Final Footsteps (Running Seri...

By Wingerz17

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We were all alive. We were all together again. Until... A knock on the door. "He's gone...He's really gone an... More

Chapter 1: Devastation
Chapter 2: Bueno
Chapter 3: Revelations
Chapter 4: Pierced Flesh
Chapter 5: Superman Squared
Chapter 6: Truth Reunited
Chapter 7: Sleep Interrupted
Chapter 8: Remorseful Error
Chapter 9: Take Me Home
Chapter 10: A Lurid Rerun
Chapter 11: Day Over
Chapter 12: Shattered Pieces
Chapter 13: Painful Features
Chapter 14: Malicious Tongues
Chapter 16: Independence
Chapter 17: Damaged
Chapter 18: Broken Chains
Chapter 19: Hollandaze
Chapter 20: River Cruising
Chapter 21: The Secret Door
Chapter 22: Zoo O'clock
Chapter 23: Rolling Punches
Chapter 24: Past Shadows
Chapter 25: Survival
Chapter 26: Minor Blips
Chapter 27: Those Days
Chapter 28: Suprise
Chapter 29: Faded Sleep
Chapter 30: Late Night Confessions
Chapter 31: New Memories
Chapter 32: Childish Antics
Chapter 33: Those Mini Pizzas
Chapter 34: In The Eye
Chapter 35: Fireworks
Chapter 36: False Start
Chapter 37: Welcome to the world
Chapter 38: Untold Stories
Chapter 39: Reunited
Chapter 40: More than you realised
Chapter 41: Tearful goodbyes, smiling hello's
Chapter 42: Healed Nightmares
Chapter 43: Past Demons
Chapter 44: Tropical Paradise
Chapter 45: Blissful Times
Chapter 46: Happy Birthday
Chapter 47: Relax and Celebrations
Chapter 48: A Capital Bang
Chapter 49: Last Day Blues
Chapter 50: Tired Eyes and Warm Beds
Chapter 51: Gunshots and Loud Bangs
Chapter 52: Running from Demons
Chapter 53: The Best News
Chapter 54: Family Fun
Chapter 55: YES!
Chapter 56: The Big Apple
Chapter 57: Family is Everything

Chapter 15: More Steps Forwards

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By Wingerz17

Song for chapter is: Big Plans by Big Plans


Keane's POV

2 weeks had passed since the showdown. Dad has fully integrated himself in the household. I'd been attending physiotherapy and a therapist for the past 14 days. Arii had had a showdown with Damon after he flew down. Safe to say he won't be in her life anymore. She was even closer to Leo and we were all waiting for the day she tells us they were a couple. She was coming back every weekend to see us. Angelo was super busy and Noah was busy studying and looking forward to Holland. Arlo was running every morning and working out on the beach. He and Malena would meet for a coffee and bagel at Corrigan's at 8am unless they were running together. Rory and Piper loved her and made it well known that they were Arlo's grandparents, everyone loved her. Mum and Dad now the whole divorce was out in the open and being settled were talking. Talina had decided she was going to move in next door with Mum, instead of buy her own place. She'd be close to us still and meant Mum wasn't alone in a 5 bedroom house. It made sense, but I wasn't too happy about it and she knew this, Auntie I mean.

   "You'll have your arm back on Wednesday," Tayte said, it was Monday midday. We were in Corrigan's sat in a booth sharing a white chocolate and vanilla milkshake, being doted on by Rory and Piper, who when the influx of customers settled down, kept coming over to sit and chat with us.

"I cannot wait. I'm getting there, slowly but...these past two weeks have been good. Physio has been going well and I've been making progress with the therapist as you know and I actually feel like I am finally progressing both physically and mentally."

  "Baby I am so proud of you. You are such an inspiration, you really are Superman" he replied kissing me.

"So, when are you giving us great grandchildren?" Piper asked sliding in opposite us. We both laughed,

   "Not quite yet" Tayte replied,

"Few more years Nanna," I said knowing how much she loved it when we called her that, she squeezed my hand,

   "I'll be waiting,"

"I don't doubt it,"

 "How much longer are you staying? Do you want some lunch?" Rory said coming over.

"Lunch sounds good. Do you..." Tayte began,

    "You both sit and relax, I'll make you something," he answered.

"Thank you,"

Piper stayed to chat a bit longer, until the late lunch rush came in. Rory had bought us out two buffalo burger specials and fries to share and we'd be eating for around 5 minutes when Arlo walked in and joined us,

"Sorry to crash your cute little date," he teased,

   "Hilarious, help yourself" I told him, he pinched a fry,


  "Where've you been?" Tayte asked,

"With my Dad. It's his awards ceremony this weekend in Washington. He wants me to go, he also wants you to go as well," he said looking at me,

   "Of course I'll go," I answered,

"He wasn't sure you'd want too. Mum and Joey are going but..."

 "Logan knows how I feel and of course were going to be there," I told him,

"We come as a package deal we'll be there," Tayte said. I knew Tayte wasn't fully okay yet with Logan. Though he'd never admit it. Hearing a story from someone is different from actually being with the person and seeing them break, seeing the real them and understanding why he did it. Tayte doesn't understand that.

   "He'll really appreciate you being there" Arlo said taking another fry.

"Arlo darling when did you sneak in?" Piper chorused coming over,

  "No more than 5 minutes ago Nanna," he answered as he reached to take another fry,

"Don't eat Keane's food, he doesn't eat enough anyway. I'll bring you a basket of fries out," she squeezed his shoulder and walked off.

   "Plans for the rest of the afternoon?" Arlo asked,

"None, we were thinking maybe cinema in the evening. If anything decent was on but other than that...nothing," I answered,

  "If you're up for it. Malena has invited us to a food and wine tasting event at Hotel Rouge this evening: 7.30-9.30pm. She said it's really chilled, it's to promote their new up and coming chef, new little canapés and mini dishes to taste and accompanying wine. There will be soft drinks too. You don't have to come. It's completely up to you,"

   "Free new food and wine, sounds good to me," I said,

"Free new food and soft drinks for you babe. Sounds like a good evening to me," Tayte then added, Arlo smiled,

"Well that's settled. Mali will be thrilled,"

   "Seems like you are too," Tayte replied,

"Brownie points" he winked and we laughed as Piper came back, "Thanks Nanna,"



   "You know Noah will be upset you didn't ask him," I said,

"I did ask him. I asked him and Angelo but they are going on a date night,"

   "We need to have a date night," Tayte said,

"We basically are tonight. Double date," I answered. Arlo just chuckled and walked off. Auntie came into the kitchen where we were stood, well I was sat on the side and Tayte was stood in front of me.

   "Bet Arlo didn't tell you I was coming too" she said,

"Are you?" I asked, she laughed,

   "Yes Keane. I wasn't lying,"

"Are you meeting anyone?" I asked raising my eyebrows, she smiled,

   "I might be" she winked, walking out,

"Auntie, don't leave. Hey, spill" I said, jumping down and trying to get after her,

    "Baby, do you want to be in a protective moonboot or not? I will not have you charging after Auntie when you are so close to almost freedom again," I stopped and he wrapped his arms around my waist,

"He's right," she said popping her head around the door before disappearing again.

   "I love you TLM" he chuckled,

"I love you too KJL,"

We spent an hour watching crap on TV and then headed upstairs for a shower,

   "What's the dress code?" I called from my room, Arlo appeared in a towel in the doorway,

"Smart casual, down to choice really but no joggers, even if they're smart ones, and no trainers" he told me.

An hour later...

"My oh my. I struck gold with you, the black sling really goes with the look, as does the black cast with grey chinos," Tayte said,

   "Shut up," I smiled, "Your my pot of gold,"

With us all looking causal but dapper we bundled into a taxi.

   "I feel like a proud mother out with her boys,"

"You basically are," I replied.

   "Oh hush,"

Arlo's POV

When we arrived at the hotel and headed inside I saw Mali before she saw me. She was in a black long sleeved jumpsuit with a cut out open back, she looked stunning and that was from the back. She turned around, and a massive smile pulled onto her face,

  "Hey Quarterback" she said,

"Hello gorgeous. You look beautiful," she blushed,

 "Well the three of you look handsome and Talina, stunning," she replied,

"Too kind" Keane and Tayte said,

  "Malena you are the stunning one,"

"So what's the plan for the evening?" I asked.

   "Like I said it's really chilled. Donnel Maddox-Cole will introduce himself and speak about a few of his dishes. Drinks will be flowing, I notified them of you Keane so soft drinks only."

"How do they know who I am?" He asked,

   "The cute one with the blondey hair, sling and cast," she answered, he laughed,

"Got it. Thank you," she grinned,

  "Dishes and small canapés will be brought out one at a time throughout the evening,"

"Sounds perfect," Keane said leaning against Tayte. He's refused his wheelchair today, despite a mini argument before we left.

   "Shall we head in?" I suggested, knowing that Keane needed to sit down.

"Of course," Mali beamed taking my hand.

The canapés were delightful. The drink was flowing and conversation too. The hours flew by and we'd all had our fills worth. Including Keane, I was surprised and also really proud of him. Not just for the fact he ate, but just how he wasn't letting anything stop him from being involved. He took everything on his chin, the questions about what happened to him, why he wasn't drinking, who he was here with. He has come such a long way from when he tried to overdose in the hotel in New York.

"You staring at me and smiling is kind of freaking me out," Keane said coming slowly over to me and sitting next to me, I laughed,

    "Sorry. Just day dreaming,"

"About me? Bro that's kind of weird," I laughed again and he smiled,

  "I'm just so proud of how far you've come and I've not even known you long,"

"Arlo, I feel like I've known you all my life and I wouldn't be here without you,"

The evening went on longer than anticipated and the 3 of us left after thanking and saying goodbye to Malena. It was 10.30pm when we were in taxi on the way home.

     "Well that was a lovely evening. Thank you for the amazing company," Auntie Talina said,

"I agree," Tayte and Keane said together,

  "Well thank you for agreeing to come with me,"

"Had to help you get brownie points bro," Keane teased.

  "You two, will make some beautiful babies," Auntie said, Keane and Tayte burst out laughing, "It's true though,"

"We'll see how things go. It's early days," I said,

    "Malena loves the hell out of you bro. Marriage and babies," Keane told me,

"You two will be married before me. I can assure you of that,"

When we got back Noah and Angelo were crashed the sofa having cuddles.

    "Did you have a nice evening?" Noah asked,

"Yes, it was lovely thank you, great company, great food and flowing drinks," Tayte answered,

"Did you say hello to Mal from me?" Noah asked,

   "Of course I did. She was sad you weren't able to come," Noah grinned happy with the response,

"How was date night?" Keane asked sitting down on the arm of the sofa.

   "Perfect," Noah beamed looking at Angelo. "Just perfect,"

Tayte's POV

I'd gotten up at around 9am, Keane was still asleep. Everyone was still in their bedrooms. I grabbed our car keys and slipped on some trainers. I was in sweat pants and pulled on a hoody over my naked torso. It was a grey morning, but still relatively warm. I climbed into Chevvy and flicked on the radio before pulling off. I pulled into the private staff parking of Corrigan's and got out.

   "Tayte you're up early and without Keane," I smiled,

"A shock. I know we're usually joined at the hip,"

   "I'm only teasing," Rory smiled,

"I've come to get everyone breakfast since their all still in bed,"

   "Well that is very kind of you. What is it you'd like?"

"Breakfast bagels definitely. 4 full works, 1 without bacon, Keane's being fussy at the moment and no sausage in Talina's because it doesn't agree with her,"

    "I'll get straight on that. Take a seat, l will do drinks in a minute," I took a perch. There were two couples and a lone middle aged man sat eating.

"Darling, Rory told me you were here on a breakfast run without your other half. I must ask. How is he doing? How is he really doing?" She said sitting opposite me,

    "I am happy to say Keane is doing amazing. He's been going to therapy and physio daily and we've all seen a massive improvement in him psychologically and physically. I think we're finally getting there. He's getting his sling off tomorrow and cast off boot on, on Friday," she had tears in her eyes,

"I am so glad Tayte. He's been through so much, more than he should. You all have and I'm just glad he's going to be okay,"

   "Me too Nanna,"

I left half an hour later with a bag full of goodies and tray full of different coffees. When I got back everyone was still in bed. I chuckled and went to each room, Auntie first, I knocked on the door,

"Auntie, you up?"

   "Come in sweetie," I opened the door, she was say dressed at the desk writing,

"I bring a breakfast bagel no sausage and a coffee caramel from Corrigan's,"

   "Very kind of you, thank you,"

"No worries at all,"

I went to Noah an Angelo's room next. I knew Angelo wasn't working today.

    "Special breakfast delivery. You both decent?" I heard Noah laugh,

"Come in," I walked in, they were sat up in bed topless.

   "Morning," Noah grinned,

"Morning. I have two breakfast bagels and a chocolate mocha and black coffee one sugar,"

    "Mmmm. Thank you Tay Tay,"

"My pleasure. I'll see you two love birds in a bit," and I left the room to go to Arlo's.

   "Arlo, you up?" I said tapping on the door. I didn't get a response, "Arlo?" I opened the door, the bed was empty, "Arlo," I noticed a body out on the balcony,

"Hey, sorry I didn't hear the door," he said standing up and coming in,

   "You writing?" I asked, he nodded and I didn't press any further, he would tell or show anyone what he was writing, "I bring a breakfast bagel and black coffee with a shot of cream from Corrigan's,"

"Thank you. Just what I need,"

  "You okay?" I asked looking at him,

"I'm always okay. Thank you or breakfast," I left his room not 100% convinced and finally went back into ours.

"I wondered when you'd be back. I could hear you knocking on everyone's door. Your so cute babe and I love you," I smiled,

   "Not as much as I love you,"

"Debatable," he replied,

"Breakfast bagel with no bacon and caramel latte," he kissed me as a thank you. After we'd finished and were getting dressed I said,

"I'm worried about Arlo,"

   "Find him out the balcony writing again?"


    "He's alright. He's writing about his life and experiences, there's a lot of bad and upsetting things that's happened and it's helping him to write it down,"

"I don't think he's fully come to terms with everything,"

     "Of course he hasn't, it's a big change. Meeting your younger siblings after 12 years after finding out about them. Thinking your father was a psycho mafia boss and then finding out he is an agent working for homeland who'd been undercover for 20 years. And then moving in with a family who are super close. Would be tough for anyone,"

Keane's POV

Tayte and Arlo came with me to Physio and therapy. I wanted Arlo to sit in on the session with me. I told Tayte everything I told them, so he wasn't to pissed that I wanted my brother and not him. I was sure he knew my plan was to get Arlo to open up to. I had pre warned my therapist so it wouldn't be a shock.

I am also happy to say that I am now sling free. That's not to say I can jump straight into doing press ups and chin ups, because I can't, I still needed to do my rehabilitation exercises weekly, but I was on track for an indefinite recovery.

"We won't be longer than an hour if you wanted to leave and come back?" I said to Tayte.

   "I'll grab a coffee in the café and be around in case the two of you become destructive" He said with a wink. We both smiled and I kissed him before we headed in,

"Keane good to see you and even better to see that you no longer have a sling on"

    "Hey Xander. This is my brother Arlo who I told you about,"

"Arlo nice to meet you," Dr. Xander said,

    "You too Doc. Thanks for letting me sit in,"

"It's no worries at all. So how have things been since last week?"

   "Things have been good. It's been a chilled week. I've just got my sling off and arm back so yeah. I'm in a good place,"

"Have you been sleeping?"


"How many hours Keane?"

   "Between 6 and 7 on good days,"

"And what about you Arlo? How have you been sleeping?"

   "We're not here to talk about me,"

"But how you are effects Keane,"

   "It's okay. Just answer him,"

"I sleep fine," I gave him a look,

    "Keane seems to think otherwise,"

"Keane needs to stop worrying about me,"

   "Why? Because you can look after yourself?" I retorted,

"Yes," he said,

    "I've opened up to you, why won't you do the same to me?" I said,

"Because it's my problems,"

   "You're my brother, which means your problems are my problems,"

"Maybe just take things slow. One day at a time. Take some time out in the day to sit and talk, whether that be half an hour, an hour, or even 5 minutes. I think it'll help both of you," Xander said,

    "Arlo?" I asked,

"Yes. I'll talk to you,"

   "Thank you,"

"So Keane. What does this week bring?" Xander asked,

   "A weekend trip to Washington,"

"Sounds good, how do you feel about his trip?" I loved how Xander never wanted a lot of information. He got everything he needed without being nosey, if I wanted to tell him I would.

   "Kind of nervous,"

"And why are you nervous?" I looked at the floor, Arlo put his hand on my leg in comfort, and he knew why I was nervous.

   "Memories of the past," I said,

"Will Arlo be there?" I nodded,

   "And Tayte?"


   "Then I'm sure they will be able to calm your nerves,"


"What in particular are you nervous about Keane? You know everything you tell me is confidential,"

   "Seeing Logan again,"

"Logan's my Dad," Arlo said,

   "I'm worried that it's all going to be too much, and not just for me," I said,

"I'm not going to pry into the ins and outs of this. But I will say. Whatever fears and worries you have you need to air them and you shouldn't worry about things you can't control,"

The rest of the session continued. Once we'd finished and left the room I said,

   "I'm sorry. I should have told you before that I wanted you to open up. Tayte's worried about you and I wasn't until he mentioned it. You need to talk to us, or just me okay,"

"Everything go okay?" Tayte asked appearing in the corridor,

   "All went well thanks. Kind of hungry, can we have a late lunch?" I said,

"Noah rang and Angelo is making fried chicken so..."

   "Say no more. Home it is,"


Dad was heading through the door the same time as us.

   "How was your session?"

"Good thanks Dad,"

  "Welcome to Noah and Angelo's fried chicken restaurant" Noah hollered,

"Really. Who's doing all the cooking? I think my name should be first," we heard Angelo tease.

   "I hope you are all hungry. Because...Angelo and Noah's restaurant is open for business," Noah said with a wink as we came in. I dumped my crutches and sat on a stool,

"They look and smell so good," I said,

   "They'll be properly cooked in about 10 minutes. Noah made homemade coleslaw and some potato salad so I hope you are hungry because you're in for a treat," Angelo said, Noah beamed,

"Need any help carrying anything in?"

  "Nope, you all go and sit down," I hopped of the stool and grabbed my crutches and headed into the conservatory where we'd be eating.

"You okay?" Tayte asked,

    "Yeah I'm good," I replied sitting at the table,

"Is Arlo alright?"

   "Yeah. We're going to have a chat later," Dad and Arlo came in and sat down 5 minutes later.

"I hear the two of you will be joining us this weekend in Washington?" Dad said,

    "We are," I answered,

"I will speak with you about the details before Friday," I nodded,

   "How's Logan feeling?" Dad asked,

"He's nervous of course. Can't wait for it to be over to be honest,"

   "Does he know what he's doing yet? Where he's living or..." Tayte said trailing off.

"He said, as I think I told you about him maybe going to stay with Richie for a little while. There was talk about him taking a less active role in Homeland. I really don't know,"

   "Does he know about Mum and Dad divorcing?" I asked,

"Your mother spoke with him," Dad answered, "had a heart to heart,"

  "So do you think they're going to try again?" I asked,

"Maybe. In the future. Maybe,"

   "Lunch is served," Noah announced as he and Angelo bought in a massive tray full of fried chicken and two large bowls of potato salad and coleslaw.

"Looks amazing," I said.

And it tasted even better.

My taste buds were in heaven.

The compliments they just kept coming.


It was now late evening. Noah and Angelo were in bed. Talina was out somewhere, Dad was downstairs watching television and Tayte, Arlo and I were in Arlo's room. He was sat on his chair and Tayte and I were led on the bed.

"Look. You don't have to talk us. I just thought maybe it would help. We all know your not sleeping, that you have plenty on your mind" I said,

    "I've never had anyone to tell before"

"Well you do now, and we're all ears,"

    "Try being in my shoes. I was 3 years old when my Mum left me at a boarding school. She drove away and I was crying, I wouldn't stop crying. I didn't talk for 2 weeks. I wanted my Mum. I cried for her every night for the first year. I wondered what the hell I'd done. When I was young, up until 6 or 7. I'd see Mum the most during the summer. I remember spending some time with you, then Mum would take me 'home' to a two bedroom house, where I had a live in nanny called Tilly. I felt unwanted. From age 9 and above I was used to Mum never being there. I was used to the bullying, the kid with no parents. The one who the teachers felt sorry for. I rebelled. I thought fuck it. Nobody cared for me, I loved Jonas, he was like a Dad to me, but he was still a teacher and head of my dorms. Brooke is basically my Mum. But like Jonas was my teacher. It wasn't the same. The teasing, snide remarks. I got into more fights than I can remember. I only wasn't expelled because of Richie, who was always there when I needed! I went to a therapist twice a week. I had anger management classes. I attended self defence classes to also help with my anger. I used to run away and come back beaten and bloody. Truthfully I didn't care whether I lived or died," My heart sank, "When she told me about you all I and that she was a spy. I flipped. Tore up my room in my dorms, smashed 3 windows and ran away. I was found a week later unconscious, beaten and drugged," I gasped, "kind of gave me a wake up call. I knew you were out there somewhere. I put to the back of my mind about Mum having another family and focused on myself. I was so independent. I left at 18 and travelled, worked, tried to find myself. Find a place in the world you know. A place I belonged,"


"Age 24 Mum asked me to do little tasks for her. I wasn't affiliated with any spy intelligence agency so I could be a ghost. I was in Zimbabwe when Mum called and asked me to drop everything and watch over my brothers. That angered me. I hadn't even met you, yet she wanted me to watch like a shadow. Then your accident and you nearly died and it was my fault. I wasn't there when you needed me. I think of Mum didn't tell you about me. I would have...I would have spiraled. I have been in and out of therapy my whole life. What am I writing down? My life. Everything I've been through to get it out if my system and hopefully one day share with people"


"No, I don't want you to say anything. It's okay, I'm okay now. I have a family. I have a place where I belong. Am I still messed up, of course I am. I'm just good at hiding it. All that matters now is that we are all together. That we are a family," I wrapped my arms around him as hugged him like I never wanted to let him go. I thought I had it bad. I could never image going through what Arlo did. Not having parents was one thing, but not having anyone...I couldn't imagine not having Tayte or Noah or Arii.

   "I love you Arlo and honestly. We've all finally started living with you now in our life. It was a long time coming but we've finally made it. We've finally all found each other,"

An hour later at 11.30pm Tayte and I left Arlo and crashed back in our room.

"Do you want to shower now or in the morning?" Tayte asked,

   "The morning. I cannot be bothered to do anything except get in bed," I said flopping down. I did undress though and snuggled up to Tayte.

"Babe," I said once the light was off,

    "Mmm," he responded.

"I didn't know. He's been through so much and...He's just incredible,"

    "He's an inspiration, that's for sure,"

"How is he so civil with Mum though? After everything she put him through. I wouldn't want anything to do with her,"

   "You would though. Because after all, she's still your Mum and your like Arlo. Family means everything to you,"


Love Always 


Copyright © Georgia T R Wing

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