Short Stories

By SoulOfWoes

39.1K 1.1K 689

Hey so I made this book because I have a lot of story ideas but I don't have books for them and don't want to... More

Hello Everyone!
Crossmare -Angst/Fluff-
Just Some Cute Kustard Pictures To Make Up For The Angst
DustBerry -Fluff-
DustBerry -Bounded Part Two-
Just a Story Cover for Someone :P
(Idk What The Ship Is But The Comic Was Cute) RottenBerry(?)
Rest Of The Comic
Screats Is Now Out!
Crossmare -I Call It Snuggle Season-
Poth -Sick-
Random Story Idea
Requests Plz
Reaper X Error (DestructiveDeath)
A Sweet Little Thought (LustBerry)
I'm Sorry... (FirstStar)
💊Toxic Love💉 (ErrInk)
💊Toxic Love II💉 (ErrInk)
Small A/N
Just Somethung I found
Secret Love (Error x Sci)
"You Missed" (Error x Dream)
Your Perfect Just The Way You Are [Killmare]
A Red String [Errormare]
Important Read This [Trigger Warning]
Always Remember [ErrorBerry]
Something For My Best Friend.
Small Sneak Peak At The New Book Coming Out Soon
Error x Ink -Sweet Love-
Snow Day Fun -ErrorFresh-
A Sweet Little Though -LustBerry Rewrite-

Sweetheart [Little Short Story Idea Thing]

601 20 17
By SoulOfWoes

The Christmas party was roaring with life, people talking, joking, drinking, and running around like animals. Blue, Fresh, and Geno had gathered themselves around Error, much to everyone's confusion. While Blue had invited Error to come, no one thought the God would actually show up. They were almost in a way eager to actually see him for the first time, having never seen him before and if you had you didn't live long enough to tell the story. But much to everyone's disappointment as soon as Error arrived Blue, Fresh, and Geno flooded around him blocking him from everyone's view.

Fresh kept patting Error's head making the smaller glitch, while Geno calmly talked to him in an almost sweet motherly tone. Error had asked to have punch several times, but Geno kept denying him and giving him anything but the punch. Blue had jokingly spiked the punch, only to get scolded by the half-drunken Geno that Error would arrive. Then later getting scolded by Fresh who disapproved of any such activity. Fresh may have been invited by Blue to be a silent bodyguard, but he doesn't want to wield of drunk skeletons all night.

To the three skeletons, Error was still very much a child, and in a way, he really was, judging by the way he dressed, talked, and acted. He was a child, he may be older than all of them combined and physically looks like a short adult, but mentally Error was just a child. So much so that Error saw Blue as an idol. Error wanted to be just like Blue as a child would want to be their favorite TV superhero. Geno was like the mom he never had always taking care of him and making sure he was okay and happy. Doing things only a mother would do for her child, he tended to go overboard sometimes but it always came from a good place. Fresh on the other hand was like the weird fun uncle that the mother would disapprove of, but let come over anyways. They both helped take care of them any way they could and knew how to.

Ink on the other hand to Error was like the school bully always pushing him around. It upset Error greatly after every fight. He didn't destroy anything anymore, Geno told him that was bad. How was he supposed to know any better with nothing to judge right and wrong from? He didn't hurt anyone anymore and always made sure to say sorry if he did in the end. Sure, maybe he took a few things here and there, but he was going to give them back!

Just the thought of Ink yelling at him upset him, he just wanted to make Ink happy now. But every time he enters an AU Ink chases him away, throwing paint at him. He didn't have anything besides Blue, Fresh, Geno, and a few messed up doll from attempts at knitting. He just wanted to experience things everyone gets to! Error sighed softly and looked past Fresh and Geno onto the crowd of skeletons chatting and laughing. Why couldn't he go play with them too? What made him so different from everyone else? His looked away and started picking at his clothes, he sniffled catching Geno's attention rather quickly.

"Error? Honey are you okay?" He asked softly, his gaze softened at the sight of Error's smile frown. Fresh looked around amongst the group of people silently listening to Error. The small god kicked at the blank ground and looked away from Geno.

"WhY IS sss InK sO MEaN?" Error mumbled softly and started to fiddle with his red-rimmed glasses. Geno sighed softly and gently pulled Error's glasses off his face cleaning them while he spoke.

"Ink is jealous of you sweetie, you're pretty amazing you know? Who wouldn't be jealous of someone as cool, smart, pretty, and amazing as you!" Geno giggled with a small smile, Error perked up at this and looked at Geno in shock. A wide smile growing on the dark boned skeletons face.

"R-ReAlLY?" Error asked with childish excitement bouncing on the balls of his feet, Geno nodded and placed his now cleaned glasses back on his face. Error had a small yellow blush forming on his cheeks from all the compliments. Blue then quickly joined in before Error could recover from being flustered.

"Are we talking about how amazing Error is!?" His voice boomed throughout the room, catching the attention of a few people that had drifted closer to the group. Error face was slowly lighting up a bright yellow. Geno smiled and nodded making Blue's smile widen, he quickly threw his arms around Error in a tight hug. It was rather easy seeing as he was more than a few inches taller than the God. Error giggled hugging Blue back, "I mean, he definitely the most colorful skeleton in the room, I didn't even know color could look so amazing on someone." Blue pointed out, gesturing the Error black dress that had an array of colorful poke-a-dots on it. A green sash tied around his waist ending in a perfect large bow in the back. And to top it off he had a cute bear-themed overcoat with a small hood attached. If it were to be pulled up it would show off the small ears and face sewed into the hood.

Geno had made the overcoat mainly in theme with Error's nickname, which was 'Baby Bear' gifted to him by Fresh and adopted by Geno. The half-dead skeleton actually happened to be the one teaching Error how to knit. But besides that, Fresh was obviously the one that got to pick out Error's clothes seeing how colorful they were. Error had requested that he get to wear his overcoat with whatever Fresh picked out. Even if it didn't match Fresh allowed it seeing how much Error loved it. He wore it all the time and never took it off and when Geno made him take it off for cleaning he would cry for a while before Fresh or Blue distracted him.

Geno smiled at the flustered skeleton and ruffled his skull making Error giggle softly. Fresh smiled at them before glaring at the onlookers, Classic being one of them wasn't bothered by Fresh's cold stare. While the others just quickly looked away Classic stopped his conversation with Red and approached the little group. Much to the skeleton's surprise he was smiled at by Error. Or at least from what he could catch a glimpse from as everyone towered over him, but at this point, he just assumes he's being welcomed by the god. Judging by sleeve covered hands that were raised into the air and shaking around as if to wave at him.

Classic let out a small chuckle and waved back, closing in on the group he could finally see Error. It surprised him seeing this tiny child they conflicted with the stories Ink told them. "Sup kid, Fresh, Geno, Blue." Classic greeted keeping an eye on Error, he really didn't match any of the stories he's been told. Ink never described Error as being this cute or childish. Classic looked at Geno who had a harsh glare pointed at him. "Mind if we move to the kitchen?" Classic spoke in a soft tone, tilting his head in the direction of the kitchen. Geno looked at him for a moment before sighing softly.

"Sure, sure. Error, honey, we're going to the kitchen, wanna come?" Geno asked softly looking down at the small child-like god. Geno's words threw Classic for a loop, his normal standoff-ish personality didn't match the way he talked to Error at all. Classic's attention was drawn to Blue who smiled at him and patted him on the shoulder. He quickly bounded for the kitchen, Error nodded, and Geno smiled softly taking his sleeve covered hand in his. Much like Toriel would when walking with Frisk and started towards the kitchen. Fresh walked behind them covering the two from view as much as possible, not that he really meant to, he just didn't want anyone picking on poor Error when they walked by. Classic slowly followed them, tons of questions flying through his mind.

As soon as Classic made it to the kitchen he was startled by Blue popping up out of nowhere with paper and crayons in hand. "Error! I found paper and crayons! Wanna draw with me?" Blue spoke so quickly that it was hard to catch everything he said. But Error seemed to understand every word as he nodded his head excitedly. Blue quickly brought Error to the table helping him onto the taller chairs and spread several pieces of paper out on the table with some crayons.

Blue popped up out of nowhere startling Classic, "Error! I found paper and crayons! Wanna draw with me!" Blue spoke quickly and in an excited tone, stars in his eyes. Error nodded quickly and followed Blue to the kitchen table, where several pieces of paper and some crayons laid. Geno smiled at the two as they rushed over to quickly get set on drawing, Geno let out a drawn-out sigh as he looked back at Classic. He gaze had hardened a cold look crossing over his face.

"What do you want?" Geno hissed softly glaring daggers at Classic, Fresh's gaze was drawn to the two. He sighed and shook his head,

"Yo bro, Ima hang out with da radical glitchy broseph and Blue-ski! Catch 'ya on 'da flip side broski!" Fresh dismissed himself quickly from the conversation and joined the two other skeletons in drawing. Geno only nodded at Fresh not breaking eye contact with Classic which unnerved the other. Geno sighed when Classic didn't speak,

"Why did you come to talk to us?" Geno in a softer but still harsh tone, glare dying down a bit. Classic grunted disapproving of Geno's harsh tone but quickly shrugged it off.

"I talked to you because I wanted to. I'm not trying to be rude or nothing. I was just curious y'know? Error is so different than what was described." Classic explained losing his lazy tone as he spoke in his defense. Geno sighed and rubbed his face in frustration for a moment,

"Yeah, I get it, Ink describes Error as some scary guy, but Error is more of a child than anything, he even looks like it being the short adult he is. Classic, you have no idea, he's so innocent, he doesn't understand the world, it saddens me to know that his first experience with the world left him so hurt." Geno muttered and smiled sadly at Classic for a moment before glancing around. "I swear where is Reaper..." Geno whispered to himself and sighed softly, he looked back at Classic. "Just get to know Error before you judge him okay. He's a real sweetheart, and a bit of a cuddle bug when it comes down to it." Geno giggled and Classic nodded looking over at Error, he smiled at the childish giggles that escaped Error as him, Fresh, and Blue chatted.

Geno smiled softly at the group and left Classic to join the three skeletons at the table. Geno smiled when Error presented him with a drawing just as he arrived. Error quietly asked Geno something, his smile widened, and he nodded patting Error's head. Error giggled and nodded, hopping out of his seat he walked up to Classic, growing shyer and shyer the closer he got. He looked away with a bashful look on his face as he held up the drawing for Classic to see. He waited nervously for Classic's response.

Classic couldn't help but laugh at the childish drawing, it wasn't a mean or taunting laugh, it was light and endearing. A large smile was plastered to Classic's face making Error smile as well. Classic slowly took the drawing and looked it over, the drawing was of him and his brother standing next to each other in the normal, but messily drawn Snowdin.

Classic looked at an awaiting Error, "This is really good kid! Is this for me?" Classic quietly enthused, already guessing the answer as Error's smile brightened.

"YeAh!" Error jumped with excitement and giggled softly, "I mAdE FOr YoU! KEep it! I HaVE toNs!" Error stated proudly and pointed at the bright white fridge that stood not too far away from the table Fresh and Blue sat. A small gradient counter placed next to it with a built-in stainless-steel sink. A few dishes sat in the sink with water dripping down them, and at this only did Classic notice all the child-like drawings that covered the fridge. They were of different Sans' and their AU's, Error smiled at Classic and trotted back to the table. He placed his hands on the seat of the barstool and pushed himself up, he struggled to get onto the seat. After a moment of struggling, Fresh chuckled and helped Error, picking him up and setting him in the chair.

Error thanked him with a small cute smile, Fresh nodded and patted Error's head, the small black boned skeleton giggling and grabbing his hand. Classic couldn't help but look at the picture again. It really was childlike, small outlines that made no sense, and stick figures for people. It was cute and nice, the whole thing all together was really sweet, Classic folded the picture and put it in his pocket. He slowly moved to the table and sat down, looking over at Blue to see what he was drawing. Blue had drawn a nice-looking picture of Geno, the sketch was actually pretty well drawn, probably some teaching from Ink. Once he finished the final lines, he handed the paper to Error. The smaller skeleton lit up and grabbed the picture, he grabbed some colored pencils. Starting to scribble in the colors leaving no white. The color white actually didn't seem to be anywhere, most likely not a fan of the bland color.

Error kicked his feet back and forth as he colored humming softly to himself, Fresh watched for a moment before he picked up the back of his hood and slowly pushed it on his head. With hood now on, Errors smile now brightened and he started to rock his head back and forth to an unheard tune. The little ears on the hood waving around with his movements, Fresh chuckled softly and Geno was trying to hold back giggles, Blue just watched Error color and gave him a few pointers here and there.

It was a peaceful silence listening to the kid hum away as he colored happily. Classic looked around, everything was so different, he just had to fire out some questions that had been bouncing around his head. He looked at Error, "So, kiddo, tell me about yourself." Classic spoke softly breaking the silence. Error paused his coloring and looked up at Classic, he started to tap his chin with the colored pencil in his hand.

"I LIkE To DrAw! Oh! AnD I KnIt WiTh GEno SOmEtImEs! I'm STiLl LeaRniNg BuT I'lL Get BeTtEr!" Error cheered, "Oh! oH! AnD GraSS! I rEaLly LiKe GraSS! It'S sUuUUUupEr SoFt!" Geno giggled softly at an unseen memory and shook his head a small smile on his face. He motioned for Error to do something; Error blinked before nodding with a determined smile. "I like GenO! Geno's liKe my Mommy! He tAkes good care Of Me! Reaper's like My Daddy! He teaChes me all KindS of Things when He Visits! And Fresh is My big BrothEr! The besTesT brother eVEr! OH! AnD Blue! Blues my HeRo! He;s like ummMm Surface hEro's! Did you knoW Blues a GaRud now!" Error hopped up in his chair his hands planted firmly on the table to hold him up. Geno's face flushed lightly the smile on his face growing, hearing the lack of glitches when he spoke. Something he and Error had been working on, Geno and he had found out about that when he spends time out of the Anti-Void his glitches start to calm, but they don't disappear. So, Geno has Error live in the save screen for most of the time.

Fresh smiled at Error's words chuckling softly, while on the other hand, Blue had bright blue stars shining in his eyes. He looked so proud and flattered, Classic chuckled softly, "Is that so? What's your favorite thing about them?"

Error's smile only widened at this question, he plopped down in his chair, "OkAy! SooOo Geno! I guEss I should Call Him mommy now... ANyWay! He HelPs me knit! I like whEn we get to knIt and... aNd cook! Mommy is the beStest cook! noW Reaper! Or DaDdy teaches me How to FiGHt! Oh! And he taUght me cool card triCks! He likeS to take Me to the SurFacE to! He taught Me how to ride a biKe! But we had to Go home whEn I got an Owie, but momMy made it all BeTTer! Fresh, big BrothEr! Likes to take Me skateBoardIng! I juSt like riDing on his SHoulderS while he drives around! Oh! And He Helps me dress up AlL colorFul!"

Error stood up on his chair wobbling at little and freaking everyone out, he smiled brightly and showed off his outfit. "SeE!" he gestured to his colorful dress, Classic nodded and Error sat down again much to everyone's happiness. "BlUe! I wanna be LIke Blue! Strong and AlwaYs helping otherS! I also waNnA fight evil! But not NigHtmare and stuff, they'Re good! I wanna FigHt the kind of evil ThAt makes People Sad, dON'T know yet, buT I still wanna help! Just like BlUe! He takes me to Swim in waterfall sometImes! And He shows me aNime! Mew Mew KissY Cutie is My FavOriTe! But The secoNd one isn't that GoOd." Error pouted making the others giggle at his cute face. But then he suddenly perked up, "Oh! AnD Blue'S my Bestie!" Error spoke up and hugged Blue best he could from across the table. Blue smiled and hugged Error back, Geno smiled brightly and got up taking him from Blue hugging him tightly.

"Oh my gosh you are so sweet! When did you get so sweet! Don't you dare ever grow up!" Geno rambled and nuzzled the giggling Error in his arms.

"I WonT pRomiSe!" Error mussed and giggled softly as a kiss was placed on his forehead, Geno looked at Error playfully.

"Cross your soul?" Fresh cut in jokingly a grin on his face,

"CroSs my soUl!" Error quickly agreed missing the joke, Blue snorted with a large smile and laughed softly. Classic chuckled and shook his head, there's no way anything like him is as bad as Ink says, Error is such a sweetheart. Childish, sure but adorably childish. He has to tell the others of this, but for now, he'll just enjoy the lively aura of the room and Error's cute stories


Reaper soon showed up to the party greeted by a hug from Error, almost hugging him too well, himself. Reaper ended up having to float around the room while Error clung to him like a koala and told him about his day. He chuckled when Error called him 'Daddy' he blushed clearly flattered by it. Geno just smiled at Reaper, they wanted to be together, him and Reaper, but Reaper was always so busy, there was never any time for them. So, Reaper promised to work hard to finish this and catch up on his work so they could finally be together. Reaper had a knowing smile on his face since he came to the party. Which confused Geno when he couldn't get an answer.

And when Reaper had grabbed his hand pulling him into a soft kiss, Geno was more than overjoyed to know that him, Error, and Reaper could be complete family. It was a wonderful party to say the least, Error ended up falling asleep a little while after. Reaper made everyone leave so Error could sleep much to everyone's confusion again. Classic when he left had told a few others of how Error really was, it was hard to believe, sure, Ink had always told them bad things about Error. It was hard to hear differently especially by a trusted figure. Classic just hopes more and more really get to know Error. And even become friends with that little sweetheart they had once so badly misunderstood.

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