
becauseallwastaken द्वारा

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Threats, attacks, mobs, cans, psychos is that really how it should be for us? Do we really have to suffer? Wh... अधिक

Pt.1__Meet Y/N
Pt.2__This is BTS
Pt.3__Meet the boys
Pt.4__House rules
Pt.5__Moving in
Pt.6__Meet the Team
Pt.7__First week
Pt.8__Wanna ride?
Pt.9__A pervert for a smile
Pt.10__For their happiness
Pt.11__Silent tears
Pt.12__Hoe and hotteok
Pt.13__To be Normal
Pt.15__Cry, Touch and Runaway
Pt.16__First Meeting
Pt.17__The Day After
Please read+a surprise
Thank you

Pt.21__Waking up

5K 159 6
becauseallwastaken द्वारा

The sun was shining and casting it's rays into a spacious room. Its walls were white and reflected the light around the space so that no lighting was needed. On the grey flour, a big one person bed was located. Around it, some machines were placed and their screens showed different signs, curves, dots, and sounds that indicated that a person was alive. Above the bed a tv screen was located on a moving handhold that could be controlled by a remote.

Wrapped in white covers lied Y/N. She had been in a coma for two days. The boys were really worried when they learned that and requested to see her, but of course, Jack and Sang wouldn't let them.

Sang wasn't worried too much, he knew that the girl was taught and that she has a lot of will power.

Jack, on the other hand, couldn't be more nervous. Even though Nadia tried to explain to him that the agent was completely fine and that there is no way that she would suffer any brain damage he couldn't calm down. He had seen it once before, the memory loss, and it wasn't pretty. The last thing he wanted was for her to experience it.

Nadia: Hi Jack, please stop calling me every hour to check up on her. You know I'll call you as soon as she wakes up.

Nadia was talking to her friend on the phone. He was calling from a secured location where the boys were moved to.

Jack: Hey I don't call every hour.

She rolled her eyes. He calls at least five times a day.

Nadia: Yeah yeah. Hold up a second, I'm heading to her room now so I'll be able to put her on face time.

Jack: She's not even awake, why would you do that?

Nadia: Well you seem to miss her really bad.

On the other side of the call, Jack went silent and might have a bit of red on his cheeks. He wanted to argue about that, but he honestly couldn't. He did miss having Y/N around. It has been just two days, but everything seemed so different.

To him, the boys looked the same but Jungkook told him that they were starting to look depressed. He thought it might be the fact that a certain brown haired girl wasn't with them at the moment, but then again it could be the not so good news about their psycho.

He stopped his mental rent when Nadia came back up.

Nadia: Okay I'm here, why don't you turn on your camera.

Jack did so and held his phone away from his face to see Nadia, who waved at him before showing him the room.

Nadia: Hello, look at our sleeping beauty.

She smiled as she rounded the phone to Y/Ns bed. Jacks eyes widen when he saw her lying there hooked up to all those machines. She looked so powerless and hopeless. Her skin was pale and she looked week.

Jack: How long will it take for her to wake up?

Nadia: To be honest I don't know. The trauma from the shots could have been too big for her, that's why her body needs time to repair.

Jack: What about her wounds? How are they?

Nadia: Well I need to change the bandages now, so I'll see in a minute, but they are doing good. The flash on her arm is starting to heal and her abdomen is stabilizing.

Jack: That's good.

Nadia: You wanna say something to her.

Jack: Yeah

He paused. He had an idea of what he wanted to say but he didn't know to start. Looking at her unmoving figure, he took a deep breath and decided to just start talking.

Jack: Hey Y/N, how are you? We miss you here at base. The boys won't stop whining about you being gone. They are worried about you. I tell them you are going to be fine, so I hope you won't make me a liar. Sang and Nadia are taking good care of you and they tell me you're gonna be okay. We miss you, I miss you.

He stopped talking and just stared at here. A minute later Nadia decided to connect the phone to the tv and lower it so that she was able to talk with Jack while taking care of Y/N.

Nadia: Ah shit I forgot something in my office. I'll be right back.

Then she sprinted out the room. Jack once again stared at the pale figure.

Jack: You know this reminds me of something. Do you remember? It was three years ago and you were lying just like that. I still hate that time. But I know you hate it more. You know I never told you this but I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not finding him. I'm sorry for being useless. But most importantly, I'm sorry for not protecting you. It was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made, well right after not being there for you back in the house.

He takes a pause and just stares. He notices a slite shift of her head and one of her fingers twitches a bit. Or maybe it's just him.

Jack: I'm sorry you lost him. I know you'll never be able to forgive yourself for it. Losing Jun was the biggest pain of that mission.

He stops as her eyes start moving under her eyelids. He sees as one of her hands starts moving its fingers. Her mouth starts slowly parting and coming back together as if she wanted to wet her lips but there was no moist in her mouth to do so. She slowly but surely opens her eyes and Jack feels like it's his first time looking at the deep black, onyx-like eyes. He gasps and says with an almost whisper.

Jack: You're awake.

Y/N looks around the room momentarily confused but quickly realizing that it was one of the hospital rooms the agency had in its building. She lifts one of her hands and observes it, then does the same with the other. She then takes in her whole body, flinging away from the injured parts. She slowly plants here hand so that she could try to push herself into a sitting position.

She groans as the movement makes the pain increase. That's when Nadia finally walks in and quickly comes to her site to help her up.

Nadia: Bye Jack, I need to take care of her.

She then hangs up on him.

[Y/N pov]

Nadia: There all done.

Nadia smiles at me and straightens her back. She passes her hand through her hair and breaths out. She looks so tired but happy. I'm lying in a bed and looking up at her. She took care of my wounds and gave me a new infusion. Now she's looking down at me and smiling.

Nadia: How are you feeling? Anything wrong?

I shake my head and smile at her. She smiles back and nods to herself.

Nadia: We were really worried about you. You weren't waking up and you lost a lot of blood. Do you remember what happened?

I take a deep breath trying to recall the events of that day. It's a bit blurry but I can see what went down. So I nod to her.

Nadia: Can you tell me what happened? Jack doesn't say much and I'd like to know why I had to stay up for three days straight to take care of you.

I note her different tone. She spoke like she was testing me, or making sure of something. The way she looked at me also changed from happy to concerned. I don't try to hold eye contact so I let my gaze fall onto my hands. I fidget with them and the white blanket.

Nadia: Y/N?

There goes that tone again. I should speak, shouldn't I?

I take a deep breath not looking at her before opening my mouth and speaking.

Y/N: I don't want to talk about it.

Nadia: Why?

Y/N: I just don't okay?

She nods and moves back a bit.

Nadia: Jack is probably waiting for us to call him back. He was talking to you when you woke up.

Y/N: I didn't notice...

Nadia: That's okay. Don't worry. You were just waking up, there is no way you could have been aware of him.

I nod and sink deeper into the meters and look at the white ceiling.

Nadia: May I call him?

I nod not moving an inch.

She walks out of my sight and I can hear some noises and beeps start to fill the room. Soon the tv screen was down so that it was facing me head on. I can see an image of an outgoing call on it. I observed it and listen to the calming beeps.

Jack was sleeping on a desk in the made-up conference room. It had a dinner table some unmatching chairs and couches. There was a big tv screen in one corner. It was connected to a computer that stud on the table. There were also laptops, headphones, mics, and speakers, Jack even had a stash of guns and other spy gear in one of the locked closets. He and Kai were the only ones with keys to it.

He was lying with his head on the desk when Tim stepped into the room. He led in Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook who wanted to play a video game. Normally they wouldn't be allowed to do so in that room, but now Jack was asleep so they weren't going to get in trouble.

Jungkook slipped past the sleeping hyung and connected his PlayStation to the tv. He gave one controller to Taehyung and caped the other for himself. They chose a game and started playing. The game was of course on mute to not wake up the sleeping beauty.

Hoseok and Tim sat down on one of the couches and watched them before starting to speak to each other.

They were enjoying the quiet, fun moments until a ringing sound was hurt from somewhere. Tim and Hoseok glanced at one another and shrugged it off, so did the younger ones who didn't even seem to register the ring.

That all changed when the head of the sleeping boy suddenly jumped up. Hoseok let out a surprised squeak. Jack tried adjusting to the light by moving his head from side to side. He that finally hurt the ringing sound of his phone and his eyes flew open. He jumped over the table, getting his leg tangled into some cables. He falls onto the ground with a laptop landing on his head. He turned around quickly and grabbed the still ringing device from the flour.

He stood up and shook his legs to get the cables of him. He was about to press the green button when he hurt laughter from within the room. He looked around and finally noticed the four men who were now dead laughing at him. He shook his head and walked to the tv, disconnecting Jungkooks PlayStation.

JK: Hey we were playing that😂

Jack: Well I need it.

V: That was hilarious hyung😂

Jack sigh and shakes his head before plunging his phone in and connecting it with the screen. He then pressed answer and stud back a bit so that the camera he had on the tv could pick him up

Nadia: He sure is taking his time.

Just as she said that the screen blinked from black to a display of a messy room with computers, a table and sits. The first thing I noticed was laughter that filled the room around her. I turned my head to the screen and saw Jack standing there with a big shocked smile on his face. He looked so tired but so happy at the same time. Just like Nadia. I looked behind him and saw Taehyung and Jungkook laughing with their full bodies and Hoseok who was smiling at them. Tim was sitting next to him and he looked the most calm out of all of them.

Jack: Y/N...

Now the laughter stopped and all heads turned to the screen. The boys started smiling at me with reassurance and relief. Jacks smile only grew when I slowly lifted my left hand and waved at them a little.

Y/N: Hey.

Jack: You're okay! Thank god. How are you feeling?

Y/N: I'm okay.

Jack: That's good...

He was about to go on when a door to the "conference room" opened.

??: Y/N!

A scream cut his sentence and soon Jimin stud in front of the screen. After him, other members and the whole bodyguard team made their way into view.

Y/N: Hi Jimin. Hi everyone.

They all said Hi! back and found themselves someplace to sit or stand comfortably.

RM: How are you feeling?

Y/N: I'm okay.

Jack: How are your arm and abdomen?

Y/N: They hurt, but it isn't too bad.

Nadia: I'll give you some painkillers.

Y/N: No, it's okay.

JM: Will you be okay?

Y/N: Yes I will be. Sorry for making you all worry about me.

JM: Don't be sorry. When are you coming back here?

Andy: Hey calm down tiger. She just woke up, give her a week to get back on her feet.

Y/N: No Jimin is right. I need to go back and get that girl.

Nadia: Well I'm not letting you out of bed until you're ready.

Jack: There's no need for you to rush Y/N. We're on a safe location. Sang has given us a safe house now so there shouldn't be much to worry about. The boys are staying indoors and the whole team is here.

Y/N: All of that is great but they won't be safe until we get her!

Jack: I know. Please be calm okay. We have a name now and a face...

Y/N: We do?

Kyle: We were able to get them from a psychiatry missing list. Yoongi was able to remember that she mentioned her last name to him, so we used that to get her info.

I nod taking everything in. They were able to get that much already. Jack runs to his table and back, bringing a piece of paper with him. He shows it to me. Its a picture of a girl.

Jack: Her name is Min Solmi, she's 24 and she ran away from the psychiatry. We tried getting her at her house but the address she is signed under does not exist. We called her doctor but he said she wasn't in touch for years. Her parent's numbers are fake and the psychiatry doesn't have her record.

Y/N: That's a lot of info.

Kyle: There's more. The gun that gave you those wounds was one of our guns but we weren't able to find it yet.

Y/N: Anything else?

Kyle: No.

The room goes silent. The boys don't look shocked by this info, even Jimin is calm. The bodyguards are staring at me, all but Andy whos main priority seems to be his phone. I take in a breath and feel how pain travels down my body at that action.

Y/N: Can you all leave, I'd like to talk to Jack for a bit.

Jimin: What?

Yoongi: We aren't moving Y/N. This is our lives we're talking about and I for one want to hear as much as I can about them.

Y/N: Fine.

I look at Nadia and point at the tablet on the bedside table. She hands it to me and sits down next to me on a chair.

Y/N: I saw her face before.

Jack: What? Do you mean Min Solmi?

Y/N: Yes.

Kyle: When? Where?

Y/N: When I got my implant.

Jack: She was there!?

I nod seeing that Jack finally gets it.

Yoongi: Mind telling us what you're talking about.

Jack: Some years ago Y/N was in a mess shooting with some gang.

Y/N: I got hurt a lot and a part of my abdomen was lost so the doctors made me an implant for aesthetic purposes.

Nadia: You almost died back then and...

Y/N: I know! I don't want to talk about it.

Kyle: You think you saw her there?

Y/N: I know I did. She's the daughter of Min Sungho.

Jack: Are you sure? That can't be right.

Y/N: Then check it out for yourself!

Jack stepped back from the tv and unlocked a laptop, then started typing. After a few minutes of silence, he turns around with a serious face.

Jack: Nadia, get Sang here right now, we'll need him to discuss our next actions. You were right Y/N.

I nod and let my head fall back on my pillow as Nadia run out the room.

J-Hope: Who is this Min Sungho guy?

Kyle: He's the leader of Gangwon Province mafia. He stays in the county of Goseong with his family. He's brutal and known for trafficking drugs and pistols. But the most troublesome are the rumors about his ties with North Korea.

Jack: You seem to know him well.

Kyle: What can I say I always liked gangsters.

RM: Wait. So you're telling us that we are being chased by a mafia bosses daughter!

Y/N: Yes.

The door opens again and Sang runs in followed by Nadia.

Sang: And that's not all. If we aren't careful we might get into some hot water with the north as well.

Y/N: What! How could a kpop group start a conflict between nations?

Sang: I'm not saying it could, but Min has ties with the north so if we do anything to his family, chances are that he'll take revenge.

Jack: What do we do now? Wait for her to kill them all?

Sang: I'll talk to some people, wait for me and don't do anything. Got it?

We nod and Sang walks out.

Y/N: He's stupid if he thinks I'm just gonna sit here and wait for him. We're bringing her in.



Sorry for the wait but as I said before school is hectic and I really needed to study. It will be over in a few weeks so I should be updating more soon.

This mafia stuff might be a bit of a turn but I think it will explain some things in the story. Also please note that I made the mafia and names of the girl and her father up so don't think it's all true.

Thank you to everyone for reading and please vote on A/N in chapter 22 since we are about to hit 2K reads and I'd really like to do something for you.

Have a nice day/night.

I purple you💜

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