My Singing Academia [BNHA AU...

By BuniBoy

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!!FINISHED!! :) Yuuei Performing Arts Academy, the most popular school for aspiring singers in the country. ... More

1. O U T OF M Y L E A G U E
2. S M A C K A B I T C H
3. C A L P O L
4. D E V I L T O W N
5. H E E B I E J E E B I E S
6. W H I T E C H R I S T M A S
7. L O L I T A
9. B E M Y D A D D Y
10. F O O L
11. M U T U M B O
12. P O N Y
13. T R I G G E R E D

8. F I G H T F O R Y O U R R I G H T

3.2K 88 134
By BuniBoy

I sat on the couch of the common room, my legs dangling off the armrest as I mindlessly scrolled through my phone.

My lower lip was wedged between my teeth as I watched the endless snapchat stories of all the people at this huge party the music kids held today. I simply didn't care about going, the party was huge and after the last ordeal with Todoroki that was yet to be resolved, I sure as hell wasn't getting into another problematic situation.

Even the kids who weren't at the party all just left together. Midoriya and Iida, who never drank, Uraraka, who hasn't drank since one party freshman year, and Tsuyu, who was actually really hype at parties. They all had some kind of movie night planned, they did it just about every weekend. It was like a special event with their friend group. After I declined their last minute invite to go, since they saw me sitting alone in the common room, Iida explained to me how literally nobody was here.

It sucked major ass. All I could do was blast music on my phone and fuck around until somebody I enjoyed talking to got back. 

Just on cue, the door clicked open.

It was followed by a rough groan. 'either zombies are coming to fuck my shit up or somebody has had a bad night,' I thought as I sat up and looked over the edge of the couch. I gaped at the sight I saw.

The smoking hot ash-blonde slamming the door shut, his face was bruised and blood was basically everywhere on him. I laughed out loud, "Holy shit! What happened to you!?" I said through a laugh, watching him turn and narrow his eyes at me. 

I could tell somebody just rocked his shit from the way he slowly walked forward. 

"Some bitch I was making out with didn't decide to tell me she was dating somebody," He admitted, shooing my legs away as he sat down next to me. I felt bad for him...he looked really messed up. 

His knuckles were covered in blood, his nose cascading the same red liquid that was all over his face. I sighed heavily, standing up with a smirk and outstretching my hand for him. His crimson eyes stared me down, not understanding what I was doing. "Since I am such a good Samaritan, I'm kindly inviting you to my room to help fix...the mess you are," I chuckled. He smacked my hand away and got up himself, smirking with a lifted brow, basically telling me to go. 

Fuck, he could be so hot.

I cleared my throat and led him to the dorm. It was a short walk, one that was pretty quiet since we weren't supposed to let the opposite sex in our rooms. It's not like Aizawa really cared, he was defiantly out fucking Present Mic somewhere.

"Alright," I said in a hushed tone, opening my door and letting him inside. Once he walked in, I shut it quickly, not bothering to lock it. 

He made himself comfortable on the edge of my bed, not caring that he was dirty as fuck and that is where I slept. I gave him a sly smile as I went through my desk drawers, eventually finding some old first aid kit. Once I got that, I looked around for the vodka I had, then the peroxide. I turned my music back on, but put it on very low as some sort of background music to hopefully hide our voices. I placed my phone next to the door, hoping to drown any sound out.

I sat in my desk chair and rolled it over to him, laying all the things I collected next to him. He peered down at the bottle of vodka I carefully picked up, "Why the fuck are you gonna use that if you have peroxide right there, dumbass," He snarled. I just chuckled slightly, unscrewing it and taking a long sip. 

Fuck. Ew. I fucking despise vodka. It tasted like pure ass.

I coughed slightly, "So I can get through talking to you for more than five minutes," I joked, watching him snag the bottle from my hands. He brought it to his lips, throwing his head back and gulping a few sips down. I watched his Adams apple smoothly bob up and down as the vodka dripped down his chin, slowly sliding down his neck.

fuckkkkk. Did this kid ever think about taking up modeling.

He gagged slightly, scrunching up his face as he closed the bottle and set it down on the floor in front of him. I shook myself out of my daze of checking him out, no matter how hot he was. All I could do was start the process of cleaning him up. "Why the fuck do you even have a first aid kid?" He snapped as I opened up the white box. 

I looked at him with a resentful look. "Dabi got in fights all the time. Every other day he would be stumbling back here and sneaking into my dorm so I would fix him up. I gave him a visitors pass, so he would come here a bloody mess at three A.M. to get fixed up and fuck," I let the last part slip, but didn't pay much attention to it. I hoped Katsuki wouldn't either, but the moment I saw his expression change, he wasn't gonna let it slide.

As I doused a cotton ball in peroxide, he already started his little tangent.

"I can't believe you fucked a guy like that. He was such an asshole to you," He cursed. I roughly grabbed his hand and dabbed the cotton ball on it generously, not being merciful after his snarky comments. "You were an asshole to Camie," I retorted, a bit too afraid to look in his eyes after saying that comment. 

I stood up abruptly and dragged my trash can towards where my chair was set up. I threw away the bloody cotton ball, looking back to Katsuki's knuckles. I soaked yet another ball of cotton in the peroxide, finally looking to his face to catch his response. "You know that's different! I wasn't controlling her every move!" he roared, getting louder as I swiped away the last of the blood on his right hand. 

"Plus he was a total ass. I couldn't even have a conversation with you before he would drag you away. And what's with him wanting to fuck you every ten minutes!? Like I got that you were his or whatever but like he didn't need to make it obvious! Whenever I wanted to fuck Camie, I wouldn't fucking show it off to all you guys!" As he went off on this rant, I was repeating the process of throwing away and dousing new cotton balls and finished up his arms and knuckles. Something about Dabi really rubbed him the wrong way.

"What can I say Bakugou, I'm amazing in bed," I said in a teasing tone as I moved to a cut on his neck. It was pretty low down, near his collarbone even. I had to drag down the collar of his shirt just to clean it out properly. "Holy shit dude, how hard did this guy hit?" I asked, wondering why he had so many scrapes.

He stopped going off about my ex and chuckled slightly. He pushed me away, throwing his arms to his shoulders and tugging off his shirt. A small amount of heat radiated off my cheeks as I observed his muscular form. Before I could marvel at his body, he turned around slightly. 

All that could leave me was a gasp. There were cuts all over it, huge ass scrapes that were everywhere. "What, did this guy have a knife or something!?" I asked with concern, scrambling to my feet to go find a washcloth or something. He shook his head, denying my statement. "Here, stand up, and explain please," I begged as I tugged his forearm to get him in a standing position. 

I grabbed a towel and washcloth from the shelf in my closet and laid the towel out on my bed. I soaked the washcloth in rubbing alcohol and gestured towards the bed. "The fucker smashed a bottle against my head, when he finally threw a punch I landed on the shattered glass that was on the floor. Mina probably has a video of it, but I beat that shithead's ass after that," He said smugly.

I paused when he climbed on my bed. I was really meaning for him to like sit down, but he laid flat on his stomach. Honestly, I wasn't complaining. I carefully shuffled my way to the bed, carefully sitting on his lower back as I rubbed the soaked washcloth on his cuts. He groaned loudly, his arms flexing as they grabbed onto my bed frame. roughly. 

I basically drooled at the sight, but kept diligently going over all the cuts until there was no more dried blood on his back and the cuts seemed clean. "I can't really bandage these I'm just gonna put the ointment shit on it," I said gently, reaching for the bottle of healing ointment.

I liberally lathered it between my hands and slowly massaged it onto his wounds. I could see him relax, his hands unlatching from my headboard as he sighed in bliss. "Keep fucking doing that," he said, his words garbled by his face pressing against my mattress. I smiled, running my hands over his tense back. I couldn't really keep my hands off him at this point, my hands would run all over his shoulders or would lightly graze the sides of his abdomen.

After about fifteen minutes of this process, I decided I had dragged this out for too long. I hopped off of him, moving to the side of my bed as he glared at me with his red eyes. "Why did you stop?" he growled. I looked at him with a bit of surprise, but shook it off. 

"I'll massage you as much as you want after I get the glass out of your hair and fix your face, then we're all done," I chimed, forcing him to sit up as I stood in front of him. I gently cupped his face in one of my hands and roughly rubbed away any blood with the washcloth. He was looking the other way, an annoyed look on his face as I cleaned his dirty face.

Soon the only thing left to do was put a bandage on his left cheek, where a particularly large scrape was.

After that, I forced him to look down. Carefully, I ran my hands through his hair, looking for any trace of the broken bottle. "I already got it all out," he grumbled impatiently. I nodded, double checking before I took a soaked cotton ball and dabbed it towards the back of his head, not really knowing if there were any cuts at all. He hissed it pain once I got to a certain spot. 

For another minute or so, I carefully tended the wound and let him sit back up again. I put away all the supplies I had taken out and turned back on my heels to sit next to Katsuki. As I made my way up to it, "Alright, you're all fixed up and-," I made the fatal mistake of tripping over the vodka bottle and landing straight into him. Once I opened my eyes, all hell broke loose.

I was basically straddling him as he gripped my legs to prevent me from falling back. I death gripped one of his shoulders, making him groan in pain. 



I turned back to see Todoroki swing open the door. I widened my eyes in pure horror. First off, let me put you in Todoroki's shoes. You hear Katsuki groan as you open the door, only to find that the girl you fucked two nights ago is straddling a shirtless Katsuki with sexy music playing in the background and a handle of vodka on the floor.

I was fucked.

"Oh, I see you're busy," He said with spite, beginning to close the door with a cold gaze. "Todoroki! Wait- fuck," I murmured once I realized he walked away. I turned to Bakugou, who had a shit eating smirk on his face. 

"Ugh, let me go tell him it's not what it looks like," I tried to hide the urgency in my voice as I attempted to climb off Katsuki. When I successfully made it to as standing position, I looked back to him. He stood up slowly, standing a few inches in front of me "Uh, you can have the vodka, since you kinda backwashed in it. I probably won't be back for a bit so you can go to your dorm and- hmph!"

Katsuki grabbed the back of my neck and slammed my mouth into his. I melted into the kiss, closing my eyes subconsciously as I reached up to his face. He immediately dominated my mouth with his tongue, swirling around and savoring every last bit of it. He pulled away just as I was losing my breath, leaving a string of saliva to connect our mouths. I was panting at this point, trying to catch my breath as he stayed close to my face. "Don't ya have something you have to do?" he asked in a sultry voice.

I had never been at a loss for words before. Never in my whole life. I was a cocky, bad-mouthed idiot who never stumbled over her words, but here, he had me like an illiterate first grader in a speech impediment class.

"Y-yeah, I d-do," I stammered in a flustered manner, turning around quickly and making a bee-line for the door. I snatched my phone up, turning off the music as I dashed down the hall. My mind was racing as I turned through the halls and ran down the stairs. All I could think about was my tingling lips and how fucking good that kiss felt...but Todoroki's kiss felt just as good.

Oh the fuck do I deal with this!?

I was out of breath by the time I was at the door of Todoroki's dorm. I knocked on it softly, not saying a word since it was now really late. A few seconds went by until I saw shadows of footsteps from the glowing light underneath his door. He opened it slowly, looking bit disappointed to see me.

I just put my finger to his lips and pushed him into the room, closing the door behind me.

"That wasn't what it looked like! I tripped over that damn svedka bottle after I was done cleaning his cuts up from a fight he got into. The music was playing so Aizawa didn't beat our asses if he heard Katsuki's voice in my dorm....and he groaned cause I fell into him after he was all bruised! And here, here's proof I was just cleaning him up," for some reason, I was desperate for him to believe me. Like I needed him to trust me...shit, did I have feelings for Todoroki too?

I showed him my hands, which were dirtied from all the work I had to do.

I looked to Todoroki with pure desperation in my eyes. My eyes widened when I saw his small that was mocking me. I just let out an exasperated laugh when  he finally chuckled, revealing he wasn't mad. "You fucker! You knew, didn't you!?" I shouted, punching him hard in the shoulder.

He just nodded before speaking, "Yeah, I heard what you said before I even heard you trip. It was quite obvious you weren't doing anything from the towels that were laid out and the trashcan full of old bandage rappers," He said with a know it all attitude.

I just rolled my eyes playfully. "God you're annoying," I murmured, yelping when he grabbed my wrist and tugged me forward. He cupped my chin in his hand and tilted my face up, giving me a gentle yet dominating kiss.

what. the. fuck. was. going. on.

My brain had a shutdown. Not a single thought was in my mind as I fell into his spell. God...what was I gonna do!?

I felt...dirty. I hated not being honest, so I did the only thing I thought I could do. I pushed away gently, panTing slightly before I started talking. "Y-yeah, thats another thing... right after you left, Kats- Bakugou kissed me. Its not like im trying to start a war between you two! Its just that you should know...and I guess he should know we fucked,"  I trailed off, looking to the ground.

Todoroki stiffened at the last statement. 

"Nobody needs to know about that. Look, don't tell Bakugou about what we did and I won't start anything with him about kissing you. You're like fair game since he doesn't know," He explained. I was surprised about how rational Todoroki was being. It was a good deal, I was winning either way.

I nodded. "I guess I should go back to my dorm, huh?" I said sadly. Both him and I knew I wasn't gonna go back, I just needed the invitation.

"Well, the hallway lights do turn off automatically at eleven," He said, taking a hold of my hips. I reached up just to sling them around his neck as I hummed in agreement. "And I bet it was awfully dangerous for you to get here int he dark, so it would be just as bad for you to go back with so much on your mind," He added.

I chuckled slightly, sending him another hum of agreement. He sat on the edge of his bed, sending my with him. "Plus, I have plenty of clothes you can get dressed into, its not like I mind seeing you in my clothes," He finally said with a smirk.

I clicked my tongue, "Wow, you are very of the class for a reason. Here, let me get dressed first," I explained, getting to my feet and skipping over to his closet. I opened it up slowly removed my shirt. "Dont look, perv," I snapped as I looked over my shoulder. He worked a brow, 

"Am I really perverted if Ive seen it all already?" he asked.

In return, I faked a startled gasp and chucked my shirt at him. I returned my focus to his few t-shirts, grabbing one with a graphic "plus ultra!" design on the front and throwing it over my frame. I shimmied out of my shorts and skipped back over to him. He guided me to lay next to him, his lights were already off and the only thing that illuminated the screen was his T.V., which he installed about last year.

I chuckled as he unpaused the office episode, holding me tight as I shut my eyes.I was exhausted, plus the warmth Todoroki radiated was bliss.

I felt warm as he kissed the top of my head, sending me off to a dream world.


dont yell at me for typos skskskskkskks ik ik ik  its late here stOP 

also if you confused on why its taking so long for updates, please visit my page and read. my latest post thing. I feel better, thank you so so so much for the support. 

!!!!! I love you all!!!!!!

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