Fleeting Embraces, Falling Fe...

By Ak1zaV

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You're a girl with a love and knowledge for flowers. With a fleeting encounter with a man who possesses eyes... More

Author's Note
A Young Freesia Bud
A Fleeting Encounter
Meeting The Five Gems
Was It A Worthwhile Trip?
A Sliver of Trust From The Heart
Blossoming of One's Yearning
Deep Feelings Within Shallow Waters
Shattering Ice On Frozen Memories
Final Beauty of The Young Freesia
Goodbye Greeted By A Reunion
An Unexpected Turn of Events
Knowing The Real Him...
Unity of Two Souls
Falling Feelings
Unraveling Hidden Pasts
Silver Silk, Amber Crystals, and Crescent Moon
Mirroring A Once Upon A Time
Deceiver Becomes The Deceived
Picking Up Where We Left Off
Flaring Rubies Amongst The Quiet Flames
Intertwined Passion
Arrival of An Unexpected
Judgement of The Foreign Divine
A Merciful Intervention
Searching For The Hope
A Sacrifice Worth Giving
That Faint Guilt Deep Down
Just One Kiss
It's Only When They Are Gone...
Renewed Clarity
Flames In The Darkness
Nothing Left To Fear
Let The Flower Petals Float Free
Beating Parallel To One's Heart
Muddy Water Is Once Again Translucent
Fleeting And Falling Feelings, Fair Flowers Wilt, But Will Bloom Once Again
Author's Note

Gateway To An Awakening

463 13 10
By Ak1zaV

Another 3 hours goes by, and finally, the sun is high in the morning sky and people are out and about now. I don't have much to take with me, except for one thing. I look at the wooden table in the middle of the room, I walk over to it and kneel down, I pick up the delicate beauty that's lying on the smooth wood. I touch the velvet petals of the single cherry blossom flower that Naraku gave me, it's still pink but slightly losing its beauty. I sigh and tuck it inside my kimono next to my heart, I then head to the big hut to meet up with the others. After a few minutes, I finally arrive outside of the hut. I can smell the nice aromas of a warm breakfast, I head inside after lifting up the curtains. I see Sango, Kagome, and Lady Kaede already up, it also seems as if Kagome and Sango are all prepared. Sango has changed out of her daily kimono and has changed into something more breathable and adjustable, her hair is in a ponytail. Kagome is still in her Priestess attire but I can see her bow and arrows against the wall. They are all helping Lady Kaede with breakfast.

"Morning." I greet them with a bow.

"Morning__________, are you prepared?" Sango asks me.

"Yes I am, Where is Inuyasha and Miroku?" I ask them.

"They are preparing the horse and telling the local priests that they will have to take over the exorcism job while we're gone. They are also trying to find an idea on how to take Naraku along with us" Kagome replies setting food on the table.

I help them out, and help Lady Kaede cook extra food for the trip.

"I see, well, I met up with Sesshomaru earlier, and he said that A-Un can carry Naraku on his back and fly in the sky. He said that way it won't cause extra disturbance to the body." I tell them with a smile.

"Oh? When did you meet up with Sesshomaru?" Kagome asks me.

"Well,I woke up quite early today, maybe around 5-6? I couldn't fall back asleep again so I went out for a stroll at the flower field, and I happen to meet Sesshomaru and we watched the sunrise together. I told him about what has been bothering me and he said that he will come along and that way A-Un can carry Naraku on its back." I reply to her.

"Seems like you and Sesshomaru are pretty close despite him injuring you that time." Sango says.

I smile and I use my left hand and glide it across my silk kimono, just along my abdomen area on where the scar runs across.

"Yea, we have come to an understanding for one another, he's just as important to me as are all of you. I'm grateful to all of you." I say with a smile.

They all smile at me, they are my family, my second family.

"Since Sesshomaru says that A-Un can carry Naraku, then I suppose this dilemma is over. I'll go get Inuyasha and Miroku so that we can have breakfast, that way you can all set off." Lady Kaede says while exiting the hut.

Kagome, Sango, and I finish setting up breakfast and packing up the day's worth of food. A few minutes later, Lady Kaede is back with Rin, Shippo, the kids, Inuyasha, and Miroku. I greet them all and we all sit down and start eating breakfast.

"I heard that Sesshomaru will accompanying us and A-Un will be carrying Naraku's body?" Miroku asks me.

"Yes, he will meet up with us before we depart." I answer him.

"Ugh, why is he butting into our business?" Inuyasha groans.

"I don't know, but I'm grateful that he is. I hope that this trip will be a peaceful one between you and him." I say to Inuyasha with a pleading smile.

Kagome gently nudges Inuyasha on the arm, his ears twitches then flops down. We finish eating breakfast, Miroku goes to retrieve the horses, Inuyasha has gone to carry Naraku's body out from the shrine. Kagome, Sango, and I head to the entrance of the village with some necessities in our hands ready to tie them to the horses. Lady Kaede, Rin, Shippo, and the children all accompanies us to the exit. A few minutes of waiting, Inuyasha, Miroku, and the horses comes up to us. I slightly gasp as I see Inuyasha carrying Naraku's lifeless body on his back, his face looks so pale. His once sleek and black hair has lost its shine and started to become dull and frizzy, it's hard to think that he is a demon seeing him in this state. Inuyasha comes up to me and I walk up to the side of Inuyasha and I touch Naraku's face gently, his skin is cold as I peer into his motionless face. His long eyelashes doesn't flutter when I touch his face, and the reality of him being deceased for days suddenly hits me. I then gently give his cold hand dangling over Inuyasha's shoulder a squeeze.

"Let's go, we still have to meet up with Sesshomaru. Let's try to get as far as we can today." Miroku says.

"Yea. Let's go. You all take care for these few days." I say holding Lady Kaede's hand and looking at Rin and the little ones.

"Don't worry, we'll be fine. Hope everything will turn out alright." Rin says.

"I hope so too." I reply with a sigh.

"Stay safe you guys." Shippo says hopping onto one of the horses.

"We will, take care of the children for me alright Shippo?" Sango says fluffing out his hair.

"Yea yea." Shippo says trying to escape Sango's hand.

We bid them goodbye and hop onto our horses. Inuyasha carries Naraku's body on his back as we head along the dirt road towards further east, the horizon is endless. After traveling a bit away from town, we finally meet Sesshomaru.

"He really did come." Inuyasha grumbles.

We all approach him, he's standing there still like a statue looking out into the open plains. Jaken and A-Un are beside him waiting, A-Un patiently waits while Jaken is hopping around back and forth slightly impatient.

"Sesshomaru!" I call out to him as we stop a few feet away from him.

A-Un lifts its two heads and shoots out slight smoke for its nostrils, Jaken stop jumping and turns to look at us with an unamused expression. Sesshomaru turns around to look at us after hearing his name. I give him a smile.

"Oh It's Inuyasha." Jaken grumbles.

"Watch it or I'm going to kick you to the other side of the forest." Inuyasha growls at Jaken.

"Leave him alone Jaken." Sesshomaru orders him.

Jaken shrivels up slightly and hops onto A-Un. Miroku takes a step towards Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru's amber eyes sweeping over all of us quickly.

"We appreciate your help with helping us transport Naraku's body." Miroku says to Sesshomaru.

"You shouldn't be the one thanking him Miroku. I should, I should thank all of you." I step and hold Miroku's arm.

I turn back to Sesshomaru and I walk up to him with a bow. He looks down at me with a neutral expression.

"Thank you for coming with us and helping me out Sesshomaru, it means a lot to me." I tell him.

"Desperation calls for desperate measures." He simply replies.

"Ya I suppose so, I seem pathetic huh?" I ask with a mocking self laugh.

"If only you think it is." Sesshomaru adds.

I give him a gentle smile.

"Alright stop talking, let's get going, I want to put Naraku down now too." Inuyasha cuts in.

Without another word, Inuyasha walks up to A-Un which Jaken is holding the reigns. He then place Naraku's body over A-Un's scaly body, A-Un let's out a deep grumble. Seems like its not really pleased to have a former enemy on its back. After Naraku is safely on A-Un's back, we turn to the direction of further east. I jump onto Boshi, Sango and Miroku jumps onto a horse. Kagome hops onto Inuyasha's back.

"Let's go find this goddess." Kagome says with energy in her rich voice.

We all nod, Sesshomaru without a reply jumps into the air, the lower part of his body slightly turns into a fading fog. His long white hair flowing behind him and his kimono fluttering in the wind, Jaken snaps A-Un's reigns and A-Un leaps into the air and flies after Sesshomaru steadily with Naraku on its back. The three of them are heading towards the horizon, we all look at each other.

"He'll never change." Inuyasha mutters.

"And neither have you, at least Sesshomaru is more open now." Kagome fires back at Inuyasha.

I smile, it's good to have some lively conversation and talk about things that aren't depressing. Without another second to lose, we all dash after Sesshomaru whom we can see flying gracefully in the sky not too far away in the distance. The wind immediately picks up around me, the summer air is warm despite zipping pass me. My hair flies around my face occasionally hitting me on the cheek, but it's all part of feeling the beauty of nature. We travelled for hours, the morning soon turns into afternoon, we stopped and had lunch, Sesshomaru stayed off to the side with Jaken. I asked him if he wanted to to eat something but he declined, I gave Jaken some food, A-Un ate the green grass. Inuyasha and Miroku laid Naraku's body onto the grass so that A-Un can rest a bit. We rested for about half an hour or so, then we picked up our pace again. We travelled for another few hours, the afternoon has now turned into evening. The sun is starting to set, the once blue sky has now turned fiery orange and brown with a slight splash of purple. We travelled on the endless earth towards a hope, my hope. Eventually, we stopped, the sun has dipped below the far mountains now, the sky is now completely dark, stars laces the quiet night as the crickets chirp. We camp next to a forest that lines the edge of the grassy plains, luckily there are some dirt so that we can set up a fire.

"Master Jaken, can you help us set a fire?" I ask him.

Jaken grumbles slightly but then holds his two headed staff in front of the pile of wood that Inuyasha brought back. Fire shoots out from one of the head and lights the wood, immediately the area around us are covered in a veil of red and orange. The crackling of fire fills our ears and the sparks of wood floats up into the air, we eat the remaining of the food that were packed. Once again, Sesshomaru stays away from all of us. Kind of wish he can join us, but knowing him, he would become very annoyed. After eating, we decide to turn in so that we can have an early start tomorrow. We bid each other goodnight, Inuyasha and Kagome slept together, Sango and Miroku are together. There's a blanket for me a well. Jaken slept against A-Un, Jaken snores so quickly it's unbelievable. I smile at the peaceful scene, I look around but I don't see Sesshomaru.

"Where did he go?" I ask myself quietly.

I'll find him later, I walk toward the tree, Naraku's body is laying against the trunk. I grab a blanket and cover his body up, I gently touch his cold face, his eyes are closed but his long dark eyelashes makes up for his concealed eyes. I give him a kiss on his cool forehead.

"2 more days and we'll reach our destination, just hold on a bit longer if you can hear me Naraku." I whisper quietly.

No response, I let out a sigh. I stand up, the fire still crackling away in between all of us keeping us warm. The summer night is warm but not too warm, the fire also keeps us alert as well just in case. I look around again, where could Sesshomaru be at? I look deeper into the forest, I don't think he'll be in there. I turn my head towards the wide open plains, not far away, I can see a grey silhouette standing in the middle of the field. I walk over to where the silhouette stood, the grass rustling beneath my feet. In no time, I can see the figure more clearly, it is indeed Sesshomaru. His white kimono stood out under the bright moon, he's looking up at the quiet sky. I stop a few feet away from him.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" He suddenly asks me.

It caught me off guard, but I quickly regain my composure.

"I didn't know where you were, I wanted to look for you. Besides, I'm not quite sleepy just yet. How about you?" I ask him back.

" I see. I don't need sleep or rest as much as you humans do, I'm looking up at the sky and taking in the quietness." Sesshomaru answers me.

"Do you think of anything when you look up at the sky?" I ask him again.

"Never... I never thought of anything while looking up at the night sky for centuries." He replies flatly.

I look at him, his side profile perfectly defined with the red stripes on his face.

"For centuries? So, does that mean that you think of things now?" I clarify with him.

Sesshomaru doesn't respond for a few seconds, the gentle subtle night breeze carries his bangs around his face.

"Perhaps, something seems to be coming and going around in my thoughts every now and then." He finally answers.

"Well, I hope it's something pleasant." I reply with a smile.

Sesshomaru turns his head slightly and looks at me, in the night sky I can see the faint glimmer of his amber gems.

"I'd like to believe it is." He says.

I smile back at him, the two of us then look up at the sky for a while in silence, it's peaceful, just standing here with him makes everything tolerable and comforting.

"Do you think if we travel more and faster tomorrow, we might be able to reach the gateway sooner?" I ask him.

"I do not believe that." Sesshomaru says.

"Why is that?" I ask him curious.

"A journey like this cannot be cheated, The goddess Guanyin told you 3 days and 3 days only. The 3 days of travelling requirement must be fulfilled in order to reach our destination, even if we travel more and faster, I doubt we will even come close to the base of the mountain ranges. A journey given by the divine must be followed." He says clearing my curiosity.

"I see. I understand now. Sesshomaru, thanks again for accompanying us. For accompanying me." I finally say to him.

"You remind me of Rin, always cheerful and persistent. To see such traits fade from a being that relies on those traits is unfortunate. A person can die without losing their life, but when they lose their happiness and fighting spirit, that's when a person dies. I'm just helping you maintain those at least." Sesshomaru says quietly.

"I know, and I'm grateful for everything. I'll be heading to bed now. Try to get some rest if you can, or at least try? You had a long day too." I tell him.

Sesshomaru responds with a slight nod of his head.

"Goodnight then. See you in the morning." I bid him goodnight.

I give him one more smile and then I turn back towards the fire in the distance. I return back to the others, Jaken is snoring away, I see Inuyasha's dog ears slightly twitching , but he's snoring away too. I lay down near Naraku's body, I cover myself with the blanket and I close my eyes. The crackling of the fire lulls me to sleep. I wake up to the bright morning sun shining down on me, the warm Summer air surround me. I stretch and I sit up, I see Miroku and Inuyasha placing Naraku's body back onto A-Un's back, Sango and Kagome are packing things up, I realize that I need to get up now and help.

"Morning everyone."I greet them.

"Morning___________, we have to get going soon." Sango says with a smile.

"Right." I respond.

I quickly get up and pack up the blanket, I then see Sesshomaru and Jaken coming back from somewhere.

"There is a small village up ahead, you can go there and buy food for rest of the journey. Lord Sesshomaru, A-Un and I will go on ahead and wait for you slowpokes." Jaken says in a high pitch voice.

"What did you just call us you little green pistachio?!" Inuyasha yells.

Jaken scampers and hides behind Sesshomaru. Kagome gives Inuyasha a smack on the arm.

"Be thankful Inuyasha, thanks to them we can find a place to stock up on food and anything else that we need." Kagome tells him.

Inuyasha's ears flops down slightly and he grumbles. We finish pack up and head to the village, Sesshomaru, Jaken, and A-Un flies on ahead. We travelled for about 20 minutes or so until we come upon a small village, quiet but serene. We hop off of our horses. I lift my left leg over Boshi in order to get off, just as my feet touch the ground. I feel my left wrist being tugged slightly.

"Ow." I let out unconsciously.

I look at my left wrist and I see the red bamboo bracelet getting caught on Boshi's reigns. I unhook it from the reigns, it has come loose slightly.

"At least it didn't break." I say with a sigh of relief.

The 4 of us head inside and walk around the village, we stopped by some street vendors that were selling food. Miroku bought enough for the next two days, we then exit out of the village and hop back onto our horses. We travel for about 10 minutes or so towards east.

"Sesshomaru is up ahead." Sango points out.

I look back ahead and I can see a figure in white standing still and looking out. Jaken and A-Un is standing on each side of him, and on A-Un's back is Naraku. We all head towards where he is, before we can reach him. Jaken waves at us and points up ahead, then he jumps back onto A-Un. Without looking at us, Sesshomaru leaps into the air again and starts flying ahead, A-Un runs and then leaps into the air as well following after their master.

"Guess he doesn't want to chit chat." Kagome says.

"Hmph." Inuyasha grumbles with an annoyed expression.

I suppose that's Sesshomaru, he doesn't want to waste his time with pointless chats perhaps? We all follow after him as we continue east. Like the previous day, we travel for hours, then we rest, then we continue on again. The sun rises from one side and rotates to the other end, the colors follows it as well starting from the cool blue to the warm red then to black. The second day eventually comes to an end as well, just like the previous day, we eat dinner, we talk for a little while and then sleep. Today though, there are no forests nearby, only the open field. So we could only camp out under the dazzling stars, well not that it's a bad thing. The fire though, we have to be careful not to have it catch onto the grass or else a big fire will be set a-blazed. We found some small rocks or pebbles and created a well like shape and set the fire inside so that it can be contained. After everyone heads to bed, I cover Naraku's body up with a blanket just like yesterday, his skin is becoming paler by the day, his once sleek and black hair is becoming duller by the minute, there are no shine anymore. But, one more day, one more day. Just hold on for one more day my love. I look around, Jaken is sleeping beside A-Un again, snoring away. I'm glad that they came along as well, I was able to get to know both of them better. The only person missing from this group, is somewhere off in the field. I scan the field and I see Sesshomaru sitting down on the dark grass, I walk over to him, the big bundle of fur that trails behind him lay around him, his knee length snow white hair looks like silk around him. He's still as a statue, I sit down beside him and immediately I can feel his strong aura. The aura that I haven't sensed from Naraku's body since...a long time.

"So did you sleep last night?" I ask him.

Sesshomaru doesn't reply for a few seconds, he just looks up at the sky.

"Like I said, I do not need sleep." He answers.

"Oh... right, forgot sorry." I reply with an embarrassed giggle.

"But I did rest my eyes for a few minutes last night." Sesshomaru adds.

I look back at him, he's still looking up at the sky, his jawline is is defined and flawless, I can see the faint glimmer in his eyes from the side. I smile.

"That's good. You know, you can try to be... even more open." I say softly as I look at the dazzling sky as well.

"Open with what?" He asks me.

"For example, feelings. You can tell others how you're truly feeling at times without trying to mask it somehow." I say.

"What if I don't want to?" Sesshomaru asks me back again.

"Well, I'm not forcing you, in the end it's all up to us. But, I feel that if you become just a bit more open, everything may be more easier, burdens can be relieved and pain can fade. Also, happiness is beautiful when it's shared. The time that Naraku and I were apart, it was because our true feelings and intentions were kept hidden, and that's what hurt us. When things are kept from the people we care about, it may seem like it's for the best, but in truth, it may push them away than pull us closer." I tell him.

I look at Sesshomaru, his brows are slightly furrowed, he doesn't look annoyed or mad, he looks deep in thought. The atmosphere seems a bit tense, I clear my throat to ease the tension.

"You can forget about what I said, I suppose it doesn't apply to a great demon like you. Uhm, what are you planning on doing after this journey?" I ask him.

I'm starting to feel a bit sleepy, my eyelids feel dry on the inside and heavy, my consciousness is fading in and out.

"I have no set destination or defined goal, my fate is in my own hands, when the day comes then I'll think about it." He replies.

"Right... I wish I can control my own fate..." I say with drowsiness.

Unable to stay upright anymore I tilt towards my left and I can feel my face fall on something soft and fluffy and then I begin to slide backwards, but something catches me before I completely topple back. I then lose my consciousness bit by bit until I'm completely asleep. I wake up to the bright sunlight shining down on me, I squint my eyes and then I realize that today is the last day until we reach the gateway. I suddenly shoot straight up, I feel my whole balance tilting and I begin to feel dizzy. I hold my head as I groan and slouch over slightly.

"Slow down there____________, waking up too fast can cause dizziness." I hear Kagome say.

I look to my left and I see Kagome packing up her blanket while looking at me.

"Sorry, I just remembered that today is the last day of traveling." I tell her slowly regaining my equilibrium.

"Yes, we might not need the whole day, keep holding on to that hope___________, you'll save Naraku." Kagome smiles at me.

I nod. I look around, Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango are all packing up and getting ready. Naraku's already on A-Un's back again, Jaken is standing on A-Un's head. I look out into the near distance, I can see Sesshomaru standing still and looking out towards the far east. I should apologize for falling asleep on him last night, I quickly get up and pack up the blankets. After I finish with my things, I walk out to talk to Sesshomaru, the summer wind is blowing across the vast field, I can see his hair fluttering and swaying side to side like spider webs. I stop a bit behind him, he doesn't turn around to look at me.

"Are you all done packing? We should set off." He says unexpectedly.

"Yes I'm all packed, I'm just waiting for the others to finish what they need to do. Just want to say sorry for falling asleep on you yesterday during the middle of our conversation, I just couldn't stay awake anymore." I tell him.

"It was to be expected of a mortal, rests are required." He responds neutrally.

"Thanks for understanding. So today is the third day, we will reach the gateway today. Thanks again for co..." I say.

"____________, let's go, we're all packed!" I hear Sango shout from behind us in the distance.

"Coming!" I reply back with a shout.

I turn back to Sesshomaru, he's still looking out into the distance.

"Do not lag behind." He simply says and start to walk towards the east.

I quickly run back to the others, A-Un and Jaken head after Sesshomaru. The other are already on their horses, I hop onto Boshi.

"Let's go and find the gateway today." I say to all of them.

"We've came this far, it's not like we're going to turn back now and lose all of our efforts." Inuyasha says as a matter of factly.

"You're right Inuyasha. Let's reach the final home run." I say giving Kagome a smile.

She returns the smile, and I look at everyone else, Sango and Miroku all give me a supportive smile, even Inuyasha despite his arrogant tone. We then snap the reigns of our horses and we head after Sesshomaru, Jaken and A-Un. The wind picks up immediately as we race across the plains, the bright sun guides our way as we travel towards the Far East. Time ticks and the sun rotates just like every other day, morning soon turns into the warm afternoon, and soon the once blue sky is now orange and purple. The grassy plains has become more rocky the further we travel, and we soon come upon rocky terrains as well.

"Looks like we're nearing." Miroku says looking around.

"Seems like it, but the mountains all seem to be equal heights." Inuyasha adds.

"The mountains and rocky terrains just seem to appear out of nowhere, I don't even remember seeing the path change." Sango says.

"You're right, seems like it must be a place that if you were given permission, than you can come upon it. Sesshomaru also said that, since it was a destination given by a divine deity, it doesn't matter if we travel fast or far, the 3 days requirement must be met." I say as I guide Boshi carefully.

We travel for a little bit more until we decide that our horses must stay where we are now because it seems as if we need to walk the rest of the way. We make sure to place them at an area that's flat enough so that they won't be in any danger.

"Looks like we need walk from here on out, I think we might be close. I can see a tall mountain up ahead not too far away that over towers all the others." Kagome says squinting under the blinding evening sun.

We all carefully walk over rocks and steep slopes, Sesshomaru, Jaken, and A-Un seem to be out of sight now. The mountains gets higher and steeper as we continue on, The sun is setting by the minute we need to hurry before we're unable to see anything. Inuyasha leads the way and Miroku is last, it's tiring but we've come this far already. As I walk, my left foot suddenly step on some small pepples and my foot slips off from the ledge on the right of me due to the rolling of the small stones. By now, we are a 40 something meters off of the ground. I gasp as I begin to fall, I feel my body weight dragging me down. I reach out my left hand to try and grab onto something, the already loose red bamboo bracelet on my left wrist gets caught on the sharp rock ledge. The sharp ledge cuts through the bamboo due to the pull of the gravity and my weight, the tension causes it to snap. I manage to catch it with my right hand before it falls, I then grab onto the ledge, but I can feel the small rocks digging into my palms.

"__________!" Sango says grabbing onto my hand.

"Sango!" I shout her name as I hold on to her.

Miroku and Inuyasha helps pull me back up, Kagome looks me over to make sure I'm not injured anywhere. I'm gasping and trying to calm my speeding heart, I hold tight to the broken bracelet.

"____________, what's wrong?" Kagome asks me.

"The bracelet that I share with Naraku broke...it's fine, I'll fix it after this is all over. Thank you all for saving me." I say to them managing a smile.

I take a few seconds to regain my composure, I tuck the broken bracelet into my kimono next to the cherry blossom. We then continue to the tallest mountain, another 20 minutes later we finally arrive. We are exhausted but we finally made it. We reached halfway up the tallest mountain and we see Sesshomaru, Jaken, and A-Un looking at the side of the mountain.

"Sesshomaru!" I shout as we approach him.

"Took you guys long enough.'" Jaken states.

"Shut up dwarf!" Inuyasha retorts.

"Is this it?" Kagome asks.

"It is the tallest mountain around the area, and if you look, there is a gateway." Sesshomaru replies flatly.

Really? We all stand beside him and look at what he's looking at. My eyes goes wide as I see that it isn't just the side of the mountain, it's what is hidden inside the cave of the mountain. Not too far inside of the mountain is a big gateway indeed, two golden doors with reliefs of snakes decorates the doorway. Two large snakes are entwined and they slither across the doorway with half of their long bodies on each side of the door, I realize that they are the locks preventing the doors opening. There is a large gold snake head on top of the doorway looking down at us with its fork tongue slithering out.

"How are we going to get pass this?" Sango asks.

Right... Guanyin didn't tell me how to get pass the doorway. I'm trying to think.

"Hey, big snake, let us through, we need to meet the goddess inside!" Inuyasha shouts.

"I don't think that's gonna work Inuyasha." Miroku says.

The snake doesn't move or anything, nothing's happening. Wait...I step forward and bow to the big snake.

"I've been given permission by the goddess of Mercy and Compassion, Guanyin to meet the Goddess Nuwa. Please allow us through to meet the goddess for I have a purpose here. I have been given permission by the divine, please allow me to meet the creator goddess, Nuwa." I say remembering the purpose of trying to find her name and the reason as to why I'm looking for her.

Suddenly the snake's eyes glows purple, it's tongue slithers back and it opens its jaws wide. Its two sharp fangs drips a drop of purple liquid onto the rocky ground under it, faint purple aura vapours rises up and then the two larger snakes keeping the door locked slithers across the doors until it wasn't blocking them anymore. The doors then moves outward and opens, the ground slightly shakes. We watch in awe, except for Sesshomaru as the gateway opens wide. The inside is lit with magic flames upon snake like alters, leading deeper into the cave.

"Let's head in." I say.

"Jaken, stay here with A-Un." Sesshomaru orders.

"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru." Jaken says jumping onto A-Un's head.

Inuyasha carries Naraku's body onto his back and we all head into the dark cave. I walk beside Sesshomaru as we lead the way, Sesshomaru isn't scared, he carries himself with confidence and grace, and I feel strong standing beside him. Inuyasha follows after, then with Kagome, Sango, and Miroku. The flames flickers as we follow the path that we are following, deeper inside. The cave is deeper than I though despite the mountain doesn't seem that deep from the outside, indeed it is a divine and mystical place. As we walk, we can hear faint sounds of hissing in the dark, but we don't see any snakes. The hissing is all around us, I can feel the hair on my arms and the back of my neck standing on end. I just hope that the goddess herself won't be scary as the snakes. After walking for a good 3 minutes or so, we finally reach the end of the long and dark tunnel, We come upon a large part of the cave lit with fire all around, clear crystals decorates the whole cave, it looks divine. in the center of the cave is a pond filled with clear liquid that I assume is water, ivory and crystals decorates the border of the beautiful pond. At the other end of the cave is a large statue I believe is made out of stone and white ivory. It's as tall as the cave itself. It depicts a figure, a woman, with a top body of a woman and a lower half a large snake. As I look at it I realize that this is a statue of the goddess herself, a shrine, The statue is beautifully carved. Her face is carved with a heart shaped face, her hair is styled with the majority of the hair up and with carved decorative hair ornaments. A lock of her hair falls over her left shoulder towards the front, She has a carved hair ornament that looks like chains that falls over the middle of her forehead and stops just between her eyebrows. She has a top attire that starts around her neck and wraps around her front and I suppose then behind her back, she has carved ribbons around her arms and travels behind her back like a halo, similar to Lei Gong's arm ribbons. Her eyes are carved closed and her arms are open almost like an inviting gesture, she has a gentle expression on her face. The statue is absolutely stunning. No stone carvers can carve something this magnificent. Above her on the wall is a framed writing bordered with a Chinese styled frame which I assume is her name. Candles are lit around the statue giving it a divine aura.

"So this is what she looks like." Inuyasha says looking at the statue up and down.

"She looks kind, I think she will help you__________." Kagome says giving my arm a gentle rub.

I nod. I kneel in front of the statue, and I bow to it.

"Goddess Nuwa, I pray fo your help to revive a being who lost his life for me. We have traveled far to find you and we finally did. The goddess Guanyin told me to come find you, so I pray that you can pity us and help me." I say to the statue.

There is a few seconds of silence, the whole cave is silent except for our breathing. We all look around us trying to see if there's any sign of her.

"You have finally arrived." I soft voice says.

The voice echo through the cave despite being so delicate and soft. We all look around to try and find the source of the voice. We all turn back towards the statue when we hear slithering sounds. Our eyes goes wide, from behind the statue a head of a large deep purple snake slithers out from behind the head of the statue and travels down the front. I get up and we all back up slightly, Sesshomaru stays still, not frightened or surprised. The snake finally touches the ground, I assume the snake is about 17 or 18 feet. I don't even know how it hid behind the statue with its length. It stops in front of us and curls up and stares at us, its purple scales are decorated with black patterns reflecting the fire. They look like dark metal flower petals. Its eyes are green with slits.

"You are the goddess Nuwa?" I ask it.

"Indeed I am." It replies, but its voice seem to be coming from all around us.

"I assume you would've looked more like the statue." Inuyasha says.

"Inuyasha! How dare you!' Kagome says grabbing his ears.

"Ow! Ok ok, I'm sorry." Inuyasha whines.

We all turn back to Nuwa.

"This is not my real form, this is the form that I use when I reveal myself to others first, Gods or mortals alike." She answers softly.

So this isn't its true form... Then the snakes starts going around in a circle around itself, its scales perfectly aligned and it looks hypnotic with the patterns. Its head disappears first, it looks like a rotating rope, then it starts to have a purple aura around it as the head comes out from the centre. The head slowly disappears and a human head appears in its place, it's her. I see her porcelain white skin, her long eyelashes and the ornament on her forehead, it's silver. Her hair is black and sleek, styled up just like the statue with the beautiful hair ornaments dangling from her hair, the lock of long black hair is draping over her shoulder. As she rises up from the coiling snake body, the snake disappears and more of her human body forms. Her attire is light purple and it ties around her neck and down her front and ties behind her back ending in long ribbons, her attire is made out of soft flowing silk, the silk ribbons wrap around her arms and flows behind her head like a big half halo. The rest of the snake eventually disappears and the bottom part of her dress trails behind her in place of her snake tail. She look just like the statue itself, except of being clad in stone and white ivory, she's clad in a light silk dress, and her lower body isn't a snake. A faint golden glow forms around her, as expected from a deity. We look at her in astonishment, she is the same height of an average human. She then turns to us, we all look at her. She slowly opens her eyes, and as her eyes flickers up to us, I saw them. White around the irises just like a normal human's, her irises are bright green with splotches of yellow and brown, with black slits for pupils. Red markings line the edges of her eyes. They are like snake eyes, but they are absolutely gorgeous. After 3 days of traveling, we finally found the goddess Nuwa, and right now she's standing in front of us, in front of me.

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