War of Hearts

By Kopowerbomb88

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Haytham kenway never thought that he had a son, but he never thought his son would become an assassin. Howeve... More

Chapter 1: My Son
Chapter 2: Searching for Church
Chapter 3: Working Together
Chapter 4: Sailing with Father
Chapter 5: How I Met your Mother
Chapter 6: Nightmare
Chapter 7: Trying to Make Things Right
Chapter 9: Dealing with Templars
Chapter 10: It is Over
Chapter 11: Speaking to Achilles
Chapter 12: The Last Stand
Chapter 13: Doing it Right
Chapter 14: Meeting an enemy from the past
Chapter 15: The Unxpected Attack
Chapter 16: dont leave me
Chapter 17: People of the Homestead
Chapter 18: Drunk Haytham
Chapter 19: Making Amends
Chapter 20: A New Life (The End)
what do u think

Chapter 8: Am I A Monster

168 3 2
By Kopowerbomb88

Connor Point of view
We exit the house that we had just met Lee at, and we mount our horses without a word. We begin riding in the direction Charles Lee, sent us staring me. I look at him over my shoulder, eyebrow raised.
Connor: What!
I said annoyed
Haytham: you're made at me?
He replies
Connor: of course, you know how I feel about Charles Lee!
He sighed
Haytham: I know, I guess I am hoping to get two of you used to each other.
Connor: I have no desire to get used to him, thank you.
Haytham: come on Connor, I'm trying to lay groundwork for something permanent.
Connor: what do you mean?
I asked
Haytham: well I would be lying if, I said I didn't enjoy working with you. I just fear that what we have won't last, though and I don't want to kill you. I certainly don't want you to kill me.
I huff and look away
Connor: I do not ever want to work with that man, though. Being in the same room as him enough, to make my blood boil.
Haytham: I know, though I don't understand why?

Connor: well it doesn't help that, when I was four he and a couple of your men came near my village. When I was out playing hide and seek, and he interrogated me.
I spoke truthfully
Haytham: I think you don't quite mean interrogated.
Connor: yes I do they laughed at me tripped me over, when I tried run away. And then Charles pinned me to a tree by my throat, might I add and told me that me and my people were useless. Then when I still didn't tell them what they wanted, one of them knocked me out... which was William Johnson. I woke up with a concussion, then I found my village on fire.
Haytham: so that's why you think it was us.
My father said in a concerned manner.
Connor: think? Charles Lee killed my mother, and I'm still convinced despite what you calm. That it was by your order!
I tried to knock some sense to him
Haytham: I told you Connor, I gave no such order. They should not have even been there at all, but I can promise you they did not start to fire.

Connor: all I have to say is that finding out he is a Templar, is mere convenience. The more I learn about him the, more I hate him. But he is a perfect example of why your claims, that all would be equal under you is just a dream. He is a Templar himself, attacked a small child in the forest and left me to die. Would he have done so, if I was white child?
I asked him angrily
Haytham: son please, I'm sure that is not why-
I soon cut him off
Connor: spare me, his speech that day tells me otherwise.
Haytham: speech?
He asked confused
Connor: yes he went on and on about how me and my people, were worthless. Stuck in the old ways and too stubborn, and stupid to conform to the true ways of the world.
Haytham: oh
Connor: exactly
My father signed
Haytham: this displeases me, I wish I had known.
Connor: why? So you could scold him, and then move on like it never happened?
Haytham: son I would-
Again I cut him off
Connor: look I'm through with this discussion, and as luck would have it I think we found the place.
I climb the nearest and tallest tree to affirm my belief, I pull out my spyglass grateful to MR Faulkner for recommending I keep one for all of my missions, not just naval.

In front of us is yet another plot of land, there appears to be a few farm animals here as well. Though crops definitely outnumber them, there are a variety of different plants things such as corn and wheat. In the back is a large windmill, white but faded standing strong. There are a couple barns and even a house or two, but one thing stands out to me.
A warehouse that is surrounded by guards and is way too large, and industrial for a farm like this. The guards surrounding it, when my eagle sight is activated to glow red to all of the guards.
Haytham: well do you see anything?
My father asks
Connor: yes, it looks like the right place. I can see a warehouse up ahead, by a windmill like Charles Lee said.
I reply not bothering to his the venom, in my voice at the mention of Charles.
Connor: plus there are too many guards, around for a farm like this. Mercenaries from the looks of it, although....
I focus my spyglass on the west end of the property.
Haytham: yes?
Connor: regulars a whole bunch of them, headed on to the property. They're headed directly to the warehouse.
Haytham: well then let's stop some thieves shall we?
Connor: lets
I put the spyglass away and join him.

We both crouch in some conveniently placed bushes, and sneak onto the farm. After we creep a few feet, the bushes come to an end. To the right there is a haystack, and left is a pile of leaves. There are some mercenaries pacing back and forth nearby them, father gestures to the haystack and I nod in understanding.

When there's a second that the guards are looking away, we each take off. Hiding in our respective hiding spot, we wait when the guards pass by they stop to talk. One teasing the other about their hat, simultaneously my father and I leap halfway out of our hiding spots. Covering the mouths of our targets and stabbing them with hidden blades, before dragging them into the pile with us. We then each exit and while I don't bother with the hay stuck to me, my father brushes the leaves off himself indignantly I just roll my eyes.

We continue on in this manner, taking out foes silently. I must say I am impressed with my father stealth skills, I thought he would be either out of practice from making others so his bidding. Careless because he thinks himself, invincible or just rusty from age. I don't claim to know how old he is, but sometimes he seems quite old to me, maybe that's just my thinking as a young adult.

Finally we reach the warehouse, he sends me to scope the place to see if I can find a way in that is discreet. I do not mind, normally him sending me off to do work for him is irritating. But this way I don't have to trust his opinion, I creep around the building taking a mental note of the guards and their locations, doors, windows and hiding spots. I soon return to my father, who was looking around to make sure no one will hear us talking.
Haytham: well?
He whispers to me
Connor: well, we have two options. There is a back door we can enter through, it is locked but should be easy enough to pick the lock. Or there is a window on the east side, with a good path to climb up. I recommend we take that route, but either we can get to easy enough without encountering too many guards.
I said, as I look around once more, double checking that no hears us.
Haytham: Good work, well son I have no problems entering through the window. If that's what you think is the best choice, you are the one who saw the options after all.
I force myself not to grin, it wouldn't kill him to utter those words more.
Connor: alright follow me
I turn my back towards the warehouse, looking around one last time to make sure the coast is clear. Then I take off to the next hiding spot.

I hear my father footsteps quiet, as they are behind me. He joins me in the hiding place, which is another thick bush . I continue into some overgrown grass, careful not to move too quickly so I don't disturb it enough to draw attention. Finally we reach the end of the grass as well, there is a clearing between here and the building and two guards nearby. I look both ways, assuring it's just the two, before shooting them both with poison darts. I'm not to fond with them, but it seems fitting. Once they collapse, I sprinted to the building and scale it with ease.

I sit in the window ledge, looking for a spot to jump to. I see some rafters just ahead and jump to one of them, my father soon joins me and we look down. I look at him and he sighs. Below us is a bunch of supplies that varies from food to clothing and weapons, some of which I'm sure, was provided from the far, but not all of it. On a table there are also three bottles, each containing varying coloured liquids.

Mercenary: thanks for coming gents, tell the general he will not regret our services. We have got all of the food to last three winters, and the clothes to keep you warm through it. We also have something special to show you.
He spoke with determination
Redcoat: and what would that be?
The redcoat asked
Mercenary: something we've been working on, that'll be sure to give you an edge in the war. It's a superior poison for you all to use.
I look at my father, who is frowning
Redcoat: well, that should be interesting. Let's see that you have to offer.
They all walk toward the table that I noticed earlier, and the man who was talking before picked up the bottle. He looks at the redcoats, making sure they're listening he smiles before speaking.
Mercenary: this one is my personal favourite, I must say though I'm sure it goes without saying. That you should be extremely careful, when handling this. It can cause a group of soldiers to drop dead, within seconds. Don't be fooled by its liquid form, it's extremely explosive. If thrown like a smoke bomb, it'll create a gas that will kill anyone within range and if it's not snot or caught on fire, a similar effect will be seen.
The looks of the redcoats faces must be comical, to the man because they all chuckled.

Connor: father we cannot let the redcoats get their hands on such a poison. It would be the end of the war.
I whispered to him
Haytham: agreed, not that I want it in the streets either. Hundreds of innocents could die, from this poison that they have created.
He replies just as quietly.
Connor: what should we do?
Haytham:well, we have a few options. We could wait it out and see what else they have. And go down there and kill them all, expect the dealer and interrogate him, or we can just shoot the poison now and let their own concoction be their demise.
I ponder this
Connor: well, who's to say we can't do a combination?
Haytham: how do you mean?
He asked
Connor: listen in a bit longer, as you said. Then go down and kill the regulars and interrogate the dealer. Then shoot the poison to handle, any reinforcements that the commotion may cause.
I reasoned with him
Haytham: well aren't you smart?
I huffed at this
Connor: you don't have to patronise me father, do you approve of that or not?
He smiled at me
Haytham: of course son
I roll my eyes and look back down.

Mercenary: now we also have a poison, here that works like normal poison.. it just a lot faster. You poison someone with this and they'll drop right away.
The man continues, as he sets that bottle down and picks up another it was the last on the table.
Mercenary: this one here is a berserk poison, it'll cause your enemies to attack each other and then both die.
I frown at this, this was awful.
Redcoat: you weren't kidding, with this we'll win the war for sure now.
A redcoat says from the group
Mercenary: that's the idea, tell your general about this. And from there, we'll mass produce it if he is interested.
Redcoat: oh I'm sure he will be.

Connor: Do we suppose we've heard enough?
I asked my father
Haytham: quite lets end this son.
I open my mouth to ask him what tactic he has in mind, but before I say anything he drops down and assassinating someone I sigh.
Haytham: I don't suppose anyone will be speaking to the general.
My father says with sass
Mercenary: oh? You're one man against a platoon of trained soldiers.
The dealer said, as the soldiers began to point their guns at my father.
Haytham: hmm not quite.
Redcoat: you and what army, then?
One of the redcoats asked
Haytham: not quite an army either, but close enough. It would be wonderful if my backup were to come though, Connor!
I roll my eyes, then assassinate one of the guards a distance from my father. The distraction I provide gives him the chance to start fighting, and we work towards each other.

Connor: what a brilliant idea this was father, we could have gone about this much better.
I said once I reached him.
Haytham: I didn't hear you making any suggestions, duck!!!
I comply without thinking, and he swings his sword over my head. Before cutting someone's throat before they reach me.
Connor: oh really? You did not give me a chance to speak!
I hissed as I stand back up, just after rolling to stab someone in the back with my tomahawk.
Haytham: you should think quicker then.
I growled at this
Connor: you're so irritating man.
My father shoots over my shoulder, and at the same time I shoot my arrow over his. With those two dead, we are left with only the dealer.
Haytham: yet you still asked me to join you.
He wipes the blood off his sword.
Connor: just because you're irritating, doesn't mean you aren't useful.
He smirks at me
Haytham: well then I suppose, I should make sure I don't outlive my usefulness.
I roll my eyes again, and we approach the dealer who is cowering to the ground.

Dealer: what do you want?
He says, or more like whimpers. Not so tough now that he doesn't have soldiers guarding him.
Haytham: go on Connor, this is your mission.
My father said
Connor: I think we both know how well, I do at the talking part.
I say with a frown, thinking of the man at the cart. My father smiles, surely remembering the same.
Haytham: fine I'll save you the embarrassment, who do you work for?
He faces the man
Dealer: that's kind of complicated.
He says
Haytham: then you should start talking.
He sneered
Dealer: I've got nothing to say to you
Haytham: oh is that a fact? Maybe I should force you to talk then.
Dealer: do your worst, I ain't spilling.
My father sighs and looks at me,

Haytham: secure the doors, make sure no one will be able to enter. I may draw some attention.
Connor: how?
I asked curiously, as I looked at him uneasily.
Haytham: never mind that, we haven't got time. Go and secure the doors as best as you can.
I frown and nod, we really don't have the time even though I'm worried. I got to complete my task then make my way back to my father, when I do he's got the dealer man tied up.
Connor: it is done, I blocked the doors with crates and locked the doors. They may have a key, but it'll slow them down, just make it quick.
I said as my father nods, then turns to the dealer.
Haytham: well perhaps we can start simple, what is your name?
Isaac: Isaac Brandon
He says nervously
Haytham: Good, tell me Isaac are there other places like this one?
Isaac: n-no
Haytham: you don't quite sound certain.
Isaac: I am!
He shouts

Haytham: then why are you hesitant? Well?
He doesn't answer, so my father raises his sword and points it at him.
Isaac: just because there aren't exactly others like this one, but I'm not alone
He gasps at himself
Isaac: I shouldn't have said that
Haytham: oh you're doing fine, why don't you elaborate?
He asked
Isaac: NO!
He shouts, my father sighs as he slowly circles around Isaac. Who eyes him nervously, I am nervous as well.
Haytham: come now, I don't wish to do this in front of my boy.
Isaac: then don't, it I already said too much.
Haytham: oh I beg to differ, you said not enough.
Isaac: you'll get no more off me.
My father looks at me hesitantly, but then looking back at Isaac he quickly flicks his wrist. Almost cutting the man arms off, I gasp more shocked than Isaac.
Haytham: well?
My father gritted his teeth

Isaac: you'll have to do more worse than that, and from your boys reaction. I don't think you'll be able to go far enough, to get me to talk.
Haytham: oh he won't like it, but I'll do what it takes.
I soon stop my father
Connor: father-
I begin, but his angry looks cut me off.
Haytham: it must be done, son.He turns back to Isaac.
Isaac: Connor right? Your father said your name earlier. Come one boy, are you going to let him torture me?
I looked at him curiously
Connor: I.. I'm not sure I-
I stutter looking between them.
Haytham: if you can't stomach it son, then you could always go outside.
My father says
Connor: I don't like it, but I think you're right. I see no other way.
My father nods.
Haytham: so Isaac, you could talk now and save is all the trouble, or I'll make you talk either way I want information.
Isaac: I will talk.
Isaac insists, my father sighs heavily.

Haytham: so be it
He circles once more, then my father cuts Isaac leg. I frown but I am silent, he's not being excessive and I know it's for my sake. He swings the sword around in the air, before slicing his back. This goes on for maybe two minutes, as the cuts getting deeper each time. I feel my stomach changing, I think I'm going to be sick normally as a Assassin we just stab them with a hidden blade, but this is over the limit.
Connor: father?
I said
Haytham: hm?
Connor: it is not working.
Haytham: don't worry, it will
Isaac: don't be so certain
Isaac says, as my father freezes.
Haytham: alright that is it! I'm sorry Connor, I was trying to go easy on him for your sake... but I grow tired of this game.

Connor: wait you intend to do worse?
I ask shocked
Haytham: yes, go outside.
My father looks at me.
Connor: but father-
I was cut off
Haytham: but nothing go!
I look at Isaac one last time, then I do as I'm told. I climb out the window and go to a hiding spot, I watch the door carefully.
After a few moments as if father was waiting to be sure I was gone, I hear Isaac shout. Not very loud not yet, but it was gradually starts getting louder and more intense. Soon it draws the attention of Mercenaries, who rushed to the front door. They go to open it, but of course it is locked. From there I can hear arguing about the whereabouts of the key, I go over there and start fighting them to stall for more time.

Haytham Point of view
I look at the bloody figure I front of me, as he spills his knowledge. I've heard fighting out front for the past five minutes, Connor is really trying to buy me time. I can barely hear Isaac above the sound of swords clashing outside, so I'm crouching in front of my target.
Isaac: I work for a group, who pays us to produce this poison. They've given me permission to sell to the British, though they personally are neutral in the war.
He says in great pain
Haytham: and what does this group call themselves?
I asked
Isaac: I don't know, I'm only a mercenary just like everyone else here. They pay me, so I say yes, I've never seen a face.
I sigh at this, as I rub my forehead.
Haytham: are there any other bases, like this one?
Isaac: no I don't think we aren't entirely working for them though. We also have been selling supplies to the redcoats as well, as stealing and selling what we have to profit. In that respect, we are entirely independent but those I serve are very secretive.

Haytham: and how do you receive your commands?
Isaac: by letter, there is never a return address. The one time I've contacted them, was through a courier they sent.
Haytham: is there anything you do know about them?
Isaac: just that they know, about your kind.
I raise my eyebrow at this
Haytham: my kind?
I asked curiously
Isaac: yes Templar's, and your Assassin son too.
Haytham: interesting, do they have I'll towards either of us?
Isaac: not particular they know you're dangerous, and have killed members from each before. But they care, little about your war.

I chuckled at this
Haytham: so you really made me torture you, for this small amount of information?
Isaac: they would have had my head, if they found out I talked!
Haytham: well then, that's not something you need to worry about then.
He looked at me nervously.
Isaac: why's that?
Haytham: because you'll be dead too.
I stand up and cut his throat, with my hidden blade what a waste!
Haytham: Connor it's time for our retreat!
I sigh, the fighting still loud as ever.

I suppose I didn't hear them at the back of the door, over the commotion but it flies open. The mercenaries look around and, seeing all dead bodies and only me remaining figure out what happened. They point their guns at me, instead of raising my hands I shoot the poison that was said to be explosive. As promised a green smoke beings, to fill the building they begin coughing and I sprint to the window. The gas follows me out, and I think to light a match and throw it in setting the place to flames. I run around the front, covering my mouth as I see the gas sweeping through the crack on the door causing others to cough.

My son included, I panic and grab him. As I was dragging him away from the burning building, I pretty much drag him all the way off the property and we are completely ignored by the mercenaries. They're too worried about the fire, to actually care about us. We get off the land and he finally has gained some composure, we mount our horses and ride away.

Haytham: are you alright son?
I ask him as we slow our pace, riding into town.
Connor: I guess
He replies, but he doesn't sound enthused.
Haytham: look if you're upset, about the torture I was-
I was cut off
Connor: if? You know how I feel about that!
Hey yelled at me
Haytham: you said so yourself, there was no other way!
He sighs and looks away
Connor: did you at least find anything useful?
I sighed, I know he's going to be mad at me even more.
Haytham: no. He apparently works for some group, of secretive people who told him nothing expect how to make the poison. He never saw a face.
Connor: then there was no point of torturing him!!
He shouted again, as his face was full of rage.
Haytham: how could I have known?
I asked him
Connor: I... I guess you couldn't have. It makes it feel worse though, were they at least the only thieves?
Haytham: yes, he said that was independent of their masters.
Connor: good at least, that the whole thing wasn't a complete waste of time and death.
I felt sorry for Connor, when he saw me brutalise Isaac.
Haytham: I'm sorry son.
Connor: don't, I'm going home father.
He spoke sternly
Haytham: Goodbye Connor, travel safe.
Connor: you as well
He spurs his horse and departs, leaving me alone to my thoughts.
I'm glad I sent him away, if he had seen what I'd done or how the man looked. I don't know if he would even want to look at me, am I really the monster he thinks I am? If Ziio saw this now, she would be cursing my name, for doing such a horrid thing in front of our son. Maybe I am monster.

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