On the Ice (Rewriting)

By Fanfam3768

239K 3.8K 607

Cover by @pasteltragedies!! Its more than just skating. Kenna Foster is a 16 year old who had just moved from... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Authors Notice
Part 9
Part 10
The Characters
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 48
Part 49
New Book!
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Announcement #2
Thank You Mahgadahling!
Plan For The Sequel
News that you should know. (Sequel? Other books?Other news?)

Part 47

2.2K 37 4
By Fanfam3768

" Shh! You're gonna wake her up! " Alvin whispers to Patrick.

" To late." I say sitting up on the couch. I rub the sleepy out if my eyes and look around. Jayce was gone but it was still kind of dark outside, and the twins were already up but still in their pjs doing who knows what.

" Where's Jayce?" I ask getting off the couch and walking towards the boys who were in the kitchen.

" I told you you would wake her up!" Alvin tells Patrick.

Patrick puts his hands on each of his hips " It wasn't just me! You were puts too!"

" Hey. Guys. I asked you a question remember? Do you guys know where Jayce is?" I repeat. The boys turn to me as if they hadn't been fighting in the first and have forgotten about it.

" Uh I think he went to the store. Why?" Patrick says scratching his head.

" Oh no reason." I immediately say " Just wondering."

Patrick raises a brow but shrugs " I'm hungry." Alvin states opening the fridge.

" I'm sure Jayce will-"

" Hey boys I got donuts!" I hear Jayce say from the entry way.

" Yay!" The boys shout running towards Jayce. They wrap themselves onto each if Jayce's legs while Jayce hobbled to the kitchen. I laugh and walk toward the brothers.

" Good morning." I say to Jayce grabbing the donuts and setting them on the counter.

" Morning Princess." He says ruffling my hair.

" Oooooh." The twins tease and they giggle. Jayce rolls his eyes and shakes his legs so the boys hop off and run to the counter for the donuts, each grabbing two in each small hand.

" Better hurry and eat those boys. You guys still have school." Jayce says to them and the boys groan. Oh shit. School. I forgot about school!

" Can't we just skip?" Alvin says his mouth filled of donut. Jayce shakes his head. I rush out of the room grabbing my hockey gear I had left and was about at the door when Jayce stops me.

" Where are you going?"

" I gotta get ready for school." I tell him adjusting the bag strap on my shoulder.

" Don't worry I already thought ahead." He says taking my bag from me. I give him a questioned look.

" Don't worry, you can borrow some of my stepmom's clothes that she left here or somethin." He says. I groan and trudge into the kitchen knowing that he had a better plan than mine.

" Do you have a hairbrush?" I ask.

" In the bathroom cabinet." Jayce answers.

" bras? Underwear?"

" Just swear the ones you have on now. That's what guys do most of the time." I roll my eyes but nod.

" Toothbrush? "

" We have extras."

I sigh " Alright."

" Yay!" The twins cheer and Jayce smiles.

" Whatever. I'm going to get ready." I say and walk out of the kitchen. I won down the hallway opening each room to see of one looked like a woman lived in it. At the end of the hall, the art room, I open the door and find a small room with mattress in the corner of the room and boxes filled with things inside them.

I open the first box and find some close but it seems like Jayce's stepmom might've been slightly bigger than me so I just took the smallest jeans I could find and start looking for a shirt. Guess what? They're wasn't any, and I don't think I would be able to fit the twins' clothes, which left one person. Kind of ironic.

" Hey ass h- Jayce. Do you have a shirt I can borrow? Somehow there wasn't any?" I ask him walking into the kitchen.

Alvin dramatically gasps " Did you just say a bad word?" he asks.

" No." I lie.

" Yes you were." Patrick argues.

" I have no idea what you're talking about." I say and turn to Jayce " Well?" I ask.

Jayce's smile becomes bigger and I can't feel as if I shouldn't of asked him " Sure Princess. You can borrow my shirt."

Surprisingly Jayce just gave me one of his old T-shirts that was green with a small clover on the pocket. For some reason this shirt look familiar but I'm not sure why, so I shake off the feeling and put it on, closing the door of course before doing so. After I finish doing what I need to to get ready for school I head towards the kitchen.

" Now. Alvin? Patrick? Which one of you took the chocolate donut? That one was specifically bought for Kenna Becuase she doesn't like glazed or strawberry." Jayce says to the twins when I step into the kitchen. How does he know that?

" Uh.....they're wasn't any?" Patrick giggled, even though their chocolate covered faces say otherwise.

" Mhm. Sure. C'mon, its time for you boys to get ready for school!" Jayce says lifting up the boys out of their seats and throwing them onto his shoulders. The boys giggle and try to squirm out of his grip but he tickles them.

Jayce looks over to where I'm standing and just for a second I could see something unfamiliar on Jayce and unfamiliar to me. I'm not sure what it is. Jayce smiles and with the twins still on each of his shoulders, he runs to their room.


I soon realised where I had seen this the shirt so was wearing and all of the hockey team knew it too. It was Jayce's freaking lucky shirt and somehow I was wearing it. My lucky day.

" So uh Kenna? Or should I say future Mrs......um what's Jayce's last name?" Eliza says as I go onto the ice.

I roll my eyes " Is it that big of a deal? I'm wearing Jayce's shirt." I ask and everyone nods. It was Eliza, Dylan, Olly who by the way, seemed quite off, and I on the ice. Jayce was still getting ready in the locker room.

" Well I don't think it is." I look around to see where coach, but he was nowhere to be seen " Where's coach?" I ask.

Olly shrugs " Dunno. He was here just a second ago.....there he is!" I turn to look where Olly was looking and see coach. Hockey practice was starting and we only had four more days until the finals or whatever the thingy was starts.

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