Aphrodite's Overrated

By chaotic_shitbird

32.9K 798 90

After dealing with years of abuse Waverly Earp is finally rescued by a beat down cop from the local station... More

I've Got You
You Did Good
Remember When
Thank You
It's ok to not be ok
By lunch I hope you mean Donuts
Holy Christ on a Cracker
Kick your Sorry ass to Fricken Kingdom Come
How Fucking Ironic
Tell Nobody
Track Him Down
True Love, How Tragic
He's Got Her
Karma's a Bitch
I Love You

That Smarts Like a Bitch

1.2K 32 9
By chaotic_shitbird

Haha so Yay I'm back!
I am so so sorry that I haven't updated this in forever but a bunch of shit went down and if I'm being honest I am still not doing too good, but I am back to doing something I love, writing. Thank you so much for your patience and I will most likely update regularly on Mondays now! Comments would be really appreciated because I haven't written in so long and I was feeling really rusty so do excuse the next couple of chapters if they are bad, I just trying to get the hang of it again.


Consciousness came to Wynonna slowly. It started from her toes and slowly made its way up her body until her eyes fluttered open, blinking a few times to wade off the light that now overwhelmed her senses. She lay on her back tucked tightly into the blankets, the same way her mother used to do it so that she wouldn't roll off the bed. Wynonna smiled at the pleasant memory and she allowed it to reach her eyes when she realised it must have been Waverly. Waverly?!

The moment of bliss was over and she pulled herself into a sitting position "Shit, Waverly!" The motion as well as the shout sent a wave of pain through her abdomen and up her spine. Wynonna doubled over clutching her side in an attempt to wade off the pain before feeling a set of arms rest on her shoulders pulling her into an embrace. She pushed herself further into their chest taking in the scent of his crisp aftershave.

Dolls pressed his lips to her temple sending waves of warmth to combat the pain she awoke with.

"Hey" Wynonna whispered into his ear pulling his arms closer to herself.

"Hey, are you ok? You took a bad hit. How's the pain, do you need anything? Hold on I'll go get you some-"

"Dolls" Wynonna said snapping him out of his rant. Over the course of their rocky relationship, Wynonna had gotten to see the different sides that Dolls' personality had and the rambling about her safety wasn't new. She pressed her forehead against his and they hovered like that for a minute before he closed the distance and connected their lips. After they had savoured the moment of bliss Wynonna pulled away and rubbed the rest of the sleep from her eyes before asking a trivial question.

"What time is it?" Dolls chuckled slightly at the question before peering at the watch on his wrist.

"It's about ten past six." He replied

"In the Morning?! Jesus" Wynonna said her eyes widening comically before falling down back onto the pillows that lined her bed. Her mind still raced trying to find an explanation as to how she had ended up here in her bed.

"Dolls, what happened? How did I get here?" She said turning to face him. His glare hardened for a minute trying to figure out what to say.

"Do you not remember anything." He asked wearily

"Oh, Yeah, like I remember what happened but I don't remember getting back here? Wait how do you know?"

"Waverly." Dolls replied simply allowing Wynonna to piece together what had happened as to not push her past a line.

"Where is she?" Wynonna asked

Dolls peered over his shoulder out of her room and in the direction of the dining room. Wynonna followed his gaze before pulling herself up and off the bed.

"Wow easy there cowgirl" Dolls said catching her as she stumbled on her feet, Wynonna clutched her abdomen in an attempt to dull the sudden pain before doubling over into his arms.

"Fuck" She breathed into his chest. "That smarts like a bitch"

Dolls chuckled and placed a kiss on the top of her head

"You're in pretty bad shape, so lets just take this easy ok" Dolls said before wrapping his arm around her waist and allowing her to lean all the weight of her right side on him.

After a couple of stumbles Wynonna had made it into the dinning room, she looked towards the kitchen table and saw Waverly sitting there with her head in her hands. The shuffling of their collective footsteps had caught the young earps attention as she raised her head and turned to face her sister.

"Hey" Wynonna said a small smile appearing at the corners of her mouth

"Hey" Waverly replied, her voice soft but hoarse. Wynonna nudged Dolls shoulder forward and he helped her pull out a chair and sit beside her forlorn sister at the table. They sat in silence for a minute, before Wynonna reached across and took hold of Waverlys hand.

"We'll get her back, I promise" Waverly couldn't help the few tears that streamed down her face as she nodded in response, Wynonna leaned forward and wiped her tears with her thumb.

Wynonna looked quickly around the room and saw Jeremy snoring softly on the couch and Doc sitting on the porch with a lit cigarette planted between his teeth.

Sensing what Wynonna was thinking Dolls made his way over to the couch and awoke Jeremy then tapped on the window of the porch signalling for Doc to come inside before sitting down at the table next to Wynonna.

The silence between them continues for what feels like hours before Dolls finally breaks it.

"We need a plan" Everyone turns to face him and nods in agreement. "From what I know so far our best shot is to comply with the abductors" He finishes

"I agree" Doc chimes in "We have to find that ring" At the mention of the jewelled object Waverly looked to Wynonna whos gaze hadn't wavered off of the table.

"Wynonna, you said you saw da- Ward with the ring. Are you sure you don't know where it might be?" Waverly said.

Wynonna looked up at her sister and sighed "Babygirl I know exactly where that ring is"

Waverlys head tilted to the side as a quizzical look cascaded her face. "Then why did you lie to Bobo"

"Waves" Wynonna sighed before continuing, "If he knew that I knew where it was he wouldn't have let you go"

Waverlys stomach dropped at the revelation and she felt a small spark of anger ignite somewhere within her. "What about Nicole" Waverly says sternly new tears blurred her vision and threatened to spill over.

Wynonna sighs once again before placing a hand gently on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry waves, sometimes I cant save everyone." Wynonna says before dropping her gaze to the floor and withdrawing her hand from her sisters shoulder. Waverly wiped at her eyes before nodding in acknowledgement.

It was Jeremy who spoke next, "Don't worry Waves, Wynonna knows where it is, we can just go get it and then go get your girl back" He said hope and determination engulfing his words. Waverly looked to him and for the first time in 48 hours she smiled.

"about that" Wynonna's tone instantly tinged the mood as they now knew she was about to say something that should make this way harder than it should be. "The ring is gone"

Everyone looked to her in defeat.

"What do you mean gone" Dolls said softly

Wynonna looked at every individual seated around the table before setting her gaze out the window, she watched the grass flow through the wind as the sun peaked over the mountains in the horizon. "I believe the ring in question is still wrapped around daddy's neck on a silver chain" Wynonna could feel everyone's stares burn into her but she focused on the sunrise in front of her.

"are you saying, that this demons ring is buried six feet under with you pa" Doc said stroking his moustache and breaking the shocked silence.

Wynonna just nods.

"we can't- we can't dig up his grave" Waverly says, her voice cracking mid-sentence.

"Babygirl, I don't think we have a choice"

"I mean come on there has to be another way-"

"There isn't" Wynonna says sternly and Waverly flinches.

"Actually," Jeremy says breaking through the tension that had settled over the table. "This is not a solution to the entire problem but I think it might help." He pauses waiting for permission to continue, Waverly nods her head at him and he proceeds. "I can use my laser optical coherence topographer."

"In English please Chetri" Wynonna said tapping her fingers softly against the table.

"I can scan the, um, the grave and see if the ring is actually there before we go digging it up." Silence fell amongst them.

"Well its better than nothing." Waverly said reaching over and squeezing her sisters hand. Wynonna nods in agreement and the group start to form a plan.

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