The Alpha's Mate

By twiiterpated

3.6M 82.8K 10.3K


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39- The Finale
a thank you :)

Chapter 18

87.5K 1.9K 355
By twiiterpated

I wake up to the sound of screaming and chanting outside my window and I immediately get up and pull apart the blinds to see what is going on.

As I look out the window I see a small circle of teenagers crowded around 2 boys attempting to throw punches at each other.

"Shit," I say and scramble quickly to pull on the nearest outfit I could find.

This wakes Xavier up and he lifts his head up from the pillow to look at me sleepily.

"What's wrong?" He mumbles.

"Some pack members are fighting, don't worry I'll deal with it," I assure him.

He mumbles something incoherent and his head hits the pillow again and he tries to fall back to sleep but grimaces as the sharp brightness of the sunlight hits his face.

I rush down the stairs and out the door and sprint over to the crowd.

"What are you doing? Everyone get back to your houses, it's almost time for breakfast!" I shout worriedly, not knowing if someone was hurt.

'Are our Luna instincts already kicking in do you think?' Eartha asks.

'Maybe,' I say, too worried about the group of teenagers to think about it.

Instantly, everyone turns their head to look at me, unaware of the fact i'm the future Luna, they are startled and scramble away to get ready for breakfast.

I walk over to the 2 boys left who were fighting.

"You can't be doing stuff like this, the younger pack members are looking up to you, they admire you and will copy what you do," I say calmly.

They just nod and mumble sorry and run off to get their breakfast.

I feel a soft stare on the back of my head and I turn to see Xavier, with one arm leaning on the window, looking at me happily and motioning for me to come back to bed.

I giggle and shake my head and immaturely sit down on the grass, giving him a humorous laugh.

He rolls his eyes playfully at me and mouths 'watch out' and disappears from the window.

I sigh and lie back, feeling the glow of the sunlight warm up my skin. I let the warmth cover my body as I lie outstretched on the grass.

In the very back of my mind I hear the faint laughter of Eartha.

'What are you up to?' I question.

'Maybe you should ask our mate that,' she says, leaving me wondering what the hell is going on.

I'm no longer left in the dark when I feel strong arms hoist me up into the air and twirl me around swiftly.

I screech in fright and open my eyes only to see Xavier's chest.

I look up and stare at him only to be met with him already staring right at me, smiling like a maniac.

"How would you like to finally meet everyone, so everyone knows who their Luna-to-be is," he smiles excitedly.

I grin and nod my head softly, still unsure if it was a good idea, but he seems so happy I don't want to ruin his mood.

We walk into the large hall, hand in hand, where everyone is choosing what they want to have for breakfast and almost immediately everyone's heads snap towards us, besides the young wolves who are overly excited about their meal.

Everyone instantly bows their heads slightly but continues to stare at me, as if I'm an escaped zoo animal.

I squirm slightly, not liking having a spotlight essentially right above my head.

Xavier takes notice of this and clears his throat before projecting his voice out to the pack members,

"Hello Lunar Moon Pack, I have an important announcement to make at the end of breakfast so if you would all stay a little longer it would be greatly appreciated, thank you, you may continue."

Xavier walks me over to a large array of foods, neatly placed across a large bench like table.

He grabs 2 plates and starts piling them up with delicious smelling foods like pancakes, eggs, toast and bacon.

Still carrying the 2 plates he leads me over to the top of the table, making me stare at him in confusion as there is only 1 seat.

"I'm not sitting in your lap at breakfast Xavier," I whisper harshly in his ear.

"Does that mean you will at lunch?" He chuckles back quietly making me playfully glare at him.

He sets down the 2 plates gently and walks over to the back of the room and grabs another chair and places it right next to his own and motions for me to sit down next to him.

I timidly sit down next to him and suddenly hundreds of gasps can be heard across the entire hall.

I forgot, only the Alpha and the Luna can sit at the head of a pack table. Well I am Luna, they just don't know it yet.

"Silence, please continue with your meals." Xavier smiles kindly at all the pack members.

I nervously reach for my fork and start to take small bites of my meal, which proves quite a struggle as my hand is shaking violently.

I put the fork down and shove my hands under the table before Xavier notices. I can still feel the harsh stares from more than just a few pack members, making me lose my appetite, but before Xavier starts to worry I take a deep breath and nibble on the corner of my bacon.

I feel my pocket vibrate but I leave it alone, not wanting to appear rude in front of my new pack.

It continues to vibrate relentlessly so I eventually reach into my pocket, annoyed, and check my phone.

My heart immediately goes into a frenzy when I see that I have at least 11 missed calls from an unknown number. The only people in my contacts list were from my old pack, no one else should have my number.

It starts to ring again, making me jump in fright, which of course Xavier notices right away.

He opens his mouth to speak but I'm quick to interrupt.

"I'm really sorry but I need to be excused for a moment."

Before anyone can reply I stand up, making my chair squeak across the hardwood floor and I dash for the door.

My phone is still ringing so I jump into the nearest room I can find, which is a bathroom and I answer it nervously.

I place the phone to my ear but don't say anything, hoping it's all a misunderstanding.

I hear heavy, ragged breathing and the crunching of leaves.

"The rogues sure did a number on your pack Lizzy, it's a shame you got away," the rough voices says menacingly.

My hands begin to shake even more violently.

"Who is th-this?" I whisper into the phone.

"Someone you should have met a while ago, but don't worry I'm sure we will meet soon, goodbye Lizzy, keep in touch." The voice threatens.

Before I can ask again who the voice belongs to I hear the long drone of the beep, signifying the call has ended.

My heart is beating a million miles a minute so I sit on the edge of the toilet seat and take deep breaths trying to calm down so Xavier doesn't ask any questions.

I stand up to go back to breakfast after calming my heart rate but as soon as I step out of the door I hear a clatter of footsteps hurrying towards me.

Xavier appears in front of me and studies my face before taking my hand and leading me back to breakfast.

"What was that? What happened?" He asks.

"I'm sorry, I just felt sick, I don't do good with staring, I feel like your pack hates me," I whisper back, telling only half a lie.

He stares at me, not convinced but let's it go anyway.

"Well, don't worry because they're about to know who you are," he smiles gently, giving my hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Members of the Lunar Moon pack, may we have your attention please." Xavier says projecting his voice across the large hall.

We stand at the head of the table, Xavier standing tall whereas my stance is less powerful, as I try to almost hide behind Xavier.

"As you know, the best day of someone's life is the day they meet their mate. It gives me great pleasure to announce Elizabeth Williams, Luna of the Lunar Moon Pack!" He shouts, a large smile spread across his face. His eyes are sparkling with happiness as he looks out to his- our cheering pack members.

Faces stare at me in shock as everyone stands up and claps and chants,

"Lunar Moon! Lunar Moon!" Over and over again.

My chest swells with pride as I stare out at my new pack, I stand up straight and wave at everyone making them chant louder, throwing their hands in the air with excitement.

After the happy chaos that was breakfast, me and Xavier start arranging the last details of the Luna Ceremony which can now be even sooner he says now the pack knows.

We send out invitations to every pack member, ensuring everyone can be there, and we ask some eager pack members to start clearing out the large garden for all the decorations to soon be set in place.

My phone buzzes once again and my breath hitches in my throat, why are they calling now? What do they want?

Xavier stares at me worriedly,

"Who is calling you?" He asks sharply.

"Um no one, I'm sorry I must have accidentally hit a button," I lie poorly.

I wait until the phone stops ringing and I lean over to kiss Xavier lightly, hoping to distract him.

He smiles warmly and leans in to kiss me again but stops once my phone starts to vibrate relentlessly.

I reach into my pocket as my hand starts to shake, I know who it is.

I tell Xavier I will just be a minute before rushing out the door.

I know he will be right behind me any minute so I quickly run downstairs and into the garden and huddle at the side of the house before answering the phone.

"I don't like to be kept waiting Lizzy," the rough voice growls.

"I don't even know who you are or how you have my phone number," I whisper back hoping Xavier can't find me.

"Well I guess you'll find out soon enough, have fun with your Luna Ceremony," they chuckle darkly before hanging up.

Was that all they wanted to say? Are they trying to scare me?

I rush back into the house, praying Xavier will just let it go and sprint back into his office, hoping he is still there.

I open the office door and much to my dismay, it's empty.

I return back to my seat and start finishing the work for the Luna Ceremony.

"Where the fuck did you go? I was so worried, you looked so scared," Xavier says as he storms into the room.

I look into his eyes, seeing them flicker between black and brown, his wolf is battling for control.

"I wasn't feeling well, I'm sorry, I'll tell you before I run off next time," I try to smile the best I can.

"Bullshit, you're scared and I need to know why, I can protect you," Xavier growls.

"I don't think you can protect me from a stomach bug," I say while fake smiling, hoping he will believe my poor lie or at least let it go, I don't want to endanger him or the pack, I don't know what this person is capable of.

My phone beeps, making my eyes as well as Xavier's dart to it.

I grab it once I see Xavier reaching for my phone.

Not in your own office? What a shame, was it built for nothing?

I quickly delete the message before looking around the room, is there a camera in here? It was clearly a pointless message, the only reason it was sent was to scare me and let me know they know where I am. My hands start to shake for what feels like the 50th time today.

Xavier grabs my phone and looks through my texts, but sees nothing.

"You deleted the message. Why?" He says through gritted teeth.

"It was just one of those monthly messages from the phone company," I say quickly.

He clenches his fists, making his knuckles turn white, and unclenches then again.

"You can't keep the truth from me forever Beth, I'll find out what it is," he tells me.

I nod my head, hoping he'll let it go.

After many hours the Luna Ceremony is officially 100% planned. I convinced Xavier to set the date for 4 days away instead of tomorrow which he was originally planning.

Xavier's POV
Elizabeth was fidgeting and squirming in her seat, looking around the room uncomfortably. I knew she was getting phone calls but she keeps lying to me.

Was someone threatening her?

'I'll kill them,' Xerxes snarls.

I mentally agree with him and keep my eyes focused on Elizabeth. We haven't marked each other yet but I can practically feel the nerves rolling off of her in waves.

The loud annoying ringing fills the room and Elizabeth jumps once again and shakily grabs the phone and tells me she will be back in a minute.

I nod, trying to look unaffected but as soon as she walks out the door I jump up from my seat and follow her.

"Who are you? Please just leave me alone," my mate whimpers, hiding in the corner of our room.

Xerxes starts snarling and clawing inside my head wanting to grab the phone and find out who this bastard is but I shut him up and listen more closely.

"I know where you are, you can't hide from me," a distorted voice on the phone says to my mate.

Elizabeth whimpers again and then the phone call is ended.

She turns around and gasps, seeing me standing in the doorway of our room.

I don't want to get angry at her because it isn't her fault, I'm just upset she didn't tell me. So I don't say anything, I just stare at her worriedly as her hands keep shaking.

"I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want anyone to get hurt, please Xavier don't be angry," she whispers.

"I'm not angry at you, I'm angry that someone is threatening you. What do they mean they know where you are?" I ask her.

"I don't know, I'm scared Xavier, I don't know who it could be and they know everything that's going on and I don't know how and now you know so what if I have just put you and the pack in danger and what if-"

I cut her off by pulling her into a hug and kissing her gently.

"No one is in danger, I will have Lucas track the call and see what we can find, Okay? Don't panic, just relax, it's probably nothing," I assure her.

'Lucas get up here to my room,' I say through the mind link.

'Coming Alpha,' He replies instantly.

Not even 5 minutes later, Lucas knocks on the door.

I open it up and smile at him before inviting him inside.

"Hello Luna," he smiles at Elizabeth.

She smiles back at him but I can see it's forced. She's still scared.

"Elizabeth has been getting calls from someone, they seem to know a lot about what's going on at the pack, could you try trace it?" I ask.

Lucas immediately looks alarmed and nods his head frantically.

"Of course, Luna would you mind if I take your phone? You should have it back by the end of the day." He tells her.

"I don't want it back for now, it's okay just give it to Xavier once you're done," she whispers lightly.

Lucas nods his head and reaches out to grab the phone out of Beth's outstretched hand and smiles at us one last time and heads downstairs to start tracking the call.

I walk over to Elizabeth and sit her on the loveseat at the corner of my room.

"I know what will cheer you up," I say smiling like a maniac. "Disney movies."

She immediately perks up slightly and grins at me.

"You have Disney movies?" She asks excitedly.

"Of course, who doesn't own Disney movies?" I reply.

"What are we waiting for? It's a date," she grins.

My heart flutters and I go to put in the first movie, my favourite, Beauty and the Beast, and by the look on my mate's face it's her favourite too.

I smile at her and grab a large, fluffy blanket and let her stretch her legs across my lap and I lay the blanket on top of us and we start our movie marathon.

I look over at her and smile as I see her staring happily at the screen, already entranced in the movie.

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