things change.

By xFrostCubex

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☠️shit i guess that things changed.☠️ More

Change in Sequence


333 6 1
By xFrostCubex

Song: I Run to You by Missio

"Agh, n-no...!!" Tweek screamed. "Somebody... Someone help me...!"
Tweek was surrounded by a group of kids his age, who were all kicking, punching, and hitting him. His pale skin was already covered in scrapes and bruises, and even more were being left on him. All Tweek could do was curl up and recoil while they beat him and yelled at him.
"You stupid faggot!" "Dumbass!" "Gay fag!" "Pretty boy!" "Faggot!"
Faggot. This was something Tweek heard a lot, and from many different people at that. He heard it so many times that he was used to it. High schoolers were tough, after all. This year wasn't any better than the previous year when he was a sophomore. But, what'd he expect? His school was full of a bunch of unaccepting assholes. At this rate, he and his boyfriend, Craig, were never safe.
At this point, Tweek was now kicked in the most awful place he could think of, as much as he tried to prevent this. He screamed out loudly in pain.
"AAAGGHH!!" None of the adults, who were all in the building could hear his cries for help. But there was someone in particular who did hear this, and was familiar with Tweek's screams.
A guy with light skin and dark hair who wore a blue hat and jacket ran up. They all looked over at him and grinned.
"What, you here to save your boyfriend, fag?" One of the people asked him.
"Yeah Craig, the fuck are you going to do?" They all started swarming Craig like wild animals, leaving Tweek alone now, who was badly beaten.
Craig took a deep breath and clenched his fists, getting ready to fight them. It was at least 10 against 1, so he didn't have a good chance at all. But, who cared? If it meant keeping Tweek safe, Craig would do absolutely anything.
Tweek slowly uncovered his face and looked over. Right as he did, he saw Craig being punched right in the nose, and another person kicking him in the same place he was before. Tweek flinched a bit at this, twitching and shaking.
Immediately because of this, Craig fell back in a great amount of pain. They all now started to beat him up as they did with Tweek, but were a lot more merciless and violent. Craig, though, did attempt to fight back. He constantly tried to stand, and even punched one person. He also grabbed some of their ankles and knocked them down to the ground, or punched their shins.
Craig was then kicked in the back, making him fall forward face-first. His face was scraped against the pavement, leaving cuts on him. He was continuously stomped on and kicked in the back, now knocking the wind out of him. Craig tried to gasp for breath, but couldn't.
Not able to watch this go on any longer, Tweek snuck past them all and went inside to get help. He went to the nearest adult and stumbled to explain what was happening.
"H-he-help, Craig, out-outsi-out-" The teacher cut him off.
"Where did this all happen?"
Tweek just pointed to the nearest door to the outside. The teacher rushed outside and saw the fight, and Craig bright red and gasping for air. All of the kids around him stopped, and backed up a bit. Everyone was brought inside, and Craig and Tweek were rushed to the nurse's office.
The two were badly beaten, and had bandages all over them. Craig was beaten so badly that he had bandages around his torso from cuts, and had to keep his shirt off. They both slept for a while as kids came in and out. At some point, one kid put a note on Craig's back that just said, "FAG."
Eventually, Tweek woke up and looked at the bed next to him, which was at Craig. He saw the state he was in, and was panicked. He internally blamed himself constantly.
This was all his fault. He should've just stood up for himself, and not gotten Craig in any trouble. Maybe if he hadn't screamed so loud, then he wouldn't have come and fought them, and he would be perfectly safe, and only he'd be in here right now. God, he was such a fuck-up. At this point, Tweek started to twitch and hyperventilate. This woke up Craig after a few seconds.
"Hey, Honey, it's okay, calm down." Craig said, sitting up.
"N-no, it's not okay, you're h-hu-hurt...!!"
"I feel fine, it's okay, you don't need to worry..."
"I'm so sorry!" Tweek then exclaimed, embracing Craig. He started sobbing.
Craig held him and rubbed his back for a while, saying things and trying to calm him down. Tweek's tears streamed down Craig's back and shoulder, but this wasn't anything he didn't get used to by now. The two had been dating throughout high school, and both had seen the other break down many times before.
While this was all happening, Craig started to blame himself as Tweek had done. Of course it was his fault. He should've been with him to make sure this didn't happen, or heard him sooner. Or maybe... Maybe they just shouldn't have been dating in the first place. Craig shouldn't have asked out Tweek in the first place. He knew other people would hurt them for being gay, so why did he do it in the first place? Maybe it wasn't too late to change this. But, this wasn't the first thought on Craig's mind right now. He was pissed at the root of everyone knowing about them dating. Eric Cartman.
"God... Why did he do this...?" Craig muttered. Tweek was a bit more calm now. The little blonde looked up at him in confusion. "What...?"
"Cartman. Why did he have to post that picture? So what if we were out on a date? That didn't give him fucking permission to post a picture of us like that. And to manipulate you like that into admitting it... I fucking hate him!"
Tweek flinched a bit at Craig raising his voice, to which he immediately apologized.
"I hate him too... I don't understand why he had to do that..."
"Because he's a good-for-nothing fat pig."
Little did either of them know, Cartman was passing by, and heard this conversation. He had started listening in at hearing his name. He looked down a bit and took a deep breath. He held in and repressed any emotions he was feeling and walked in.
"Oh hey there Tweek and Craig~" Cartman grinned. "What happened, you two got beaten up?"
"Get the fuck out, fat ass!" Craig yelled at him, instantly pissed.
The nurse heard this, and came back in the room. "Is there a problem, boys?" She asked them all.
"Oh, no problem at all, I was just visiting my friends to see if they're okay." Cartman said, giving a little fake smile at her.
"Yeah, and he was just leaving." Craig said, glaring at him.
"Right, right, well I hope you two feel better soon." Cartman flashed another fake smile and left.
Tweek had just watched all of this, too scared to say anything. "Thank god..."

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