The Boy in the Band

By classysassyandhood

11.6K 283 65

When Sierra's best friend dragged her to a concert a Chance meeting outside would never prepare Sierra for wh... More

Do I really gotta go to this
Dude I have to find her
Do you want to meet up
The Meeting
So I guess were a thing
Weekend encounters
Its just a Mistake
In a flash
Without her
Downward spiral
The move
Why didnt you just tell me
Dont tell no secrets dont tell no lies
So were having a baby
The announcement
Meet the parents
The Aftermath
Dude why you so Jealous
The Babyshower
Any day now
Babies and Big Changes-Joey
What a difference a year makes-Sierra
Adjustment Period
Maybe we just stay here
The Move
Missing you
On the road
The Confession
Dinner Meeting
The next morning
Going back home
Home Sweet Home
getting back to normal(Joey)
Cold Feet
Our happy ending finally


185 6 1
By classysassyandhood

The shower ended it was 6 Jenny and I loaded the gifts in her Aston Martin and we headed back to me and Joey's Joey had texted me Donnie and him had left the Valley about half a hour before Jenny and I left so once we get home we will have awhile before the boys get home. All in all it was a beautiful Jenny did a wonderful job with Shuki. The drive home is kinda silent with is odd for Jenny and I neither of us I think really wanted to talk about earlier. 

We pulled into the driveway it was a little past 6:30. Neither one of us felt like inloading the car we just left it figured we make the boys when they got here. So her we sit both just kinda off in are own thoughts and the quiteness just bugging the shit out of me finally I had to break it,



"what am I going to do about Kim"

"do you want the truth or what I think you want to hear"

"what do you think"

"fine, honestly I know yall have alot of years of friendship but lets be real what she did and has been doing is reprehensible. I say honestly cut your losses she drags you down everytime she is around you."

"Honestly I love her like she is a sister but since Joe and I moved in togther I cant stand how she acts she does drag me down. This should be one of the happiest times in my life but she wants me to be just focus on her."

"This is what Im saying and Im not trying to be a bitch about."

"I know your not, but how are we going to handle this we promised Donnie we work it out. I can only imagine what she ran back to the hotel and told Danny"

"Your guess is as good as mine, did Joe say anything"


"good maybe we should just come out and tell the boys they are going to know how to handle Danny better than we do.


We decided to head up to the bedroom and throw on a movie and wait on the boys.We tossed on the Notebook and grabbed a box of tissues putting them between us both knowing damn well we will be crying before the end of it. We were halfway through it when the bedroom door open and Joey and Donnie walked in,

"Ladies how the shower go"

"we gotta talk"

Joe walked over and kissed me sitting next to me on the bed Donnie did the same with Jenny. 

"Why do I get the feeling were not goin to like this are we"

"prob not baybay"

"What happened SeeSee"

"Well you know Kim came and from the moment she walked in like she was just so much better than everyone better than even being there. Her phone rang when I was opening gifts and she answered , she made sure she was loud enough were us and everyone else heard her say that she wasnt anywhere important and she was at a baby shower for one of Danny's bandmates fuck buddies."

The boys sat stunned looking between eachother for a second, 

"SeeSee Im sorry"

I feel Joe pull me into his arms kissing the top of my head

"you know See I am really sorry that this happened with Kim I didnt expect that I know Jenny didnt I dont think any of us did."

"I know but what are we going to do about Danny?"

"SeeSee baby let D and I worry about that"

"yeah we have a photo shoot tommorow we will talk to him then. With that being said BayBay come on we should head back home"

"ok but See and I need you guys to get the gifts out my car"

"fine, come on Joe lets get this done, I gotta get home get ready for tomorrow and we have to pick up the boys."

Jenny,Joe and Donnie all headed down to unload Jenny's car leaving me alone with my thoughts. I can believe Kim out of all people would turn her back on me. I worry about Joe and the other guys because who knows how Danny is going to respond. A tear slid from my eye this is all because of me, this is going to be another drama within the group because of me. Maybe Joey would have been better if I never came back or came into the picture at all

It wasnt long till Joe came strolling into the bedroom flopping on the bed. The smile on his face I knew was a front he is just as worried about what is going to happy with Danny as I am.

"Hey baby"


"you ok"

"been better but Ill be okay"

"I get why your upset"

"The wierd thing is Im more upset about what is going to happen with Danny than I am over Kimmy."

"Sweetheart dont worry about Danny, He probably will get pissed for a day or two but listen were brothers we never let a girl come between the group."

"Never let a girl come between the group huh"

I raised my eyebrown looking at him.

"See that was different"

"How was that different"

"I was in love with you and I was desperate, I couldnt be without you."

"And you dont think Danny loves her and wants to be with her."

"I know he loves her but I know Danny it will turn out fine trust me."


"I didnt get a chance to tell you this morning by the way how pretty you looked."

"Thank you"

A small smile crossed my face Joe has a way of making things not so bad, He leaned in giving me a quick kiss,

"Im going to hop in the shower"

"alright Im going to change and lay down this little is kicking me like crazy."

Joe smiled and laughed,

"You know mom always said I was going to be a soccer star the way I used to kick her"

"not surprised by that you kick me in your sleep"

"no I dont"

"why do you think you wake up and find me on the couch"

"kinda figured you are up and down peeing 9000 times a night you just kinda landed there"

"wrong buddy"

"Im sorry"

"you dont know"

"besides the point"

"totally the point."

"anyways Im going to hop in."

He walked in the bathroom closing the door and a second later I hear the shower begin to run. I grabbed some of Joes sweats given thats the only thing that fits comforably anymore. I crawled into bed turning the movie back on as my hand laid on my stomach feeling the baby move. 

I must have fell asleep before Joe came back because when I woke up it was morning and he was gone, already left for the photo shoot. I slid out of the bed and peed before heading downstairs to let the dogs out and grabbing coffee before sitting down to Jenny and I normal morning text session. She should be with Donnie at the shoot so she is going to know the first hand how it goes with Danny. We texted for a few minutes and went our seperate ways. It wasnt till noon when I was at the grocery store when my phone started blowing up. When I managed to dig it out of my purse I seen Jenny had called 6 times in 10 minutes and I knew something had to be wrong,




"oh my god where are you"

"bout to leave Whole Foods why"

"I need you to get here now"

"why whats wrong"

"Joe and Danny just get here, 1919 Hollywood Blvd I gotta go!"

I quickly ran out the store jumping into Joey's Jag and I peeled out, Hollywood Blvd is less than a five minute drive from where I was. I just keep picturing those two fighting and Danny is so much stronger than Joe it scares me to think what may happen.

I pulled in as fast as I could slamming the car in park not wanting to hesitate, I ran in even leaving the keys in the ignition. What I walk into is what I feared Joey sitting in the corner in a chair ice pack to his eye with Donnie and Jenny and all I hear was Danny yelling from another room. I dropped my purse my stomach fell as I ran over to him. I dropped to my knees infront of him a tear slid from my eye. Donnie and Jenny walked into the other room to try to deal with Danny leaving Joe and I alone. My hand moved to the side of his face and he winced in pain, my heart broke on the spot,



"baby Im sorry..Im so sorry this is all my fault"

"See no its not"

"What happened"

"I told him what Kim did he didnt believe me so Jenny told him and he said we both were lying and when Jenny ran to get Donnie he said something about what happened when I left the group, so I told him everything Kim been doing and he hit me when I wasnt looking before Victor and Val dragged him into the other room."

He looked up the hurt  in his eyes,

"Baby can we just get outta here please, I just need to be with you"

"whatever you want lets go."

He stood up and leaning into me kissing me softly

"You know I love you right Sierra"

"I love you too Joey".

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