The Uprising: Book One

By ThunderBunny13

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Welcome to Princeton Academy, one of the most elite universities in the world...where nothing and no one is a... More

Chapter 1: Introductions
Chapter 2: Welcome To Princeton Academy
Chapter 3: Meet The Sharks
Chapter 4: Hello Dragons
Chapter 5: Settling In
Chapter 6: Confrontation
Chapter 7: Cat And Mouse
Chapter 8: Safe And Sound
Chapter 9: The Storm Is Here
Chapter 10: All Hail Zeus And Hera
Chapter 11: The Big Three
Chapter 12: The Titans Deal
Chapter 13: New Recruit
Chapter 14: Saved By The Brothers
Chapter 15: The Truth
Chapter 17: Struck By Lightning
Chapter 18: The Decision
Chapter 19: The Key

Chapter 16: The Alliance

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By ThunderBunny13

“Come in” Kristen called out from inside the guest room, she had just finished with her shower and had a towel draped around her

“Sleep well?” Ashley asked whilst stepping in

“Yes, thank you so much” Kristen smiled

“No prob, Anna said to give you these clothes, unless you’d rather stay in a towel the whole day” Ashley smiled warmly as she placed a cute yellow dress on the bed with matching shoes and a few accessories

“It is pretty nice” Kristen laughed, “But thank you”

“Breakfast in 10” Ashley said whilst leaving

Kristen then looked at her clothes and smiled


“Morning everyone” Kristen greeted whilst joining for breakfast

“Hey” Zac smiled

“That’s a great color on you” Annabelle smiled, pleased in her choice

Kristen beamed

“Guys, I have an idea for the Titan story” Zac said to Phillip and Henry

Henry didn’t waste any time, he took his plate and got up, “I'm done, you can take my place” he nodded to Kristen

“H, come on” Zac called out

Ashley then brought a plate and cup for Kristen and she joined the rest of them to eat

When she was done, Zac got up, “Ready to go?”

Kristen nodded and they left in silence


Colton walked into Aster’s dorm room, “Hey” he greeted whilst navigating through sheets paper and other junk. “Did you get any sleep last night?”

“Nope” Aster shrugged

“How’s it coming?”

“It’s harder than I thought” Aster frowned

“Get some rest, try again with a fresh mind, I'm sure that’s all you need!”

“Good idea” Aster said whilst jumping on his bed, within seconds he was out cold and Colton laughed whilst stepping outside

He dialed a number, “Hey man, I need a favor…Where are you, I’ll come give you all of the details


“What was that about?” Annabelle asked

“Colton wants to meet” Harry said

“Oh, anyway, thanks for the lift- I don’t know what’s going on with H and Zac…” Annabelle said

“No problemo” Harry smiled

“Hey” Colton said whilst joining

“What’s up?” Harry asked

“Morning” Annabelle smiled

“So what did you need?” Harry asked

“Walk and talk, you coming Anna?” Colton asked

“No, but I’ll see you guys later”

Colton nodded and Annabelle left

“Aster’s experiment isn’t coming right” Colton said whilst walking

“What experiment?”

“Teleportation machine”

“Oh, right” Harry smiled to himself

  “Yeah, so I was wondering if you could point him in the right direction…help him out a little... If any of it is even possible, indulge him” Colton shrugged with a laugh

“Did he get permission for it?”

Colton nodded

“Alright then” Harry smiled

“So, you’ll help?”

“Why not?” Harry shrugged


Primrose had her first lecture and was free till lunch- so she headed to one of the quieter corridors, knowing she’d find the Titans there. She was greeted by Ian and Tina who spoke to her for a bit

“So why is Orlando waiting until Friday to attack?” Primrose asked

“We learnt not to question him” Ian shrugged

“You three shouldn’t be here! This section is for seniors” Alex said whilst arriving with Annabelle

“Senior, junior! It’s all the same” Tina shrugged

“You guys need to leave…now” Annabelle said

“Are you going to make us Barbie?” Ian teased

“No, I will” Alex said whilst stepping forward

  “Whatever, we were leaving anyway- let’s go Primrose” Ian said whilst pushing past Alex

“No, she stays” Annabelle interrupted

“I thought you said this was a senior corridor!” Tina said

“Senior, junior- it’s all the same” Alex shrugged

Ian and Tina left without Primrose, they weren’t happy about it

“What do you want?” Primrose blurted out once they were alone

“What are you doing with them?” Annabelle asked calmly

“What do you care?” Primrose hissed

“I don’t, I'm just curious” Annabelle said

“All you care about is Henry right?” Primrose asked impatiently

“That’s what all this is about?” Alex asked

Annabelle laughed

“Look, I don’t want to talk to her” Primrose frowned

Alex sighed and looked at Annabelle

“I’ll wait for you” Annabelle said whilst turning to leave, but she stopped after a second and turned back. “You should know something, Henry will never date you- let alone like you…he's into people who know what they want…besides I have the one thing that you will never get” Annabelle said

“And what’s that?” Primrose sneered

“His respect!” Annabelle said icily, she then left

Primrose had tears in her eyes

“What are they up to?” Alex asked

Primrose let a tear run down her cheek. “It doesn’t matter, it’s too late”

“Let me be the judge of that” Alex said

“I can’t, Elijah will kill me!” Primrose sobbed

“Tell me, we can help you” Alex assured her

“You don’t understand; they’re not humans- they’re Titans!” Primrose blurted out. It took her a second to realise what she had said. She froze in fear

Alex was stunned for a second as well but immediately snapped out of it, he took hold of her hand, “Come with me!”


“Did you see that?” Ian asked

Tina nodded in the same direction that Alex, Annabelle and Primrose left in

“I should have known not to trust her” Tina snarled

“Couldn’t trust who?” Ethan asked whilst arriving with Adam

Tina sighed

“Alexander and Annabelle saw us talking to Primrose, then they took her with them” Ian confessed

“What did she tell them?” Adam asked

“Don’t know” Tina shrugged

“Get back to the house and tell Orlando, we will keep an eye on things” Ethan said

Ian and Tina nodded, then left

“If you see her, keep an eye on her” Ethan said

Adam nodded and they split up


“Hey Henry! We need to talk” Ethan said

“Now what?” Henry asked whilst still walking

“I have some information for you…meet you at the previous spot, around 5?”

Henry nodded and Ethan left

“What was that about?” Phillip asked whilst joining

“He wants to meet later, has some info” Henry said

“Oh” Phillip nodded

They both began to walk together

“Do you want to know what Zac’s plan is?” Phillip asked

Henry raised an eyebrow at Phillip

Phillip laughed, “Alright then”


“And you think Orlando will kill her?” Zac asked Adam

“I know he will because if he finds out she told anyone, let alone you guys; she's a goner” Adam said

“Thanks- I’ll handle it” Zac said

“Alright then, later” Adam said whilst leaving


Henry jingled his car his car keys as he walked to one of the main buildings parking lot, he got into his Audi and left, not paying any attention to Jeep that was following him from the distance

After a quick drive, Henry parked his car and walked into the forest. Phillip arrived a few minutes later.


“Very punctual aren’t you?” Ethan asked

“Did you ask me here to flirt or give me information?” Henry asked

“That human, Primrose, she's in a lot of trouble- Tina and Ian were talking to her and Alexander and Annabelle took her away, to talk most likely”


“I played my part and told them to report to Orlando”

“Does Orlando want to kill her?”

“Probably, but he was calm when I got there- didn’t say a thing” Ethan shrugged

Zac arrived and parked his car alongside his brothers, he frowned before going in


“Is that it?” Henry asked

“No, I also called you here to ask you about Elijah”

Zac, who was hidden behind a tree, frowned at that statement

“Have you heard anything?”

“No, why?” Henry asked

“I just have a really bad feeling about all of this” Ethan said with a frown

“You should always trust your instinct” came a very calm voice from behind

Ethan turned around with a shocked expression and the expression was immediately replaced with pain as a hand enclosed itself around his throat, the grip tightened until all expression had vanished from Ethan’s face. His body crumpled to the ground and his killer was revealed

“Elijah…” Henry murmured

Phillip and Zac watched in silence

“Hello Hades- you look a bit under the weather” Elijah smiled

“Why are you here?” Henry asked

“I have a business preposition for you, but first I’d like to reacquaint myself with your brothers” Elijah said whilst looking behind Henry

Henry frowned and shook his head

  Zac and Phillip emerged simultaneously from the shadows of the trees

Henry narrowed his eyes, “Why did you follow me?”

“I came here in case you needed help” Phillip said

“And I followed you because I don’t trust you” Zac said

“You don’t trust me” Henry laughed

“I see you 3 have some issues to attend to with each other, but I trust you will do that in your own time, right now there is something I’d like to discuss with Henry” Elijah said whilst maintaining his calm tone

“If you know what’s good for you, you will tell us!” Zac said

“No Zeus, if you know what’s good for you, you will leave” Elijah said

“Is that a threat?” Phillip asked

“It is whatever you make it, so if you wish for it to be a threat, then a threat it shall be”

Zac frowned at Henry, he then nodded at Phillip and they both left

“Now for my preposition, I would like for you to join forces with me” Elijah smiled

“And what’s in it for me?” Henry asked

“If you join me, I will make sure that the rest of the Titans stay out of you and your family’s way”

“How do you intend on doing that?” Henry asked

“I have my ways” Elijah smiled

“I need time to decide” Henry said after a while

“I wouldn’t take too long, they’re planning their first attack” Elijah said, he then nodded and apparated

Henry frowned before moving to dispose of Ethan’s body


A few days passed since being encountered by Elijah, Henry didn’t return home- or to the Academy. Only on the Friday of the attack did he return; he missed out on a lot of things, including Primrose being taken in for council to find out everything

Henry strolled into his lecture and took his seat. Haley then walked in and took her seat behind him, “H! Where have you been, we tried calling and tracking you, we were so worried!”

“What did I miss?” Henry said whilst turning to face her

Haley then told him everything


“Tonight will be fun!” Orlando said to everyone

“What time is this going down?” Phoebe asked

“There’s no specific time, but let’s just say once all lectures are done and everybody has eaten of course” Orlando smiled

Patrick laughed, “The more energy the humans have, the louder their screams will be”

“Are you sure the Gods won’t try to stop us?” Mia asked

“I hope they do, it would be nice to know who they are” Orlando said

“What about those brothers? We can’t sideline them for this, you know they will intervene” Ian said

“The more, the merrier” Tina said

“Where is Elijah?” Orlando asked whilst looking around the room

“Haven’t seen him since our last council” Ian shrugged

Mia dialed him, “Voicemail, again” she shrugged

“I'm sure he will show up tonight” Phoebe said

“Yes” Orlando said with a frown

They were then dismissed and Mia immediately went into her room, she dialed Ethan’s number again and again. She was worried and scared


“So, how are all the plans going now?” Colton asked Aster

“The plans are all done actually” Aster smiled

“Cool, when are you going to build it?”

“I will show everyone the plans tonight! And then start immediately after... It’s going to be great” Aster grinned

“Hey guys!” Dante’ called out whilst joining them with the rest of the gang

“Well, I’d love to chat, but I got to run- later guys” Colton said whilst leaving

“Did you guys see Primrose? She's been spending a lot of time with the student council” Jason said

  “Yeah, what’s up with that? First those other kids Kristen told us about…now this” Andrea asked

“Well, you also spent time with them, has anyone forgot that Zac and Kris came to school together?” Aster joked

They all laughed

“Very funny” Kristen said whilst shoving him

“You still didn’t tell us what that was about... You slept over at Zacs place and aren't even telling us anything about it... We're dying to know” Carmen said

“There's nothing to tell, we’re just friends” Kristen shrugged nervously

“Anyway, I cannot wait till tonight!” Aster grinned

“I can’t believe you actually did it” Dante’ laughed

“Well it’s just the plans for it, so let’s see how it goes tonight... I can't wait to actually build this though” Aster nodded to himself


Orlando noticed three 3 guys trying to break into a car, in one of the malls car park

“You know, if you’re going to break into a car, it’s common sense to know how to”

The guys looked well off and Orlando got the impression they were doing this for fun

“This ain’t your problem so get lost!” one of the guys said

“Rich, spoilt kids- all the cash and words, but no brains whatsoever” Orlando shook his head and said to himself, he walked closer to the guys, “I'm in need of a favour”

“What?” another guy asked

“You three attend Princeton academy, is that correct?” Orlando asked, gesturing to the emblem on their clothes

They nodded

“Good, now who’s in charge amongst you three?” Orlando asked

One guy stepped forward

“Hopefully tonight, there will be a bit of a party for us at your academy, but if there isn’t- I want you bring me girl, Primrose Clarke- a junior…If you can’t get a hold of me, give her to my ally, Elijah- because I might leave for a while and he will know where I'm going!”

“What’s in it for us?” the guy asked

“Whatever you want; name it and it shall be yours- once the job is completed” Orlando said

The guys grinned

“Do you understand what is to be done?” Orlando asked

They nodded, “We won’t fail you” the main guy said

“Excellent” Orlando said whilst walking over to the car, he then opened the car door by using the handle, “Common sense”, he then left


“It’s getting dark, they should be here now” Ashley said

“Patience” Zac said, they both waited in one of the senior corridors which wasn’t being used, watching over everything

The rest of the student council was patrolling the academy, both indoors and outdoors

Alex walked to Zac with a body slung over his shoulder, it was Tina. “Found her on the grounds” Alex said whilst dropping her body and taking off

“1 down, 7 to go” Zac said

“Make that 5” Phillip said whilst joining with Dean, they both dropped the bodies they had

“Phoebe and Mia- looks like we got all the girls” Ashley said

“What can I say? Chic’s dig us” Dean shrugged

Phillip and Dean then left just as fast as they had arrived

A female scream was heard, “Wait here” Zac told Ashley as he made for the direction of the scream


When he arrived, he found the source of the scream- a girl staring, eyes wide open with horror standing near 4 dead bodies

Zac's face darkened, he took the girl and left

Upon arrival to the bodies again, he noticed a fire in one of the buildings, he made his way towards it. Things becoming more difficult as everyone was running about frantically

By the time Zac arrived at the source, the fire had been put out by Henry, who had led everyone out; he also had Patrick and Ian in his possession

“Thanks, now we have 5 down” Zac said

“Isn’t it 7 since you said Elijah is dead and I’m here?” Adam asked whilst joining them

Henry stepped forward and snapped Adams neck

“That wasn’t necessary” Zac said

“If you hadn’t been focusing on him, you'd have noticed that there's a problem outside” Henry said, he then grabbed Adam, Ian and Patrick's bodies and apparated

Zac frowned then did the same. When he arrived outside, he was joined by all the student council members. In front of them stood a very angry Orlando who had the vice-chancellor in his grip, around him were more dead bodies

The students and staff watched in fear whilst others still tried to make a run for it and avoid the fires, bodies and carnage all around them

“How did you know of this plan?” Orlando snarled

“We didn’t, we were just prepared” Phillip responded

“Bullshit!” Orlando boomed

Zac stepped forward

“The truth! Or more people die!” Orlando yelled whilst tightening his grip on the vice chancellor, all the while glancing at Haley with a frown

“We just knew; it’s one of the benefits… of being a god…” Zac said telepathically to Orlando

Orlando frowned and for a moment looked like he was at a loss for words, “You three! I should have known!” Orlando spat whilst focusing on the brothers; he then snapped the vice chancellors neck, outraged by the information he was just given. He wasted no time and sprinted of. Becoming nothing more than a shadow

The student council didn’t pursue him, but chose to calm everyone down as best they could whilst escourting them inside a secured building

Henry and Alexander rounded up all the dead bodies in a line and stared in silence. “We’ll take the Titans back to our place then join you guys back here” Henry said, he then left with Alex

The rest of them helped however they could as more help arrived


Once Henry and Alex arrived back at the academy, Henry told Alex to head on without him

Henry stayed in silence until Elijah appeared at his side

“Orlando isn’t too happy” Henry said

“I know, I saw it all” Elijah replied

“And you didn’t help”

“It wasn’t my fight” Elijah shrugged

“I take it you're here for your answer”

Elijah smiled

Henry extended his hand, then pulled back a bit, “You need to tell me everything you’re up to if you expect my help…an alliance between a God and a Titan won't sit well with everyone”

“For as long as we’re allies, you’ll have no reason to not know everything... We desire the same thing Hades and with each others help, we'll accomplish it” Elijah smiled whilst extending his own hand

Henry smiled and shook it


Primrose was in her room, shaken after the incident that occurred and the deaths. She decided to text the gang and asked to meet them in the dining hall

Once there, to her surprise, they all smiled at her and hugged. They spoke for a while and took comfort in each other’s company. Primrose had apologized for her actions and behavior and they forgave her

“The student council, trust them. They're…” Primrose stopped as they were interrupted by a pair of girls who barged into the great hall. Both girls looked straight at Primrose, they moved really fast and appeared next to her

One girl took her arm as the other eyed the rest of the gang. Primrose was aware of what was happening and made no struggle; she looked back at the gang and mouthed the word “Gods”, she gave a look to Kristen, then allowed the girls to take her away

Once gone, the gang remained in shock and fear. “She was telling the truth…they are Gods…they’ll know what to do” Kristen said, she then dialed Zac and told him what had happened. A second after she cut the call; Zac apparated in the hall and stood beside her. He made them group up and hold hands, he then touched Kristen’s shoulder and apparated, taking them all with


They arrived at the Gods home and were just as star struck as Kristen was when she first arrived. Zac led them to the sitting room and called everyone, they discussed everything

“We’ll get her back, Phil and Alex, you two will help me, we’ll take Dante’ as well. We’ll leave tomorrow” Zac said

They all nodded

Kristen, Andrea and Carmen shared the guest room that Kristen had previously, whilst the guys had the upstairs sitting room converted into a room with sleeping bags and fold out couches

Annabelle then walked in, it was clear she had been crying

“What’s wrong?” Zac asked

“Henry called, said he's not coming home anytime soon” Annabelle said, she then took a breath and walked away

“Where are you Henry? What are you doing?” Zac thought whilst trying to channel Henry. He frowned as he knew Henry had shut him out


Primrose woke up in the backseat of a car. “Where are we going?” Primrose asked her kidnappers groggily

“Away from here” the girl who was driving said

“My head hurts…” Primrose said

“It’s just the herb, when it wears off, you won’t feel a thing…now stop fighting it...sleep” the other girl said from beside her. Primrose felt the weight on her eyelids increase and once again, she was asleep

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