things change.

By xFrostCubex

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☠️shit i guess that things changed.☠️ More

Change in Sequence


264 6 12
By xFrostCubex

Song: Despicable by Grandson

    Tweek was laying in bed, trying to get some sleep, but being unsuccessful. He had somewhat fixed his sleeping patterns from elementary school, but it wasn't turning out right tonight. He'd been tossing and turning for hours now. It was currently 2:30 am, so he had lost hope in sleeping a while ago. Suddenly, he heard his phone buzz.
    Looking over, Tweek saw he got a message from Craig. He squinted a bit and texted him.

C- Hey you up?
T- Yeah, can't sleep
C- Can you meet me at the park
T- Sure, but why?
C- I'll explain when we get there.

    Tweek began to get nervous. He wondered why Craig wouldn't tell him why he wanted to see him, and why he was up this late anyway, and why it seemed so urgent. Did something happen? Was Craig ok? Did he just want to see Tweek?
    "I hate overthinking..." Tweek muttered to himself as he put on some clothes and panicked.
    He quickly threw on a jacket and put his phone in his pocket. Tweek quietly opened the window and headed out, being sure not to wake his parents.
    Soon enough, Craig spotted Tweek walking into the park as he was just sitting on a bench, waiting. He took a deep breath and stood, knowing what he had to do now.
    "He-hey Craig..."
    "Hi." He said simply.
    Tweek knew that this was unusual. Usually, when he was panicked or anxious, Craig would call him honey. And, instead of having a poker face or a slightly happy expression, Craig seemed... Sad in a way. He was also avoiding eye contact.
    "E-ev-everything okay?" He quickly asked, more panicked.
    "Tweek, I'm... I'm breaking up with you..." Craig then muttered, looking down. Tweek felt his heart stop.
    "W... what...?"
    "You keep getting hurt because we're together. I asked you out. I started it. So I'm... I'm going to make it end." Craig started tearing up. "It's for the best."
    Tweek was now crying. "B-But I love you...!! You sa- you said you didn't care what other people thought!"
    "I wouldn't care if it didn't hurt you... I love you, but it's for your own good..." Craig felt like he was going to start sobbing, but didn't. Instead, he just walked away. He couldn't do this in front of Tweek. Not right now.
    Behind him, he heard Tweek sobbing, and yelling "I love you!" It got quieter as he got closer to home.
    Right as he climbed back into his room, he broke down sobbing. He covered his mouth to avoid making too much noise. Tears steamed down quickly, and his thoughts raced. He felt awful for having to do this, but thought it was the best solution. This was his fault in the first place, so it was his mess to pick up, and it was what he had to live with now. He could only hope that he wouldn't see Tweek much at school. He couldn't dare to ever look at him again.
    Filled with grief, Craig didn't know how to handle it at all. He felt the urge to harm himself. Of course, this wasn't his first time. He had many burn marks and scars on both his arms and thighs. He went over to his desk and took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He went back outside and crawled up onto the roof, tears still going down his face.
    Craig sat down and lit a cigarette. He put it in his mouth and pulled up both his sleeves. For a while, he sat on the roof, crying, smoking and pressing the lit cigarettes against his skin, burning him.

    Tweek was in no better condition. He was home now, crying his eyes out. He absolutely hated himself at this moment. It was because he was such a mess, wasn't it? Was that the real reason Craig broke up with him? Was he ugly? Was there someone else? Did he just fall out of love? No matter the reason, Tweek blamed himself for all of this.
    Tweek stumbled to his bedside drawer to get his razor. How else was he supposed to handle this? He just lost the only thing he's currently living for. So what was the point in trying to take care of himself anymore? Craig didn't care anymore, so why should he?
    He pulled up his sleeves and pressed the razor against his scarred, fragile skin. He made a cut across, watching the blood surface. He did this again and again, leaving a small amount of space of bare skin on himself. Tweek stopped, but also started to pick at the skin on his thumbs and lips.
    The blood from cutting was steaming down his wrists and onto the bottom of his sleeves. At the end of all this, Tweek was covered in his own blood and tears. He was even more of a mess than usual. There was no way in hell he would sleep at all tonight.

    The next morning, both Craig and Tweek looked awful, and everyone noticed this. They didn't find this to be any kind of coincidence. They thought that something had happened, and they were right. But, just to confirm this, some people went to confront Tweek about this outside.
    Tweek was sitting outside alone. It was his lunch period, and he didn't even know what an appetite was at this point. None of the teachers were outside or in view, so he was a lot more vulnerable.
    "Hey, pretty boy!" One of the people in the group yelled. This group had to be about twice as big as the one from yesterday. It was all different people, though, since the kids yesterday were suspended. This just showed that most of the school was completely against him.
    Tweek was scared now. He started to hug himself and twitch more. "Pl-plea-please leave m-me alone..." He muttered and stood up.
    "You break up with your boyfriend, faggot?" Another kid asked. They all started walking closer to him.
    "You both fucking cried in the middle of class today." Someone else said, laughing. They all laughed.
    Tweek backed up into the red brick wall. This was a big, BIG mistake that would later be relevant. They all swarmed him, staring and grinning. Tweek started to cower and twitch profusely. It was then that he started to wonder if he really, really screamed and Craig heard him, would he come to help? Should he try that? No, of course not, he couldn't get him in any more trouble. That would just make him feel worse.
    The large group of people started to beat Tweek even more badly than yesterday. A few threw stones at him, others punched him, others kicked him, grabbed him by his hair, or did really anything they could to hurt him. Tweek just struggled and whimpered loudly in pain. He didn't want to be too loud. What if Craig heard and came over again? He couldn't afford for that to happen again.
    One of the kids suddenly grabbed Tweek right by his hair and slammed his head right into the brick wall as hard as he could. He did this multiple times, until everyone then heard a loud crack. They all paused and looked at the guy who had Tweek. Pulling his head back, the guy saw a large gash in his skull, and it looked as if a large piece was going right into his brain.

    Tweek, meanwhile, started to see a light. In this light, he saw two people: Token and Butters. He blinked a bit to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.
    "It's okay, Tweek!" Butters smiled at him. "You won't be judged for being gay here!" He held out his hand for Tweek to take.
    "Are... You serious...?"
    "Wait... What about Craig...?"
    "Don't worry about him," Token said. "You'll get to join him very soon."
    "Okay... If you say so." Tweek took Butters's hand and his actual body went limp.

    Everyone was shocked and scared by this. There was blood all over the wall, on the guy, and on the other people who were close enough. Some of the other kids started screaming out of pure shock and horror. The guy dropped him right on the ground, shaking. His jaw had dropped to the floor. Some people went over to Tweek's body, and checked to see if he was breathing.
    Tweek had died instantly with his skull being in contact with his brain. Nobody meant for this to happen. They were just doing what they usually did to Craig and Tweek, but... This time, there was just somebody who had their opinion way too strong against them.
    Inevitably, teachers were notified about this whole situation. There was a lock out in the school for quite some time before school was just let out early. Bystanders were questioned, people who contributed were sent home with being suspended, and the guy was sent to jail, and was getting ready to wait for a trial. However, with all of this, the word had quickly spread. But no matter how much teachers tried to get their students just shut up about it, everyone still talked about it.
    With all of the talk, it wasn't long at all before Craig knew about this situation. And it wasn't pretty when he did find out. Not everyone knew, however, as there wasn't an official announcement of the event yet.
    Craig was walking out of the school with Clyde, thinking he was feeling at his lowest at that point. They were just talking, when Clyde asked, "Yeah, hey uh, did you hear that a kid was just killed outside fifth period...?"
    "Oh, I didn't. Who was killed?" Craig said, not showing much interest. He was too depressed to even care about it at the moment.
    "Craig, I'm sorry, but, Tweek..." Clyde took a deep breath. "Some kid smashed in Tweek's skull..."
    Craig stopped right in his tracks, not caring if he was stopping in the middle of a busy hallway. He felt himself feeling like he would vomit. Clyde now stood next to him, knowing that he wouldn't take it well.
    "Please... Tell me you're not serious..."
    "I'm so sorr-"
    "No, you're kidding... We broke up... What reason did they have to do that to him?!" Craig then yelled, clenching his fists. Tears started to form in his eyes.
    "Craig-" Clyde was suddenly cut off when Craig impulsively punched him right in the face. He stumbled back a bit, in pain and shocked.
    Everyone was now watching this as Craig was just getting more and more angry. He even started to sob. "NO! YOU STUPID FUCKING ASSHOLES, THIS IS ALL YOYR FAULT!" He screamed to everyone. Anyone who was even moderately close to Craig was punched out of his pure anger and grief.
    This lasted only for a few minutes, of him screaming at people and punching walls and lockers. He'd never felt these emotions so amplified in his life. He didn't know how to handle any of it all at once. Police officers were soon escorting him out though, and he had gotten a suspension. He didn't care about a fucking suspension though, that was the least of his worries. No, he was miserable because the only thing he truly loved was now gone. Craig was now home, and had himself locked in his room.
    There was no amount of cigarettes that could help him with his grieving and guilt. He now figured that there was only one thing that would help him now.
    Craig went to his desk and took a large bottle of pills. He poured many of them out in his hand. They do say that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, didn't they? The only thing that he hoped after death was that he could see Tweek again, and live their next lives together in peace.
    Craig shoved a handful of pills in his mouth and downed them with some soda. He then swallowed the rest of them after that, just for good measure.
    Dropping down onto the ground, Craig felt dizzy and sick. He wanted to throw up, but held it in, just so it would have the full effect on him. He would not fail. He was going to join Tweek now to wherever the fuck they'd go after death.
    Craig started to foam at the mouth and stared straight forward, twitching. He started to see his favorite little blonde boy. He was smiling, and his shirt wasn't buttoned properly, as per usual. Craig found it pretty cute though.
    Tweek also stood beside Token and Butters.
    Tweek held out a hand. "Here, it's okay, you can join me now..." He smiled more down at his ex lover.
    "Okay... Honey..." Craig reached out for Tweek's hand.
    Just as they were making contact, Tweek said, "I love you, Craig, and I always will."
    "I love you too Honey... no matter what happens..."
    Tweek then pulled lightly on his arm. Craig's limp body fell face first. His pulse dropped down to nothing. Now he could finally be happy with the love of his life.

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