The Girl Who Leap to Another...

By KissesOcean

6.3K 677 38

I didn't die. There was no truck-san in the scene. But why am I in another world? The gods had chosen me to l... More

Author's Note
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chaprter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI

Chapter IV

461 58 1
By KissesOcean

"What's all this ruckus, Fergus?" A male voice spoke and at the same time, the owner of its voice entered the tent with a frown on his face. His hair was dark contrasting his gold eyes. All I could think that his features would make every girl in my dorm swoon over this dude. I was just glad that he doesn't exist in my world or else he'll surely be eaten alive.

"Captain," the Hulk salute toward the young man.

I looked over to Hulk and back to the young man then do it again.

"Aren't you too young to be a captain?" I thought out loud that took the Captain's attention on me.

His frown disappeared and turned into a smile. A smile that he gives to every girl he meets. "No, not at all, my lady," he answered. "I was born to be a captain with great looks, as you can see. And why does a beautiful creature like you is in a place like this full of hungry beasts."

"Wounded beasts," I corrected.

"Captain, this is the cleric from the village of Marip. I found her lost in the forest," Hulk stated.

My jaw dropped at the Hulk. "I wasn't lost! You fucking dragged me here out of my will!" I sounded like a little brat girl next to a mountain man made out of pure muscles. "I'll sue you." Before I could stop myself the words were out of my mouth. That was a stupid thing to say. Sue? Who in this magical world would sue someone? Ugh, kill me now.

I then looked at the captain who I noticed was watching me with a weirded look on his face. Crossing my arms over my chest and looked at him accusingly. "You're looking at me as if I'm crazy."

His right eye twitched. "Of course not," he lied.

"Uh-huh. Tell that to someone who'll believe in you," I said and mumbled, "Damn caffeine."

It was like all the coffee I drank just backfired me now in full blow. But thank the heaven I was not experiencing diarrhea, for now. Though I had a bad feeling about this that my brain was screaming to me to run away from them or else I'll regret this.

"Captain," Hulk called his attention. "This cleric doesn't want to heal our men."

The captain nodded and placed his hand on my shoulder without any warning that I jumped out of my skin. "Shit. Shit. Shit." I rubbed my poor chest to calm myself down as I repeatedly spoke shit. I then glared at the captain who already pulled his hand while backing away.

"I apologize for my sudden action," he said extending his hand towards me. His hand was facing upward. "Reed. Captain Reed Evans, my lady."

I stared at his hand as he introduces himself. Warily I took his hand and shook it which made the captain's brows raised on the latter.

"Allison Scarlett Lewis."

Without letting go of my hand he said with an easy smile, "Lady Lewis, I am sure that his majesty, the King, wants to meet you."

I tried to pull away from his grasp but failed. His hold was strong. This was what my brain had warned me earlier.

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