Grindeldore Oneshots

By Rro110

98.3K 2.6K 1.5K

*No uploading schedule* Just some ideas I thought were funny\sad I don't own the characters. Rankings: #1... More

The Yule Ball
Why is the world so cruel?
I feel the same
I want you
Never do that again
The Dumbledore way
I make these high heels work
Cock roach clusters
Summer Sun
Tis the season to be jolly
Hidden Love
Boxing Day
New Years
The Perfect Gift
Above it all
The Blood Pact
The Truth
The Cafe

Sherbet Lemon

13.2K 284 65
By Rro110


Albus POV:

I saw them in all their glory, the beautiful curves, amazing colour. I wanted to taste them so bad. 'Geeeellerrrrt!' I called his name, smiling up at the tall, gorgeous man stood next to me.
'Mmm.' His stunning, crystal and black eyes met mine, 'oh for fuck sake.' He said, realising what I was asking for.
'Pleeeeease!' I batted my eyelids, getting desperate.
'I'm not buying you those bloody sherbet lemons!' He shook his head.
I stared at the enticing packaging before me, disappointed, 'Gellert!' I started to argue.
'Absolutely not!' He raised his voice.
'But look at them!' I screeched, taking it off the shelf and shaking it in his face, 'have you ever seen anything this beautiful!'
'Yes...' he kissed my cheek, taking the box and putting them back on the shelf. I blushed deeply, but if he thought I was going to stop asking for them because of a smooth line like that he would have to think again!
'Gellert...I need them.'
'No you don't.'
'It's an addiction!' I laughed, reaching up to get another box. He took it from me again and put it back.
'They aren't drugs Albus!'
'They are to me.' I grinned as Gellert picked up all the boxes, thinking he was going to get all 20 for me! My smile immediately faded when he put them on the top shelf, so I couldn't reach. 'You're kidding.'
'You act like a child sometimes you know.' He chuckled, browsing the shelf's and putting a few chocolate frogs into the basket. My jaw dropped and I frowned, folding my arms. I started to sniffle, burying my head in my hands. 'Stop being a baby.' He dramatically rolled his eyes and left me to fake sulk. I ran over to him, who was now looking at the selection of foreign candy, to see if they had his German favourites.
'If...if you don't buy me the sherbet lemons then...I'll break up with you!' I threatened, smirking, I felt like I finally had the power.
'Ok,' he shrugged, putting a few more things in the basket before moving onto the other section.
'W-What.' I said after a while, genuinely hurt he didn't care if we broke up. 'Gellert!' I called after him again.
'Yes?' He turned around like nothing had happened.
'Please buy me the sherbet lemon!' I begged, intertwining my hands together.
'I told you, no.'
'So you want to break up with me?'
'I actually never said that-'
'Albus wait-'
'No!' I shouted, the other customers turning to look at us as I ran out of the shop in order to get as far away from him as possible. Unfortunately, I heard his footsteps follow behind me and we apparated back to Godric's Hollow.
'Albus!' He yelled angrily, placing his hand on my shoulder.
'Get off!' I flicked him away, 'why would you say that!'
'I vas joking ok! I'm sorry! I just-'
'Just what?!'
He took my hand and apparated to my room, when my vision cleared I gasped, 'G-Gellert.' Before me was a huge pile of about 30 packets of sherbet lemon.
'I couldn't buy you anymore-'
I wrapped my arms around him, burying my face into his warm clothing, 'Thankyou.....I'm sorry.'
He laughed, 'it's ok.....oh shit'
'What?' I looked up at him, scared something was wrong.
'I vas so vorried about going after you I forgot to pay for this.' He held up the basket of chocolates he had been shopping for.
I chuckled, 'I have a feeling we'll be going in there again...we can pay then.'
He gave me a peck on the lips before replying, 'Yeh, I have a feeling ve vill be too.'

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