Fighting For You (Yoonkook)

By Moonbinnie0983

27.6K 703 185

Park Jungkook, brother of Park Jimin, finds out his brother has been lying to him about a certain someone. Wh... More

New book
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9 (M)
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16 (M)
Part 17 (M)
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Thank you!

Part 6

1.2K 32 19
By Moonbinnie0983

Holy shit me updating twice within a week wow lol

Anyways enjoy this long ass chapter~~

I love youuuuuu

It's been 2 weeks since Jungkook's heat and Yoongi's rut, the couple felt closer after everything happened. Today the couple is preparing lunch, Jimin and Taehyung setting the table and getting everyone's drinks ready.

While Yoongi was at the store this morning getting what they needed for lunch, Jungkook found out that he's pregnant. He knows Yoongi's going to be happy about the news and he already can't wait to tell his mate, but he's not sure if he should tell his brother.

When Jungkook entered high school he thought his brother would be caring and protective, oh how wrong he was. Jimin was always envious of Jungkook because he could have children of his own whereas Jimin would have to adopt. When Jungkook was bullied in high school his brother would laugh and call him a "useless omega" and horrible words.

Even after everything his brother did to him Jungkook still loves his brother, he's just nervous on how he's going to react.

(A few hours later~)

While Jungkook was getting the cake out of the fridge he decided that it was time to tell them seen as he was to excited to keep it a secret. Jungkook feels around his pocket for the test, he was carrying it around with him, he sighs in relief when he feels it in his front pocket.

"Everyone," he starts setting the cake on the table, "I have some amazing news!"

"What is it baby?" Yoongi asks with curiosity.

"Here," Jungkook hands his mate the test before sitting down beside him, now beyond nervous.

"Please tell me this isn't a joke Kook, please tell me this is real," Yoongi begs, he's always dreamed of having children of his own and purposely didn't wear protection when they were intimate.

"It's real Yoongi, you're going to be a dad~"

"Thank you Lord!" He stands up, bringing Jungkook with him as he hugs and kisses his mate. Taehyung congratulating them both with a wide smile on his face asking if he could babysit when they had the baby.

Jimin sat at the table, his jaw dropped as he watches them in jealousy. He thinks he deserves to be with child and not Jungkook, he wanted to have children of his own before Jungkook did.

"This isn't fair!" Jimin hisses out in anger.

"What's not fair?" Yoongi asks keeping his arms around Jungkook in a protective manner.

"Your pregnant and I'm not! I've always wanted kids and you get pregnant and have to rub it in my face!"

"No I'm not, I thought you'd be happy for me..." Jungkooks voice is small, looking at the ground as he feels tears well up in his eyes.

"Why would I be happy for a whore like you huh?!"

"Watch yourself Park!" Yoongi tries to step forward but Jungkook holds his arms trying to calm himself down.

"You've been together for what 5 or 6 months and you're pregnant? You expect me to be happy for you?"

"You cheated on Yoongi with me the day we met so stop it Jimin!" Taehyung yells.

"You're a good for nothing sl-"

Everyone falls silent when they hear a slapping sound echo though the room, surprised to see Jungkook standing if front of his brother. "Get out! I never want to see you again!"

"Jimin I believe you were asked to leave," Yoongi says lowly, his voice full of dominance.

Jimin leaves without a word, trying to grab his mate's hand but Taehyung pulls it back, "Do you guys have a spare room I can sleep in tonight?"

Yoongi nods before telling Jungkook to show him to the room, "You have no idea how happy I am that he slapped you. If he wouldn't have done it than I would've. Taehyung is staying here tonight so you might want to learn how to control that little mouth of yours before you lose your mate."

Jimin scoffs before walking off to his vehicle his head hung low, he didn't know he'd be going home alone but here he is doing so. Yoongi shuts the door after he leaves before making his way down the hall, he watches Jungkook get on his tippy toes trying to reach a blanket for Taehyung. Taehyung chuckles before grabbing the blanket himself.

"Never thought you'd slap him Kook, my little omega is brave~" Jungkook blushes at the sudden praise he receives from Yoongi, making grabby hands for him.

"Come here baby, you need to calm down," Yoongi picks up Jungkook, letting Jungkook breath in his scent so he calm be calm completely.

"I'm proud of you Jungkook, I hate to say this but you're brother needed someone to smack some sense into him," Taehyung sighs before grabbing two pillows to sleep with, "You're brother doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut, I'm sorry for him."

"Don't apologize for him, he needs to realize no one is scared of him. You and I know for a fact he's not as strong as us, and we have the highest stature," Yoongi puts Jungkook down, kissing the crown of his head before continuing, "But for him to act this way to his brother, he didn't expect you to hit him and I'm so proud of you that you did baby!"

"Me too Jungkook, I'm so proud of the person you've become. Being with Yoongi has given you a backbone to be able to stand up for yourself."

Jungkook smiles grabbing both alphas and leading them to the kitchen, "Let's eat this cake!"

Both alphas chuckle at Jungkook's cuteness, they sit at the table smiling at him. As they eat the air is full of laughter as they reminisce in old memories, the good kind. Later that night they hear a knock at the door, Taehyung got up and decided to answer it for them. When he opens the door he sees two females, four males, and a little girl.

"Hello, can I help you?"

"We're here to see Jungkook and Yoongi, who are you?"

"I'm Taehyung Jungkook's brother-in-law, who might you be?"

"I'm Liv, these are my mates Jinwoo and Mingi."

"I'm Mikey, these are my mates Changbin and Hyunjin and this beautiful girl is our daughter Scarlett!"

Taehyung smiles at them before letting them in, "They're in the living room watching Deadpool 2."

The girls thank him before walking off to the living room, the boys on their tails. Taehyung chuckles slightly before closing the door, he has the urge to hold the pup but he doesn't know if the parents will be okay with it.

"Taehyungie! Do you want to hold her?" Jungkook asks as soon as he returns, Taehyung shyly nods causing the girls to giggle.

"Go ahead, she loves meeting new people!" Mikey says handing him her pup.

"Pretty man," Scarlett says in a soft voice as she look at Taehyung with a smile.

"No!" Changbin yells out causing Scarlett to flinch, she soon pouts with tears welling up in her eyes. Mikey walks away from Jungkook and Liv and smacks Changbin on the back of his head harshly, "She did nothing wrong!" She hisses.

"You like the pretty man baby~" Liv coos as she walks up to Scarlett, Scarlett nods her head before cuddling into Taehyungs chest. Liv coos, smiling at her adorable niece. Taehyung coos before kissing her head, walking to the couch to sit down with her.

Liv turns around and locks eyes on Changbin, she starts walking his way and once she's in front of him she smiles evilly before sending smack after smack to his upper body and head. "Hey! Watch the face watch THE FACE!"

Jungkook laughs at the scene as well as everyone else, looking over to Taehyung seeing him playing with Scarlett. He smiles at the scene, he knows how much he loves children and he knows Tae is willing to adopt in the future. The future might come soon seen as he might get baby fever with Jungkook being pregnant and being around Scarlett.

A few hours later and everyone has calmed down, Taehyung refused to let Scarlett go so she fell asleep on his chest. Both girls fell asleep in their mates hold, Yoongi and Jungkook retired to their bedroom and decided to let everyone sleep at their place tonight. Jungkook crawls into bed in one of Yoongi's shirts, it being very baggy on him. Yoongi changes into some gray sweat pants and sleeps shirtless. They cuddle up in bed, kissing each other goodnight before going to sleep.

It was 2am when there's a knock at the door, Scarlett wake up immediately crying as she buries her face in Taehyung's chest. Changbin and Hyunjin are woken up to the sound of their baby girl crying, Hyunjin leaving the room to make a cup. When Changbin was about to grab his daughter he hears a knock at the door, he sighs before trudging to the door with an angry expression on his face.

"Yeah?" He says while opening the door.

"Um I'm here to see my mate, where is he?" Jimin asks with wide eyes as he looks at Changbin, noticing the tattoos that cover his built body. He scans down his toned and tan body "you're very well built~"

Changbin rolls his eyes, "Your mate Taehyung?" Jimin nods, biting his lip.

"How about you and I get out of here? Just the two of us~" Jimin purrs reaching out to trail a finger down his body.

There's a tight grip on Jimin's wrist, "You came here to see your mate so don't be such a slut and fuck off!"

Jimin smirks before leaning in close to Changbin, "He doesn't treat me well, but I know you will~"

"He told you to fuck off Beta." Hyunjin says, his eyes flickering red in anger. "He has a mate and a daughter and before you even think about hitting on me so do I, unlike you we're loyal and would never hurt our mate!"

"Hey you have a cup for her?" Liv walks up to them, "Mikey is still asleep and I don't have the heart to wake her up. She doesn't get much sleep with college, work, and raising a baby."

"Who are you?" She asks, tilting her chin up as she stares down Jimin.

"Taehyungs mate, he was flirting with Chang-"

"Oh hell no! If you're gonna try and be a home wrecker then you fucking to leave!" Liv yells at Jimin, getting in his face as she growls lowly, flashing her blue eyes, "Now.

"What's going on?" Taehyung asks as he walks up to them with Scarlett in his arms, the pup still sniffing as she makes grabby hands for Changbin.

"Jimin, what are you doing here? I told you I'm staying here tonight," Changbin grabs his daughter as Hyunjin hands their pup her sippy cup.

"You have an unloyal mate," Hyunjin mutters as him and Changbin walk to the living room. Taehyungs brows furrow as Jimin pushes past him, letting himself in. Liv right on his tail, as soon as she reaches the living room she shakes Mikey to wake her up. She knows for a fact her best friend deserves to know someone was trying to get in one of her mates pants. And she's not going to be very happy waking up to this.

^^ me asf omg 😂😂

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