Not the only royalty to the g...

By blossom287

20.6K 401 1.1K

Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen! You're here with me, Blossom287, your host narrator for this amazing story tha... More

[1] Prologue
[2] New world!
[3] Exploring the new city!
[4] A whole new world of duelling!
[5] Results of dueltainment!
[6] First day of school!
[7] Game shop
[8] Hang out!
[9] An old 'acquaintance'
[10] Duel against an 'acquaintance'
[11] Some explaining
[12] First Date?!
[13] Vice prez!
[14] Duke is a pain!
[15] Yuka at work
[16] Duel Competition
[18] An unexpected visitor!
[19] The gangs reactions
[20] King? or Queen?
[21] What happened
[22] Yuya's day out!
[23] Halloween!
[24] Sick day!
[25] Arcade date!
[26] More secrets revealed!
[27] Shadow duelling the thief!
[28] That's all!...I think?
[29] Picnic!
[30] Amusement park date!
[31] Miracles can happen!
[32] Laser quest!
[33] Baking together!
[34] Invasion...
[35] Report
[36] Impossible...
[37] Paradise City

[17] The Queen of Games!

538 11 32
By blossom287

Yuka's pov

'Well then, ladies first. Go on, take your turn, your majesty.' Weevil sneered. When he said it like that, he really annoyed me.

I was using my normal performapal deck but I just wasn't going to activate their pendulum abilities.

Let's see... I have some pretty good cards here, even that one. I'll place performapal recasting down and place down this one.

'Alright, I'll go first, to set an example!' I said with a bright smile while Weevil glowered. 'I place this card set face down and summon performapal bit bite turtle!'

The audience seemed to like bit bite turtle because they were all cooing at it, causing him to get shy. 'I'm glad you find him cute! I think that my monsters are pretty cute too! And now I end my turn!'

'Well it's my turn and I place this card face down and summon skull marked ladybug!

'I activate my spell card, united we stand! This increases my monsters ATK by 800 and so now it's ATK is 1200. Know what I'm about to do?' He smirked at me while I just smiled, 'Ehh, well not really.'

At that his smirk grew even more but then fell as I said, 'I don't understand why you said the effect of the card out loud when I already know its effects and the maths is wrong, it becomes 1300. Also, how should I know what your thinking, I'm not a psychic.' I shrugged and smiled cheekily at him. The audience laughed at my comment, while he flushed in anger.

'Anyway, now my precious, attack that little turtle!' With that, his insect destroyed my monster and dealt me 500 ATK damage bringing my LP to 3500. 'Now I activate its effect!' I shouted.

Then his monster was destroyed as well, he looked shocked along with the audience, 'Well it looks like I need to explain. You see, bit bite turtle's effect is that the monster which destroys it also gets destroyed.'

'Hahahaha! I didn't think I would do this so soon but it makes this duel easier! Now my monster's effect comes into play and when it's sent to the graveyard I get an extra 1000 LP!' At that, my eyes widen, but then I snap out of it as I hear the murmurs of the crowd. 'Amazing! Now this duel has gotten interesting, now it's my turn so I draw!'

Hmm, that trick really caught me off guard, now I have to deal with his 5000 LP.

'Alright, I set this card face down and activate my card, performapal recasting! I'm showing you this card, performapal u go golem! Now I place this card back into my deck and draw 2 more cards.'

Yes! I got another one and performapal friendonkey!

'Now I summon performapal friendonkey!

'And I activate its ability. Because he's such a friendly donkey he likes to have his friends join him so he doesn't feel lonely. So let's summon performapal longphone bull! And activate its ability, and that lets me bring a card of my choice to my hand. Hmm, I chose this one! Aren't my performapal's great? Not only are they cute but they're powerful too.' I winked at the crowd.

This might be a competition, but this is still my stage so I will draw the crowd in. Let's have some fun!

'Now both my monsters attack him!'

'Not so fast! I activate my trap card! Counter gate! Now I negate performapal longphone bull's attack and draw a card!'

'Yes but it only stops one of my monsters so go friendonkey!' And his LP went to 3400.

'It's my turn and I place a card face down and summon Howling insect!

'I activate my spell card! Insect armour with laser canon!

'Now attack that pathetic bull.'

That reduced my LP to 3200.

'Now what are you going to do, oh Queen.'

'Haha! Do you think I'll tell? Come on, that'll ruin the surprise! So just be patient and wait. I draw!' Yes, another piece! Almost there.

'I summon performapal sleight hand magician, by tributing friendonkey! Bye-bye friendonkey, thanks for your hard work and I'm sure everyone has enjoyed your presence!' I looked at the audience for confirmation as the kids all said yes and I smiled.

Please hold on because things are about to get interesting.

'Now let's use your ability, my magician, I'm going to discard this card so now let's get rid of that spell, insect laser.' Sleight hand juggled the balls and then threw them to me, we started to juggle Sleight hand's crystal orbs between ourselves as everyone clapped in awe. I threw the balls up and sleight hand hit them at the spell card causing it to burst into sparkles as everyone wowed at the display.

'Now sleight hand attack his monster!' With that, the horrid insect was no more. Both sleight hand and I bowed as the whole audience laughed. Weevil's LP went from 3400 to 2100.

'Go ahead and laugh! You're not a Queen but a joker, no jester!'

And you're a sore loser but you don't see me saying that.

He carried on with his turn, 'I place this card face down. And you just let me activate my monster's ability and now I summon skull marked ladybug! Not only that one, I summon armoured bee!

'Now I half your magician's ATK and it goes down and I attack your magician-'

I cut him off, 'Oh no you don't! I think you forgot about a small little face-down card of mine~' I teased him with a closed-eyed smile, as the audience also looked shocked, 'I activate mirror force so say goodbye to your monsters!' And with that said both his monsters went away as both me and sleight hand waved a hanky at them as the audience laughed.

I almost feel bad that I had to use that card. He just had to have that card used against him twice in a row. One from Yami and now me... His luck is terrible. But, I'm really testing Weevil's patience... It's so much fun though.

'Tch. You know that you-'

'Added to your LP? Of course, I know that, what do you take me for? A fool? I am a Queen. You might call me a jester because I like to entertain the audience. But people like you wouldn't understand. But that's fine, I don't need people like you to understand because I have people around me who do. So say what you want, however, that won't help you because I'm going to win. So do your best to lose please.'

Now he has 3100 LP. I need just a couple of more cards and this duel will be set in place. Come on! Pendulum of victory, swing to my side!

'Now it's my turn! I draw!' This will definitely help me.

'Sleight hand, please do the honour and finish him off-' I was cut off by the pesky bug.

'I don't think so. I activate my face down! Dimensional prison! Now say goodbye to your little magician!'

Seeing my most precious magician and friend dragged into a wormhole shocked me, I could feel myself losing myself. My breathing was becoming ragged, It looked like that time- that time when... No! Stop it! Focus! You can't lose yourself here. Sleight hand wouldn't like that.

Forcing a deep breath in, I smiled, 'I must say that I wasn't expecting that. However, that's not good enough! I place a card face down. And I activate my monster's effect! I can send any of my cards that are targeted to the graveyard and I can special summon dragonic knight from my hand in defence. So my knight please avenge our friend! Who else wants to see the brave knight win?' I could hear the cheers of the crowd.

'Well it's my go and I want you to see what I'm about to do! I have tuner spider cocoon and Mysterious bee!

I looked shocked. He won't be able to pendulum summon, right?! I knew he would cheat some way, but to do it this way is too blatant! Even for him. Though, it doesn't matter. Even if he does cheat I'm not going to lose to him! Not against something I helped create! He wants to beat me with pendulum? Not even in his dreams.

But the following events answered my questions.

'I, um use tuner spider cocoon? And mysterious bee as a pendulum scale?' Weevil sounded so unsure of what he was saying that made me want to hit him. If he was going to use pendulum summoning he should at least know what he's doing! Can I send him to the shadow realm?

As everyone looked at the pendulum summon I got more and more annoyed. He shouldn't be doing that! And that old duel disk shouldn't be able to handle that, Realising this I decided to have a closer look at his duel disk.

That was when I realised it wasn't the authorised one but something similar to my own design. My eye twitched at that and I felt the need to use Zuzu's advice and use the paper fan.

'Now I pendulum summon Queen angle of roses!

A/n:- sorry but I put a monster that was level 8 and didn't realise, but thanks to Dragoness399 who told me this, I was able to change it and this monster was recommended by them, so I would like to say, thank you! 😁

'And I add Laser cannon armour! Giving my monster a 300 ATK bonus!'

'Now my powerful monsters! Attack that puny little dragon-'

'Oh no you don't! I activate my trap, Storming mirror force! Now your disgusting insect goes back to your hand.'

He started to stomp his feet at that, throwing a fit, 'What is with you guys and using mirror force! Stop using that stupid card! Why do you keep getting it!'

I guess it really was getting to him... That makes me so happy!

'Now it's my turn, I activate performapal recasting and so I'm showing you these two cards performapal partnaga and performapal sellshell crab! Now I'll shuffle them back into my deck and will draw 3 new cards!' Mhhm, that will help a lot!

'I summon performapal radish horse in defence position!

'I activate this spell card! Performance hurricane! Depending on how many performapals I have that's how many cards of yours I can get rid of and how many do I have?'

'One!' The audience answered.

'Right! And I chose tuner spider cocoon. He's really creepy!' I shuddered as everyone laughed. And with that one part of the pendulum was gone.

I wonder if he'll realise this. But seeing as he's a noobie to pendulum summoning, he probably won't. That's what you get for cheating.

'Now I activate another card, Golden sarcophagus! I chose to banish this card. I end my turn.'

'Now it's my turn! I pendulum summon- wait! Why isn't it working!' Weevil fumed.

'Ahh, so I was right. Hahaha. You haven't learnt the true art of pendulum summoning.' Laughing behind my hand I mocked him. He wants to use pendulum with that level of skill against me, no way you cheater!

'What do you mean?!' He was starting to go red.

'Why would I tell you? You cheated after all, and I hate cheaters.' I sent a glare that made him shrink.

'Fine then! I summon Insect knight!

'And I activate my spell card, Laser Cannon Armor which adds 300 ATK to my pretty little insect. Now attack my beauty! Get rid of that worthless veggie!'

My eye twitched at that, 'How dare you say that about radish horse!'

'Well, you can't save it.' He gloated back.

I bit my lip as my monster was banished.

'Now I fusion summon!' At his words my eyes widened while past events flashed past my eyes, my breath got caught and my hand was clenched so hard my knuckles were white.

Did he have to fusion summon... I hate that word... I hate that summon... I- I...

'Now come my beloved! I use those insects of mine from my graveyard and my hand, to summon the most powerful of insects! I fusion summon!'

The more time he mentioned that word the more queasy I was getting. I could feel the bile coming up my throat. Not now... Why does it have to be here?!

'Now get rid of that baby dragon knight! And avenge your fallen comrades!'

'NO!' I shouted, but it was no use. The last defence was gone. Hands shaking, I managed to not fall to my knees. I can't break. Not here...

My breathing was coming out in short gasps as I tried to ground myself. I couldn't let myself drown in those feelings and memories. But they still pushed through. People being carded, the flash of the duel disk, the shouts of fusion summons, howls of pain and anguish. I could feel myself sinking in those thoughts.

Unknown to me the fusion beast was looming over me, about to finish the battle. But my mind wasn't here. No, it was back in the past, back in the war... with Yuya... Yuto... Yugo.... and even Yuri...

'Yuka?!' A voice yelled in so much anguish that I snapped out of my drowning thoughts. 'This is not the end so don't lose hope!' A deep voice I knew so well shouted.

'Yeah! Anything can happen!' A Brooklyn ascent yelled.

'We believe in you!'

'Don't give up!'

'You can do it!'

'Don't say that! I almost have this duel in the bag!' Weevil yelled at the audience.

'Oh, shut up insect head! You already cheated! So I'll say whatever I want!'

Taking a deep breath in, I tilted my head towards the sky as my hand covered my eyes. Steading my breathing I grounded myself with the chants of the audience.

Always make people smile. It's not the end till the last card is drawn, so till then make everyone smile... so you need to smile.' Was echoed in my head, Yuya...

'You're right! Sorry, everyone, I lost myself just there. But you're right! This isn't over! I activate golden sarcophagus and get the card that I had discarded before, now I draw!'

I took in a deep breath drawing a card, I hope you can give us a lucky draw. I just need the last piece.

'I active performapal recasting! And so I show you my performapal, lizardraw!

'Let's hope we can get luck with this, and get 2 good draws! So I ask you all to draw with me! I draw!'

As soon as I had said that, the audience said it along with me, and my smile widened. Brightening after I saw the two cards.

'I activate my favourite card, well it's my whole family's favourite card, Smile world!'

The audience awe and clapped at all the smiling faces.

'You idiot! You just made my monsters more powerful!' Weevil grinned at me.

'How about you let me finish before you open that idiotic mouth of yours?' I scolded him.

'Now I summon a great and mighty beast! One of legends! An ancient being of amazing power! I have all the pieces of the puzzle here!

'I summon, exodia the forbidden one!'

The crowd gasped at the sight of the powerful monster, Weevil looked on in disbelief, the whole stadium was silent.

'H-h-How! You have exodia?! How do you have exodia?! You shouldn't have that card! You use those pathetic performapals!'

'How would you know what's in my deck? What did you think I was doing this whole time? Throughout this duel, I have been careful accumulating these pieces. Now I think this duel has been decided! Exodia! Obliterate!'

With that, his monsters were gone and Weevil was a stuttering mess. The whole stadium was ringing with the audience cheers.

'Did you see that? Exodia! That was exodia!'

'Hopefully, this will make you think twice before cheating Weevil. But from your track record, I don't think that's likely.' I turned away from him, turning to the audience to thank them.

As I walked off the field, a rumbling noise was heard underneath. I had a really bad feeling about this. Slowly turning around, I heard a very familiar voice.

'Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to this amazing new dueltainment!'


Hey everyone!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I've realised something, it's easier to write an action duel rather than a normal competitive one, cause in action duels you can use action cards.

Also I hope you liked the appearance of that new dragon, dragonic knight. And I hope you liked having exodia appear! Well that was a request from CherylMander

But any way, do you have any idea on who this new mysterious yet familiar person is?

Well you'll find out in the next chapter! Till next time!

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