Interdimensional Romanoff (Un...

By MPereira_T2

104K 2.2K 319

Elijah Romanoff is the 16 year daughter of Natasha Romanoff, the past Russian spy, and Avenger. She and her m... More

Morning After*
What's the Justice League?
Young Justice
Morning After


5.7K 157 19
By MPereira_T2

Elijah took a shower like she said she was going to. She changed into a pair of sweat pants, a blue t-shirt, and sneakers. She put her hair up into a fancy braid, before leaving the room. She strolls through the halls, and ends up in the kitchen. once she gets there, she sees that the whole Justice League, and the Young Justice are there. Once she entered all eyes fell onto her, but she ignored them and went right to the fridge. She shuffled through a few things before settling on the left of Chinese food she had stored from last night. She took it, took chop sticks, and sat down at the table. She put her feet up and started to eat. The two leagues looked at her, and she looked at them, still eating her food. Then Superman came up to her and sat across from her, they stared at each other, but Elijah didn't break his gaze, but he did. I guess the staring and the silence was a bit to much for him. 

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and looked down before looking back up at her. She continued to eat, but only look down when she saw that she finished her Chinese. A frown found it's way onto her face, as she looked down at the empty container. Then something pops into her head. Her fortune cookie is gone, who took her fortune cookie?! Her head snaps up and she scans the large groups of people. After making them uncomfortable, she spots something, the wrapper of her fortune cookie is grasped in Wally's hand... how dare he. Elijah gets up from her seat and walks over to him, she takes his wrist in her hand, and opens his. There is the wrapper.

"Why'd you take my fortune cookie?" she asks.

"I was hungry?"

"There's a whole fridge of food, you didn't have to take my fortune cookie!"

Behind them someone clears their throat, and that's when she returns her attention to Superman, and now Batman. She huffs does the finger eyes thing to Wally, and sits back down at the table. She stares at the two of them, the Bat glare does nothing on her, and it already makes Superman uncomfortable. Again he shifts his position, and that's when they decide to talk.

"How did you take out Ra's Al Ghul, and a bunch of members from the league of assassins?" Batman asks.

"What do you mean? They are poorly trained, it was easy."

"Ok... well, we need to interrogate him, and we think that you'd be the best one to do it."

"Why do you think that I should? You don't even know if I was trained in any form of interrogation." Elijah asks quickly.

"Well, you were the one who took him down, not to mention he's asking for you, and only you. Besides, if you were trained to fight like that, by some government place, I'm betting that they trained you in interrogation, and other spy like things," Batman replies coolly.

She makes an impressed face, "Wow, I think I've made a friend."

"Will you interrogate him?" Superman asks, cutting into the conversation. 

"Yes, just tell me what you want to know, and I'll get it. But I have to ask... do I have to just talk to him, or am I able to use physical persuasion?"

"Do what ever you have to, just don't kill him," Batman replies, ignoring the few horrified faces of the other Justice and Young Justice Leaguers.

"Ok, what information do you need?"

It took about ten minutes for Elijah to learn all that they need to know. Well, not all the information, she had to go through the list a few times to make sure that she knows all that she needs to know. So when she got all the information she went to her room, and got a few things, she even changed her outfit. She put on her hero uniform that she got a few days ago, it is all black, with a navy blue eagle on the back. It's similar to the SHIELD one but it kind looks more like the Ravenclaw eagle. Plus she has a navy blue mask and has more places for her weapons. She takes her hair out of the braid and puts it into three buns before leaving. Her shoes echo through the hallway, and soon enough she comes up on the Justice League. She smirks at them, and enters the interrogation room.

Her smirk stays on her face once she's inside the room. She looks at R'as al Ghul, at the table, and at the two way mirror. Huh, it's not as... padded? or... secure as the ones at SHIELD. She lets a little bit of disappointment drip onto her face, and she plops down in front of him. He notices her supposed 'slip' and comments on it.

"Why so disappointed? Sad you couldn't kill me?" he mocks.

"Nope. I'm disappointed because this room isn't secure for... what do you call them here? Enhanced? I don't know, but people with powers," Elijah says waving her hands around. 

He looks surprised, I guess he didn't think that she's share that kind of information with him. But, maybe she isn't trained for this, maybe he can get to know her, and her secrets. Maybe he can turn this around on her. Though he doesn't know that this is exactly what she wants. She wants him to feel safe, and to think that she's ill prepared for this. She wants him to get to know someone who doesn't exist, so that when she gets the information out of him, it will be even more satisfying. 

Just as he is about to speak, Elijah interrupts him. "How about we play 20 questions? I really want to get to know you, and you probably want to get to know me."

A smug smirk falls onto his face, he doesn't know that he wont be able to tell whether or not she's lying. "Sure, may I ask the first question."

"Sure, knock yourself out."

"What's your name?" he asks.

"Eagle... or Karen Smith," she replies. 

"Nice to meet you, Karen Smith." They both smile, and on the inside Elijah is having a party. He doesn't know that Karen Smith is a name of the dumb blond in Mean Girls... maybe they don't have that movie here. Either that, or he just never watches movies.

This continues on for about another hour. Elijah has told him nothing but lies, and he's none the wiser. She's of course told him that her name is Karen Smith, her favorite color is pink, she has three dogs, her mom and dad's names are Mike Smith, and Jane Smith. She has also told him that she was born and raised in Happy Harbor, Rhode Island. Subtly she's also getting a few needed points out of him. He's told her that he was here for his Grandson Damien, or Robin. He's told her that he lives in Nanda Parbot, that it's in the mountains of Tibet. He's also told her that the league of assassins is diminishing. That he needs his grandson to lead the league when he dies, so he can recruit others into the organization, allowing it to grow to the numbers it once was. 

After about another hour he's given her everything, and a few times he lied to her. Of course she caught the lies, and asked the same question he lied about, about ten questions later. Each time she re-asked a question he would answer it truthfully, and he has no idea that he's being played. After the last question, Is the Lazarus pit still in Nanda Parbot?, he answered, not knowing what he was doing. 

"No, the Lazarus put dried out, and we have not been able to find any more. That's why I need Damien."

Quickly she stands up, and walks to the door. A confused look gathers onto his face, and she turns to look at him right as her hand grasps onto the doorknob. He sees the smug and happy look on her face, it only causes him to be more confused than he was before. 

"Thank you R'as, you've been very helpful."

"What do you mean?" he says tilting his head. "You gave me everything Karen! I know everything about you, and you... you know nothing."

"You gave me everything. What happened to the Lazarus pit, where Nanda Parbot is, everything... Also you should know, my name isn't Karen, also I lied to you about everything. Bye."

As she walks through the door she can hear him screaming, both in anger towards himself and at her. She's met with the faces of the Justice League, and they all are looking dumbly and shocked at her. I mean how was she, a teen able to get all that information out of someone, but they could not. How was she able to lie to him and get away with it?

"I trust you got everything you need. So... I am going to take a long nap, or maybe just go to sleep."

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