Not Your Luna--The Moon Bond...

By heiditerryberry

166K 8.7K 826

SEQUEL to Not Your Luna--The Broken Bond The man I thought I lost in a tragic plane wreck was alive...well ph... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 12

4.7K 258 18
By heiditerryberry

May 18, 2020 edited

Not perfect but better...No plot changes

Somehow I made it all weekend without seeing many people. The ones I did see either avoided me or gave me weary looks, not that I could blame them. I started my morning runs and it felt great, not just the runs but the sense of normalcy. Corey always ran beside me where the other guys stayed back a good ten feet. I never did catch their names but it didn't matter because from what I had heard they would keep changing so there was no point to get into anything on a personal level. I did recognize a couple from the gym during my nightly workouts but that is as far as it got. Oh when I said I didn't really run into people that was including Tony. It's like he fell off the face of the earth and I would have believed he wasn't even in the house all weekend if I haven't overheard my uncle talk to Corey about Tony training the others. If you haven't figured it out yet I no longer call him M1. He was just Tony now. I think some of it had to do with the kiss but most of it has to do with our lack of friendship these days.

On a positive note I have also not seen my...well Jenson. I have heard his voice but I had never seen him but that is due to us both avoiding each other. What I do know is that even though our bond is close to being completely broken I still get the odd light heartburn. At first I didn't think anything about it but when blaze started to get irritated I knew what was happening. I pretty much figured all those things he said to me were utter bullshit but in a way it was still a slap in the face. Like seriously just fuckn' reject me already!

Since I changed my routine a little I no longer eat breakfast when it is being served. Instead I grabbed something as soon as I came back from my morning run. It helped avoid the crowds and unwanted people. After all my sulking and hiding this weekend I decided enough was enough. I never ran from someone like this before and I really didn't like what I saw in the mirror the past couple of days. A weak, scared woman instead of my fierce sarcastic self. So today was the day I went back to who I knew and how my old self helped me through almost everything these past few years. No more hiding. It was an unacceptable practice and so not me. I didn't need these people before and I don't need them now. So yep its back to being the stand off bitch I know I am.

With my inner struggles settled I was ready for school with a smirk on my face. My hair tied up in a tight high ponytail, black ripped up jeans, blood red colour crop top and steel toe worn out boots. It looks like I am on my way for a war. In a way I am.

Jogging down the stairs I spot some of the school's sluts walking up in their next to nothing wardrobe. As soon as they spotted me the whispering began. I didn't even hesitate to roll my eyes. I am a werewolf now and can hear what they are saying now. Seriously are they complete idiots or do they think they are better than me? Yeah, I know it was a stupid ass question, its both. Since they are taking up most of the stairway I held in my smirk because if they think I am moving over they are going to be greatly disappointed.

They finally realized I wasn't going to move or slow down when we were 2 steps apart and they did their best to scatter but they weren't quick enough. Queen Bee decided not to move at all. Damn what is this chick's name? Candy, Cindy, hell I still didn't know or really cared. All I did know was that she is the one that used to hang all over Nick and now Jenson.

Slamming my shoulder into hers as I jogged past may or may not have been a little harder then a causal bump. And it may have been hard enough for her to lose her balance and stumble back a couple stairs before her friend was able to grab her mid fall. I also may or may not have whispered, 'If you want to see feral keep it up', just loud enough for her to hear. And that ladies and gentleman put a smile on my face as I walked out the door where Corey was waiting to drive me to school.

"You look awfully happy this morning. What did you do?" That was Corey's welcome as I jumped into the car.

"Good morning to you too! It looks like it is going to be a beautiful day today don't you think?" The look in Corey's eyes held a mixture between amusement and don't-lie-to-me. I sighed, well it was more a dramatic fake sigh. "Nothing! I did nothing."

Corey's eyes wandered towards the house and raised an eyebrow before adding. "You sure about that? Because those...young ladies do not seem to be to pleased with you."

I turned my head to the direction he was looking and smirked. "What ladies? Oh do you mean the skank squad? Nope, I didn't do anything although someone really does need to teach them some manners." My voice was a little louder at the end just to make sure that they heard and they did. There was a mix of emotions. Some paled, a couple looked indifferent or at least tried to and two of them looked pissed and if you guessed the Queen Bee looked pissed then you were right.

Corey just hummed his acknowledgement as he started to move the car forward. Of course I was on a roll so I gave the girls a finger wave with a bright smile and yelled 'toodles' as we drove off. I caught my first glimpse of Jenson and Nick standing at the door. By the look on their faces they caught some of what was said if not all and of course the finger wave. Jenson had a confused look where Nick looked like he was fighting to keep his face straight but the fake cough was a give away. I guess he didn't change that much.

The rest of the drive was quiet, which I preferred, but went by way too fast. The next thing I knew I was already at school. As I was about to jump out of the car when I felt Corey's hand around my arm. I turned to look at him.

"I will be here to pick you up before your last class. Uncle Alexander got you removed from gym class so meet me here." He kept his voice in a matter of fact way. Probably waiting to see my reaction. It was kinda getting annoying seeing people around me treat me as if I am a bomb ready to go off at any second. I was actually surprised they are letting me at school. Well I was until I noticed there were a few guards that were lurking around the school at the edge of the woods.

I was conflicted on whether I was happy about this decision was made for me yet again. On one hand I really liked gym but on the other hand everyone that I rather not see was in that class. Still not deciding on how I felt I just nodded my head and jumped out. There in the back of my mind was a lingering question. Did he do this for me and my discomfort or did he do it for everyone else and their possible safety issue. I was not stupid enough to think it was only for me. Even though Alexander, Uncle Thomas, Brad and Corey have been fantastic I was no naive fool. What it always comes down to first is the pack safety and I just might always be a problem for them. I will never be anyone's first concern. Was I used to that? Absolutely. Did it bother me? Unfortunately yes. I knew I should not have gotten close to anyone. It was my stupid mistake to let Tony and Nick squeeze their lives into mine, that had me think that people truly care and stick by your side no matter what. That sure was a big ass mistake. It was just a reminder of what was real and what was not.

The morning classes went by pretty quick with little drama. Oh don't get me wrong there was plenty of whispering and rumors with me staring in most but they were easy to ignore. Even the glimpses of Nick outside everyone of my classes with his friends was easy enough to ignore. Now it was lunch and I was starving. My increased appetite was also a change that I wasn't used to yet. But I also knew I could not let myself skip any meals because if I did I got a little ugly. Food means a happy camper.

Waiting in line minding my own business lasted less than a minute when I felt someone breathing on my neck. Slowly I turned around to see one of Jenson's crew standing there looking down at me with a growing smirk. Staring right back I lifted a brow in a silent question, what the hell do you want.

Leaning closer to me ear I fought myself not to move back since this guy had no clue what personal space was. "Hey baby, you look good." He took his finger and grazed it against my bare stomach. "How 'bout we skip the rest of the day and I let you go feral on my ass?"

I kept my face blank instead of showing the disgust I truly felt. Don't get me wrong the guy was hot and very nicely built but the thought of touching him in any sexual way made my stomach turn. Planting a sweet fake smile on my face I leaned in. My hand resting on his chest just above his heart while my lips grazed his ear before whispering in his ear. "Sure. We can go out back where I can slash your throat then eat your heart from your chest. Mmm. Sound good?" I finished with nibbling his ear.

Moving back to look him in the eye I noticed he paled and cleared his throat. With my sweet fake smile still on my face I ran my finger along his chest and circled his heart. That was it for him to come back to his senses and he turned and left the cafeteria. I would have laughed if I wasn't so annoyed but between everything I heard people say today and now this I was a little agitated. It was then that I realized the room was deathly quiet. I didn't need to look to notice all eyes were on me so I just turned to grab my food and walked right outside to my usual spot. It was then that the first memory of Jason hit me. Slamming my mind shut I refused to think about him or my dad. Not here anyways, I needed to stay focused. Last thing I wanted was to show everyone they were right about me. Losing my cool was not in the cards, well not in front of all these idiots. They were not worth my time.

I decided that not having to go to gym class was a good idea plus I could always workout at home. And there was that damn word again. Home. Fuck, I really needed to shut off this damn brain. These constant headaches from stressing too much or just outright thinking too much were starting to get old. Ready to leave, I headed down the hall ignoring my classmates as they chit chat while rushing to their next class.

"Hey, you are going the wrong way!" A familiar voice was heard above all others. I had a feeling who he might be talking to but kept on walking. "Mac?" And I was right. My plan was to ignore him and keep on walking but that plan was a bust when he stood right in front of me. I stopped abruptly to prevent ramming into his chest.

"Hey how are you feeling?" Nick's soft voice had my body stiffen.

I did not want to talk to him and if I was being honest with myself I knew what happened between us was nothing like what happened to me in the past. I knew why he stopped us from going further. Yes, I still felt guilty about the whole situation but I was more hurt that he gave up on me too. We were never really friends, I was just the new girl that some of the guys wanted to get into bed. I was just a challenge for them. Now I was the forbidden, or the dangerous conquest.

I sighed but kept my eyes on his chest. I wasn't sure if I could keep the hurt I felt out of my eyes. "Go back to your friends, Nick."

I started to walk around him when he grabbed my arm. "Mac, you are my..."

I cut him off by ripping my arm away from him than staring him in the eye, sharing my anger. "No! No we were never friends. I was just the shiny new fucked up toy that you took pity on. Now I am just the dangerous wolf that everyone is waiting to go feral and who the guys want to get between my legs so they can say that got to fuck me before I totally lose it. So no Nick we were never and will never be friends." I was breathing hard by the time I finished. I could feel Blaze waking and feeling my anger. I could feel her anger as well. I needed to leave and now before things got worse.

Turning my back to him I started walking away while Nick just stood there like a statue. "Good bye, Nick." My voice was soft but I knew he heard. Hell, every student that was in the hall heard my rant but I didn't care. Maybe now they would all leave me alone like they did at the beginning.

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