junebug {adopted by chris mot...

By salem-horror

26.6K 834 169

Maddie had been out on the streets for nearly a week when she was found by Chris. He had been taking out the... More

intro from the author
one • i'm not broken, so don't fix me
two • nicknames
three • mall day with kylie
four • androids are fucking dumb
five • best friends
six • band kid
seven • ricky's hugs
eight • the news
nine • you're not my parents
ten • sparky
a/n (please read)
eleven • birthday
thirteen • it's hard to love people
fourteen • tour
fifteen • ohio sucks
sixteen • voices and "i love you's"
seventeen • vip and ice cream
eighteen • welcome home!
nineteen • big kids
twenty • first kiss
twenty one • i miss her
twenty two • the visit
twenty three • back on tour
twenty four • figuring some things out
twenty five • palaye royale
twenty six • worry
twenty seven • UK
twenty eight • doctors aren't cool
twenty nine • what'd you do now?
thirty • stay inside
thirty one • goodbye, UK
thirty two • we put the fun in funeral
thirty three • santa's pissed
thirty four • new year's day
thirty five • better
sequel • cry little sister
question forum
junebug • insider's look

twelve • gaia's day

697 22 1
By salem-horror

Maddie's POV

I was quite nervous for today. Gaia wanted to take me out to the mall. Chris said it's good bonding. I guess so.

I put on a checkered skirt and a black crop top. Chris really hated it, but he said since I was older, I could wear it. I cleaned my septum piercing which Angelo had done for me and did my makeup and hair. I put on my checkered vans, paired with long black socks, and went downstairs.

I poured Sparky a bowl of food. Chris came into the kitchen.

"Gaia will be here soon ... are you sure you wanna wear that shirt?"

"Yes, Dad. I'll be okay."

"And remember, we're leaving in 5 days. You gotta pack tonight."

It was Monday and Chris let me stay home from school just to go out with Gaia. Jordan and Oliver had been texting me all day - in the middle of class.

Speaking of Oliver, he just texted me.

Oliver : I know this might seem weird, but do you wanna go out with me tomorrow after school?

Maddie: Yeah, sure, lemme check with my dad

"Dad, can I go out on a ... date?" I asked reluctantly.

He narrowed his eyes. "With who?"


"I have to meet him."

I shrugged. "Okay."

Maddie: Sure

Oliver: Okay, see you tomorrow

Maddie: Okay

Gaia knocked on the door. Time to go. I took a deep breath and opened the door with a smile. She smiled back. "Let's go."

I waved to Chris and walked outside. Gaia and I got into her car and she told me I could listen to music.

I played Marilyn Manson. We sang along to This is the New Shit and laughed our asses off as we tried to impersonate Manson. Maybe this day will go okay ...

•     •     •     •     •

Gaia's POV

Maddie was a wonderful girl. Chris had been so nervous about us meeting. I guess I understood why he was. Maddie had been through a lot.

"So, what are we gonna do at the mall?" Maddie asked.

"I'd figured we'd get lunch and then we can get our makeup done and stuff. Maybe our nails and hair, too," I said.

"Kylie and I did that. It was fun."

I hesitated with the next thing I was gonna say. "Look, Maddie ... I don't want you to think I'm trying to take the place of ... I don't know, your mom. I'm not trying to take all of Chris's attention."

"I know. And it's okay. I have all my aunts and uncles. I'd expect you to spend more time with my dad, seeing that you're his girlfriend. Don't be afraid to ask me to go to Ricky's or Ghost's if you guys want alone time."

"Thanks for respecting that."

She smiled. "Of course."

By now, we were in the mall parking lot. I grabbed my purse. "Let's go."

•     •     •     •     •

Maddie's POV

Gaia and I had gotten our hair done. I died it again, still keeping the red, but this time I put black steaks in it. We also got our nails done. I had black acrylics. They had inverted crosses on them.

Gaia was really nice. I don't know if I'd ever be able to accept someone else as my mom. Not after what she did to me. Yet I did accept Chris into my life as my dad.

It's hard accepting people.

I don't even know if Gaia and Chris were still together after Graveyard Shift came out, but this story needs some drama. Also, the Oliver part is kinda weird, with him being a "normal" kid and all, but not every "emo" kid falls in love with another emo kid.
     - salem ♡

Edited and revised
616 words

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