Trust Me [Taehyung]

By ghoastli

394 48 9

Oh dear turn away now More

11 part 1
11 part 2
11 part 3


11 2 0
By ghoastli

a hearty three hours later the ear-piercing screech of his dad's alarm echoed through his ears. he was quite refreshed this morning usually he only has an hour or two worth of rest but today he got a whole three, he was ready and raring for the day ahead until he remembered yesterdays events. he had no time to be upset though because he had to leave at quarter to seven to get to school for his study group. he reluctantly threw on his uniform and ran downstairs to make breakfast. his dad came downstairs 5 minutes later grabbed his plate and sat on the sofa watching football. the air was tense and Tae knew something was wrong. he sat at the breakfast table not wanting to bother him but the tense air still lingered. they finished their meals and Tae took the plates into the kitchen washed them and put them away. he turned around and his dad walked upstairs not bothering to turn the tv off. the soft cheers rang around the room as Tae stood staring at the sofa trying to figure out if he did something wrong. it was now nearing 6:30 so Tae turned the TV off and quietly made his way to his room. he packed his bag full of the books he'd need his binders and all the homework and revision he needs to do at study group. 6:40 Tae timidly entered his dad's room and muttered a small goodbye to which he got no response just a simple nod. he went downstairs grabbed his dinner from last night put it in his lunch box and off he went. free from the tense thick air of his house.
Tae approached the school building right as the gate opened for the early birds (Tae and like 3 other random kids in the year below) he found his way to the library, sat in his favourite corner and did his science homework that was due in the next period

Miki woke up bright and early at 6 for some reason. her alarm goes off at 7 but today her body just decided to wake her up earlier for no reason. she decided to just go with the flow and make the most of her morning so she took a shower and watched YouTube on her bed for like 10 minutes before she remembered her science homework that was due in period 1. she flung herself off her bed and rushed around her room for a while until she remembered there was a weird lame ass study group thing before school everyday. she decided to go their because surely someone there could help her and her crippling science abilities. she threw on her school uniform dried her hair a bit more shoved her books in her bag ran past Jimin Hobi and Namjoon screamed goodbye and left. it was WAY too early to be outside and the sun hadn't even rose properly yet. she saw the gates open when she turned the corner and spotted a familiar face. her heart skipped like 7 beats and her face turned bright red. she crossed the road in pure aww of the beauty walking about 7 feet in front of her and nearly got hit by a lorry. she screamed and ran out of the road and the driver screamed at her whilst driving away. she turned back around and Tae was gone. being the stalker she is she knew Tae was in the library because again she has no chill when It comes to crushes. the school was massive so miki had no idea how to get to the library because she's only been there like once so she wandered around for 5 minutes before finally finding a sign for the library. the plan was working, as Tae is in her science class she'll ask him for help and they'll fall in love and he'll forget about Yuni. in Miki's dream world that was the plan anyway. with very little faith she turned a corner to be met with Tae sitting in a chair cross legged doing his science homework against a table. looking hot as fuck might I add. something about the concentration in his eyes and the way his hair covered his face lightly made Miki legit stop breathing. After about 30 seconds of terrifying staring Tae finally looked up and their eyes met. to Miki this was the start of a blossoming love but to Tae this was just an opportunity to flex his SWEET science knowledge.
"can I help you?" He croaked in a deep husky voice that could make anyone of any gender or sexuality instantly fall in love with him. he looked up at Miki with his deep brown eyes holding dead eye contact. Miki gingerly held out her science homework and Tae pulled up a chair for her and started gently explaining how to do the work as not to scare her off. they started talking some more and Miki got progressivly more confident. by the time school actually started they were laughing and teasing each other. Tae walked Miki to her home room and she gave him a hug for good measure. now Tae isn't usually a hugger but there was something about Miki which made him feel very differently about everything. he doesn't usually like helping people but one look at her and he was ready to become her tutor. he didn't mind the feeling he felt but they were new and he was confused and happy? that's a new emotion. he walked off to his home room with a smile on his face and he couldn't wait to see Miki in science next period. is this what love feels like. no it can't be Tae loves Yuni right.

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