Pokemon Journey

By dianealmera

38.7K 459 127

I was dared by my cousins to make a Pokémon story. So as a quick disclaimer I don't own Pokémon I'm also just... More

Only The Beginning
Kanto Part I
Kanto II
Kanto III
Kanto IV
Kanto V
Kanto VI
Kanto VII
Kanto VIII
Kanto IX
Kanto X
Kanto XI
Kanto XII
Kanto XIII
Kanto XIV
Galarian Visit I
Galarian Visit II✨
Grand Festival


5.6K 44 5
By dianealmera

After my journey in Kalos and my trip from back from Kalos. I was making my way to Pallet town when suddenly I thought about my elder cousin I really wish that she could see how far I've gotten. I wish she didn't die

"Pikapi" (Ash?) I heard Pikachu say before I looked over to see him looking at me very concerned

"Oh right you don't know that I had a cousin huh?" I said before I placed him on my lap "Her name was Aria and she was the best cousin ever I really miss her. She was supposed to come home with mom after a trip to Mt. Silver but she never came back"

"Pikachu Pika Pika Chu" (I'm sure she's proud of you) he said before I stood up and kept walking

When I got home I was shocked to see all of my old friends and my mom arguing

"He will never give up on his dream Ash is going to be a pokemon master!" May exclaimed

"OH please he is pathetic and won't last a day in the shoes of a champion" Misty said which shocked me I knew she saw me as an idiot but that was a hard hit

"Like you can say anything How many times has he saved your sorry ass and helped you to get stronger!" Paul demanded

"He will stop this stupid dream and marry Serena like I want him to I am his mother he will do as I say!" my mom said making me back up until I bumped into someone

"Ash. You have to come with me" I heard Gary say before I let myself get dragged to the lab where I saw the last person I expected

"Aria?" I said in disbelief

"Ash" she said warmly before I ran and hugged her

"How are you here?" I cried before she hugged me tighter and hushed me

"Its OK I'm here and I'll explain later Ash we need to go now" She said before I heard a big explosion

"Oh no May! , Max! , Bonnie! , Paul!" I called before running to the house with everyone following

"Ash honey the house" Delia said acting as if she and everyone else didn't betray me. I just ignored her and ran inside looking for everyone

"Help!" I heard coming from one room before coughing followed

"Noivern! Use Boomburst to destroy the door!" I said before he destroyed the door and I got everyone out

"I really hoped you'd be more like me I guess I should have killed you with your cousin" I heard Delia say before I turned back to see her and her Mr. Mime before things went black

"It was so dark and how could I have let this happen. Ugrh! I'm so stupid! It's all my fault that May, Max, Bonnie and Paul got into this mess even Noivern" I thought as the darkness surrounded me

"Chosen One! we have seen what they have done to you. The legends and I will help you if you wish it" a motherly voice said before a bright light appeared in front of me, making me close my eyes

"Chosen One open your eyes" a cute and childish voice said making me open my eyes to see all my friends in front of me all safe and sound

"Urg... What happened?" Bonnie asked making me running forward to hug her "Ash!"

"I'm so glad your safe" I said before everyone else woke up too

"Chosen One and those loyal to him I am Arceus and I wish to aid you" Arceus said making everyone look up only to see all the legendaries and mythical pokemon all in front of them

"Lord Arceus" Max said awestruck

"No need to be so formal young one. Chosen One I grant you the power to use your aura to its full potential in order for you to aid pokemon and humans better although you must in return aid us legendaries whenever we are in need"

"Of course lord Arceus"

"As for the rest of you their are legendaries who wish to join your teams Bonnie, Max as you are to begin your journeys soon the legends that will choose to join you mustn't be used in just any battle. Use them only in dier situations"

"Yes ma'am!"

"May, Paul as you are more experienced trainer I am hoping that you will use these legends wisely and stand by the Chosen One no matter what and reel him in if necessary"

"You bet we will"

"I see no problem"

"And now Chosen One I must warn you that in order for you to get your revenge you must become a different person. With your permission I wish to make you into a different person"

"Sure thing"

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