By naruxsasumi

5.3K 323 47

Phun and Noh are in an accident and both lose their memories of each other. how can they find their way back... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

432 28 3
By naruxsasumi

Author's Note: thanks for voting! Glad to see more readers here. So the story continues. Don't forget to vote if you like the story. Also there may be a follow up story to this if you guys care to read it. look forward to it.

Chapter 4

So it began, we got people who really knew us: my mom, Phun's mom, Nong Pang, especially Nong Pang, and my band mates, Phun's two friends Pond and Mine, to help us learn more about ourselves, or the people we used to be.

Some said:

"You two used to be so damned sweet it was barf inducing. Like you could actually throw up from all the sweetness that you two create." That was Road, who I remembered for not being a very helpful guy but he was good with a base guitar.

"No, no, you two were really quiet about the fact that you were dating. Noh gets so much love letters because no one knows that he is taken." This is Word, I don't know why I took him into the band, maybe because he is good at marketing. He is the band manager.

"I did!?" I was ecstatic to hear this little fact, never mind that Phun was throwing daggers at me with his eyes.

Anyway, many people went with Word's story. Nong Pang said, "P'Phun and P'Noh are always sweet together. Even when you are fighting you always understand and take care of each other. I love you guys so much, please don't break up." Then she starts bawling her eyes out. That turned into me and Phun trying to comfort her. Phun was pretty good at it, he offered her sweets. But hey, Nong Pang isn't a little girl anymore, what are you giving her sweets for? I'm laughing my ass off at him.

There were too many people telling us what our relationship was and Phun and I reached a consensus.

"This isn't helping at all," we both said at once, seated on a bench outside of my university. Phun didn't go to the same university I did. One week later, Phun remembers everything about his current life except me. He knows all his friends, what he was studying, and everything going on his life but me.

I wasn't happy he he he, but I am certainly happy hahaha. I mean, we have already tried our best. The first night of living together was an eye opener and a reason to be sure that I really did not want to get back to dating Phun.

"There is only one room," I said as soon as we climbed the stairs and reached the one door in front of it.

"There is only one bed," Phun opened the door and declared.

"Are you serious?"

"Well what do you expect, Noh?" I was peering in from the side and he was looking down at me. This angle and the reason why we were doing this made me flush and returned to standing behind Phun.

Phun didn't even say anything about it. he walked into the room which was wide, wider than my old room and contained an actual king sized bed with an elaborate design, peach colored sheets and blankets. The wall and ceiling was a nice blue. Resting on the wardrobe door was an awesome guitar.

"Hey, that's mine," I didn't own this back in high school. Yeah, I got this as a gift from someone after my first big music contest which I aced. I grinned and struck a chord, and then I looked up at Phun. He wasn't paying me any attention but was tracing the books in a small bookcase near the desk, the laptop that was off. I am guessing those are his.

I turned and found a shrine of pictures of old us and other items. It looked like someone liked hording a lot of strange things, from small stuffed monkeys, to even poky sticks.

"Don't touch that." I started and stayed my hand that had been reaching to pick up a small monkey.

"What?" I turned still tensed and my hand still frozen. Phun blinked and shook his head.

"It just came out, maybe it's something I always say to you or others."

"Okay, "I retrieved my hand. That wasn't weird at all. He walked over and looked at everything.

"I must have really loved you a lot." Why was he looking at me while saying that? There was even sadness in his voice. What, already getting attached to this old life? That can't happen though.

Later that night we tried to sleep on the bed. It was big enough but after all I had seen and heard, I just couldn't sleep off with his deep breathing right next to my ear.

I pictured all the time Phun may have coerced me into doing things with him, xxx things, and I began to sweat.

"I will sleep on the couch," I sat up and he didn't move, I almost thought he was sleeping but when I turned he was looking at the ceiling.

I don't think I am the one he is thinking about. Phun said he loved Aim so maybe he is trying to understand why he let her go, why he chose me. And I am disappointing him.

Back in campus we were seating on a bench and I was starting to get thirsty. I would like a colored soda right now.

"So what do we do," he asked beside me.

"About what?" I was really tired from all this going around.

"Noh," he sounded upset. "Are you always like this or you really don't want to know why we started dating to begin with."

He sounded so serious. I knew that he was getting impatient with me. I wasn't trying to spoil all his effort but I wasn't helping either. "Well, what do you want me to do?"

"How about you try to listen when I am talking," he said.

"Come on Phun, I am listening but you have to admit that this isn't getting us anywhere." My face lit up as a good idea came to me. "How about we go get some food, after eating our head will clear up and we can think of other solutions to trigger our memories."

"I already have any idea," Phun's response caused me to frown.

"What idea?"

He looked around us and then pushed closer. Don't blame me but I shifted back fast. My eyes went wide at him.

"What?" he asked.

"What?" I asked right back. I think it is perfectly normal to be startled when a guy's face suddenly comes too close, right?

Phun looked like he wanted to say something but he shifted closer again. Hey man if you want to talk just talk, why are you getting so close to me. I drew back again.

"Noh, are you going to keep doing that?"

"Are you?"

"Just stay still,"

"What do you want to do" I'm starting to get a little scared.

"I want to kiss you"
my cheeks flamed. It is just as I feared.

"W-why?!" my voice went up a little.

"Relax," I see his mouth twitching, this bastard was enjoying my reaction wasn't he. "It's just a little kiss, we've probably done it about a hundred times."

"No way," I gasped, my mouth hanging open.

"Yes way. They said we've been together for three years, did you think we haven't kissed at all?"

I shook my head unable to close my mouth. I surely didn't think that but I was trying not to and would Phun stop saying kiss so casually. This is so annoying. In my mind I am still a virgin you know.

He cupped my cheek and my eyes darted to his hand, I was start to shiver, "Just relax," he said smiling, he began to lean forward, I suddenly have a clear view of all the pores in Phun's face. His smiling thin orange lips started to come for mine.

I pushed his face away, "relax your dad," I said breathing the air I didn't know I was holding. "I quit, I won't play anymore." I cried.

"Noh," he called me sounding disappointed. He can be disappointed forever, I don't want to kiss a guy. No way. I got up and ran away, leaving the guy seating there.

I ran until I found the music club and went in. I see that Word and Road are still there. They were seated and playing around with the instruments. Hey those are pretty expensive you know, but I was too worked up to reprimand them.

"Noh," Road said, "what are you doing back here, where is Phun?"

"Shut up, don't talk to me about Phun again," I was breathing heavily like I just ran a hundred meter race. Come to think of it my body sure was in shape, I would be passed out if it was before.

"Eh?"Word nosily came to poke me, "are you two broken up?"

I didn't have words for him only my glare.

"Good for you," Road struck a tune, "Noh, I think this accident is the best thing that has ever happened to you."

"Road don't talk rubbish," Word reprimanded him for my sake. What, accident was good for me? Was he really my friend.
"I'm just saying, now you can try being with other people, you know you have always said you liked girls, now you can start dating girls."

Right, I put my finger under my chin and thought about it; that was true.

"No!" Word dramatically waved his hand in my face. Did he want to clean up my thoughts? "Don't think about that, Noh. You and Phun are so good together, you should try to remember each other, your love for each other was so real, so beautiful. Don't give up on remembering."

I nodded to that too, that did make sense. If it was love that brought us together then maybe we should stay together.

"No, Noh, don't listen to the love sap. Listen to me, I won't deceive, love is the biggest scam of all. It isn't worth it to be with a guy, no matter how good."

"No, Noh, listen to me, I am the one who wants the best for you, Phun is such a great guy, don't lose him to another person."

I was starting to have a headache. Why was this starting to sound like the devil on my left and the angel on my right trying to give me advice?

"argh, just shut up you two," I interrupted, "I didn't even ask for your advice, just leave me alone."

They started blaming me for distracting them as if they were doing anything important. Soon the club became uncomfortable. I didn't feel like class. I wish ohm was still around, maybe I will give him a call. But damn, calls abroad are so freaking expensive.

I gave up on that plan and sneaked to go find my other crew members but they each had class.

"P'Noh!" someone was shouting my name while I am trying to think of where I can stay and forget my problems.

"P'Noh!" I turned and lowered my eyes. I was on the second floor of the theatre arts department and I see a pretty boy. I narrowed my eyes trying to remember him.

"P'Noh," he said, "are you done with classes?"

I recognized him later, this was a junior who asked me to help him out in learning to play the guitar for his lover. "yo!" I waved at him, "yeah sure."

We went to a café in campus and he started to talk.

"I heard about your accident, P'Noh." I guess it shouldn't surprise me that he did, I have something of a fan base here, many people know me. I am not trying to brag or anything. I feel pretty cool though, hehe.

I nodded, "I'm fine now so don't worry."

"Are you really?"

I stared at him. Don't tell me he too knows about my predicament.

"I heard you forgot about P'Phun."

Said like that it made me sound like an asshole. "He forgot me too!" I immediately corrected loudly. Then I lowered my voice, "I mean, it's not like I wanted to forget him."

"I know," he smiled.

"Your name is Son, right?" I asked. he nodded smiling. He sure looked pretty.

"P'Noh helped me a little while ago."

"Yeah, I remember."

"So if you want help, I'm here for you."

I didn't actually want help but I still couldn't decide what I was going to do with Phun. Running away isn't going to change anything.

"Well, I think that trying to remember Phun right now is a little too much," I said. "I mean it is all too much to handle." I peered at him and he was listening attentively. "I just want someone to tell me what to do?"

"I was actually expecting you to ask me about your relationship with Noh, something I might say might jog your memory?" he lifted his shoulder.

I flushed at asking my junior for such a thing. "No, we have already tried that, it's not working. "

"No one can tell you what to do though, P'Noh. I think you should decide if you really want to remember Phun or just forget about him."

Put like that I felt something skip in my chest. Forget about him permanently? Did I really want that?

"I don't think I want to forget him right now, but I am not okay with doing all this and... and that," I didn't want to say kiss but my face was turning red and giving me away, "I don't want to go that far just to remember. It's not as important to me as it is to him and he just wants to know why he broke up with Aim anyway."

"Then maybe..." he paused and stared at me. I gestured for him to say what was on his mind, "maybe you should take some time off. I think you still need time to get used to your life at present now. So maybe that's what you should focus on, what you already remember and then later some of your memories might even come back."

Hmm. That sounded like a good idea.

"Wow Son, that's some good advice," I said smiling brightly. I liked it. I wanted to go now and explain it exactly like that to Phun. I rose fast. "I'm going to go now, here I will pay for our coffee. Thank you, Son."

I rushed off and went straight home. I didn't know if Phun would be home or at the university but I still went flying there. He was home. I could hear his clattering upstairs.

I rushed in and stopped at the door, staring wide eyed in. the room was looking a little bare, Phun had been busy. Busy packing up his stuff.

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