thin walls / calum hood

By dimplefeels

5.7M 213K 141K

She sings when she's home alone; he asks her to keep it down. {highest ranking: #2 fanfiction} ©... More

thin walls / blurb
character q&a
character answers
deleted scene 0.1
deleted scene 0.2
deleted scene 0.3
deleted scene 0.4
deleted scene 0.5
deleted scene 0.6
deleted scene 0.7
broken walls


88.7K 3.5K 4.2K
By dimplefeels


"If he keeps hurting you, why do you still like him?"

Hayley sighed, wondering why she was having the Calum-talk with Macy once again. It really was getting old. She already knew Macy wasn't a Calum fan. She'd made that pretty clear the last time.

"It's not like that. When it's okay, it's really good," she said, letting Calum's giggle play in her mind as she thought of his smile and his lips. Letting her mind wander, she thought of their first kiss and how she'd made him blush.

"And then he hurts you." Macy's voice brought her back to reality. "He slept with her. I don't understand why you'd come running back to him after that."

"I hurt him as well."

"I'm just trying to protect you. I've seen how much he's upset you. And his friends are dicks." Macy twisted in her seat, awkwardly chewing on some fries. "Have you, um, talked to Michael recently?"

"What about him?" Hayley asked, not sure why Macy was bringing Mikey into the conversation. She looked up at her friend, who was still munching on her fries, dipping them in the soft ice cream before putting them to her mouth. She cringed at how disgusting it was, and told herself to keep her eyes elsewhere so she didn't have to see it. "Are you seriously dipping your fries in there?"

"It tastes good, okay?" Macy muttered, giving her a glare. "Stop looking at me like that. You're making me feel fat."

She didn't say anything else, just noted how Macy actually had gained some weight (although she would never tell her) and also was acting weird lately. Like how she was freaking out about nothing, and how she had told Calum off about the text he'd sent her that time. Even now, Hayley felt as if she was trying to make her stop seeing him.

"Why don't you like Calum?"

"Because," said Macy, chewing on another ice cream and chocolate-coated fry. "He's the type to sleep with someone and then leave them."

"Why do you think that?" Hayley pushed the image of Alyssa out of her mind. If she stopped thinking of the facts, maybe they would go away.

"He did it to the other girl," Macy pointed out. "And, um, I've... experienced it. I've been that girl and I would never let you go through that. The shame."

"Why haven't you told me?"

"I was ashamed." The brunette had tears in her eyes, avoiding any attempt at eye contact Hayley was making. "I felt like such a – a slut."

"You should have talked to me."

"I couldn't!" she snapped.

Eyebrows furrowed, Hayley couldn't understand why the one person she confided in couldn't do the same. "Why not? You're my best friend. I would have been there for you."

"I just couldn't, okay?"

Hayley left it at that, thinking it was best not to push Macy too far. It seemed like a sensitive subject, anyway. Maybe she'd tell her eventually, when she was ready to.

When they were finished eating and making their way out the door, Hayley spotted a familiar head of fading lilac hair. They exchanged eye contact briefly, but he turned and pretended not to see her.

"Mikey, hey."

He held his head down, eyes low. He only looked up when hearing Hayley's voice.

"Hey," he said, pulling the sleeves of his shirt over his hands. He seemed stressed and confused, he was probably still dealing with the news from a few days ago, Hayley guessed. He'd been very quiet after their talk; she figured he needed some space.

Hayley felt the suddenly cold air, and the awkwardness surrounding them. Michael twisted his feet, seemingly wanting to escape the reunion.

Macy stood frozen, and when Hayley looked at her she once again found tears in her eyes. Michael was biting his lip, a troubled expression on his face and eyes blank.

"I need to talk to you," Macy said, finally breaking the thick ice.

"No shit," he mumbled.

Hayley's eyes darted from one to the other, not quite able to comprehend what was going on. Did they know each other? Why hadn't they told her before?

"Stop being such a dick." The brunette was almost crying, her voice breaking as she tried to hold it all back. "I've solved the problem."

"You what?"

"Michael stop!" Hayley stepped in between the two, forcing him back as he stood tall over the shorter girl. "What is going on?"

"I told you I made a mistake," Macy sniffled, her blue eyes full of sadness and fear. "He's the mistake."

And then it all made sense. Macy and Michael. He'd made someone pregnant. She was dipping her fries in chocolate sundae, crying about having solved the problem; the awkwardness when she'd introduced them that time after their sleepover – everything fell into place.

Michael looked down, biting his lip. "I'm sorry," he said, still not making eye contact. Then, as if he has just realised something, he raised his eyes to face Macy. "What do you mean you solved the problem?"

"I thought you didn't want it," she said, tears still brimming in her eyes.

"What–" His sad eyes lit up in anger. "You didn't–"

"I can't believe I didn't know about this." Hayley mumbled, pushing the two apart to keep them from launching at each other. She could barely get the words out of her mouth. They were her friends, how could they hide that from her? "Mikey, calm down."

Michael looked at her, brows crunched and arms attempting to push Hayley's hand away. "Let go of me."

"Fine. But don't fucking lay your hands on her."

"I'd never hit her."

Hayley let go, and watched her best friends walk off. Seeing Michael so angry scared her quite a bit, and she hoped that they would be alright settling their problems. A few minutes after the incident, Hayley was still stood outside, trying to catch her breath.

The shock of what she had just found out was still fresh, and there was only one person Hayley knew could make her feel okay. The warmth of his brown eyes, the tickles in her stomach when he looked at her and his soft, soft skin was the only thing that could soothe the thoughts in her mind and allow her to forget about it for a while.


plot twist! who saw this coming?

I know there were some mikey/macy shippers though...

thanks for all the support, it sounds cheesy but you're like a second family to me


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