The Sorry Tale Of Nightmare C...

By bethholly2223

283 56 11

Charlie Davis is a Fashionista looking for a job during his collage years when he's faced with a particularly... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Cooth Evergreen -Guide To Nightmareship
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapther 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 3

19 4 1
By bethholly2223

The ride to London ended on a good note. I finally got some sleep and managed to stay comfortable throughout the duration of the flight.

When We reached the port, I got my bags and went out to find the taxi I called.

Climbing into the taxi, I told him my location of residence I was going to be staying in and he drove me there.

I wasn't quite sure how long it was going to be before we reached the apartment, mainly because of the traffic in London being different than what I am use to in America. So I sat back and left the driving to the taxi driver.

'He's gonna get you lost.' A thought became of me.

But it was a ridiculous thought. This was the taxi drivers job. He probably knew this place better than anyone else around. Why am I even worried about it?

'He could be a kidnapper. You wouldn't know. You know nothing about this place. Just look at him. Do you even know where the apartment is? You wouldn't know if he wasn't taking you there.'

I began to squirm at the thought. Looking at the driver made me uncomfortable.

"U-uh, please stop the car, sir."


"Please, I need to get out." I told him.

"Is this it?" He asked confused.

"It's okay, I need to get some coffee." I told him.

The other pulled off to the side. "Are you okay?" He asked me, but I was already getting out of the car.

"I'm fine!" I called back, shaken by the thought. I've never been so unbelievably scared before, that thought may have come out of nowhere but it just got to me. I couldn't help it...

I grabbed my stuff from the trunk and paid the man for the inconvenience. Getting to the apartment didn't need to happen immediately, I guess. I could grab some coffee.

I went into the little coffee shop and ordered one of my favorite drinks and pulled my phone out to check the directions.

We were going the right way...

I sighed, that stupid thought just pulled me out of a taxi... how the hell was i gonna get there now? I could call another one, but after getting all worked up about the first one, I wasn't sure I could handle another one.

The apartment wasn't too far off, I guess I could walk. It wouldn't be comfortable, but it would be more safe...

'What if you get pulled into an alley and murdered?'

I groaned. There's no way I could walk now. Now with that in my head.

I fucking hate London sometimes... I hate the thoughts that keep popping up in my head... Why am I so anxious? This is stupid...

I lean back in my chair and sigh.

"Thoughts invading your mind?~" I heard someone talk to me and I jumped, looking around but not seeing anyone around me.

There was silence once again.

"What is going on with me..." I wondered, holding my head.


There that voice was again!! I looked up and this time instead of a person there was a shadow, sitting across from me.

My eyes went wide and I bolted out the door, looking behind me to see if it was still fallowing me.

When I didn't see it, I turned my attention back to the sidewalk so I wouldn't run into anyone.

And then I was stopped dead in my tracks when a few feet away from me stood that same shadow.

"Good luck running, it's not gonna work." He said.

"What?" I was so confused, why was nobody else looking at this?!

"Because only you can see me. I've decided it that way."

"You can hear my thoughts?"

"I can MAKE your thoughts." The other said. "Charlie, I am going to be your new worst nightmare." It began to walk towards me. "Your own personal demon to wake up to every morning, feeding you thoughts that anger and distress you until you can't take it anymore." It said. I began to back up, shaking.

"Welcome to your own slice of hell." It said, then suddenly disappeared.

I looked around for it but instead I saw a small group of people starting to stare at me.

"Are you-" one began to ask, but I got up and pushed past them and began to run to my apartment.

No looking back, I had to get there and figure out what just happened. I didn't have time to think or even process what just happened.

Finally I could see it, recognizing it from the pictures sent by the landlord. I took out my key and unlocked the door, running in and closing the door quickly. I locked it and pressed my back against the door, trying to catch my breath.

Finally, in the solidarity of the apartment I could relax and process what just happened.

A nightmare?? My nightmare? What is a nightmare?? Why was it following ME?? Why ME??

"Hey, I didn't get a choice in this either." Came the voice again.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" I called, shaking, looking for where he was.

"I thought I already answered that." He said.

Suddenly a shadowy darkness phases out of me as I feel an ice cold temperature also makes its way out.

I shivered, staring at the thing in front of me.

"I'm your nightmare." He said.

"What the fuck does that entail?!" I yelled at it.

"Calm down, rookie, hating me doesn't phase me, everyone already does." It said nonchalantly.

That just pissed me off more. "What. Are. You. What do you do? Why are you here? Why are you coming after ME?"

"Well, I wanted to start over." He said.


"Shut up. Look kid, I'm looking to start over so I killed myself. After, I was told in order for me to start over, you gotta kill yourself too." He said.

Shocked and pissed off, I clenched my teeth. "You're here to drive me to commit suicide?!" Why would he tell me his goal. He's never gonna win now. He's fucked himself over.

"Bing bing bing. You win." The other said. "So in order for me to get you to do that, I have to make your life a living hell." He said.

"W h y M E." I said again, still not getting an answer for it.

"Because I was assigned to you. So get use to me, or end your miserable life." He said.

I growled and stood up, poking him in what I could only assume was his 'chest' if this fucker was even human. "Look here you shadowy ass cloud, I have a life, a college to go to, a career to lift off, and a fucking brother I love to pieces.  And if you think I would EVER end my life for some SHIT CLOUD you're fucking WRONG." I told him. "So you might as well bother SOMEBODY ELSE."

"I don't think you get it. I'm STUCK with you. FOREVER." He said, poking me back. "So if you THINK that IM going to stand aside and watch YOU have a happy little life and shit on me and tell me to fuck off without me fighting back, YOU ARE WRONG. So fucking kill yourself." He growled in my face.

"Fuck you nightmare." I spat at him, but oddly it went right through him.

"No, go fuck yourself, Davis." He said, suddenly phasing into me again and that chill returned.

"Get away from me!!! What the hell did you just do?! Fuck off!" I screamed, twisting and turning to attempt to see if he was simply just behind me or actually inside of me.

There was no answer, just this burning hatred and chilled feeling inside of me.

What the HELL am I supposed to do?!

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