Mrs All American||A.I

By Bonana_Irwin

5.6K 103 254

One wish, one dream, one chance. Thats all Eva(18)wanted. For her dream to come true. It did. But not like sh... More

Chapter 1: ~The Boyfriend~
Chapter 2: ~Living Ordinary~
Chapter 3: ~The Outrage~
Chapter 4 ~ Its all a Dream~
Chapter 5 ~A New Beginning~
Chapter 6 ~Bad Dreams~
Chapter 8 ~ Blink-182 syndrome~
Chapter 9 ~Ash+Ev's~
Chapter 10 ~ Her~
Chapter 11 ~Fuck~
Chapter 12 ~The worst best day~
Chapter 13 ~Ashton, Eva, and Sydney~
Chapter 14 ~ Amnesia~
Chapter 15 ~Bish Wha~
Chapter 16 ~ The slut and ze biatch~
Chapter 17 ~Thousand miles~
Chapter 18 ~Misery Buissness~
Chapter 19 ~Long Way Home~
Chapter 20 ~Broken heart~
Chapter 21 ~Happy Endings~ Part I
Chapter 22 ~Happy Endings~ Part II
Authors Note

Chapter 7 ~Summer Break~

213 4 15
By Bonana_Irwin

I woke up to the smell of pancakes and blink-182. Classic. I jump off the bunk and go into the bathroom to freshen up. When i come out im wearing wash high waisted ripped skinny jeans, my orange marvel printed top and blue tribal printed vans. I washed my hair and i didn't bother putting it up in a pony.

I enter the kitchen just to see the boys rocking out to obvious by blink-182.

"Having fun?", everyone turns around and looks at me eyes shinning.


"I made breakfast", luke states with his signature smile. He grabs a plate with two pancakes drizzled in syrup and hands it to me. They actually looked really good. They were even in the shape of Mickey.

"Thanks", i sit on the little booth and eat watching the boys eat/rock out to blink-182. I took a bite of the pancake and surprisingly they were REALLY good. I ate the whole thing in record time." So what are we doing today?"

"Well umm", ashton swallows a piece of pancake, " we're headed to the arena to practice, then we get a mini break where we get to do whatever we want. Then of course later we play in the concert and we go on break. For a week only though". Wow a break already.

"Oh so umm im gonna have to go back home?"

"No no of course not. I mean you could come with me to my place if you want."

I thought about it for a second. I do want to see australia, and nina's probably mad at me. My parents? Well they dont care about me so i cant go to theirs. I didnt have a choice but to go. I wanted to anyways.

"Yeah sure. Thanks", i smile and hug ashton. He smiles and nods.

"Ok so umm pack your bag cuz we're leaving after the concert"

"You do know i only came yesterday right? I basically have nothing to pack"

"Oh. Yeah.", i roll my eyes and sit back on the booth, put my headphones on and drown to the sound of blink-182 as well.



"Ok so my brother and sis might be a little...devilish. They are crazy and hate all the girls i bring home"

"Jesus how many do u bring?"

"Oh not that many. Sydneys my third girlfriend and your my first GIRL friend. You know a friend thats a girl"

"Yeah i know"

"So yeah. If your missing a bra or two you'll know where to find them"

"Ok", i laugh. We were at the airport waiting for our flight.

"Oh by the way my mom acts the same way. She never likes any of the girls i bring home. So dont feel bad.

OH also"-

"Ashton. Your family's great. Ok. I really dont care. I like kids anyways and im not that sensitive"

"Ok ok"

flight 132 to Hornsby Australia is departing in two minutes

"Shit. I guess we didnt hear them call us before", ashton grabs my hand and we run towards the entry.

We hand the lady our tickets and we get on board. Ashton had the window seat. Lucky.

"Awww how come u get the window seat?"

"Its because I'm awesome like that"

I laugh."yeah. Sure. Keep thinking that". Ashton stands up and gently pushes me onto the window seat.

"you get it because your better". I smile, lay my head on Ashton's shoulder and fall asleep.



"I cant wait for you to see my hot ride"

"Really. Really ashton"

"Whaaat? Its true. Im going to take you on a tour or beautiful Aussie. The whole trip its gonna be you and me adventuring around Australia. Oh and umm sydney might tag along too. She tends to find out everything"


"My girlfriend. Speaking about her i'll have to tell her she cant stay over. She kinda wanted to"

"Oh ok". Fuck. I forgot about his girlfriend. Hopefully she isnt one of those over protected girls with their boyfriends. Ugh.

"We're here!"

I look out the window to see a pretty big house. It looked like Luke's. Well the outside of Luke's. Ashton payed the taxi driver and he took his bag as well as mine. He smiled at me then knocked the door. A woman answered the door as well as two other kids. His mom and siblings.


"Hey you guys", he smiled and hugged his brother and sis making his huge dimples appear. " Hi mom", he kissed his mom on the cheek.

" I see you brought someone"

"Oh umm yeah. Harry, mom, Lauren, this is Eva, My friend", i smiled and waved at them.

"Hi", Lauren and Harry hugged me.

"Why cant she be your girlfriend?", Lauren looked at ashton with an evil glare

"Yeah. Why cant she be your girlfriend? Shes hot". I laughed. His brother just called me hot.

"Thanks but i dont date 10 year olds"

"Damn it"


"Sorry mom"

"You guys must be exhausted! Traveling all the way from the US to here and everything. Why dont you show Eva to her room Lauren"

"Sure mom", Harry holds my held my hand and started pulling me up the stairs. His mom clears her throat.

"I meant ashton Harry". I hear harrys grunt and mumble gibberish while he walks back into the living room. I laugh.

"Come on", ashton holds my hand and walks me up to my room.


I was bored. So i updated. You should thank me i could've played five nights at freddys. That games scary af. Jesus. Oh wellz


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