A League of Champions || A Po...

By FarhanTbsTbs

617 19 0

It is the third year of the Pokemon world tournament's champions tournament, unlike the previous Two however... More

Day 0
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4, part 1: Reforging Trust
Day 4, Part 2: A Bridging Revelation

Day 1

96 3 0
By FarhanTbsTbs

A young man walks through the streets and buildings of Driftveil, it's early in the morning and most people haven't even woken up from their slumber. But for this man these walks are what he needed, he has gone through a lot in the past three years with more ups and downs than anyone could ever imagine. Although he looks like an ordinary young man, nice, polite and quiet. deep inside he is heartbroken knowing that he has left his beloved region in search for something so trivial, leaving them vulnerable to danger and making someone else doing the job that should've been his. Making him and many other suffer through events that would've easily been avoided if he had stay, this feeling of guilt is something he hoped to shed through these walks.

"Come on Hilbert, don't blame yourself" the man muttered to himself. "Everyone knows and understands why you left, even Nate and N is ok with it. No one is blaming you other than yourself, just move on for fuck's sake!" He curses to himself.

When Hilbert finally return to Unova 3 months ago initially he is happy to be back home, finally finding what he's looking for these 3 long years, his beloved friend. N. But as time goes on and as he reunites with his friends and families he learns that in the time he's been gone, team plasma returned more evil than ever, he was horrified to hear this and the fact it was up another young man, Nathan Whiteman who went through the job of tackling them down. And when he hears from N that Nate was almost killed by Ghetsis in the Giant chasm the guilt that when through Hilbert's body was overwhelming.

"But if I haven't been stupid enough to leave Nate wouldn't have to go through what he experienced, and maybe just maybe I could've prevented Ghetsis from even raising again in the first place...."  Hilbert thoughts as he is once again overcome with guilt. "UGH!!! WHY?! JUST WHY?!!" he screams as he throws his hat to the ground before calming himself down.

Now he's left to try and rebuild his life from square one, and although everyone has forgiven his actions including N and Nate when the two former champion finally met the feeling of guilt is just simply not going away and he felt that it will not change for a long time....

"There's no point to doing this shit anyway, I have a tournament to battle on today" Hilbert muttered, reminding himself that he still has the champions tournament to worry about. "Afterall, I will need to prove to everyone that I still have the skills of a champion...." He mumbled on as he picks up his hat and makes his way back to the hotel for final preparations.

At the suggestion of his mother decided to enter the tournament thinking maybe getting back into the grind of competitive battling will make him more at ease. He's also entering the movie at the suggestion of Nate, he's currently working on his first movie and he felt pretty good about it. Although he wouldn't told anyone outside of his circle that he has become an actor, still feeling too embarrassed to admit it, thinking that people would cringe when they found out that the former 'hero of ideals' is now trying to be a movie star.

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On the other side of town, a young couple have just woken up from their sleep and is now preparing to head to the arena early to avoid some unneeded 'traffic'.

The pair consists of a tall, very thin, young man. He has pale skin, very long, messy dark spiky brown hair, and brown eyes. Nathan Whiteman or just Nate for short.

And a young woman with light pink hair that goes down to her shoulders with a side fringe, and has light blue eyes. Yancy Ruri.

The couple are planning to depart early from their hotel and meet up with Nate's childhood friend Hugh, who will guided them through the quiet roads and alleys of Driftveil to the world arena.

"So why are we doing this again?" Ask Yancy the tone of her Voice still shows hints of having come out from someone who just woke up.

"We're doing this so that we could get to the world arena early, all the while avoiding the paparazzi from doing their usual annoying crap" Answers Nate while scratching his neck, himself still showing signs of tiredness.

"You know that we don't necessarily have to come today, right?" Yancy asked again rising an eyebrow as she prepares to enter the bathroom to change clothes. "I mean your first round battle is tomorrow isn't it?"

"Yes, that is correct sweetheart" Nate reply while preparing his clothes for the day, he turned back to Yancy to answer her question. "But I would like to come to show some respect to the other champions, plus it would allow me to observe a certain someone who's battle is today"

"Whatever...." Muttered Yancy as she entered the bathroom, lowering her eyebrows knowing full well who that certain 'someone' is. "Has he not move one from what happened between him and that guy already?" She thought as she closed the bathroom door behind her.

The two had met each other shortly after Nate's Resignation from the position of champion a year ago, although they have known each other for far longer having communicated with each other through Yancy's Xtransciver which Nate found in Nimbasa city. Through it Nate was able to talk to her with Yancy using her parents Xtransciver.

It's only after they meet though that the feeling of love and affection fill their hearts, and after several months of on and off friendship they declared their love for each other. Since then they've introduce themselves to each other's family and things seem to be going swimmingly, but unfortunately Nate's PTSD of the previous tournament has put some strain into their relationship going into the tournament.

About 30 minutes later.......

"So Hugh should be in the lobby by now isn't he?"

"Oh he's definitely gonna be there, he's never late to anything ever since we're little kids"

As Nate and Yancy walk into the hotel's main lobby they noticed that the person they're looking for is already there waiting for them, a man with dark blue spiky hair that goes upwards. Who wears a white and red training suit and black fingerless gloves. He also wears a dark blue riding pants that match his hair and some red shoes with black laces. It is without a shadow of a doubt is Hugh Vallance, Nate's best friend since they first entered training school all those years ago.

"Eyyyy Nate!" Greet the young man enthusiastically as he and Nate shake hands and exchange Brofist with one another. "How are you doing man? Sorry I can't attend yesterday some business at HQ make me had to stay there and settling on watching it through the TV"

"I'm fine, and it's okay everyone have their own business to worry about sometimes" said Nate while patting his friend in the back in reassurance.

"So are you ready to guide me and Yancy to the arena Mr. Vallance?" Nate asked his childhood friend with a tiny hint of sarcasm.

"Oh yes! Ever since I move here to help Rood and his gang I've become as familiar with this city's streets as I am with Aspertia." Hugh responds with a big smile, an expression that seem to amuse his best friend. "C'mon then, let's get going shall we?" The pair only nodded in response as he three of them come out of the hotel to head to the world arena.

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The Driftveil world arena, 09:02 am

Underneath the main battle area of the arena through a series of tunnel sits an area resembling a locker room, which includes private nurses to check on their Pokémon and large television screens on the walls. Here the competitors make final preparations before heading out to the battlefield.

There on a bench placed in front of the tv sits Hilbert Blackman, contemplating his thoughts while staring at tv showing the crowd enjoying the opening Pleasantries before the first battle. Which happens to be a battle between him and the former champion of Hoeen Steven stone. Suddenly a tap on the shoulder snap Hilbert out of his thoughts.

"Hey" Hilbert Turn around to see that it was none other than Red himself, he only smiles as he turned his head back to the Tv. "Nervous?" Asked Red as he joins Hilbert on the bench.

Hilbert simply responds with "Not really" eyes still fix on the Tv. "I've experienced far greater pressure before, ones that beats being first in line in this by a longshot" Red only smile in response.

"You look a little dazed, did you sleep well last night?" Red ask curiously looking at Hilbert's face looking a little tired from his earlier morning walk.

"Yes, I just had a little walk this morning, you know? Wind and stuff" Hilbert responds, finally turning his heads towards Red. "Funny for you to ask that considering you had the exact same look on your face"

"I've been waking up in the early hours for years now, it's almost normal to me" Red reply to Hilbert's statement not losing his stoic face during it. "But it's you and I know you're not used to waking up in the early hours like me"

"I'm fine" Hilbert retort back, standing up realizing it's time for him to go to the tunnel for his opening battle with Steven. "In fact I'm about to show you how fine I am by winning this battle" said Hilbert confidently.

"That would be great" Red reply, the two wave at each other as Hilbert walk to tunnel signaling the beginning of the tournament proper.

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"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome from Unova. Hilbert Blackman!!!!" Shouts the stadium's announcer as the crowd greeted Hilbert with cheers and applause as he walks in into the battle arena.

Meanwhile on one of the stadium upper VIP levels Nate, Hugh and Yancy are watching the proceedings with their eyes glued on Hilbert.

"So this is going to be the first time we see Him battling, correct?" Yancy broke the silence that has been building between the three of them since the announcer came on the microphone.

"Yes, that's correct sweetie" her boyfriend softly answer while holding Yancy's hand. "This will be the first time he battles in front of well, everyone since he come back" he continues as he returned his gaze back towards the battle area.

"Will be interesting to find out whether or not he is as good as many people say he is" Hugh chimes in on the couple's conversation, at which Nate only nodded in response.

Noticing this Hugh decided to speak up. "You've been awfully quiet since we came here Nate, is there anything wrong?" His childhood friend shake his head in response, sensing that he's going nowhere with this conversation Hugh decided to return to watching the battle in front of them.

Although losing his first two Pokémon in a row Hilbert came back strong, sweeping Steven's team and triumphing over him. himself only losing one more Pokémon in the process.

"Well that wasn't half bad" Muttered Hugh as Hilbert walks off stage to the tunnels again.

"He seems a little rusty at first but it looks like he got the hang of it after about 5 minutes" Nate reply, a small smile present on his face "I guess that what happens when you're out of competitive battling for 3 years eh?"

"Yeah, just like you when we first battle since your resignation" Hugh reply with a smirk on his face.

"Shut it!" Nate retort back, all three of them break into light laughter.

After the battle they decided to sat on the suite's sofas and exchange small talks to spend the day, that is until the announcer came on to announce the third battle of the day....

"......Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome from Kanto. Red!!!!!!"
Nate shot up from the sofa, immediately running towards the window. "There he is...." Was all the young man said as he reached the window.

"Has he not move on from what happened last year?" Yancy whisper to Hugh with equal sense of surprise and disgust on her voice.

"Well, as you know what happened last year was pretty traumatic for him" Hugh tried to reason with her. "Plus revenge against red is probably his number one goal coming into this" he added as they follow Nate to the window to watch Red's battle with current champion of Kalos Serena edwood.

The battle itself wasn't even close. Red sweep of her team seems almost effortless, himself not losing a single Pokémon during the battle. It was a sight to behold to say the least.

"Damn he's good......" Muttered Nate as he gasped at the sight in front of him.

"Of course he's good, he's flipping Red for crying out loud!" Said Yancy making Nate snap out of this thought, with Hugh noticeably chuckling at him.

"Yeah.... That is true" was all Nate could say, as an expression of shame took over his face.

"Seriously though Nate" Hugh decided to chime in again, "if you want to beat him you need to clear your mind out man! It's not healthy to have negative thoughts swirling in you" Nate nodded in acceptance as they return to the sofa to continue their small talks, which fortunately never get interrupted again for the rest of the day.

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Downtown Driftveil, 06:45 pm

After the proceedings at the world arena are completed for the day, the streets of downtown Driftveil are swarm by people who are looking to relax in the city's many restaurants and cafes after the watching the tournament.

Among the people on the crowded sidewalk is Hugh, Yancy and Nate who were making their way to the Lois hotel, one of the city's most luxurious hotel. They decided to go there after one of the tournament's staff inform them that Clay would like to meet Nate there after they're finish with things at the world arena.

"So this is the place, right?" Nate ask his best friend as they stop in front of the luxurious hotel.

"Yep, this is it the Lois hotel" Hugh simply reply. "I don't know what Clay want to talk about with you but it has to be important if he wants to do it here, let's get in shall we?" Nate and Yancy only nodded in response as they entered the hotel's main lobby.
Once inside they greeted by a bell boy who after confirming Nate's identity escorts him away while Hugh and Yancy wait in the lobby.

"Don't you worry sweetie this wouldn't take a long time" says Nate as he kissed his girlfriend's forehead.

"Hugh, Keep an eye on my girl ok?"

"Ok I will Nate, don't you worry about it" Hugh reply with a slight chuckle as Nate leave the lobby with the bell boy.

After a short time of walking through the hotel's hallway Nate and the bell boy arrived in front of a wooden door, Nate is surprise to find that Hilbert and another bell boy was there as well. Apparently Hilbert have also been informed to come there as well, the two shake hands and exchange smiles as one of the bell boys opens the door to let them into the room.

"Harrumph! You two finally came, huh?" says a man sitting on the other side of the room. "Kept me waitin, didn't ya?" The boys only hesitantly chuckle in response.

As they entered the room which is as luxurious as they have expected with Big expensive sofas, elaborate decor and a big curtain covering the glass door to the balcony. Then there's the man they came here to talk too, Clay Woodson. A large man with brown hair and eyes, who wears a large cowboy hat, with a yellow stripe and a teal gem on the front. He also wears a sleeveless jacket, with small ribbons on his chest, as well as a hazel shirt underneath. In other words, the opposite of what people think about what a person from Driftveil look like.

Despite this though, the gym leader sure thinks like a modern person having coming up with the idea of the world arena and world tournament which have proven to be a success for the city.

"C'mon then, have a seat wouldn't ya?" Says clay inviting the boys to seat in the sofa opposite of him.

The two boys did so without saying a single word. There is an Awkward silence in the room before Clay finally continue.

"Sorry if I seems a little flustered to y'all" He Begin. "But I've been wantin' to meet atleast one of ya for a long time, so to see not just one but both of ya? Boy, what a purty sight don't cha think?"

"Nah it's ok Clay" Nate decided to speak up. "If anything we're the one who should be sorry for not visiting you, I mean you've a done a fine job in building up this city" Hilbert nodes in approval.

"That's so nice of ya Nate, indeed it is nice to see my ideas for the city comin' together like fine wine, kinda makes me thinkin' of retirement actually...." Clay reply with a chuckle.

"How about ya Hilbert? How's yer doing in the three years ya spend travelling?" The question seems to catch Hilbert of guard.

"Well nothing special really, just lots of traveling around the world before I came back and realize that I missed out on a lot of things" Hilbert hesitantly replies.

"Don't cha worry Hilbert, we all understand why ya left. It's all good now" Clay reach across to pat Hilbert's shoulder in reassurance.

"How's yer battle today" asked Clay.

"Could've a better start but I'm happy with the results I got from it"

"That's because you're rusty don't you?" Nate decide to chime in

"Maybe I guess......" Hilbert only rolled his eyes at his successor's question.

"Hehe, having a bit of a competition eh?" Clay chuckle in response to their little argument averting his gaze to Nate. "Anyway Nate, Whatcha think about yer battle tomorrow with the current Hoeen champion Brendan"

"I've watched the tapes, and I think I could handle him alright" Nate coolly reply. "Heck, if things go my way I may even could lay a good beating at him"

"Now that's the spirit!" Clay smirked at Nate's confidence. "Btw did ya know that if y'all keep winning y'all will meet in the semifinals?

"What?!" The two yelled in unison.

"Yep, I personally Drafted the first round of make things more interestin'" said Clay crossing his arm.

"And an Unova vs Unova battle would be good for marketing ya know? Anyway whatddya thinks 'bout that?"

There is silence as the two looked at each other, not believing that they may have to battle each other soon.

"Well I guess we'll see how it goes maybe my 3 year of experience would help me win" said Hilbert

"Not so fast, smart boy. Do you see how the first five minutes of your battle today goes?" Reply Nate reminding Hilbert's struggle from earlier in the day.

"Hey that was my first battle ok!" Hilbert retort back. "It would be a whole different case in the semis, I can guarantee you that Mr. Primadona" he said his fingers almost touching Nate's chest as Hilbert use it to prove his point.

"We'll see Mr. Blackman, we'll see...."

"Similar but ain't the same......" Clay thought, leaning back into his sofa as the two boys once again breaks into an argument.

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