Trust Me [Taehyung]

By ghoastli

394 48 9

Oh dear turn away now More

11 part 1
11 part 2
11 part 3


14 1 0
By ghoastli

in science everyone had to pick partners, now usually Yuni would go with Miki but being the love-stricken mess she was she had other plans and went with Yoongi, leaving Miki alone and quite depressed. despite having plans to work with Jungkook, Tae sat down at Miki's desk and asked if she wanted to be partners to which she choked and nodded her head so fast Tae was concerned she'd get whiplash. the teacher did a quick demonstration to which neither Tae nor Miki listened to. Miki was too busy trying to process how her life changed so much in one morning and daydreaming about how, in her dream world, this lesson would pan out. Tae, on the other hand, was trying desperately not to like Miki and focus on his 'love' for Yuni even though both you and I (and Tae) know that's bullshit. they were snapped back to reality when the teacher clapped his hands to say go and everyone scrambled off in an unorganised fashion to get the best of the schools shitty science equipment. all Tae had to do was look at someone in the right way for them to hand over the good quality equipment they worked so hard to scavenge for.
it was about halfway through the 'experiment' when both Tae and Miki realised at the same time that they had no idea what they were doing. they both burst into laughter at their shitty collection of tubes and wires all bundled together in something that vaguely looked like what the teacher was expecting.
despite their efforts, the teacher sent them out to the hall and lectured them for not being responsible. during that Miki was still on the floor laughing at some stupid shit tae was doing as he muffled his laughs and nodded knowingly at the teacher. he fucking went off on one he really wasn't having it which made it like 10 times funnier for Miki who was quite honestly in pain right about now.

and that's how their day went sticking together laughing getting into trouble and running away from their friends at lunch and break. finally, it was the end of the day and surprisingly the love-struck duo hadn't got any detentions. it was mostly up to Miki's long-running history of perfect model behaviour but she let Tae believe it was all his convincing nodding. they had most classes together but not last period maths sadly. as soon as her lesson ended Miki jumped up from her chair and went to meet Tae from his lesson but when she got there the class was empty. usually, this wouldn't affect her but he specifically told her he'd be there waiting. she tried not to overthink it and her brain went over every logical excuse it could. but slowly it slipped into more horrible reasons that Miki knew wasn't true but she couldn't help herself.
after about 5 minutes of waiting, hoping he'd come back to get her she heard faint chanting coming from outside. she didn't want to leave and give up on Tae but she did anyway and ran down the stairs and out to the front of the school where a group of kids ranging in age were gathered around screaming 'FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT'. being small had advantages when it came to crowds so she easily slipped through right to the front of the crowd where she saw Tae and Yoongi locked in a death grip rolling around on the floor both immensely injured.
out of nowhere Jimin pushed himself through the crowd, grabbed Yoongi by his collar ripped him off of Tae and threw him on the floor. Yuni stood across the crowd from Miki looking equally as shocked and concerned. Jimin screamed at the crowd telling them to fuck off and told Miki to get Tae home. Miki obliged, putting Tae's arm around her neck and helping him hobble home.
Jimin lectured Yoongi about being a cunt and Yuni ran off crying. Jimin ran off after her and found her locked in the disabled toilet he sat outside and tried talking to her but she refused. After a while, she finally opened up about loving Yoongi and moving in with him but now revaluating her entire life choices because she was scared. Jimin soon made her re-realise her love for Yoongi so she unlocked the door gave Jimin a massive hug and ran off to find Yoongi.

Miki slowly laid Tae down on her bed as she rushed off to get the first aid kit from her brother's bathroom. hot tears trickled down Tae's face as he waited for Miki to return. as Miki carefully cleaned the cuts on Tae's face a question sprung to her mind, begging to be answered, "why?". ignoring the pain for a moment Tae turned to face Miki, her hand still shaking from concentrating so hard on not causing Tae any more pain, he took a deep breath and tried to assess the situation in his head before he could give out a cohesive answer. "he said something I wasn't ready to admit". Miki took a moment to process and nodded slightly returning to the task at hand. as she lightly applied a small plaster to the cut underneath Tae's eye she came up with a response, "have you admitted it yet?". many questions were racing through her mind but this one seemed to make more sense and give her a clearer answer. again Tae waited a while, clearing things up in his mind as he looked up into Miki's sparkling blue eyes, at that moment as he stared into her eyes he felt safe, at home, he was scared to speak as to not ruin the moment but she did ask a question and it's only polite to answer. "yes". this brought up so many more questions in Miki's mind but before she got to ask any of them Tae leant in and pressed his lips against hers. it took her by shock but she quickly leant into the kiss. they'd only really spoke that day if all this could happen in a day what more could happen in a week.

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