The Housekeeper

By f0reverbr0ken

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Teresa aka Tree is just your everyday housekeeper till one guest changes her world. More



286 11 0
By f0reverbr0ken

We get to the hotel, Noah parks the car around his normal spot and turns off the car.

"Did you um wanna sneak in or go through the front?" Noah asks.

"I'm not ashamed to be seen, not that I was last time I was just hung over and didn't wanna deal with anyone seeing me."

"Okay." He unbuckles and gets out, grabbing his Walgreens bag and head to my side to open the door and help me out. "Don't forget your stuff."

I turn around and grab my Walgreens bag, bag, and purse.

"Did you want me to carry something?"

"Um, yeah." I hand him my bag and smile.

He puts it on his back and links our fingers together and we head inside. We walk by the front desk and to the elevator. He presses the up button and we wait. The elevator doors open, we get on and head up to his room. Once we arrive, he unlocks the door and lets me inside.

"It's a little weird being in here and not working."

He laughs a little. "Was it weird waking up here the other morning?"

"Very. I didn't know what happened or how I got here, I kinda freaked out when I saw you in bed with me, I kinda checked to see what we were wearing under the blanket."

"Totally expected. Did you wanna hang out for a while before we go to the hot tub or go down now?"

"We can hang here for a little." I go over to the chair and sit. "Can I have my bag?"

"Oh yeah," Noah walls over to me and hands me my bag. "Hey, why do you have a bag from Walgreens and all you bought was water and chapstick?"

"That's not all I bought."


He sits the bag down and pulls out the water and chapstick, then pulls out package of Twizzler pull n peels.

I just start laughing. "Typical."

"Yup," he says and smiles. "Did you want me to put your soda in the fridge?"

"Yes please." I get it out of my bag and hand it to him. "Thanks. We can head down the hot tub now if you want."

"Okay, you change in the bathroom, I'm gonna change out here."

I grab my bag when I get up and go into the bathroom. I pull out my bikini and start stripping my clothes. I pull out Noah's long shirt and slip it on and his slides.



"Can I come out?"


I open the door and see him sitting in the chair in his swim shorts and a t shirt, smirking.

"I'm not dancing around the bed, so get that out of your head."

He pouts, "ask me again later." I say and wink at him before walking towards the door. "Coming?"

He jumps up from the chair and walks over to me. I open the door and I walk through and Noah follows me behind me. I walk towards the elevator closes to us and hit the down button.

"This feels like deja vu."


"The same outfit as last time you came over."


The elevator doors open and we get on. He hits the first floor button and stands back against the wall. I do the same and my hand is by his and I link pinkies with him. I can see him smirk out of the corner of my eye. The doors open and we walk out, pinkies still linked.

We walk down to the pool room, he unlocks the door with his key, he opens the door and I walk inside. There's a couple people in the pool but no one is in the hot tub.

He places the room key on a table near the hot tub. I slide off my slides and look at Noah. 


"You first," I say.

He rolls his eyes and takes off his shirt, and I try hard not to check him out or lick my lips. He walks down the mini stairs and sits against the wall and looks at me.

I grab the pony tail holder from my wrist and quickly pull my hair up in a messy bun. I look over to see the couple of people leaving the pool and head out the doors. I look at Noah and he smirks.

I pull up Noah's shirt and fix my bottoms and start walking down the mini stairs. I sit across from him and he looks at the spot next to him then back at me.

I laugh a little, "use your words, Noah."

"Sit next to me?"

I giggle and stand back up, walking over to him, and sitting down next to him. I can see his hand moving in the water to be next to mine and I try not to smirk when he links our pinkies.

"So..." Noah says.

"So..." I mock back.



"Wanna play a game?"

"Depends on the game."

"Twenty questions."

"Was that your first question?"

"Was that yours?"

"Was that yours?" I mock back.


"Noah. We can do this all night," I giggle.

"What's one thing you learned about yourself from your relationships?"

"Whoa hitting it hard with the first one. From the one I just had um probably that if life gets too busy you need to take a step back and look at the whole picture. And from my first one, I need to listen my heart and not what someone else has to say."

"Care to elaborate?"

"My first one was the senior year of high school and I believe what my boyfriend at the time was telling me even though I knew it was wrong. Like he would tell me things like he was home all night when I know he was at a party and he wasn't drinking when in reality he was drunk most of our relationship, I got tired of the lies so I dumped him, he didn't care so that was fun. Has someone ever used you for your fame?"

"Yeah, when I was on my second season of The Fosters, I was talking to this girl and she would always ask me about my management company and how I got signed to them when she was going behind my back to try to signed by them. If she would have just asked I would have helped but she was just using me to get into the company, which she never got signed to because of me."

"What did you do?"

"I told them what she was doing and they would never return her calls."

"Nice, I think."

"When did you get your first kiss?"

"I was five and we have it on film," I say and giggle.

"You gotta give me more than that, Tree."

"It was in a music program at school and we were paired up to do a song and after the song my partner kissed me, randomly and my mom," I look down and bite my lip, "she um was filming and caught it."

"Are you okay?"

I don't respond so he moves his arm around my waist and pulls me closer, "can I know about her?"

I nod. "Um she died three years ago, in a car accident. Someone was drunk and they crossed the middle line and hit her side of the car going about 60. We were told she didn't suffer but what makes it so hard is that she on her way to one of my dance performance. I um danced that night and as soon as I came off stage I was told by my dad. I knew something was wrong cause she wasn't there and she was always there no matter what. So that's when I stopped taking classes for dance. I almost failed the entire semester but Britt, Justin, Zack, and a few other friends helped me out."

"I'm sorry," Noah says and holds me closer and rubs my back.

"I just wish she got to see me dance one last time." 

"I bet she did and she was so proud of you."

"Thanks. Sorry for ruining the game." I look up at him.

"You didn't ruin anything. Do you still wanna play?"

"It's my question, mister." I move away from him so I can properly look at him.

"Oh feisty."

"Do you have any pets?"

"I personally don't but Tay has two cats, Vesuvius, or Suvi for short and Oscar." Noah says.

"Aww I'm a cat person, I mean dogs are awesome don't get me wrong but I'm more a cat person."

"Me too, I was a dog person until Oscar and Suvi."

"How long have you worked here?"

"It will be two years next month."

What's your best friend's name?"

"Kyle. Kyle McCarthy. He reminds me of Britt a lot."

"How so?"

"Just how they both are tough on people. They don't take shit from anyone and they both funny."

"I see."

"When was your first real kiss?"

"I was fifteen I was at a sleep over and my friend, Chrissy's old brother kissed me during a game of spin the bottle."

"How old was the older brother?" Noah looks at me and narrows his eyes at me.

I giggle. "Just a year."

"Did anything come from it?"

"Nope, just a kiss. Can I ask you something?"

"Of course, Tree."

I turn to face him causing him to turn towards you so you're facing each other.

"Um," I bite my lip and look at my lap.

"Why are you nervous, Tree?"


He moves his hand to my chin and gently raise it up so I'm looking at him again. "Cause why?"

"Um, why haven't we kissed?" I bite my lip and look at him.

He chuckles a little, "because I didn't wanna rush us, I'm dying to kiss you but I wasn't sure if you wanted me to, honestly."

"Why wouldn't I want you to?"

He shrugs his shoulder and looks at my eyes then to my lips then to my eyes.

"Kiss me," I whisper.

He smirks and moves his thumb to my cheek and gently rubs it. "Yes ma'am." He leans forward connecting our lips softly.

I softly moan and move closer to him. He moves his other hand to my thigh. He removes his hand from my cheek.

I deepen the kiss and move to straddle his lap surprising us both. He moves one his hands to my lower back and pulls closer. I move one of my hands to the back of his neck.

I pull away for a second and look at him causing him to smirk, I lean back into kiss him again. He moans softly, I slide my tongue over his bottom lip, silencing asking for entrance. He smirks in the kiss and opens his lips. I slide my tongue in and explore before he begin to explore.

I shift slightly on his lap causing him to moan. I smirk in the kiss and move again. He begins kissing down to my neck, "don't tease," he says and softly bites my neck.

I moan and grind a little causing him to moan too. He kisses his way back to my lips. I kiss him back I move my other hand to his neck, wrapping arms around his neck.

I pull back from the kiss and press my forehead against his trying to catch my breathe, "fuck."

"I should of done that weeks ago." He says and smirk.

I giggle and bite my lip. 

"Did you enjoy it as much as I did?" Noah asks and smirk.

"It was alright," I say, leaning back and look at him.

"Oh okay." He says frowns a little and looks down a little.


"Yeah." He says but doesn't look up.

"Noah Gregory."

He peaks up at me.

"Noah," I say and nudge my nose with his. "If I thought it was only alright, I wouldn't be still sitting on you and," I look down at our bodies and smirk.

"Sorry," He says softly.

I shake my head at him and kiss his lips softly again. "Don't be."

"Wait how do you know my middle name?"

"Um," I avoid eye contact with him, "I kinda googled you."


"Okay I googled you one night after Britt went to bed."

"That's sounds naughty."

I hit his chest, "Noah!"

"Mmm yeah yell my name."

I gasp then say, "You're a perv."

"You know you love it."

I roll my eyes and laugh.

He moves his hands his hands to my hips. "Wanna take this upstairs?

I nod. I get off his lap and fix my bottoms, and starts to walk up the mini stairs when he whistles at me, I turn and look at him, he licks his lips and I roll my eyes. I continue to get out and grab a towel from the table. I wrap it around myself and watch him get out. I hand him a towel and he wraps it around himself and stands in front of me.

"Tree," he says and I look up at him. He leans down slightly and kisses my lips. I wrap my arms around his waist.

He pulls away and grabs the key to the room and our shirts, he links fingers with me and we head up to his room.

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