recognises my name!' "You have a really Atlasian name! 'Weiss Schnee' means 'Snow White' right?"

'Now that surprised me.' I nodded. "Yes, my family are very comfortable in cold weathers. And Atlas is the most northern of the five nations. So it's natural."

Ruby then cocked her head to the side. 'Stop acting cute!' "Atlas is also the richest nation right? So... are you a noble or something?"

I was once again surprised at this girl's naivety. But before I could respond someone else did.

"She's an heiress, actually."

Normal POV

They turned around to see a black haired girl walking towards them. Weiss took a moment to realise that she was also a Faunus, thanks to the cat ears on the top of her head and the long swishing cat tail behind her. (A/N: I'm not keeping the bow, sorry.)

"Weiss Schnee. Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company. The company owned by the richest family in Atlas, and consequently the entire planet."

Ruby glanced at Weiss, who gave a shy nod. But the girl wasn't finished.

"The same company known for it's controversial labour forces and questionable business partners." She said with disdain.

Weiss POV

"EXCUSE ME?!" I Yelled, causing Ruby and the girl to cover her ears. 'Whoops better tone it down'. "My older sister has been working her butt off to restore the honour to our family name! If anyone is to blame it's my father!"

Blake POV

I felt kinda shocked. "But... weren't you bossing that girl around?" I asked nervously. The white girl blinked. "Huh?..."

The wolf girl in red then walked up to me. "Whoa, whoa! She wasn't bossing me around! I was just cleaning up the mess I made!" I blinked. "Uh..."

Just then a blonde boy wearing white armor came running up to us. "It's true! It's true! I saw it!" He caught up to us and caught his breath.

"This girl was taking to some blonde girl, who suddenly took off running towards the school with a bunch of other guys. Then she tripped and fell into this white girl's luggage. They then made friends, and Ruby demonstrated her super cool semblance!" He took a deep breath. "Then you arrived."

I blinked. "Oh..." I then put my head in my hands. "I feel so stupid now..."

Ruby grinned and gave me a pat on the back. "Hey, it's fine! There's no need to panic, it's my sister's fault for ditching me! You already know Weiss' name, my name is Ruby Rose!"

She then looked at Jaune. "Aren't you the guy who vomited on the ship?" She asked, causing me and Weiss to snigger.

The boy winced. "Uh... I'm not so good with transport. Anyway, my name's Jaune. Jaune Arc." "Weiss Schnee but you already know that." They turned to me and I cleared my throat, knowing what they were asking for. "Blake. Blake Belladonna." I turned to Ruby and bowed. "I'm sorry for treating your friend the way I did."

Ruby suddenly gasped with her ears perked up. "Friend..." she turned to Weiss, her big silver eyes sparkling. "Am I really your friend?!" She asked with her tail wagging at high speed. Weiss blushed. "Uh..." she glanced at me and Jaune. Jaune nodded. "Say yes!" He mouthed. "Y-Yes?" She said nervously.

Normal POV

Immediately, Ruby pounced on her, her tail wagging ten-fold. "Yes!! I finally made a friend!! I hope we can get along! I love running, my main hobby is weapons, but I also like fantasy novels and manga, along with Video Games and Anime! Oh crap, I'm rambling! Sorry!" Her ears and tail flattened.

Weiss immediately, hugged her without thinking. "No, no! It's fine! You have a lot of fun hobby's, Ruby, that's ok!" She said, rubbing the top of Ruby's head. And Ruby's tail started wagging again.

Jaune grinned. "Hey, Ruby? You don't mind having me on my friend list, do ya? I like Video Games, Anime and Manga too!" Ruby grinned. "Yep, sure thing. Man, I guess Yang's gonna be really surprised. I didn't make one friend, but three!" Blake was surprised. 'Me too? Well... she said she likes fantasy novels, so I guess I could share some of mine?'

Just then, Weiss' porters came up to them. "I beg your pardon, Ms. Schnee. But aren't you supposed to head into the school's main building?"

The four teenagers blinked. Then they gasped. "Oh crap!! Everyone cheese it!!" They ran towards the school.

Yang POV

'I feel kinda bad about ditching Rubes. Maybe I should head back? It's been almost half an hour.' Just then the doors swung open and my adorable baby sister ran in with three other teens.

'Oh my gosh! Did she make friends?! Actually that cat girl's kinda cute.' "Yo, Ruby! I saved you a spot!"

Ruby POV

"Oh, that's my sister! Come on guys, I'll introduce you!"

Normal POV

The group ran towards Yang, who was waving enthusiastically.

Jaune blinked. 'Wow, her sister looks like she could be one of my sisters, minus the lizard traits, or is she a salamander?' Weiss was confused. 'I was half expecting Ruby's sister to be a Faunus, but she doesn't seem to be the same kind. I guess it works differently?' Blake however had very different thoughts. 'Oh. My. God. She's freaking HOT!' Her nose bled slightly as she gawked at Yang.

Blake wasn't the only one gawking however. At the far end of the room, a certain red haired amazon, dressed in gold, was eagerly staring at Jaune.

Yang grinned mischievously. "See, Ruby? I told you you'd make friends!" "Yeah. After you ditched me!" Ruby deadpanned causing Yang to wince. "Ok. Low blow sis. Anyway, nice to meet you guys! I'm Yang Xiao Long! Ruby's older half-sister!"

"Jaune Arc!" "Weiss Schnee, a pleasure!" "B-Blake Belladonna." Muttered the Black haired Cat girl, still half out of it.

Ruby then pulled Weiss into a hug. "This one's my bestie!" She said, causing Weiss to splutter.

Yang burst out laughing. "Man, talk about a crazy day! You and Weiss? Bet that no one else saw that one coming!"

Just then, Jaune noticed something appear on stage. "Guys! Ssshhh! I think the headmaster is here!"

Ozpin's POV

I walked towards the microphone at the end of the platform, with Glynda following close by. I looked at my new students, and gave a smile seeing Miss Rose standing next to her sister, Miss Xiao Long and to my surprise Miss Schnee and Miss Belladonna. 'Miss Nikos seems to be intrigued by Mr. Arc.' I thought.

I tapped the microphone. "I'll keep this brief. Welcome to Beacon Academy. You have come from far and wide, in the pursuit of knowledge. Knowledge to go alongside your current power. But that will only take you so far. It is up to you, to take the first step."

Glynda POV

I watched as Ozpin turned and left, before moving up to the microphone myself. "You will all gather at the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow morning, we will evaluate your skills in the emerald forest. That is all for now."

Normal POV

The group watched as the two headmasters left. "That was... odd." Weiss muttered. Ruby nodded. "Yeah. It's like he wasn't even there." Blake grabbed a handkerchief and blew her nose. "Sorry."

Roman POV

I sighed, staring at the map of vale. 'What the hell was wrong with that little red wolf chick?! She was way to fast for a normal person.'

A man walked in with a crate full of dust. I paid the man for it and he left. Too my right, cute little Neo was watching me like a hawk. "Well, Neo?" She looked up at me. "Looks like things got a little bit trickier."

Neo just shrugged, before doing hand gestures. "Exactly." I lit my cigar. "We're gonna need more men."

Neo exited the room and found Cinder, pacing. "That girl was way too fast... and she had silver eyes! And a scythe... who the heck wields a scythe?! The only other one that does is..." she froze. "Oh my gods. She's related to team STRQ!"

Neo rolled her eyes at her team leader and partner, she looked to her other two teammates. "She's been like this since she and the boss got back." The grey haired boy, Mercury, replied.

The green haired girl, Emerald, was trying to calm Cinder down. "Hey, Hey! It's fine! Our team together is more then enough to take her down!" Cinder stopped pacing, then her confidence came back full force.

"You right! I saw her face, she's way to young to be at Beacon! Therefore she'll have no team to back her up!"

Neo gave a blank stare, before walking over and tapping Cinder on the shoulder. When Cinder turned, Neo gestured: "Actually, she was admitted to Beacon two years early, yesterday. At this point, she's probably going through initiation." Emerald gaped. "Neo!!" She scolded, causing Neo to frantically raise her hands, "Sorry! But it's the truth!" She signed.

Cinder meanwhile had gone back to pacing. "And we broke her." Mercury deadpanned.

Ruby POV

'Well, here I am.' I thought. 'Fought a bad guy, made a deal with Ozpin, came with my sister to Beacon, made three friends, now I'm sleeping in a ballroom in my pyjamas. What next?'

Yang flopped down next to me. "It's like a big slumber party." "I don't think dad will approve of all the boys." I deadpanned. "Eh, we'll get used to it. So, wanna talk about making more friends?"

Yang POV

"Not tonight, sis." She rolled over and curled up, falling asleep immediately. I sighed. 'Guess I'll have to wait for tomorrow then.'

I watched as Jaune walked by in a blue onesie. He waved at me, and I hesitantly waved back.

"That isn't something I'd like to see everyday." Weiss muttered from behind me. "Ruby may see him as a friend, but I have my doubts."

I shrugged. "I'm just glad Rubes fell asleep before seeing that. She gets nightmares sometimes."

Weiss just sighed. "Speaking of her, each time she hugged me today, my heart began beating faster." I looked at her surprised. "Am I going to be okay around her?" She asked hesitantly.

I blinked before smirking. 'She's as innocent and clueless as Ruby!' "It's fine! It just means that you two are going to be super close. Just spend lots of time with her and you'll closer to her then she is with me!"

Weiss blinked at me, then she lied down on her mat. "I guess..." she then fell asleep soon after. 

Normal POV

Blake, who was reading a book, glanced up from it and smiled. "A Schnee loving a Faunus?" She asked herself. "That'll be something new all together." She blew out the candles and everything went dark.

(A/N: and that's a wrap! Next chapter will be the initiation episodes! I'll try to get that bit done in two chapters max. I love shipping White Rose so the couple going to be made quite fast. See you!)

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