Underestimated Pain- Junjou R...

By BerryBerryBlitz

40.8K 1K 517

This is the sequel to my story 'Missing Misaki' it was requested so I decided that I might as well do a seque... More

Chapter 1 : Premotion
Chapter 3 : Shyness and Fear
Chapter 4 : Lost pride, Love you
Chapter 5 : Ketchup and trust
Chapter 6 : Slight annoyence
Chapter 7 : Help me..
Chapter 8 : What happened?
Chapter 9 : Unexpected
Chapter 10 : Hostage
Chapter 11 : Your Presence calms me

Chapter 2 : Slight Signs

3.8K 101 39
By BerryBerryBlitz

Chapter 2 is here! I don't own Junjou Romantica at all~ I only own my fanfics~ anyway let the chapter unfold~

Misaki POV

I didn't hear Usagi respond, I figured he was too engrossed into his writing to notice a thing.

Good! Now I can slip Usagi's gift under my bed and use it tomorrow

I hope tomorrow is a wonderful birthday for him

I quickly sneaked up the stairs holding Usagi's present in the bag against my chest and into my old room, I slipped the bag under the bed and sighed with relief. Thankful that Usagi didn't come out and check on me, it would have been terrible if he discovered his gift.

I got up from crouching under the bed, I ignored my pain and went to go check on Usagi, I peeked through the doorway of his study. My guess was right, Usagi was busily typing on the computer, his lavender gaze steadily focused on the glowing screen in front of him.

Usagi's amazing..

Even though he misses his deadlines routinely

Whenever he gets into his work, he's always so focused.

I creeped into the room silently, I sat down out of his line of sight and watched him work. I always admired the way Usagi worked. I sat there watching Usagi for around an hour, Usagi suddenly got up from his computer and turned around, when his eyes met me he jumped slightly.

Hehe I startled him

"Misaki, when did you get here? I didn't notice you enter?"

Usagi sounded happy, I smiled and got up from my sitting position.

"Ah a while ago, you hungry yet? I got the leeks"

"Yeah I am, but not for leak soup"

Usagi said seductively and he leaned towards me.


"What are you hungry for?..."

I already knew Usagi's answer, he was so predictable in situations like these


Usagi went to grab me but I stuffed Suzuki the huge teddy bear into his face.

"Leek soup it is"

I ran down the stairs to escape Usagi then started to prepare the leek soup, I cut up the leeks into fine pieces on the cutting board then slid them into the pot of other boiling ingredients. The pain in my chest wasn't going away, in face it felt like it was getting worse, I occasionally winced as I cooked.

I can't allow Usagi to find out..

I'm just a little sore there's no need to worry Usagi..

When the soup was done I scooped out me and Usagi's share into separate bowls, and I sat down at the dining table with Usagi. When I sat I felt the pain in my chest pulse for a second, I suppressed a yelp of pain.

"Misaki?.. Are you okay?"

Usagi's question caught me off guard, I looked at him, his lavender eyes were filled worry, I put my spoon that I had picked up into the leek soup and smiled at Usagi.

"I'm fine Usagi, I'm still a little sore, you don't have to worry"

The look on Usagi's face told me that he wasn't satisfied with my answer, I shrugged it off and continued to eat my soup. The atmosphere seemed quite awkward so I picked up my bowl and drank the soup quickly, Usagi raised a brow at my action and laughed.

"Misaki, you're supposed to savour your delicious cooking.."

Usagi POV

I had started writing when Misaki left I was slightly annoyed, I didn't want my Misaki to leave, everything he left. I felt a surge of unease enter me, worried that my Misaki would go missing again. As I wrote, my thoughts wandered around Misaki.

I hope Misaki comes home soon

I miss him already...

I decided to continue my writing the whole time Misaki was gone. It always made me lose track of time, I looked at the clock on my desktop.

Ah, Misaki should be home soon!

I should get ready to greet him

I quickly got up from my desktop, eager to see my Misaki. I turned around only to be startled by the emerald eyes boy, he had been right behind me.

God Misaki...

You almost have me an heart attack..

You should have told me I was here

"Misaki, when did you get here? I didn't notice you enter?"

I got over my surprise and was just happy that my Misaki was in my sights. He smiled at me, his emerald eyes bright with amusement as he got up from his sitting position.

"Ah a while ago, you hungry yet? I got the leeks"

I've been working hard all day..

I want to be re-energized

"Yeah I am, but not for leak soup"

I leaned towards my precious and small Misaki, had an uneasy smile.

Misaki seems a bit pale..

He must be exhausted from this heat..

"What are you hungry for?..."

Oh Misaki, trying to play dense


I replied as I went to capture my Misaki, he managed to escape however by stuffing Suzuki into my face.

"Leek soup it is"

Grr.. He escaped, I watched Misaki run down stairs and I heard him begining to cook. I sighed then followed, pouting slightly at Misaki's escape.

I watched Misaki intently as he cooked, he looked like he was slightly in pain.

Misaki.. Is there something you're not telling me?

I want to ease your pain..

I know you don't want me to worry.. But if you try not to make me worry..

I always end up worrying more..


When the soup was done Misaki scooped out our servings into bowls, I noticed a flash of extreme pain enter Misaki's eyes for a split second as he sat down at the dining table with me.


"Misaki?.. Are you okay?"

My Misaki seemed slightly caught off gaurs by my question.

Did you expect me not to notice you're in pain?..

How could I not notice the one dear to me is in pain?

Please tell me what's wrong..

Misaki put his spoon into his soup and gave me one of his 'don't worry I'm fine' smiles.

"I'm fine Usagi, I'm still a little sore, you don't have to worry"

So it's just your injury?

I wish you weren't in so much pain still..

Though, that can't be all..

We continued to eat together in silence, the atmosphere seemed quite awkward so it didn't surprise me when my adorable Misaki picked up his bowl and gulped down his soup. I couldn't help but laugh at my Misaki's childish actions and I forgot the awkward conversation we had beforehand.

"Misaki, you're supposed to savour your delicious cooking.."

Me: chapter 2 is done~ j'ai adorè Misaki

Misaki: Wth?! o.o I don't understand

Usagi: >^> berry.... Don't you dare say that

Me: XP I probably messed up and spoke in broken French lol

Misaki: >^< I'm so confused

Usagi: Misaki, you don't need to know what she said >.>

Me: >~< meanie Usagi! Anyway hope ya liked the chapter Nya~

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