A Melwood Story

By tqmlinsvns

44.8K 1.3K 338

Melissa finds out something about herself that causes a drift in her and her husband, Blake's relationship. W... More

/chapter one/
/chapter two/
/chapter three/
/chapter four/
/chapter five/
/chapter six/
/chapter seven/
/chapter nine/
/chapter ten/
/chapter eleven/
/chapter twelve/
/chapter thirteen/
/chapter fourteen/
/chapter fifteen/
/chapter sixteen/
/chapter seventeen/
/chapter eighteen/
/chapter nineteen/
/chapter twenty/
/chapter twenty-one/
/chapter twenty-two/
/chapter twenty-three/
/chapter twenty-four/
/chapter twenty-five/
/chapter twenty-six/
/chapter twenty-seven/
/chapter twenty-eight/
/chapter twenty-nine/
/chapter thirty/
/chapter thirty-one/
/chapter thirty-two/
/chapter thirty-three/
/chapter thirty-four/
/chapter thirty-five/
/chapter thirty-six/
potential next story
/chapter thirty-seven/
/chapter thirty-eight/
/ chapter thirty-nine /
/ chapter forty /
thank you!

/chapter eight/

1.2K 37 2
By tqmlinsvns

A Melwood Story
Chapter 8


I'm now twenty three weeks pregnant. I avoid going out in public at almost all costs. People are already suspicious about why they have blocked the streets off where we're filming, I don't want to raise anymore suspicion if I don't have to.

My decision to tell Chris was a good one. In hair and makeup or between scenes he asks me how I am. Which is nice, because everyone else is either too concerned or afraid to talk or ask me about it.

Today I'm going to the doctors after work. I'm not thrilled about it, but it has to happen.

Once they call cut, I grab my water bottle and phone and then go to my trailer to change.

"Hey!" Chris calls from behind me.
I turn to face him. "Yeah, hi."
"Where you going so fast?" he asks.
"Doctors appointment," I tell him.
"Oh, okay," he says, but looks like he wants to say more.

"What?" I ask.
He looks up at me again. "Uh, well, my mom is here for another week, so I don't have a toddler to watch. I could come with you if you would like."

Huh. I've been going to these appointments by myself. It might be weird to have him tag along.

"Sure, I guess that would be okay," I say.
His face sort of lights up. "Really? Are you sure?"
"Yeah. I'm sure."

"I just have to get changed, then I'll be right out," I tell him as I open my trailer door.
"Okay, sounds good."

I step inside my trailer and close the door behind me. I take a deep breath. I can't believe he suggested to come with me to an ultrasound. I can't believe I agreed to let him come. What is happening?

I get into my regular clothes, grab my phone, a water bottle, my wallet, then open the door. Chris is standing across from me, leaning against another trailer, typing on his phone.

He looks up. "Hey."
"Hi." I smile. "You ready?"
"The better question is, are you ready?"
I walk down the trailer steps. "No. Ultrasounds make me nervous."
"Why's that?" he asks as we start walking towards my car.

"Well, what if I go in there and they tell me that one of the babies died because I accidentally did something I shouldn't have, or one of them have only nine fingers. I could keep going."
"There's always that possibility," he says.
"There's always that possibility," I repeat.

My heart is beating really fast by the time we get to the doctors. I don't know why. Maybe because all the talk of nine fingers and dead babies is making me nervous. It's probably just the hormones or the fact that Chris is tagging along.

"How are you today?" the ultrasound tech asks.
"Alright," I answer as I sit down, Chris standing next to me.

Once she gets everything set up, she asks, "would you like to see the genders today?"
I think for a second. "Sure."

After she checks out everything she says, "baby A is a boy and baby B is a girl."
"Won't have trouble telling them apart then," I say as I look up at Chris.
He smiles down at me. "I guess not."

"Okay, we'll see you again in eight weeks," the ultrasound tech says.
"Alright, thank you."
She smiles slightly, nodding.

Once we get back in the car, Chris says, "I've never seen an ultrasound before."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, with Nya, her mom and I weren't together while she was pregnant, so I didn't go to her appointments or anything. She didn't want me around, I guess. I was barely there for the birth."
"Barely?" I repeat as I pull the car away from the doctors office.
"Yeah," he says. "I stayed in the room next door and when Nya was born, they brought her to the room I was in, so that her mother didn't see her."

"Interesting," I say.
"Interesting?" he asks.
"I've never heard of that happen before."
"I've never met someone whose husband left while she was pregnant with twins."
"Yeah, I guess we have interesting stories about our kids."
"I guess so."


Once we get back to set, we walk together until we get to Melissa's trailer.

"Thanks for coming with me," Melissa says.
"Of course, no problem," I tell her. "If you want me to come with you again, just ask."
"Alright." She smiles then walks up the steps to her trailer door.

I can't believe I asked to tag along to my co-star's ultrasound. Like, who does that? No one. Except me apparently.

I grab my stuff from my trailer and head home for the day. No more scenes to film for me.

As soon as I open the door, Nya is running into my legs.
"Hey, sweetheart. How are you?" I ask.
"Good!" she exclaims. "Grandma made cupcakes!"
"Really?" I ask as I close the door behind me and follow my daughter into the kitchen.

"Good afternoon, Chris," my mom says upon seeing me for the first time today. "How was work?"
"It was good," I say as I hug her gently. "How was Nya?"
"No trouble at all."
"That's good."

"Where were you?" she asks. "You said you'd be home at 1 p.m. and it's now near three."
"Sorry about that, I stayed behind to watch some more scenes," I lie.
"That's alright. Nya and I had more time to make some cupcakes for dessert. Isn't that right Nya?"
"Yes," Nya laughs from beside me.

I ruffle her hair lightly then pick her up and take her over to the living room where Drift is lying in the sunlight.

It's been quite the day.

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