Love You Despite |Complete ✅|

By MrsCoraF

392K 22.3K 14.1K

****My brothers' best friend.**** Raina Jackson's been through and overcame so much. Despite all the tr... More

A Word/ Appreciation
4•Small Card
5•Small Card II
6•Pool Party
7•Morning Run
8•I'm Not Quitting
9•I'm Not Quitting II
10•Yo' Bored Ass
12•That Kiss
13•That Kiss II
14•They Win
15•They Win II
16•They Win III
17•Let Me Talk To You
18•Baking Cakes
19•Deep Rooted Issues
22•Bathing Suit
23•Pop Ups
24•Pop Ups II
25•End It
26•End It II
27•Dr. Mills
29•Nairobi II
30•Mr. Xan
31•Engagement Party
33•Mac n Cheese
34•Hey Rai
35•Hey Rai II
36•Gotta' Go Home
37•Back Home
38•Back Home II
39•Back Home III
40•Chicken Souvlaki
42•Seven O' Clock
43•No Champagne
48•Mr. & Mrs. Jackson
49•Epilogue Part 1 of 2
The Character Q&A
50•Epilogue Part 2 of 2

45•Arian Marie Adams

7.5K 362 611
By MrsCoraF

***Three weeks before Mikes wedding...***

I've been running all over the place getting everything squared away for the wedding. Mainly the bachelor week itinerary. I already had our penthouse suite reserved. I booked a few VIPs and made sure everything was a go in Miami upon our arrival. Me being the best man and all, I had to send my bro off properly.

Raina has been in DC since my birthday week, back in September. That was two months ago. To add to my busy schedule I've been visiting her almost every weekend. —Yeah I know, that's a lot of money. I didn't mind it but at the same time, I did have a lot of work to catch up on.

Things were taking a turn with my parents, which was good. My mom recently made it back from her hiatus. Her 'Eat Pray Love' trips around the world with my aunts. The last trip was in Jerusalem, she took that one solo. It was necessary but even with all of the traveling and her new found energy, all she could seem to want was her husband. She tried to convince herself otherwise but failed. She missed him.

She called my pops and told him to meet her there. He dropped everything and hopped on the first flight possible. Which was not easy because all they had left were a bunch of connecting flights that took him around the world and back. Before leaving he was in the middle of getting everything squared with baby Arian. Of course that was a battle. So yeah he really dropped everything and went straight to his wife.

They spent about two weeks there touring all of the temples, praying, and talking. While there they also did a three day healing program, joining a few other couples.

They spent the first few nights with her yelling and crying. She then finally came to a conclusion. She wanted to take divorce off the table. Now they're taking things very slow and are able to talk about the real issues. Like my grandfather for instance and how much of a part that played in their marriage, as well as my new little sister.

My parents and I were with lawyers at a family counselor's office. Melanie was ordered by the court to be there with six month old baby Arian.

My dad was in the process of getting full custody. Melanie decided she didn't want to physically stay in Atlanta anymore. He wasn't ok with her taking Arian out of the state. So she agreed to signing over her rights as long as she could still see her for holidays.

Yeah, that shocked the hell out of me too.

She got a new man now and he has her so far gone, it's ridiculous. I don't think she fully realize what she's giving up. She think she's going to run off with him and have a new life. That shit is gon' hit her hard when it blow up in her face. What man is ok with his woman runnning off with him and leaving her kid behind? Anyway that's not my problem. Once those papers are signed, there will be no taking it back. This was final.

"You nervous?" Mom asked, she was seated beside my dad. I sat across from them at an oval-shaped table. He held her hand, keeping her close.

"You two look like the nervous ones." I anxiously smiled at them. "It's been years since I've cared for a little baby." She smiled. "Of course I'm nervous."

"I'm just happy we finally get to meet her." I rubbed my hands down the seam of the black dress slacks I had on. My pops sat back in his seat quietly. I know he was on the verge of shitting bricks. This was the first time my mom would meet Melanie as well. So we were all on edge.

"She need to come on. She's ten minutes late." I impatiently mumbled to myself staring at the time on my Submariner Rolex Munch gave me.
"Let me give Ms. Wells and her lawyer a call to check her ETA." The mediator stated. My dads lawyer nodded his head.

As soon as she made the call the door opened. Melanie, her lawyer and my baby sister Arian made their entry. "Sorry we're late. I got held up at my parents house. They had her favorite binky there." She walked in pushing Arian in her stroller. She didn't really look at anyone in particular, perhaps she couldn't. The energy in the room shifted from anticipation, to this was really happening. Everyone was nervous, that was clear. I could tell Melanie was trying to be confident but that quickly changed.

"Let's go ahead and get started, shall we?" My dads lawyer spoke. He stood in front of the long oval table bringing his attention to Melanie. "FYI for future purposes make sure you're punctual, or you risk voiding your chances of any visitation."

She nodded her head taking a deep shaky breath. She still couldn't bringing herself to look at anyone. I could tell her nerves were all over the place. She pushed the stroller in further and took a seat at the far end of the table. Before she sat down she glanced at my mother. It was as if she turned into a little girl in trouble. This was definitely about to be interesting.

My mama stared back at her for a few seconds. She wasn't angry. She just seemed like she needed to see her. She needed to finally look in her eyes. Probably trying to figure out how Melanie was able to put herself in this situation, knowing he was married. I don't blame her, that's a question anyone would want to know in her position.

Dad stood up and kissed mama on the forehead. She genuinely smiled at him. The lawyers finally took their seats around the table,we were all seated. They began gathering the paperwork.

Dad walked around the table to Arians stroller, beside Melanie. She was seated facing the table.
"Heathe, could you come here?" He gestured for mom. She stood tucking hair behind her ears then took a deep breath. She walked over standing behind him. The whole encounter was awkward and uncomfortable. I kept my eyes on Melanie, trying to read her.

"May I say something first before we move forward please?" She cleared her throat looking at the lawyers, they nodded their heads. Her face turned beet red as tears filled her eyes.

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry. I apologize for all the chaos and my careless immature behavior. —I wanted to specifically apologize to you." She turned to my mother, grabbing her attention. My mother had no expression. She didn't know what to take from this. She just stared at her.

"I'm so sorry for ruining your union. For pursuing your husband and also coming on to your son. I'm trying to better myself. I want my daughter to be proud of my decisions from here on out. Giving up my rights is not easy, trust me. It's killing me. But I know she will be in good hands." She cried out. I don't know if I'm cold or numb to her bullshit but I really don't give damn about her apologies. I want to hurry this along so I could bond with my baby sister.

"Let me be clear," my mama raised a hand and took a breath. She still didn't show any emotion. "You didn't ruin anything, only my husband and I are capable of doing that. 'But I hear your apology."

Melanie nodded in agreeance. "Thank you and I received that."

"Let's go ahead get this done." My dad spoke signaling the lawyers. I think he feels the same way I did. Melanie wiped her eyes then stood up and turned to Arian in the stroller. She unstrapped her then slowly took her out. She was sleeping.

"Come on Arian, wake up for mommy." She swayed side to side. She then held her out in front of her waking her up. Little sis did a big stretch. I was finally able to see her face. Arian Marie Adams, so precious and innocent. It didn't matter how she was created. That's my baby sister. She got me to look out for her.

Melanie walked off in a corner humming and rocking. She held Arian close to her chest.

My pops walked to the lawyers and mediator then took a seat. They were seated at the far end of the room. Dad signed all of the documents required. Only thing they needed was Melanie's signatures and recorded statements. Everything would be notarized and final by the end of the day.

I glanced at mother before going over to give her a hug, remaining by her side. She gave me a little smile reassuring me she was good.

Melanie made it back over with tears streaming down her face, shaking and panting. She stood in front of my mom motioning to give Arian to her.

Mama stared back at her then turned her attention to baby Arian. She took another deep breath then held her hands out. Mama could no longer hide her emotions. Tears slowly rolled down her face. I took a step back giving them some room. Everyone including pops looked on from where they were.

Melanie placed my baby sister in my mothers arms then planted small kisses on Arians little forehead. "Please take care of my baby." She screeched creating a loud painfull deafening sob. She shook and panted trying to catch her breath. —Now that I felt, a mothers cry.

"With all of my heart, I will love her. I will care for her as if she were my own." My mom spoke softly through her tears.

"I wrote everything down. I have a binder in her bag. Her coolers right here. I would like for her to finish the breast milk I saved. If you have any further questions, my contact info is listed as well. She can get fussy sometimes right before a nap. She loves being sung to. I make sure she goes outside daily. She can crawl now. Can you make sure she has her knee covers on? So she won't damage her knees. She's a good happy baby, so she shouldn't be much trouble." She went on nervously rambling. She leaned in and kissed Arian again as tears streamed down her face.

I grabbed a few tissues from the near by box of Kleenex and handed some to both my mom and her.

"Ok." My mother took a deep breath and then exhaled it, holding baby Arian securely in her arms. My dad walked over standing behind her. He grabbed the tissues out of her hands and wiped away her tears. "You ok?" He spoke softly wrapping his arm around her leaning in staring at Arian. I smiled at them.

Melanie wiped her face before going over to sign her portion of the paperwork. She left shortly after without saying another word. She wasn't able to gain control of her emotions. The lawyers and the mediator left the room giving us privacy. The room fell silent. My dad and I waited for my mama to speak.

She was mesmerized by the sweet innocent face staring back at her. A smile slowly crept on Mama's witnessing Arian stretch her arms. "So this is it, huh? We're raising another little one." She let out.

Pops took a deep breath. He spoke calmly as he held on to mama. Both were smitten by our little princess Arian. "Yeah, —and this won't interfere with us and our progress baby. I want to stay at this pace and earn your trust. I hurt you. I'm so sorry love."

"Thank you for taking on this mothering role for my daughter. You're a strong and resilient woman, Heather." He added.

"Thank you for trusting me with her. —I'm confident that this won't affect our progress. We're in this together." She leaned back into my pops chest. "Also, let me be clear. She has a mother already, anything beyond that is a bonus or an addition. —I couldn't imagine someone taking that title away from me. So I could never take that away from her."

He nodded understanding. I stood back watching.
"You want to hold her Dri?" She asked while smiling at me.

"No rush, I'll wait until after you."

"No come and see your sister. I know you've been dying to meet her." My pops added.

I slowly walked over to them. This was my first time holding a baby. "Maybe I should sit first then you give her to me." She laughed. "Ok."

I sat down at the table and held my arms out. I looked like I was ready to catch a football.

"She's not a newborn Dri, you don't have to be so timid." Mama giggled breaking away from dad. She walked over and stood in front of me. "Ma you know I've never done this before."

"Keep booking those flights to DC, you just might get your chance, real soon." She stated loud and clear.

"What are you talking about?" I scrunched my face.

"You know what I'm talking about. I'm not ready to be a grandma yet. Let us enjoy baby Arian first—"

"Whoa whoa ma. You're trippin', Raina and I are not trying to be parents right now." I brushed her off. "Humph, then I suggest you two better start FaceTiming instead. Get creative on the webcam." She giggled placing Arian in my arms. "Now, that will guarantee my request."

I playfully sucked my teeth smiling down at my baby sister, cooing at her. "Our late night FaceTime sessions are already lit. Isn't that right Arian? Yes it is."

"You just better be careful." She pointed to me. "And stop talking like a baby to her. Kids pick up on everything."

"Aight ma dang, you're already in mommy mode." I chuckled. She blushingly smiled and my pops noticed it. That smile warmed his heart making his eyes gloss over. He needed that reassurance from her. I needed that as well. It gave me confidence that this could all actually work out. We have to accept blessing however they come. She's bringing joy to a situation we all thought was broken. My mother prayed and prayed for a daughter. God had his own plans for her, but her prayers were indeed answered. Life is funny that way.

"She's so beautiful. She has my nose." I studied her tiny face. She stared back at me. Melanie was right, she is a happy baby. "We'll give you a moment with her. We're over here if you need us." Dad smiled proudly. They went back over to sit at the far end of the long oval-shaped table.

I continued staring at her. I'm not gon' lie, looking at Arian haf me really thinking hard about having children of my own someday. Marrying Rai and having a house full of little rugrats running around would be nice. I think seven is a good number.

Speaking of Rai, let me try FaceTiming her real quick. She should be out of her class by now. She usually go out and grab a bite around this time. I thought out loud.

First I needed to figure out how to get my phone out of my back pocket while holding Arian. I was literally holding her with both hands. "Aight A3, you got this." I mumbled to myself as I closed my legs together and laid her on my lap longways. I was able to pick her up with a better grip to place her on my shoulder.

She started squirming like she was uncomfortable. "It's ok, just work with me a little bit baby sis." I pulled her up further on my shoulder. She quieted. "See, that's better." I leaned in the chair and raised my lower half. I was finally able to use one hand to get my phone. My parents were laughing their asses off. "'Y'all could've assisted."

"Nope, spend time with your sister. You got this." My dad continued snickering. "Oh, that's funny?" I sarcastically made a face then turned my attention to my phone and FaceTimed Rai. She answered immediately.

"Damn, you must've had the phone in your hand. Let it ring first." I laughed.

"Shut up, I had it close. I was waiting on you to call. How did it go today?" She kissed into the camera. I stuck my tongue out flicking it back at her. She smiled giggling. She couldn't see Arian.

"Everything was good today. I finished everything with your brother. He's excited and ready to go to Miami. —Oh and I have a surprise for you." I turned the phone a little facing Arian.

"Aww look at her. She's so beautiful. I can't wait to hold her. Look at those cute cheeks." Her face lit up cheesing into the phone. "She's so perfect babe."

"I take it everything went smoothly today with Melanie?" She added. "Yep, she signed over her rights. Mama held her and everything."

"That's good. I'm glad its over and now everybody can finally focus on the future." She watched hold my sister. "I didn't realize how hard this would actually be, taking care of a child. I was having trouble getting my phone out from my back pocket just to call you." I confessed.

"Why didn't you just stand up and take it out of your pocket?" She furrowed her brows.

"This is my first time holding a baby. I'm not about to stand up with her. I'm blaming you if I drop her. This is not easy." I shook my head. "I told you it wasn't easy, but you're saying you want a whole football team." She reminded.

"I think I change my mind. Maybe three or four at the most."

"In about five years, maybe." She nodded.
"Maybe?" I turned the camera back on me. "Five years is fine. We can keep practicing for now, pulling out."

"Stop talking like that around the baby, you do know babies pick up on everything." She lectured. My parents peered over at me laughing. I leaned up mugging them.

"I already see how you're going to be as a parent. —Mama just said that."

"Great minds think alike. —Anyway tell ma Heather and pops I said hi. I have rehearsal in a few, so I gotta' go. I'll call you tonight and text when I get there." 

"Aight, I miss you." l pouted a little.

"The next time you'll see me will be at the wedding." She pointed out reminding me.
"I can't see you before the bachelor week festivities start?" I questioned, still pouting.

"Nooo." She whined.

"The wedding's a whole month from now. That's a week after the bachelor party."

"We'll make it work. Call Troy he can give you some advice. You know him and Cyrene have their long distance relationship."

I groaned then laughed to myself, realizing how I was acting. "What's funny?" She raised her brows.

"I thought you were the clingy one."

"You're clingy too, don't try to play me. We're just two clingy people." I laughed again. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"FaceTime me later tonight, wear something sexy." I licked my lips. "An oversized t-shirt and some granny panties it is. I'm on my cycle." She smirked.

My parents busted out laughing again. I gave her a stale look. "Bye vibe killer."

"I love you babe, byeeeee." She sang before hanging up.

"Arian, your sister n law Rai is really trippin'. —I zoom through red lights, no stopping. Talking about her cycle. —Ha, what's that?" I stated loud enough so they could hear me, tucking my phone in me side pocket. I turned to my parents with a smirk on my face. "Now laugh at that."

My pops hurried over and scooped up Arian. "It's time to feed and change her. Come on hun' let's go." He mugged me before taking her. I laughed.

"Call me Dri. We'll be at the house. I need to get Arian settled for the evening." My mama leaned down hugging me. I was still amazed at how she was able to adjust to her new life so quickly. She jumped right into it.

"Ok, I'll have to bring the squad by to meet her."

"Let me know, I'll make dinner." She did an air kiss. I caught it placing it on my heart. "Love y'all."

"We love you too." They said in unison walking out.


"I knew you couldn't stay away." Rai smiled at me. I snaked my arms around her from behind. She leaned her head back resting it on my chest. I kissed the back of her head. "I really tried babe. —My frequent flyers miles were just sitting, waiting on me." Its's been two weeks since that day I met Arian. I could no longer wait to see my girl.

We stood outside of our condo building. The condo I was renting in DC. I decided to lease it until Rai graduated. She still lived on campus but stays whenever.

"Since you're here I can show you how I decorated. I changed a few things around and added a little color." She beamed with excitement.

"Uh oh, what did you do?" I asked knowing I never really got around to decorating at all. "Just a few things. —Make sure you bring some of your paintings next time. I want to hang them."

"Remind me." We stepped into the building, heading for the elevator. "You look good babe." I kept my eyes on her walking in front of me. Her hair was tucked away in a simple ponytail, and out of her face. She wore a white t-shirt and blue jean overalls. It was so effortless. The cropped top revealed a hint of belly button. She was gorgeous. "Thank you, so do you." She smiled.

We made it to the condo, she pulled out her key. I stood behind playfully patting her ass while I waited to get inside. "When did you get this jumper. It's nice."

"I don't even remember where. I just threw this on while I was organizing the closet." She opened the door  walking in and I closed it behind us. I looked around taking everything in, I was amazed. Before, the place was plain and had no character at all. Just a sofa and bed to be honest.

"What do you think?"

"I love it. It actually look lived in now. You have my painting area set up already and everything. I love the color you put in here and the lamps. Thank you for not making it too girly. I see a little bit of both of us." I licked my lips while turning her around to me. I leaned down and finally connected our lips.

"Thank you." She struggled to say betweeen kisses. I grabbed onto her waist ridding the small gap between us. My head leaned to the side motioning for her to let me in. She granted me access to take the kiss wherever I longed for it to go. I began pushing us back toward the island with my mind set on clearing it off to make room.

She however stopped us and slowly pulled away. She stared deeply into my eyes smiling. I bit down on my lip smiling back at her. It was hard to resist my urges. Every time we were around each other I wanted to bend her over. It was like we opened a door, and walked through it with no plans of turning back.

"I'm sorry. I got carried away. Go ahead and finish telling me." I stated knowing we had plenty of time to do what I wanted later. I created space between us giving her the floor. She laughed. "I still have a little more I want to change, but for the most part, this is it for the decor."

"This'll work for next year and the rest of this one." I nodded my head. "Yeah this will definitely work."

"What do you think about New York after I graduate?" She placed her keys and phone on the counter then headed over to the sink.
"Permanently?" My brows raised as I shifted my pants, trying to get rid of my bulge.

"Maybe, what do you think?" She turned on the water to wash her hands. I thought about it for a second while watching her head over to the fridge. She pulled out some frozen mackerel. She placed the sealed packaging in a bowl filled with water to thaw. "I could do New York. I have business there."

She turned around smiling at me. "I didn't think you would give me an answer so quickly. I was just throwing it out there to see what you thought about it."

"You know I'll go anywhere with you. That's the beauty of working for myself, I can pretty much work from anywhere."

She squealed before taking the fresh greens out of the fridge. "I'm so excited to audition in broadway and just to be in that space. I've been consistently getting offers here at school. The seniors who gave me a shot last year are trying to start up their own stage production. It'll be in New York and I just know I could link up. Perhaps even invest some of my savings."

"—Or we can invest in your own stage production, —you know that's been my favorite song lately. Work for yourself, and depend on your own efforts." I suggested.
She pulled the stems off the greens and stacked the leafy collards on top of each other. "I really didn't think about that. You think I could actually do it?"

"Hell yeah. You can hire your own crew. Maybe even still help those seniors. We can help them with their production company. That way everybody wins. Bring all this talent around you up with you." She proudly laughed. "I love it and I love you"

I walked over and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "I love you too. Don't ever feel limited. We can do this. I believe in us." She smiled kissing me back.

I placed my keys and phone from my pocket and set them by hers. I went over to the sink and washed my hands to help with dinner. "I'll start the potatoes, —hasselback?" I asked, knowing that was our favorite way to have them.

"Sure," she rolled the stack of greens and began cutting them up. Then quickly placed them in a bowl for cleaning.

We moved swiftly around the kitchen getting dinner prepared. While everything was on simmer we showered. Then was ready to eat.

"Babe you can get more. You don't have to eat it all at once." She laughed at my piled up plate. I smacked my teeth. "I've been eating take out almost every night. Mom and dad are with the baby and they don't really have time to cook. Mike and Leah are in wedding mode so I couldn't get a plate there it I tried. Rita and Chance are trying for a baby so they're humping like rabbits. I ain't going over there. Then Amina's on her party kick, she don't ever be home. —I am glad she finally cut off Shawnee, with her trifling ass. Troy sprung self don't have time anymore either. He and Cyrene are too busy bickering and being petty, just to make up all over again. Plus he's opening up a new gym, so he's just as busy lately." I rambled placing my plate in front of me and picked up my fork. She swatted my hand making me drop it.

"Say the grace." She reminded me. We bowed our heads and I said a quick prayer.
"You know when you're home you can cook for yourself. Either that or if you need me to cook and pack up a few things for you." She suggested.

"I don't have the time to shop, cook and keep up the cleaning right now. At least I'm not trying to make time and I don't want doing all of that extra stuff. I'll just pile up my plate like I've been doing when I see you. Besides after all of this wedding stuff is over I can be here more."

She smiled holding up her hands in defeat. "Lets just eat. So I can spend some time with you tonight, because you sound lonely babe."

I laughed shaking my head. She stuck her tongue laughing at me before picking up her fork. "I've been real lonely actually." I licked my lips before forking some of the greens.

She giggled shaking her head.

Damn she look good. I better hurry up finish this amazing home cooked meal, so I can take care of her... 

{Song in M/M: "Butterflies" by Queen Naija}

{So, what are your thoughts on Melanie's decision to give up her rights?}

{How did mama Heather (Adrians mom) do with meeting Melanie?, What are your thoughts on Melanie's apology?}

{What are your thoughts on Adrians parents salvaging their marriage?}

{Raina's making plans for the future. She found her way in DC, and is soaring! 💪🏾💫 }

{Adrian's doing his thing too, oh and he just knew he couldn't resist booking this flight to DC. 😝🤸🏾‍♀️}

{Thank you all for supporting me! Don't forget to Vote, Comment and share this book.}

{Another update by next Friday, God willing}

{Some Bachelor/ Bachelorette things coming up next, stay tuned! (In half Raina's & half Adrians POV)}

{This book is ending soon😭. I think three more chapters then maybe a two part Epilogue.}

{I got something else cooking, and I can't wait!}


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