Awaken Your Inner Self

By Snakezz69

852 57 17

Discover you are more than just a person whom lives a life unfulfilled. You can achieve great thing's and are... More

Who Are We
Believe In You
Tidiness Is Next To Godliness
Dress For Success
Music And Mantras
We Act How We Think
Is Tomorrow Promised
Be Grateful
Be Humble
The Gift Of Giving
Learn Forgiveness
Art Of Silence
Social Media
Authors Note

Share Love And Kindness With All

33 2 0
By Snakezz69

Chapter 9

Ok this is not a love story as such but if you have read the rest of my chapters you would know this already,
The art of sharing love with all starts with you!
How? Well first you must learn to love whom you are and where you are at on your life path,
Simple right!! Haha if only it was that easy who knows maybe it is for some but for most of us it is not because of what we have been through in life or even how we were brought up and spoken to as children this all effects us now, (I use effects due to it was influenced).
So in order to come to a point where we find self love we must battle our own thoughts and feelings ingrained in our minds,
Lets start off by going back to other chapters on this start by investing in yourself tell yourself you love whom you are and how you look, treat yourself to gifts take yourself out on dates just you and your smile,
Have you ever had a pet or a loved one that passed away how do you feel when you think of them or maybe a partner who you love dearly your parents anyone that gives you that feeling of so much love you have tears in your eyes! Got someone? Ok good now start to feel that for yourself because you are the most deserving of the love you hold,
Don't worry it will come.

Now sharing the love with others, this is where it gets harder because you are dealing with a lot of people in your everyday life some you won't even know.
But it get's easier with time all you need to start is a smile use it everywhere to everyone, Greet people say hello to strangers wish them blessings, Help others out if someone in the grocery store is a little short for what they are buying instead of getting annoyed how long it takes them to decide what they need to give up maybe if you can afford it pay the rest for them and I am not meaning going into big amounts but just a little is enough, Karma works in great way's in you get in life what you give.
Give grief receive grief, show love receive love, get the picture?
It could be a mother or family struggling to feed children due to circumstances beyond their control it may be someone whom becomes a millionaire and successful and helps you when you are at your lowest karma see.

Buy someone a cup of coffee,carry someones shopping to their car anything that shows love and kindness will help self love and love for others spread around the world the other bonus being it will bring you closer to creator and raise your vibration and help with healing old scars and hurt's life left you with, Don't overdo it have balance because sharing can tire you out it can drain our energy depending on the way we use it,
Just remember love of self should always be there don't doubt you deserve love because you do and if you have another love in your life nurture them as they should nurture you and the most love you can show anyone is to spend time on them without any distractions! Just full attention.
They should believe in you as you do them this in turn will help the love of everything and everyone around you grow.

Unconditional love is what we should strive for this comes from the heart we need to know how to feel it for ourselves before we can share it with others, But once you can vibrate at this level everyone will know it comes from your heart and feel it when given.

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