The Benevolent Miracle Doctor...

Por RosminCos

688K 21.7K 1.3K

The famous martial artist Lian Daiyu was at the top of the ranks and no one could rival against her with mira... Más

Character Profiles
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Character Stories! Who do you want? Need requests before 24th October!
Character Profile Part 2
1st Birthday
49 : Final Chapter
I Found You: Modern AU One Shot


3.7K 168 6
Por RosminCos

Kuan-Yin walked alongside each other talking and gossiping about various things. Giggles erupted between the two which echoed in the halls of the Palace. Audun was fascinated by the architecture, "The design of the palace is very confusing, " Audun gaped at all the paintings and decoration. "How do you get around?"

Kuan-Yin enjoyed Audun being childish since it's uncommon for The Northerners to be so formal. "Not many people can enter the palace so easily unless you are royalty or have special access. So remembering the layout is hard."

Audun ran off somewhere, surprising Kuan-Yin. "Yin'er that smell. Is it that chestnut?"

Audun walked into a garden where the Second Prince was mashing up chestnuts for his Faust Heavenly Snake. She immediately blushed and rushed to go back but bumped into Kuan-Yin.

"Audun don't run off like that!" Kuan-Yin gently scolded Audun, "Second Prince I was able to look for you."


All three of them moved to a pavilion which was covered by osmanthus flower petals, the sweet scent brings delight to the Northern Princess who spun around on the grass covering herself with the flowers that had fallen. The Second Prince was starstruck by the tanned beauty that was happily dancing in the osmanthus, obvious he was attracted to the older woman.

Kuan-Yin has purposely stayed behind them so she wouldn't distract them from having their moment. She had a servant serve up refreshments and snacks for them after they finished. Soon after the two royals came to the pavilion which Kuan-Yin was patiently for them eating the snacks. "I hope you two enjoy each others company, " Kuan-Yin pull out documents from her robe, "But, we will need to talk about Princess Audun's possible marriage and the Glory Sect."

The Second Prince also pulled out documents and placed them on the table. They looked at the location that the Glory Sect were working on, each location had a specific location where all of them had exactly the same distance from each other. "That looks like a really difficult summoning circle!" Princess Audun pointed out

"Summoning circle?" the Second questioned confused.

Princess Audun used her finger to trace a magic circle that seems to be part of the map and no one seems to notice or question it. "This summoning circle is very difficult every if a high magician in my country wouldn't be able to utilise it properly."

Kuan-Yin slightly picked her chin, "How do you know about magic arrays?"

"Oh! you call them magic arrays." Princess Audun shyly bowed her head, "Well, when I was young I was always sick so I studied and research magic circles."

Kuan-Yin took out any piece of paper and laid it out in front of Audun, "Can you draw the magic circle so we can see whether it is of concern or not?"

Princess Audun took a brush and began drawing the circle. As Audun was drawing Kuan-Yin and the Second Prince decided to continue their conversation. "Lately I have been hearing servant saying that my brother the crown prince is working together with the Glory Sect."

"Glory Sect?" Kuan-Yin frowned frustrated, "Why would your brother be working with the Glory Sect?"

The second sighed, pinching in between his eyebrow trying to relieve his headache, "My brother is very greedy, lustful, power-hungry and impatient. I'm speculation is that the Glory Sect is planning something and using him as a way to succeed the throne to do something." 

Kuan-Yin took out a gourd and poured out the contents into a cup, "Drink this. It will help with your headache." Kuan-Yin got up and walked off, "Let's take a break."

The Second Prince gladly accepted the drink remaining to sit down at the table. He glanced at Princess Audun, her beautiful sun-kissed complexion gladly complimented her golden eyes, a trait that is never seen in this country. The sharp facial feature on her brought out her beauty but the most beautiful thing about Princess Audun was that she was working. Her concentration on her task seem like the most attractive trait to the Second Prince, she was quite different from other royalty or nobility.

Instead of flaunting her wealth and beauty, she used her wealth and power to gain knowledge. The Second Prince could watch Audun doing her work all day long if he could but the chances of being with her were slim. He wasn't the crown prince or had a very strong backing like his other brothers who are all geniuses. It wasn't like he was mistreated by his father but rather his father cared for all his children but didn't openly show it since lots of people wanted to kill him and showing weakness would make him vulnerable. A tap of a brush indicated that Audun was finished with the drawing of the magic circle.

"Can you teach me magic circles?" The Second Prince was intrigued by the concept of magic circles.

"Me?" Audun was shocked, she shyly nodded to the Second Prince's request.

Audun taught the Second Prince the basics of the concepts of magic circles. Audun happily taught the Second Prince and was amazed at how fast he was able to grasp the concept of magic circles and symbols.

After the short lesson, Kuan-Yin returned to the table, "I hope that was enough time for a break." Kuan-Yin smiled at the two who were blushing and returned back to their seats.

"The image of the magic circle wasn't clear so I could only copy about 80% of the magic circle." Princess Audun slid the paper to Kuan-Yin who looked at the incomplete magic circle. "I made a version of the magic circle which might be the completed version but I'm too sure about."

As Kuan-Yin looked at the two drawing side by side, "This magic array! I have seen it before!" Knocking over the cups and chairs,
Kuan-Yin ran out of the palace. Both the Second Prince and Audun ran after her.

"Jingwei! Take me to the North Fa Continent!"

Jingwei who was happily eating food pouted, "Why?"

Kuan-Yin changed into some light armour, "I said NOW! It's urgent!"

Chen and Master Zhong came running over after hearing Kuan-Yin's voice shouting echo," What's going on?"

"No time to explain!" Kuan-Yin mounted Jingwei and departed without anyone else. Both Master Zhong and Chen followed behind her. A fury of red and black flashed through the skies of the North Fa Continent, no one could make out the shape of the blur of colour. Kuan-Yin directed Jingwei to a deserted ruin where Kuan-Yin last place she visited before death.

As they landed on the ground, Kuan-Yin dismounted leaving behind everyone that followed her. Upon entering the deserted ruin, everyone paused as she was blindly running to her destination which they had no idea of. The deserted ruin was familiar to Chen as this was the place Yin'er last died, he told himself that was the past and she wasn't going anywhere. They all followed Kuan-Yin into the deserted ruin as she was opening and disabling traps that were inside. Kuan-Yin pressed a mechanism on the ceiling which she threw a pebble at, opening a secret passage.

A staircase descended as the sounds of the various mechanisms surrounded them. Kuan-Yin descended down the staircase with a ready-made runic item she had created in her last life, a small clear orb. Infusing it with qi it brightly lit her path with the small orb as she continued down the staircase which leads to a room full of carvings and drawings on the walls.

Kuan-Yin looking out the drawings Audun had given her to look at, comparing the drawing to the carvings on the walls. She saw the similarities between them, tracking her fingers her read the words on the wall which she only understood.

"Grandfather, what is she reading?" Chen asked since Master Zhong had been with Kuan-Yin the longest.

"I only thing I know is that your grandma was the one that taught Yin'er that language, " Master Zhong was equally as confused as him, "Your grandmother said that only women could learn this language and they had to fit a requirement to learn even I don't know the requirements."

Jingwei spoke up," That language has been lost for many generations only a select few can learn the language." Jingwei counted on her finger, "The number of people that I know that could learn that language can only be counted on my two hands."

"Does that mean you know how to speak the language?" Chen asked

Jingwei shook her head, "The requirement is unknown and so strict that I couldn't qualify."

A thud could be heard as if something fell on the ground and it was Kuan-Yin. Kuan-Yin was slumped on the floor, "No way! That can't be possible!"

Chen came up to Kuan-Yin and held her shoulders, "What wrong Yin'er?"

Kuan-Yin gripped Chen for support as if she was a newborn deer, "I will explain after we return." Kuan-Yin drew the carving image on a piece of paper and all of them returned back to the Jingwei Sect in silence.No one spoke during the ride back and Kuan-Yin changed into much more comfortable clothing as she returned to the Jingwei Sect. "Susu gather everyone for an emergency meeting." Kuan-Yin monotone voice sounded exactly like before when she was alone in her past life.

Everyone had gathered in the room which included Kuan-Yin, Chen, Master Zhong, Jingwei, Jiangsu, Zhi Rou, Kuan-Bai, Chu Hua, The Second Prince, Princess Audun, Susu, Fan, Chen's parents, Hua Ling, Dowager, Su Ming and the general were all at the meeting.

Kuan-Yin took a deep breath in, "I will fill in about my special circumstances to anyone who doesn't know." Kuan-Yin was shaking in fear, scared of being rejected.

Kuan-Yin told then that her past life was Lian Daiyu, the cultivator. And has transmigrated in Kuan-Yin's body as a result of these certain circumstances. Chen's mother, Princess Audun and Kuan-Yin's maternal side of the family and general had their jaws dropping.

Chen's father sipped on the tea while his wife was frozen from shock. "Why aren't you reacting to something like this?"

"I already knew."

"You already knew! How come you didn't tell me?"

"Because of how you are reacting right now."

"That is beside the point! You are telling me you didn't tell me how much our baby daughter has been suffering for so long!"

Chen parents were bickering with each other. But Kuan-Yin's maternal family shouted, "Baby daughter? When did she become your daughter when she is our by blood?"

"Blood relations don't matter when it comes to family! Yin'er is my precious baby daughter!"

"No way she is ours!"

"Hmph! She only my son's fiance so she is my daughter legally!" Chen's mother childishly argued.

"She is legally also ours since she is a direct blood relative!" The Dowager countered.

"Everyone! Stop arguing we were supposed to have a meeting, not a mother hen fight! Kuan-Yin both our relative legally. " Master Zhong immediately stopped the agreement between the two women.

After they stop their arguing the two of them join alliances to fawn over their cute darling girl. "As I was saying the map for our country has a magic circle or array on it but it's faint. Audun helped me figure what this summoning circle is but I have no knowledge to figure out exactly to decode the rest of the formation of the magic circle."

Chen stood up wanting to join in, "I have my friend help us out with this he is basically a forgotten knowledge library personified."

"Really Chen thank you so much!" Kuan-Yin jumped towards Chen who happily caught her. She kissed him everywhere on the face, "We depart tomorrow morning!"

"Yin'er can I have more kisses?" Chen shamelessly asks for more kisses which Kuan-Yin refused.

Chen's father rubbed his temple, "My son has been reduced to a lovesick puppy."

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