A Miraculous Mother's Day Sp...

By SummerCheng37

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Prologue: She dumped Me?
Chapter 1: Adrien Goes Emo?
Chapter 2 Mr. Cheng's Chat with Emilie?
Chapter 3 Marinette the Bluenette?
Chapter 4 Emilie Talks to Marinette?
Chapter 5 Party Fiasco?
Chapter 6 Master Fu's Annoucement?
Chapter 7 More Tatoos Go?
Chapter 8 Natalie Shows Marinette to the Guest Area?
Chapter 9 Marinette's Bodyguard?
Chapter 10 Midnight Madness?
Chapter 11 Adrien Ask Her...
Chapter 12 Adrien Under Arrest?
Chapter 13 Marinette Faints?

Epilogue: A Fresh Mother's Day Start?

54 1 0
By SummerCheng37

         Adrien, Marinette and Louis all travel to the graveyard first to see Sabine's  grave. 

           Sabine died a few years ago as a result of heartache from years of abuse at the hands of her husband, all with all the pain and emotional distress he gave her since he hurt their daughter and always made threats to kill them both. She was to afraid to do anything, up until the last minute when she presses charges against him.  It was only a few days later, her heart gives out and she closes her eyes in death.

        As for Tom, the monster, well he past away in the prison six weeks ago.  They never go to his grave though.  Marinette has finally forgiven him for the past, but still is not quite ready to place more than just an occasional flower on his tomb though.

          Then after Marinette, Adrien, and Louis place a rose, one per person on her grave stone and whisper,  "Bye, bye now Mother, and Grandma,"  they leave to see Emilie and Octavian.  This is to say, Adrien's  mother and stepfather since his mom got remarried last month.  It is hard to believe she actually went through with it.   Yet the ceremony was lovely as ever and now here they are a month later on their way to visit with the newly weds.

           Adrien, and Marinette, Louis arrive safely at Emilie and Octavian's place.  They go inside, and greet them.  

      "Hello, there! How are you?"  Marinette ask.

         "Hi, Gran!"  Louis says.  He is only two so this is as close to Grandma as it gets.

        "Hi, mother!"  Adrien says.

          "Glad you all could make it!"  Emilie and Octavain says together.

         "We were glad to acceptance your invitation to Mother's Day brunch!"  Adrien says.

         "He is right, we were more than happy to come."  Marinette says.

           "Gran, and pop!"  Louis says.

          "yes, Louis?"  Ocatvaian ask.

          "I love you!"   Louis says.

         "Well we love you too, grandson!"  Emilie and Octavian answers together.

            Louis beams really big.  Even for a toddler he seems to be smart for his age.  He is just not sure yet how to pronounce the words,  "Grandma, and Grandpa"  yet.  This is why he calls his grandma, "Gran"  and his Grandpa  "pop."

          After a nice meal of squash, green peas, carrots, a salad, salmon and corn bread everyone is full!  "Well,Mom you certainly out did yourself this time."  Adrien says.

           "yes,you sure did Emilie."  Marinette says.

          "Food yum!"  Louis says.

         "Well, I am glad everyone enjoys it so much." Emilie says.

          Soon after this, everyone gathers in the study area.  They make themselves comfortable.  Adrien comes around and hands a card to his mother, and one to his wife as well.  He then hands a gift to him mom, and a different present to his wife.

       Emilie opens her card and smiles when she sees how Adrien, Marinette and Louis all put their signature inside the card.  She can recognizes her grandson' s writting anywhere as his simply says,  "Happy M's  day, Gran!"  -Lo    She thinks it to be cute since he can not spell Mother's  that he wrote M "s  inside after the word Happy and when he signs it he put a simple  Lo.  She opens the gift and sees a lovely set of new hand towels with bath ones to match.

         www.purlsoho.com  for photo credit of  hand towels.

              "Wow, thank you ever so much!"  Emilie says.

               You  are welcome,Mother! " Adrien says.

      "   Yes, you are  weclome, Emilie."  Marinette remarks.

              "Welcome, Gran!"  Louis says.

            Next Marinette opens her card and beams at the care  Adrien went to get it for her and at both his and Louis signature inside it.  She opens her present too.  She finds a new supply of seeds for Marigolds, Daisies, Tulips, and Petunias, she can plant her very own.  She is happy to have got them.

        www.etsy.com for photo credits for the Petunia Seed package.

        "Thanks, Adrien and Louis!"  Marinette says.

         "Welcome,  Mommy."  Louis says.  *Author he does not know the whole phrase yet.

           "This has got to be  a  fresh  Mother's  Day start which is the best sort of  start now is it not?"  Marinette says.

           "Yes, I agree, dear child!  I do indeed. You are absolutely, right!"  Emilie says.

        "Happy Mother's  Day, Emilie!" Marinette says. She gives Emilie a hug.

        "Yes, Happy Mother's  Day,  mom!"  Adrien says.  He hugs his mother.

       "Thank you both very much!  Happy Mother's  Day, Marinette!"  Emilie says. She hugs Marinette.

         Emilie thinks I am so glad my son, is back his regular, kind self, that he is married to his one true love, Marinette and has a child, Louis, my grandchild! I am happy that I got married to Octavian only a month go.   Now things are not as lonesome as they once were that is for sure.

           *Author's  Note:  There is no more to the story, so what are you looking for anyway?        

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