
By mccauleybooks

12.2K 594 417

Shay Warner ran away from her adopted family as soon as she found out what they truly were: criminals. They l... More

Chapter 1.5
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 47
What's Next

Chapter 46

183 6 1
By mccauleybooks

Shay had visions of Noah coming to save her. In one of them, he was wearing a cape and black riding boots, his outfit looking like that of a prince. He was riding a white horse with a sword in his hand, gallantly slaying the dragon before saving her from the tower in which she was trapped. When he saw her, he planted a kiss on her lips and they lived happily ever after.

Reality wasn't as sweet. She faded in and out of consciousness, the throbbing in her head accompanied by soreness in her arm. The two men had come back in and were talking amongst themselves, though Shay had no idea what they were saying. She glanced at Alec a couple of times and saw concern on his face. Was he worried about her? Shay giggled to herself quietly at that thought. Two guys who wanted to keep her safe? Now that was just too much.

Just then, her white knight came crashing through the door. Except he wasn't wearing a suit or riding a horse. He was in jeans and a hoodie, the tattoos on his arm poking through his sleeve. And his face, he didn't look gallant at all. There was a rage in him that Shay hadn't seen before. She gazed at him for a while, hoping that the feeling of her stare would be enough to make him look her way. He didn't, though. Not a single glance in her direction, nor a single word.

The two men looked at him and nodded with approval before following him outside. And then Alec and Shay were alone.

Tears streamed down her face before she was even aware she was crying. Why was she crying, even? Surely, things were going to work out after this.

"Shay, it's okay. Help should be coming soon."

She heard Alec's voice in the distance but it was jumbled. She was still focused on the doorway, waiting for Noah to return. Waiting for him to save her from the dragon that hurt her and left her tied up and helpless. He said he'd never let anyone hurt her.

The door opened again a couple minutes later, or maybe hours, she didn't know. Through it walked an angel, the same angel that had saved her six years ago. Her vision blurred and Shay saw a glowing light behind her, illuminating her already heavenly appearance.

Finally, she was saved.


Noah could still see the hopeful look on her face.

Even through the blood and tears, and the obvious concussion that had her swaying in her chair, he saw the hope. Her eyes shone at him like he was a fucking prince slaying dragons to get to her when in reality, he was the villain with horns that had caused her pain in the first place.

That's why, as he had stormed into that room, he only allowed himself one brief glance at her injured body before leaving again. He couldn't bear to see the damage that he had done.

The image stayed with him though, and it fueled the rage that got him to that apartment in the first place. It wasn't until he was standing in the hallway that he actually let some of the fire out, directing it at the guy closest to him.

"I should kill you for what you've done." Noah growled as he slammed the bearded man's body against the hallway outside the door, pressing his forearm into his throat while his other hand pushed on his chest.

His companion, an older man with a receding hairline, stepped next to Noah and put a hand on his shoulder. "Calm down, kid. Don't make me go back in there."

Noah glared at the man he was restraining, staring into his brown eyes and hating the stoic look on his face. He didn't look afraid. Not even a little bit. Just like the other fuckers he'd met in Marconi's family.

Slowly, Noah eased up on his throat. Even through the thick beard that disguised his face, Noah could see the smirk as if Noah's torment was amusing for him.

"It's been a while, huh kid?" He said as soon as he was free. Noah took a step back and kept his fists clenched but left at least a couple of feet between them.

"Not nearly long enough."

"Ya know, if it weren't for Zeke, Marconi would have killed you." The man taunted. "Not to worry, though, since you belong to him now."

Sirens in the distance reflected the feeling of doom growing in Noah's chest. His eyes opened slightly at the sound of it, wondering if jail could get him off the hook as it had before. The man noticed his reaction and shook his head.

"Not this time, Noah. You're coming with us."

The three men ran from the apartment building with Noah in the middle so he couldn't run. As they piled into the familiar Mustang parked outside, Noah eyes latched onto the cruisers speeding towards them.

That's when he knew his life was over. Now all he could hope for was that Shay's wasn't as well.


Shay awoke to an aching pain. It wasn't just in her head, either. It coursed through every vein, lingered in every cell, and she couldn't summon the strength to even open her eyes. She heard voices around her sometimes, but other than that it was quiet. Just a faint beeping from beside her bed to remind her that she was still alive.

It had to have been days later that she finally felt okay enough to open her eyes. After adjusting to the light, she glanced around the small white room and saw that it was the same one Noah was treated in after he got shot. Memories of him triggered sadness, though she couldn't remember why.

In fact, she couldn't remember why she was even in this bed. The last thing she recalled was standing in front of Alec's door, waiting to be let in. Everything past that was just gone.

Confusion quickly morphed into panic. She'd never lost her memory before. Plus, she wanted to see Noah. He was her rock, the only one that could keep her anchored even as storms threatened to tear her apart.

Seeing a call button on the wall next to her, Shay pressed it and hoped for the best. Instead of Noah coming through the door, it was Val. Though she was disappointed, she hoped that her stepmom might have answers.

"Hey." Val's voice was softer than ever, relief obvious on her tired-looking features. She sat at the foot of the bed and looked at Shay with tenderness.

"How long have I been out?"

"Five days. I'm afraid you suffered a very severe concussion." Val frowned.

Shay hesitated, afraid of learning the truth but desperately needing to.

"What happened to me?"

Val's frown deepened. "You got kidnapped by some of Marconi's men. They used you to get to Noah."    

Shay waited for more but didn't get it. "Why did they want Noah?"

"Not long before you came back, he killed one of their associates. They wanted revenge and they used you to get it."

"It was Cristina, wasn't it?" Shay always had a hunch that she was bad.    

"I think so. She went off the grid as soon as Alec was captured, though."

Shay looked at her arm and noticed there was a bandage covering the spot where the tracker had been implanted. "What about this?"

"I came to get you before the cops arrived. Alec agreed to disable the tracker so I could safely take it out of you. He figured you had been through enough already and would just tell his boss that you got away."

Shay pursed her lips, surprised at his generosity. Still, she had another burning question to ask but didn't want to hear the answer. Somehow, she knew it wasn't going to be what she had hoped.

"Where's Noah?"

Val flinched and looked away, and immediately Shay knew. "He's gone, Shay."

"Gone? Like, for how long?"

She took a deep breath and looked deep into Shay's eyes. "I don't think he's coming back. They won't let him."

Shay gulped and looked at the door. Instead of accepting what Val said, she flashed back to when Noah got shot. She remembered the easy smile he wore on his face when she stood next to him, telling him that she wanted to be a spy just like him so she could protect him. Tears formed in her eyes when she realized that she failed. He was gone.

"I'm gonna sleep now." Shay muttered as she sunk further into the white sheets. Val didn't get the hint and stayed right where she was, the frown on her face deepening.

"There's something else I have to tell you, Shay."

Shay narrowed her eyes. "What?"    

Val took a deep breath and looked at the ceiling as if she would find help there. "There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while but haven't had the guts to. Actually, I told myself that you'd be better off never knowing but I changed my mind as soon as I saw you in that chair." Val turned her eyes back to Shay's now, looking at her with the familiar sapphire orbs that were oh so similar to her own. "I almost missed my chance to tell you and I can't let that happen again."

"Tell me." Shay was worried. Val's sentences weren't as composed as usual. In fact, she was almost rambling. It just increased the anxiety in Shay's chest.

"I'm your biological mother."

I know some of you guessed this already, was anyone surprised?

Next chapter is the last 😬

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